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RE: A Sign Of The Times

in #life4 years ago

I'm trying to envisage a "muscular run" and I don't know if my imagination is not good enough or too good but perhaps I'll not share what popped up xD

Free condoms sounds like something they just need to hand to people unless they're amused by people awkwardly requesting them XD

I see you haven't yet mastered the art of "working" around small children? XD


The muscular run is probably exactly as you pictured but 10 X MOAHR MANLY!

I much prefer free condoms when they put them in a bucket and you can just help yourself.

I dn't think I will ever master anything childrenish. They are terrors!

Well ya see, I'm not sure if some of my envisionings were what you might class as "manly" XD

They probably didn't do that as some smartarse would probably just walk off with the bucket.

Lol, I suspected you had thought something like that!

They would no doubt, there is always a fanny that spoils things!