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RE: 4 Months on Steem Performance Review! #7

in #oursteem7 years ago

There is still one nagging question I have: Did Jerry know about the Anonsteem service before he wrote that $50 per account post? Er....paid someone else to write it...Did he know about this and then lie to us? Or did he have no idea about the Anonsteem service, because he didn't read the post that he had paid someone else to write? Which is it?


For the steem service, I made the video without being aware of the service, paid for the transcription and editing into a post from the video, and then edited the post once more before publishing.

For the post with @lexiconical at here is the text at the beginning.

Thank you very much to @lexiconical for doing the research to make this post possible! Almost all of the text in the "Meet Steem's Top 10 Witnesses!" section of this post is directly from @lexiconical's research and is his writing. The text before and after this section along with the video is my contribution. We decided to do this after I had the idea and asked if he would help with the research. I am giving @lexiconical all the SBD from this post in exchange for his contribution which saved me hours of research and allowed me to directly present it here in this post as well as in the matching video!

In the end of the post, the text reads

@lexiconical and I hope you enjoyed this post which we worked together to produce! In the next post in this series, @lexiconical and I hope to present the top 11 to 20 witnesses in the same way we have done here!

While I skimmed over the post and made small edits, I did not click in the majority of the links unless I wanted to learn on something because I was in too much of a hurry to get the post out and start writing the next one. I realized that I have been posting too much which has been causing errors like this and am reducing my posts to once a day to help me focus on the most helpful posts.

I appreciate your feedback which has been helpful for me in adjusting my service here!

hmmmm that's the way I see it too. Be that as it may, he has done a lot for the community as a whole. I mean, most in crypto are quite greedy. It is par for the course. But I do agree that it was in poor taste.

Someone know how to view someone's internet history? other than that we'll never know...

He says he didn't know but truth is he didn't refuse payment to tell us he didn't know, could had just left a comment on the very post he messed up but instead decided to get another $100 or so by telling us he screwed up.

Either way this is why I like Steemit, all this stuff will remain so we can tell who's doing what later on.

Hard to believe he never looked into anonymity in Steemit, which would had revealed anonsteem, but I don't think we'll ever know for sure.

Hard to believe he never looked into anonymity in Steemit, which would had revealed anonsteem, but I don't think we'll ever know for sure.

It's not hard to miss what is offered on Steemit, as a regular user, that can be forgiven pretty quick. BUT, a witness should be held to a higher standard and should have researched his potential product better. Maybe starting with his own post?

I don't have a problem with someone seeing a potential problem to solve and making a few bucks doing so. I did have a problem with the choice of name and I thought he was over priced. The pricing issue gets resolved through sales, or lack of them. The naming one.. well that was just bad judgement IMO.

I am not an everyday Steemit user, but I was well aware of the service offered by Anonsteem . . .

You'd think after all the time he has spent on the steemit pages which he has just gone in depth about, (numbers 1-20) he might have come across the @anonsteem page once or twice.

I call bullshit on him pretending not to know about @someguy123's project


There are only two realistic scenarios here:

  1. He knew about @anonsteem but simply wanted to fleece unsuspecting potential new users with his own "service." And now he's lying about not knowing of the alternatives.

  2. He had no clue about @anonsteem, which makes it laughable that he pretends to be some sort of Steem/Steemit spokesperson and wants other people to vote for him as a witness, when he clearly has no idea what he's doing or even what he's writing/promoting in his own posts.

Either way, it makes him a joke/fraud. And the problem isn't even that he wanted to create a new service. It's that he continues to lie about shit, tries to exploit the ignorance of his followers and unsuspecting readers/viewers on and off the platform, and then tries to backpedal and deflect/distract any criticism by claiming that he's doing sooooo much for the platform.

Putting ads on Facebook doesn't entitle you to act like a damn clown and try to rip people off with bullshit "services" - like his $180 witness tutorial which doesn't actually help aspiring witnesses because the information is bad.

All it takes is a few minutes of reading what people have to say about him outside of Steemit and it's obvious that his mere presence here is pretty detrimental to the community. Add to that the fact that he's handsomely rewarded for his shitposts and it's clear that the perception issue for Steem/Steemit is still a major hurdle to overcome. I hope the larger stakeholders will finally recognize this someday.

If someone parts with $50 so easily, they didn't read my comment and deserve to pay more. I outlined two other ways over on already and I pointed out two other means that I do not profit from.