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RE: HBD.Funder-Sniper: An Open Sourced NodeJS Automated Curation Farming Applet to Support and Profit From Voting the 10x Daily Comments. Maximize your Daily Curation Returns!

in #stabilizer3 years ago (edited)

Lol... I'm getting licked by an installation. I think I'm misinterpreting the npm install part. Does it refer to the directory the script is in or the directory Node.js is installed in? I get this

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> npm install C:\Users\14233\Downloads\hbd.funder-sniper-main\hbd.funder-sniper-main
npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\package.json'
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\package.json'
npm WARN system32 No description
npm WARN system32 No repository field.
npm WARN system32 No README data
npm WARN system32 No license field.

  • [email protected]
    added 58 packages from 39 contributors and audited 58 packages in 15.61s

4 packages are looking for funding
run npm fund for details

found 1 low severity vulnerability
run npm audit fix to fix them, or npm audit for details

Also, I know you're busy and I don't mean to eat up your time. I just kinda got into a project. I can totally fuck off if I'm distracting you, but I'm super grateful you're taking the time to hang out.


Oooh. Yeah... no...

cd C:\Users\14233\Downloads\hbd.funder-sniper-main\hbd.funder-sniper-main


npm install

You have to have the console in the apps directory to invoke the npm install.

Sorry for the shit instructions, they were kind of an afterthought.

Lmao! Dude I'm positive it's not your instructions and this is getting infuriating, and would be humiliating if I had to look anyone in the eyes and explain it to them.

I uninstalled nodejs and reinstalled it to the directory above and I got a brand new error. Feels like I'm struggling with play dough while surrounded by master sculptors.

NodeJS itself can be installed anywhere, as it's only the system variable paths it installs that point your console "node" commands in console that truly matter.

Wipe all of your folders, go grab github desktop, use that to download the folder, then right click on it in github desktop on the left hand side where it'll be listed after you add it, hit "open in powershell" then do the "npm install" command.

After that just whack your user and post privkey into the .env file after removing the .example off the end of it and start the beast with "node sniper.js"

This sounds like something I can do! Fuck yeah. I’m going to bed though. I’ve spent all evening on this and I’m beat. Thanks for everything. I’ll hit you up tomorrow with a success story or a video of me committing ritual suicide.

DISCLAIMER: “ritual suicide” does not including anything that actually inflicted pain or death in this scenario. That’s some more bullshit if you ask me.


I mean.. if my janky ass code makes you an hero I'm not sure that impresses or saddens me.
Either way we'll get it figured out. :)

I think both are appropriate. :D

Ok man. I'm back at it. I wiped everything and grabbed github desktop and downloaded that way. When I right click I get this:

Screenshot (65).png

Command Prompt works and open in external editor prompts me to get Visual studio. This is why we need Hive to moon. :D

You only need command prompt so you are golden

Use that to open up the thing and should be good following the instructions from before

What about all the power shell stuff? What kind of mind fuck is this! Lol, I wanted to go on a tongue in cheek rage rant but I think my, thus-far, chronic Peter Pan syndrome might be clearing up. I don’t know if I’m happy or sad about it. I’m happy this is narrowing down to looking more and more likely to be up and running soon. That’s probably it. You’re kindness and empathy ruined a perfectly good rant, probably. I hope you’re proud of yourself.

I think finally finding cool people to hang out with here has me high on some kind of high on life or something. Yeah... I remember this, now. I feel like I should add “Yo” at the end of something. Fuck me I gotta stop.

Powershell and command prompt are sort of the same thing. :)

Sorry for late reply, trying to take a bit to catch up on Zzz