Congratulations, Here are the Winners... What is your Theme for 2021?



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First of all, Congratulations for finding your guiding word! I would like to say it was awesome to read everyone's posts on the subject of finding a theme for this new year. I want you all to know how much I enjoyed reading what you wrote, and how grateful I am for your compliments on the idea I brought forth. I would also like to remind everyone that it wasn't my idea, and that you can give Nicole Sauce's pod cast a listen, you will find more great inspiration. Her moto is all about living life on your own terms, and helping others do so!

I will be distributing your Hive Basic Income Shares very soon, promise!!!!!

And secondly I picked my word finally and it's PROGRESS, but I will tell you later why I picked that word!

If you're reading this and wondering what the heck was this challenge all about and you're intrigued... it's not too late for you to play, anyone can find their theme for the year anytime really! And here's the link to the original post: CHALLENGE: Find a Life Theme to guide you in 2021.

Let's take a look at everyone who participated in the challenge, here are their posts:

@tarot911 wrote a post about Family was really inspiring! Forced migration sucks. Thank you for being the first to participate.


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@miriannalis choses Evolution as the word to go by in 2021. I am very happy to see that word being used here. The most important lessons of 2020 should make us evolve... our struggle makes us stronger.


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@mjmarquez4151 looks for something a lot of us need, especially these days: Inner Peace. Thank you for this very important word!


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@kyleana has two words to to tie one year to the next and for 2021 Gratitude is a great guide!


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@stortebeker's word is Retreat and it is I think very fitting in today's climate. Our realities can be too easily shaped by outside forces, especially when fear is involved!


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@plantstoplanks has posted something that really touched me and the way I've been thinking about this whole pandemic thing... To be Free!


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@riverflows is going with another theme that is also close to my heart: breaking the open the shackles of society, Freedom


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@rafabvr is looking to make a 360 degree turn, it is time for change, the theme for 2021 is transformation


Again, thank you all for participating in the life changing game. It truly can change you life for the better, if you let it. Now the next step will be to put that word in large letterings in a place where you can see it everyday.


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If you want to know what really is inside this Coconut, take a look at my Humans Of Steemit.

And don't forget… Dreams Come True!


IT was great to see so many people entering in the end, and some fabulous words - I loved 'free' and @trucklife-family's 'wild' that she wrote, though she was late in entering.

Posted on

Yeah me too, though late for the HBi shares, it's never too late to do the exercise for anyone.

@senorcoconut for me it has been an honor to have participated in this beautiful initiative. As I told you at the beginning, it would not have been a challenge, I would have participated anyway, and thanks to your proposal I was able to review my soul, my feelings and verbalize something that deeply affects me, give shape to my pain and be able to guide my efforts to solve this tough situation. I am super happy to have made this post. A hug. Greetings and blessings.

@senorcoconut para mí ha sido un honor haber participado en esta bella iniciativa. Como te dije en un principio, así no hubiese sido un reto, igual hubiese participado, y es que gracias a tu propuesta pude revisar mi alma, mis sentimientos y verbalizar algo que me afecta profundamente, darle forma a mi dolor y poder orientar mis esfuerzos para resolver esta dura situación. Me siento súper feliz de haber hecho este post. Un abrazo. Saludos y bendiciones.

I think looking into oneself is a challenge in itself for sure. It really makes me happy you enjoyed the exercise... we have yet to feel the mental health repercussions of last year and if we can verbalize our feelings now we'll be ahead of the game!

Thanks again for participating it was fun to read

I only found out about this wonderful challenge today and had to write a post, even though I am late, but hey when the inspiration hits you got to go with it. I hope you are keeping well. I've not really been engaging too much of late as I am super busy offline, managing to post but not commenting as much as I should have but I will try and get more involved. Much love to you and your lovely family and here's to a WILD 2021xxxx

I haven't been very active online either these last year... busy busy too! I'm so glad you wrote post on this subject, it's never too late to come up with a guiding theme. It's so wonderful to see you here, I can almost hear your voice!!!

We're well, all of us. It's been an emotional rollercoaster of course but we're not letting the current narrative keep us strapped in fear. The lockdowns haven't changed our way of life very much, we didn't let it!

I hope you're well too