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RE: The Damned Torch

in #life • 3 years ago

As soon as I saw mention of the hive torch I thought I better tiptoe past this one 🤣 but it looks safe to comment now 😜

Aargh this torch 😆 why is it still a thing I mean the idea is great and all but it’s terrifying 😵


It is a terrifying thing. I thought of doubling down on you but then thought it was perhaps a tad cruel! This way seemed much easier.

Hopefully it ends soon. I am sure it has achieved its mission

After me foisting it on you without warning last time it would have been fair I guess ^_^;

I'm glad you didn't, I'm not exaggerating in the slightest when I say the numbers make me panic >_>

i think so. And I hope they donate it to hive dev funds or something x_x

I read that second line and I just keep thinking, Send me it someone, send me it!! I have found the next victim!!

The hive dev fund would be a great idea although I think that it is sloshing full of the monies!

You're so mean xD

I suppose they could donate it to a charity or something then. I donno.

Hehe, it's a kind sorta meanness. Is there even such a thing!? Lol

They should burn it! Send it all to HELL NULL!

There's tough love I guess but this is not that XP

That's also an idea.