
Hahah, I have seen that often in mails! Itt's funny. I am convinced that more and more people are forgetting or not learning how to speak properly. I am forever correcting people who talk about their lunch being a roll on sausage I am like, you mean a roll 'n sausage as in and, They dont get it though and I slink away.

I watched The Princess Bride lately, still a fab film!

There's all sort of common mistakes that seem to become part of the language, like 'could of done it' instead of 'could have done it'. I try not to be too much of a pedant.

The bald guy from Princess Bride was in Young Sheldon recently. Inconceivable!

Inconceivable indeed! He just be right old by now!

Could of, oh yes, that's another. I sometimes revel in the pedantry although I have given up with there/their/they're and the like as no one cares anymore. Truly language does evolve!