
The UK certainly have!! That sounds lovely. I am due to be making a new one soon mitt try something different!

I've heard how hit you guys are with hot weather. Weather here this year is so far from typical. They are warning hail for today outside the city. It's been hot here the last couple days, but still not the typical for this time of year.

The hot sauce turned out really well, hot enough to make me drool, but still with flavour. There are so many that one could make, I find it hard to choose what to make. Can't live without the stuff and store bought (as I call it) never measures up in flavour and heat. I'm wondering what you might make this time.

Store bought hot sauce is always a disappointment. You just don't get the sharp fresh zing I find!

Our weather has been absolute gash this year. Yeah its a bit hot now but it rains most days, the wettest year ever. How am I meant to get my top off and go about flashing my nips when it is constantly raining?! :D

It is always a disappointment. I think they tone it down for those not used to the ZING, lol.

LOL, nipple flasher! You can't brown those up in the rain. So we've had hot weather lately, no rain other than a sprinkle last night, guess it's been sent your way.

They do tone it down for the people who buy it to show off their hard credentials. Gits.

We are back to the rain and the perpetual darkness. Grrr

I had confirmation of that by a West Indian restaurant that makes and sells their own hot sauce. I had purchased some, wasn't hot (by my standards), went back, told them so, and asked why. They said they couldn't make it too hot for that reason, but put in a much more politic way, LOL. Every ethnic restaurant, I tell them make it hot, really, really hot. Mild tepid heat at best is what I got to eat. Yes, total gits, love that word. Must add that to my vocabulary. It confuses people here when I sprinkle words and phrases from the UK into my conversation. The expression on the face reads..."you're Canadian, why are you using that word?"....but they never say it. LOL!

We are back to the rain and the perpetual darkness. Grrr

I'd call the gov and say this..."I'm offended. How dare you give us rain and perpetual darkness!"

Yes, I'm full of it today, lol. This is what comes of not writing anything for a while, which I'm in the process of fixing.

Ooo, I like the process of not writing being fixed into writing! I am struggling to get back into the way of it myself.

I have had the opposite problem in an Indian restaurant here, when I ask them to make it extra spicy they go crazy overboard. In my head they are probably laughing in the kitchen at the crazy man who thinks he can handle the heat. I have the last laugh though as I can! :OD