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RE: The Great Scottish Tradition Of "Taps Aff"

in #life2 years ago

You don't look sickly here, just very, very white, whiter than fish belly white. Got a battle cry thing happening for spring in those shots. Love the censored nipples, LOL (that was the hot topic last night on the stream btw, not your nipples, just nipples in general).

Canadians don't have any spring rituals, instead it's this


Oh man, that would be cold!! We have a similar thing here but it isn't as popular. A handful of people in various parts of the country do it. Nutters.

I laughed when censoring myself. It's the best kind of censorship :0D

Yes, nutters, nutters that I'm sure some will never see descend again after that plunge.

LOL, that's funny. Totally get it.