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RE: Centralization is the Death of Freedom. Decentralize into Prosperity on Independence Day

in #life4 years ago

Again, the body naturally produces glyphosate, not that what was found in the Eskimos cord blood was naturally occurring the issue is with you and many millions of others labeling glyphosate as the culprit in Round Up when it is not, it's an innocent bystander who got caught up in the fray and the reason behind it is because by Monsanto choosing to let a naturally occurring organic compound mask the underlying poisons they put in their product is in essence allowing them to use the argument that their product is safe....if everyone stopped blaming glyphosate and addressed the real poisons added head on it takes their argument away.


"'s an innocent bystander..."


Have you ever heard of hydrolysis? It's being poisoned by too much pure water. Drenching our food in chemicals is toxic. Glyphosate is a carcinogen when in quantity that is present in our foods. That does not reduce the far worse toxicity of the other chemicals in RoundUp.

It's the development model of centralized institutions that is the actual carcinogen, that causes Big Ag to plant vast acreages of monocultures it is economically profitable to drench in herbicide. Decentralization of food production, each household growing it's own food with aquaponics, is the solution.

Arguing about the relative toxicity of the chemicals in our mass produced simulated foods is not useful to that technological advance. Eliminating the industrial manufacturing model is. All that is necessary to do that is stop buying chemical sludge with some claimed nutritional content in it.

Aquaponics, growing our own food, is the solution. Decentralization is the solution to all political, environmental, and developmental problems in the world today.

Wrong. I studied the issue extensively, I have two pages written down on it. Glyphosate in large doses hasn't been studied enough to even warrant suggesting that, like steroids, large introductions into the body could disrupt the bodies own ability to produce it. Now, with that said, if it hasn't been studied enough to determine that then it hasn't been studied enough to label it as causing cancer. Back to the drawing board for you.

Regardless that you maintain your views on glyphosate, I have pointed out in every reply to you that was not the focus of my post, and indeed my point stands even if I did simply agree that glyphosate was less dangerous than water.

It's a diversion from the issue, which is that dependence on centralization and overlords produces penury, and potentially genocide, while independence based on individual possession and use of distributed means of production creates both freedom and prosperity.

Wealth is independent means.

May you never suffer hydrolysis.

I know that wasn't the focal point of your article, it was merely the only point I wanted to discuss. I just haven't come to any conclusive conclusion of your or any other number of articles written based on future doom and gloom of our food supply. I am sure there are many who couldn't grow a dandelion if they tried but I have a rather good green thumb for growing things, how to preserve those things for winter is a bit lacking but up until now I hadn't really seen a need to acquire those skills. My reasoning for doing so now isn't so much based on the gloom and doom stuff I read but more so from the effects of taking this country down the globalization rabbit hole. I don't see real progress and change forthcoming as easily as I thought it would when people started to rise up against it...for me personally I believe this virus was a deliberate release in response to people taking a that's some scary stuff that can get people moving to think if we are forced to stay on the same track of have nothing then learning and teaching my kids to can before I pass from this earth may prove to be one of the most vital skills I've ever taught them. Right now though even thinking, reading, commenting on doom and gloom has me worn out...what has transpired this year so far is about as much as I want to encounter right now.

I always appreciate your forthright opinions, and this may strike you as untrue, as our discussions generally focus on our disagreements. However, it is disagreement which requires discussion, as agreement is already present on matters on which both of us agree, obviously.

We will certainly continue to disagree on as many points as our experiences and understanding of the world differ, and this I account a good thing. God forbid only my own views be those of all the world, as I would be granted no criticism whatever by which to improve my understanding. If only for this reason, that your criticism enables me to better understand the world, I am grateful for your comments.

"...for me personally I believe this virus was a deliberate release in response to people taking a stance..."

I think this reveals that in many particulars regarding governance globally we are in agreement, and I think that's why you bother to pay my posts any mind at all, deigning to weigh in when you observe I am off the rails of common sense or reason.

My own perspective on the current execution of governance concurs that people are being prevented from improving their quality of life by overlords using psychological manipulation, which implies many other things as well. The implications of the above quote from you reveals there are many points of agreement between us regarding our present social circumstances.

I am glad this enables me to benefit from your own understanding, as you are led to comment.

While I appreciate the courtesy of your comment accompanying your flag, I must request that you refrain from automated comments. I recall you do automate comment, due to your many accounts and this account's use to automate flagging of those you find objectionable.

If you should actually note that any of the opinions or facts I post are false or otherwise insuperable, no one would benefit more than I from being set straight. I am aware of my entirely human limitations, and the certainty that I am wrong in many ways about many things I would rather be right about.

Rather than a general comment that I am wrong about something, I'd prefer specific criticism that would actually enable me to become right should I be able to understand and agree with your criticism.


I've learn a lot from this person, and yes I do agree you have to weed through the stuff to come to any verifiable conclusion, him and his nutter friends I owe a lot of gratitude to for sharing information that better enabled us to take necessarily precautions over this virus. While thousands of people stood in the stores looking at bare shelves we were all tucked in, stocked up and prepared for whatever was going to happen. I even wrote an off beat article on it...

Nah, I enjoy the thrill of the chase with Ralph (aka valuedcustomer), we respect and tolerate each other quite well, I appreciate the fact we can engage on this level and don't feel a need to flag each others opinions.