
So many people have said or enacted that, it's ridiculous. I'm surprised the secret service hasn't been knocking on doors. It's a sad state when even officials advocate the taking of a human life so readily.

Now we have a Democratic Senator calling for the assassination of a President. Is that HATE speech?

100% Greg, it´s an act of horrific violence towards a sitting President. Can you imagine if a white male Republican Senator said the same towards Obama when he was President. The left can´t accept Crooked Hillary lost to President Trump. They will never accept it. Just wait for the 2018 midterm elections. We will witness even more violence from the left. 2020 will be insane, especially when President Trump wins a second term. The left will melt down.

Why do you think Obama armed all government agencies with military grade weapons? If the US breaks into a civil war, some government agencies will follow the left, where the left will have a standing army. Ask yourself this. Why does every government agency have military grade weapons? Even the department of education has weapons. With all the leaks coming out of DC, it´s pretty easy to see who these government agencies are loyal too. Civil war breaks out and the left has a fully armed military, that can compete with the US military. I really hope I am wrong.

Of course not. It's coming from the left.

If not hate speech....I'm sure that this would fall under a terroristic threat against the President. She took down that post also, but she refuses to apologize. Not that an apology would help. What is wrong with these people??? Unbelievable

there is no such thing as "hate" speech... that is a term people like this women made up to shut all possible debate by just pointing fingers and forgeting facts....

if hate speech exists and is to be shut down then it means there is no free speech. unfortunatly these leftist social warriors are creating this "political correctness" witch serves only to shut everything they dont want to hear... for example (and dont be mad at me by stating facts):

about Islam. They say it's a religion of peace and you simply can't speak ill of it. but. if you open the koran in any page and read 10 pages in any direction you will see the "religion of peace".
Worldwide surveys show that over 60% of muslim population is extremist. the most "moderate" country counts with over 1/3 of the population beeing extremist. but try to show the facts and get incinerated because stating facts is now hate speech.

try showing proof that the most racist ethnicity is black. incenerated

try showing proof that more black people are in jail because they commit more crimes. incenerated

get that stupid concept of hate speech out of your head or you are basically undermining your free speech.

I WILL ALLWAYS PREFFER TO HAVE AN OPENLY BAD PERSON SHARE IT'S OPINIONS WITH NO FEAR OF REPRISAL. that way i can easily identify them. now in this climate they are all hidden because they are afraid of showing their colors.

I remember muslims here in Barcelona openly celebrating on the street the killing of 40 people.... nothing can be done. but if i go to the street right now and start screaming bad things about islam ill get beaten up by the police and thrown in jail.

let her show her colors... she will destroy herself.... make her afraid to openly talk and we have another steve bannon

Trump needs to take action about this. It is endangering his life!
If anyone were to have said this during the Obama reign, they would have been visited by storm troopers.......

In all fairness, I believe some people did.

I believe Secret Service are responsible for looking into those threats, and act accordingly.

And it is a felony to threaten the POTUS. I don't know how many such prosecutions have taken place:

Hate speech is not free speech. Should be a crime as it may endanger the President

We all agree....but the way the media has "selective outrage" has skewed all sense of fairness and honesty. What is happening behind the scenes, only time will tell.

hate speech doesnt exist. it's free speech. the president endangered the entire country at least once already. hate speech?

She should be removed from office immediately and be prosecuted. It's very easy to see why our country is in such turmoil when you have individuals such as this in leadership roles. How this is not a treasonous or seditious act is beyond me.

Yeah, let's ignore the systemic muderers who send our soldiers off to war profiteering blood money rackets and ensure the deaths of thousands by denying them adequate healthcare for bribe money. One headline that says she wishes an asshole dead is the real atrocity that needs to be reigned in.

you need to go to dtube

I still don't understand how people can get away with saying it

Devil's advocate here: there's a huge legal difference between saying you hope for X and saying you're going to do X.

"I am going to punch you in the nose." can get you arrested.

"I hope you get punched in the nose." can't get you arrested.

"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers".
William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part2, Act IV, Scene 2


So she may well be ostracized, lose her job, etc., but almost certainly no criminal charges.

if there were to be any criminal charges then mr president would be long long time in jail. lulz. it's free speech, let her show her colors and adapt

Could you just imagine what would've happened if a Republican had said the same thing about Obama ?

Just let things play out. Trump is not the most articulate but we need to use this as an opportunity to grow and get rid of the garbage in our political system.

This woman Should be LOCKED UP!

why? because she said something wrong that you dont like?

Hi Greg,
First and foremost....if you were born in this are an American. If you became a legal are an American. If your skin color is black, brown, white, yellow, or any other color, and you were born here or became a U.S. are an American.
We are not Republicans or Democrats or Independents.
We are not far left or far right or conservatives.
We are not any party that the powers that be would have us divided into.
No We Are Not!!
First and Foremost....We are Americans!!

Horrible to wish death on anyone. And to be petty and say i womt say sorry if he wont. Are you a kid? Its 4 years get over it, i did. Now im trying to make some money during my free time instead of being a baby. Go capitalism go money go steemit

It´s ok for blacks to advocate violence towards whites, because it´s freedom of expression. When a white male advocates violence towards blacks, he´s a racist.

Media media media. When they wanna push something they can and do dictate where and how people recieve that information. Even fox takes what the other side is saying and keeps playing it over. Move on. Kennedy said it best distraction and disinformation can keep peiple at bay or have them wilding out

@johnnbchefin12 the media is nothing more than a propaganda machine for disinformation. Most people are on the the fact cnn is trying to instigate violence towards President Trump. The media is committing acts of treason.

Yes and people dont realize that the left wants to rule over the American people. David Rockefeller said in his book that his family started both world wars to put the world under there thumb. Its sad that americans cant pick up on the control factor. Even fox repeats same shit move on. Check out 444 frequency and how its used to cause a rile the sub conscious to go crazy.

Towards all blacks, yeah. Murder against a race is racist, dummy. Trump isn't all whites.

@philosophist do you understand the concept of sarcasm?

On that post, no. Thanks for clarifying.

yep... thank the leftist social warriors for this mess. if it keeps up we will soon bury ourselves on these "hate speech", "microagressions", "womens rights", etc... but that's what you get when politics become a reallity show

Some people just can't help but express their stupidity and ugliness. A wish made in hatred like that will likely be bounced as if off of a mirror and hit her right in her own family. Karma people...Karma!!

Yes karma, and be nice. Tolerance is a word to control not enpower.

Yes, I am nice. I wish harm on no living thing. I am simply an observer.

Same here. I follow if u do.

If your Black and a Democrat in this country you get to say anything you want,it seems.

The world has gone mad!

No, you're just late to the party, unfortunately.

I'm not late to the party, I've been watching a long time... this is a new phase of the agenda.

Doesn't she understand that she who lives by the sword, dies by the sword?
Does she not understand retaliation?

Either she is really shtupid, or she is being paid to whip up hysteria and pandemonium. I am seeing way to much signs of the latter for this to be a coincidence.

IKR? Why doesn't she understand retaliation enough to not push back when a president plays the "both sides are guilty of violence," card pertaining to a peaceful liberal protest vs actual neonazis that killed someone by driving into a crowd of peaceful protesters? I mean, retaliation is only meant to go one way, right?

I can't believe how "Americans" are acting in this day and time! At a time of crisis, we should be standing together to make this country what it once was! Whether or not if you voted for President Trump or not, he is still OUR President and we as Americans SHOULD be supporting him as such! We are tearing our own country apart!

I keep trying to call her number to voice my thoughts but the line is staying busy.

Nice post

You want us to make a music video go viral? You don't have any audio of what she said? Looks like half-assed click-bait to me.

I honestly hope he is assassinated too. I mean, if he can't be impeached or have his tongue paralyzed, it's the next most efficient and humane thing to do. I feel the same way about almost every American politician today.

Please do not post that you hope ANYONE is assassinated on my blog. I strongly advise you to revise this or I will flag it and not allow you to post on my blog again...

Let's look deeper into this, shall we?

"She has since deleted the comment and apologized for the language she used, telling CNN affiliate KMOV that the comment arose from her frustration with the current political climate.
"No, I don't want to see anyone assassinated, but he should not be president, he should be impeached," Chapelle-Nadal told KMOV. "Someone wrote a statement on my Facebook and I responded with something that shouldn't have been put up there."

While it is respectable that she took it back, as she is a person of authority, the reasons I have are legitimate reasons of defense. If you want to overlook that I offered a nonviolent and less violent alternative so that you can push this hacky narrative you are driving, then by all means, follow through and block me.

Politicians are MURDERING Americans today for a profit. If that's not grounds for at least hoping they are assassinated, then I don't give a SHIT. Free speech is more valuable than how that offends you, let alone the fact that violence DOES have a line in which it is the last and only reasonable response. Murderers are quite a good example of where that line should be drawn.

Just one more thing to be clear, if you block me, it's your prerogative. No flag war or grudge will be coming from me. Even closed minds have rights.

Post her apology in a response post. I have looked and cannot find it...

Try the link I attached to the quote.

marketreport are you retarded? now seriously? are you? he can post whatever he wants as long as he isn't endangering anyone. and he is not. president trump, clinton and obama should all be sentenced to death for their crimes against humanity. speacially obama. ban me pls

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I'm surprised

I believe she will be kicked to the curb in disgrace.... we shall see

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good man