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RE: Ulysses

in #life2 years ago (edited)

Ewwww! I don't know the effects of nickel, but there's an old huge mine north of where I am here. Saw the area a couple years ago without realizing where I was until someone mentioned it. Before they did, I recall looking at the landscape and wondering wtf happened to the land. It was closed a long time ago too.


Lol, I can imagine it not being too good for anything. It's the one that is responsible for turning your skin green (I think) in cheap jewelry. Of course, I could be seeing and just be casting aspersions on random metals because I'm mean. Hehe.

Oh yes, I recall that with cheap jewelry when I was a child. I do believe you're correct. Copper also does that (have done some fun things with copper). Random metal disparaging, tut, tut, isn't that against at least one of the musical songs of your guitars emits? 😂

I so have to put new strings on my acoustic, all these reminders are driving me bonkers.

Ooonew strings on an acoustic!! Nylons or metal? I got some black nylon ones last year and they are blummin magic. The bottom three are black, the wound ones are obviously still metal. A combo of metal and nylon.

I hate changing strings. I always have. When I first got a guitar I was terrified by the thought of it. I jept thinking I was gonna break it!

Metal, never nylon (shiver me timbers). Black nylon I've never seen. I wonder what they sound like now. I'm sure there must be improvements from what I am familiar with. A combo....that's even more interesting. What brand did you buy?

LOLOL, changing the strings (surprised I remembered how)...I did it last night, snapped the low E (never done that before), put on another, tuned it up and got lost in it. Was a pretty special experience in several ways, lots of memories. I've snapped more high E & B strings than I care to count and my thought is always, save the eyeballs, no wire contact with eyes.

The low E!! The low one? Damn, how did you manage that? I have never over many fraught years of stretching strings managed to snap any of the bottom three! Ha, that's magic. The black ones sound excellent, very bright. Even now, some year odd later. I really should change my strings more often but it is a task I just cannot be bothered with. That is until they sound entirely dead and dull.

Its easy to get lost in it once you start strumming. I am glad that the eyeballs bade it intact! :OD

I know, I know, LOL. I sat there looking at it for a minute thinking, that's a first. The only thing that makes sense is there may have been a flaw in the string. I must check into the black ones, so interesting. Changing strings is a pain, always.

I kind of need the eyeballs still along with a bunch of other parts...who I am kidding, I need the whole body. 😂

Fun times today and tomorrow again, no power and no water while they do repairs in the building. Three quarters of the building has no power at all until some time tomorrow. No wild party tomorrow, had to cancel it, thousands disappointed. 🤪

Yeek, no power?! I mean if its for a short while it is a bit of an adventure but longer it becomes a right pain in the ass! Throw in no water and doubly so.

There is always next weekend for the party of thousands ;OD

The black strings are genuinely worth it. Such a pleasant sound, the sound I was hoping for actually,.. Very flamenco!