Some common mistakes preppers make, and how we fix it!

in #preppinglast year

I have noticed several mistakes that seem to keep recurring in the prepper community. So I decided to post on these problems; and offer an explanation of why they are a mistake, IMHO!

First a little background on prepping. EVERY prepping plan will be different, and I've seen a lot of infighting on minor disagreement on what's 'important'! My prepping plans include a lot of machinery that would be useless to many people. I have even collected vacuum tubes that are more EMP resistant, to keep my gear running, which would be a waste to most preppers. My heavy machinery would also be useless to a lot of preppers!

So WE, as a community, need to seek common ground; and provide support and discussion on the topic. Instead of fighting among ourselves, we should be Prepping; so let's focus on that!

The problems discussed here will be what should be common needs for all preppers, not minor variations in planning.

The first mistake (IMHO), is not including a dog;

I've had preppers tell me that dogs are just an extra load, and totally unneeded! This is why this is mistake...there is no companion you can have during a SHTF situation, that will be more help. They are 100% loyal, have very good sensory equipment, and will work for table scraps! The main complaint is the 'extra' rations required to feed the dog; but they will eat things not good for people to eat, and feed themselves if needed. IMG_20220512_205054899~4.jpg

This dog knows Every time people are on my property, day or night! I can think of No better security, and his batteries never go down....

There is one more good reason to have a dog along, they are nice company when the World is falling apart! It is also calming to pet this rotten mutt...I have no idea who Spoiled him, LOL!

The other BIG mistake is to prep too small! Many have told me it's most important to grab your pack and disappear. This lone Wolf mentality will kill more than it saves, because with it there are not enough hands to set up a self sustaining survival Oasis!

To survive long term in a SHTF situation, it will take an isolated community; not half a dozen people in hiding, and praying no one notices them! The discussions I've had put the minimum number of 'Citizens' of a survival community at about 20. Some think that 50 is a better number, but that many will require large farms and heavy machinery; that will attract way too much attention. There has to be enough hands to grow the food, repair the community, and guard the perimeter. A maximum of about half of these 'Citizens' can be hard working (limit the dead wood as much as possible) unskilled people, but the rest must have skills to contribute! To have just a few skilled people runs two risks: one, if a skilled person dies, the community may not survive; and two, it concentrates too much power in one place.

The last thing we should do as preppers, is to set up a small group to control Everything. To do so we would be creating the very problems we are trying to to escape from, with our prepping work! So we should avoid this problems ahead of time, by broadening our community skill levels! The other side of this coin, is to have a meeting on each thing that must be done...meetings do not produce food; or much of anything else, from my experience!

The final problem I'd like to post on is financial. If you owe a lot of cash on your homestead, it's not yours; and you will loose it in a SHTF situation! You're better off in a travel trailer you OWN, than you are in a large log cabin with a big mortgage. Some don't agree with me here, but you will loose everything you have that you owe money on; when things crash! So to prep, the best first step is to pay off everything you owe cash on, as fast as possible. Locally, one young Man bought a piece of land, and put a travel trailer on it for under $4000. I bought a travel trailer (primarily for lockable storage) for $1000 myself, so I know they are out there.

I decided decades ago to prepare, and that decision included Never borrowing to do it! It also included paying off everything that was currently owed ASAP. I have found this to be a good choice, and I recommend it to you! Selling some stuff, to pay off other stuff, is one way to save the things that are 'prepping important'...get creative.

Obviously, stocking in the items you will need to survive is not a mistake; as long as you include enough to feed your community, until you can grow your own.


Good advice! Especially the part about the dog. Mine barks too much if I'm around though. She doesn't bark AT ALL if I'm not in the house. Some guard dog. But great company!

I recently read that we should be eating the food we stored for SHTF times right now. It was so cold recently that I didn't leave my house for four days, and had to eat the food. I learned a lot about where my stores are weak, what I feel like when I eat it, and what other types of foods I need to keep around especially protein sources. So I recommend doing test runs of eating the food you expect to live on when SHTF.

I got a whole house generator, put in a wood stove for when all else fails, and plan to stay right here in my house whatever happens. I've got homeopathics, essential oils, dried herbs, tinctures and salves, a garden that produces lots of food and herbs right out back, and neighbors of like mind. I don't think we quite get up to twenty, so I'll have to gather a few more. The sheriff here is a constitutional sheriff, and nearly everyone is armed. It might be New York State, but my hope is that this community will go on and on. We'll see!

The dog is a very smart prepping move! They are always on duty....

Good plan on the prepping supplies! I've recommended this myself. We cook several days a week from prepping supplies, then we take the grocery money saved and replace those supplies. Each time, we gain prepping supply volume; and develop some good recipes!

Some of it is getting pretty good. We have begun adding good recipes additions in bulk. It would have been okay, but this way it will be tasty too!

It sounds like you may already have the Community you need there. I've heard good things from upstate NY, not as far from liberals as I'd like; but it's a good choice! A Constitutional Sheriff is Good to have, and invaluable to avoid governmental overreach.

We'll all be living off of victory gardens soon, so a town full of them is a good start!

Be blessed my friend, and pet the dog errr ummm... security system!


Have you seen this guy?

No, but I'll try to find him on blurt. Looks interesting!


He's living out of a backpack. A few days ago he got ready for three days of rain, using only the stuff that is always in his backpack. Very interesting! He was here for a while, idk what happened there.

I've lived out of a backpack myself! He sounds interesting, more Good information to absorb!

When I went to a survival camp, I had a survival kit in a bandaid box to use. My buddy had one too, and we did very well for the week; but I want a bigger bug out bag now!


#hive #posh

Thanks for the share!



#hive #posh

Thanks for the share.


Welcome sir

Just hoping it will reach someone who can use it!


It is good when the thing reaches the right person

True, and more platforms increases the likelihood of finding the right one!


A good platform can only give us some profit in the future

#hive #posh

Thanks for the share, hopefully someone who needs it will see it....


I would like to share this platform

That would be good! Still trying to get people to leave FB, and come here instead. Making A little progress....


When people find out about this platform, they will definitely use it

Sadly few will do the work to get hive running. But I'll keep trying!


I would like to share this platform with my friends circle

Community is a key aspect of preparedness. That said, bugging out isn't out of the question. Forest fires are a major concern here, and bugging out is part of planning for that possibility. But have a plan, a destination, and ideally a cache at a remote friendly location.

Debt is poison. Obligations like that restrict your opportunities until they are gone.

Fortunately, my area is a community that was platted in the 1960's; but it was too remote for easy development. So I have some hearty neighbors, that are just good country folks.

The local fire department is about a mile and a half away, and I have a 50 gallon tank that fits my gator. With the lake just over a mile away, and a 1600 GPH pump; refilling it is fast. One neighbor has a dually truck with a 500 gallon tank for it. Fire is always a threat, but with water and a chain saw; we should be able to stop it!
My bug out bag is the trailer in the picture, behind my truck.

You are 100% right on debt, it is poison that is always fatal! I started using cash, when they began tracking ammunition purchases; because I checked, and they were tracking my debit card purchases for everything! So I fired them...and I'm finding that a number of vendors give cash discounts, so it saves me money too.

Keep on prepping!


They are very good tips and very good strategies, of course everything will vary depending on the place, here I only have my family .... people in general are still very blind and don't realise that they should prepare themselves, but we are doing it, we don't have debts and that is a good start. Thank you very much always for your advice and for being there!

There will be those who refuse to think right up to the end. Family is a good foundation to build upon.


It is, and there are only a few of us who agree.

Sadly true, and the rest will be surprised as they starve! This will make them dangerous, as their hunger takes over. That's why it's smart to be too far away to find....


Many will also die before suffering from starvation.... how pitiful.

Lack of critical thinking, they will be brainwashed to death!


At some point humanity was brainwashed and lost the ability to think for itself.... what a shame.

yes dogs are 100 % loyal and there is no doubt about it.

They are a good addition to a survival community for certain!


I love the fact that you took that bold step never to borrowing to do it!

It is the only safe way! Better to have less, with no strings; than to have it all and loose it.


It is a fact that if we all think about all these things first and then do the work, we will be able to do the work much better and there will be much less chance of failure. All people have a lot of anxiety because we want to do all the things without experience, which then causes us to lose a lot.

The more we think about the situation, the less likely it is that we will fail!

👍💙🙏📖🙏💗👍 🦌

In the same way, if we get into too much trouble, we will never achieve success.

We are shielded by GOD from a lot of that. Follow the still small voice, it always works!


It is a fact that when man thinks to help others, God continues to help us.

The blessings are constant, as he watches over us all! But it makes him smile when we help others....


Sometimes I actually use to wonder what actually made dog to be that so loyal to humans

They accept us into their pack, and we accept them into our family. That bond is strong, and benefits both!


i am a dog lover and i can testify they are good friends of humans

We all benefit from a companion dog!

Thanks for the share.
