in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)

animation (1).gif

Source: @rocksg

Someone told me today, that many people are in fear that Steemit will not last.

"Do you think Steemit will last?"

It's a good question.
It's a fair question.

In many ways, what we believe in, is what we get in life.

So I believe.
I need to believe.

It's too deep in my soul to let it go. I need this to work, and if it doesn't work, then I move onto the next thing that is like it but better and improved.
I think some feel that may be EOS in some ways in the future. If so, I will support it as well.

So in many ways, I believe it will work because I won't accept no for an answer.
And if it fails, I will try again, and again.

So that's one part of the answer. Another part of the answer, is it's invented by Dan. Dan is a cool guy, he has a lot to say, he's a genius and a great inventor. He's probably the worlds greatest crypto expert, and he invented STEEM and EOS. So we don't have anyone better to beleive in I'm afraid. So I believe.

If anyone doesn't believe it can last, have them listen to Dan L. speak on youtube. Or Ned. But Dan has a lot to say about why he invented Steem, so I think it's important to witness Dan speak his mind, for each themselves.

Steem and steemit are very new; they will only work if we support them. And it's a nice way to make a living. And new opportunities open up everyday in crypto space. So I choose to live without fear.

Do not live your life in fear of the unknown. Nobody can predict the future. What we know, is that it is working today, it is very new, and the future looks very bright.

Sometimes I meet someone, who talks about needing to IMPRESS THEIR PARENTS or FINISH MY DEGREE....

I say, MAKE UR CAREER WHAT YOU LOVE. If you are a creative type, there is a place for you on Steemit.

There are enough people on Steemit that want to see this platform grow and dominate the internet.

Make new friends, network.
Ask people for what you need, tell them about your plans and let the universe come to your aid.

Nobody else will do this for you.

I like to tell people it will compete with YT (dtube), facebook, paypal (no fees for international funds transfers), twitter and pay me to use it instead of those other services.

So why would it fail? ;-)

Shout out to @gloglo, @ackza, @ned, @dan, @rocksg, @himshweta, and too many other's to list this eve - U inspire me

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Steemit and the Steem blockchain was built by the founding fathers to last. People were tired already of a centralized government, therefore decentralization and the ability to create whatever contents that one wants is a very strong reason why most of us will wants the platform to last.

I have come to believe so much and have started putting in everything I can into this platform that I can believe anything else than that it will last. But then that power is in our hands - the hands of the users. If we all contribute in our small ways and desist from trying to game the system, then I believe this will last. Its in our hands and I pray we'll have more people like you who also believe in this system. Thanks @surfyogi.

I feel the same way! Just keep going for it... I found my way here as an artist and am very pleased to have found like minded people, many of which live alternative lifestyles. If it keeps going and becomes a sustainable platform, how great would it be to receive support for one's creativity in such a way!

If you ever have any use for any artworks of mine for projects, please let me know! I love how your getting Steemit into communities where it can really make a difference!


Holy shit man, you are a great artist!

Thanks for the support bruv! If you can use them in any of your projects... My work is at your service! 👨🏽‍🚀


I wonder why everyone seems to ask this question. Some people spend more time wondering if it will fail than figuring out how to make it work for them at the moment.

I feel if you spend more time taking each day as it comes, with your eyes wide open, you'll be just fine.

I don't know if Steemit will last but I'll be here throughout the journey.

Good post. I think Steemit has a bright future. If not, I dont want to fret about it now. There’s always another train leaving the station.

I love this one:
“So in many ways, I believe it will work because I won't accept no for an answer.
And if it fails, I will try again, and again.” I belive in steemit just like I belive in fiat to end soon.
Steemit is our financial freedom.
I’m heavily invested in crypto i belive in, including bitcoin. Not only because, I without any doubt belive in blockchain and cryptocurency, I also undoubtedly believe fiat money cycle is ending, I belive, it’s ineviteble. People lost any hope in fiat future, but People have every hope in crypto. It’s people’s money, decentralized. I consider myself as an average Joe, and I belive there is a billions average Joes thinking just like me in this world.
I love your post, it just assures me what I already knew. It’s that steemit is the future and is here to stay.

I agree with what they say. I am a student. I use almost all social media accounts like everyone else. And i discovered steemit 2 months ago. And to be honest, I do not use any other social media applications since I started using SteMeT. Steemit is a very nice commercial and marketplace for Steem.
I think this is the most important factor for Steem. And this situation will affect the result positively. Steemit is much better quality than other platforms. And the users are earning money. I believe steem and steemit will rise even more. @surfyogi And I upvoted and resteemed to you

Of a truth, Steemit is still in its beta stage. Which means there are lots of improvement to come in the future. Also, with the lots of great platforms built on the Steem blockchain, we have much hope that Steemit has a bright future.

Take for instance,, since I came up to this platform not long ago, I didn't know much about until I took time last week to check out the wonderful work being carried out by to improve and support open source projects. There are a lots of platforms that would have been chosen to host the program but they chose to host it on the Steem blockchain. That should give you some hope about the future. So let's do our part for this to stay and grow.

Thank you for your comment and your support bro :)

I believe that in such times as today with the worlds biggest financial meltdown ahead of us a new financial world is growing and making the future brighter for generations to come. Steemit is a platform that is here to stay and cryptocurrency will be the future. Steemit is here, Steemit is now, and Steemit is the future.
Steemit allows users to have a voice, maximize their influence, and unite, communicate with people all over the world you will probably never meet face to face. Steemit is the future, the freedom of money!
That’s why I looove steemit!

I agree with you that the Steemit is a new and advanced technology, the most important advantage is that the function of the social network is applied here and this is important for ordinary people! The Steemit has a future and we will be at the top! Thank you @surfyogi

Shoutout to you @surfyogi,
You are one of the few fellows who see the value of this platform for the longterm.
I know that Steem is changing lives everyday; gradually freeing many from 9-5 jobs.
For, example I talked about promoting steem in my last post because I believe that steem deserves to be known worldwide.
Just think of all the amazing facilities that are being built on it.
Dtube, Dlive, Dsound, Zappl, Steepshots, Appics (smt), etcx.

We will keep doing our best for Steem with/without EOS.


And shout out to you too @nairadaddy. I have heard about airclinic but didn't pay much attention until I met you yesterday at the Abuja conference and decided to do some digging into airclinic. Am really proud of your initiative. It goes along way to show that you don't just believe in the future of this platform, but you really do want to see this platform last and you want to used the Steem blockchain to touch lives. Weldone sir, I'll be coming around more often on.

@nairadaddy , thanks for what you are trying to do for Nigerians by creating awareness , i met with some other guys like @ajala , @olamax and heard of your plams , GOD bless you.

My friend @surfyogi.... I personally believe that this is a great project and every day more people join it. No doubt the value of it will grow every day and the platform will soon require valuable upgrades. I believe that in the future this project will have an incredible impact and it is an opportunity for all people to work and make themselves known... Greetings colleague ;)

I trust steemit is digging in for the long haul, no uncertainty. This is the reason I have never shut down even little and am never fueling bringing down.

@magoo-1 on duty now.

Hlw author this guy owner multi ID and always comment by multi ID.This person always try to chest and get your reward.

You can check transactions

Hey man how have you been?

I do believe believe steemit will last, but this doesn't mean that it will be the leader of social media using blockchain, in the end perhaps another project ends up being the leader, but steem has the first mover advantage, and even if its small, it has already very active communities and also being the crypto with the most activity. Steem is strong and it should stand the test of time.

About the EOS project, that certainly looks exciting as well, I suppose we will have to keep an eye out for this, and see how it is when its done.

You said

Ask people for what you need, tell them about your plans and let the universe come to your aid

And I agree 100% with this. I think finding out about steemit is potentially a life changing event for me, it has been a total blessing to be able to use this platform to share my ideas, make new friends, learn a lot and besides, earning a living? This is like a dream come true! Technology is probably our most powerful tool to solve problems and change people's lives for the better, steem and blockchain in general are 2 perfect examples of this, and I really hope for there to be new examples in the future (perhaps EOS...).

Having already found steem, my next plan for the universe to help me is to keep growing on this platform and be able to consolidate myself here, while also helping other people find their places here and change their lives as well. This place is GREAT, and also the first of its kind, which makes me wonder about the awesome projects we will have available in 3-5 years into the future.

Lets all hope for a crypto takeover, and for a popularity explosion with steem. What we can do for now, is being good members and trying to build good communities to be able to keep this place all around positive for everyone.

Cheers mate!

If I love a post. I like staying around to read the comments too because often times you'll find lots of energetic people like you who makes thoughtful comments to contribute to the discussion.
I love your positive view, your openness to the future and your willingness to also help shine light for others who have not discovered these platforms yet to do so.

Having already found steem, my next plan for the universe to help me is to keep growing on this platform and be able to consolidate myself here, while also helping other people find their places here and change their lives as well.

I wish you the strength and I hope to be able to support your project in the nearest future. Keep Steeming @dedicatedguy.

Thank you for your kinds words pal! Really appreciate it!

Hai sir,
I have just mentioned your name in @acidyo 's post.

Coming to your question,whether steemit will last forever,I would say yes.Atleast for another 20 years.I had gone through a calculation that says new steem coins are generated in a 9℅ annual inflation rate at beginning and decreasing gradually.

I think one doesn't need to stop doing what he is doing now just to work on steemit.I won't recommend it.Steemit is a great platform to earn besides learning a lot.One should apply the things he/shr had learned on real life..There are millions out there craving for a hand to raise them up..We can do something!

Yes,steemit can be a mighty competitor for other social medias..It is still in its nascent phase and will make it to the upper scales sooner.

Nowadays I'm not even going to Facebook.FB is great on its own way..But my addiction to steemit made me to turn a blind eye to other platforms!

I agree, if you are very invovled in your life and your career, and only just now finding steemit, then don't quit your job and your commitments in life.
IF you have no job or can't get into university or don't want to spend money on university and be in debt for years to come, then consider being an independent journalist on STEEM blockchain!

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That wise and profound words @surfyogi ....

I believe in Steem ..
I believe in Steemit ...
If I did not believe I would not be here.
Life is a challenge, and who is not willing to risk being then willing to live an ordinary life. We should not listen to beliefs that limit us, overthrow us ..

In this life, of few things I am absolutely certain. One is that the concept of life changes often. Every step, every conversation, every laugh, life changes.

Not always all gives right, but I'm not afraid to take risks, make choices, and if something goes wrong, I'll find the wisdom to face obstacles, because overcoming is the secret to success.

But the very important thing ... is to take a risk or if you prefer, simply live.

Hey thank you so much for mentioning me 😃. There cannot be anything better then becoming someone’s inspiration.

Steemit has changed my life since the day I joined here. It came as a complete life changing element into my life and thats why I believe in it. It was something sent to me by the universe at a time when I needed it the most. So obviously I would believe in it with all my heart because god sent it to me to believe in it 😃

Nice post surfyogi 👍🏻


That's a great question you have put up in somewhere it comes and goes back again but seeing this as an opportunity one has got in life would be the best thing right now.

Their might be many things like these in this open internet world but steemit is different and special and we already know it so no nothing for me to describe here.

But what i can from this is that it has given the entire community a ray of hope to chase those dreams which we were lacking off now if i don't deliver the good content it will be upto me as now i have the opportunity to chase those dreams.

Steemit for live !!!

I think by success a lot of people mean displacing facebook. Imo that doesn't have to happen for steemit to be successful, I think it is successful, it is growing, I think the trend will continue. That's all that matters to me.

Steemit A successful project with a more than wonderful future. Meng to be registered in the site and my life in the direction and the best and earned a lot of friends and you are among them. We are one family @surfyogi
#resstem your post

I did not even have a little money, But with Steemit I achieved some of what I was dreaming about ... There is still much to be done
And like this , I met people from different countries, This is as wonderful as any new friends we get

all have periods where they are thriving and declining and it is very reasonable, but if we support steemit I bet if indeed his reputation could survive at least temporarily failed, and I think everybody really liked steemit because they provide a service to post, comment unlike other media sites that can only be to make post, chat without giving in return..!
I saw some of my friends have left social media, their only focus to steemit.

I don't know from where the steemit gain capital to deliver to its users, because if the water always shed for sure he will be exhausted and it's affecting the future of steemit.
because people choose steemit because their work is appreciated.
thanks @surfyogi

This is amazing philosophical view. Thanks for sharing. Up vote and resteemit done

I am bit log confused still what to do I like to host, play musical instruments but I'm a qualified computer engineer and it's becoming hard to handle both of them so please suggest me @surfyogi .... I was just thinking about this thanks for posting this article!!

Yes, if you want to be a musician full time, and find a place to make your living, you can consider Steemit your first internet opportunity to "go pro" musically and find an audience that will pay you to write songs and perform them!

It would be great to see musicians write and perform, and make a living here. I think it's only a matter of time, and who will do it first ;-)

Good, rational post. I think Steemit has a bright future. If not, I dont want to fret about it now. There’s always another train leaving the station.

I wouldn't be here if I didn't see the potential.

Steemit is definitely the choice social media for anarchists.

No doubt that Steemit is a life changing platform and The future of the internet. I think a person living in fear can not make his career.
If the question about the last of steemit, then i would love to tell that most of the steemians are intelligent They are doing continue. Simple users look only on the platform They don't even want to know that how it works? But intelligent people look behind the idea of the community. They start because they've cleared their doubts. They study about the comminity deeply. If we talk about steemit, smart users look the depth of the community that how it works? Who pays money? Money comes from where? What is the aim of this community behind its fairness? How will the future of this community? Will it be fruitful for us? After this study they start their plans and apply on the platform. Like cryptocurrency trading, Before trading Smart people study about the coins deeply They go into the deapt of the plan, They check their history, whitepaper and many other things.

And here you've shared your seriousness in a very simple way that has a answer of lots questions. I totally appreciate you and your work. The best in this i liked that this blog is not so big but it has a big description about the community.
This is also an awesome art to share the sea in only some droplets and You are the artist.

Certainly you said it's true. If we want to keep a bazaar alive. Steemit is a futuristic social media. Steemite may experience systematic deformation. In fact, Steem may lose value and close. But Steemit will stay. Of course they can. Gore is a very remote possibility to me.

The biggest reason for this is 'Dan' as you said in yours. It really relieves me to know that such an intelligent man is behind this. Because this guy is a real genius. The next generation will take Dan's example.

As I said, according to me; Steemit is unlikely to collapse. This is only possible with Steem. The biggest reason for this is the whales. Unfortunately, the crypto market is under their control.

Thank you for encouraging us. Thank you for informing us.
Thank you for showing us the right way. Many thanks really @surfyogi

I also believe in Steemit and I think it is only the beginning of it.
Like you said, we cannot live in fear and think of the worse all the time, but instead do and learn and think and believe in the positive out of every situation.

i think this is true picture of every steemian that it could be long lasting or we are in fear what happened next. we can't predict about the future but we have to belive firstly that we can do it for our future.

Very well written my friend @surfyogi and in many ways Steemit take me out of the fear of Cryptocurrencies and their uncertainty,

When i losse my first ever crypto trading in june 2017 because of a heavy dump in DigiByte, i got scared and Don't know what to do at that time but then I heard about Steemit in a video of @jerrybanfield and I don't know why this platform looks so promising that time and i joined Steemit because i love to share my personal thoughts that have no value on Facebook or Instagram but here people appreciate my opinions and also support me financially,

So Steemit is really a life changing opportunity and i have my full faith in Steemit that it is not going to stop here because their is a very bright future ahead for Steemit and for it's Community also.😇

You are very right, I agree with you @surfyogi
There is also a question to me, he said steemit will not last long because Dan has created a new idea that is cooler than STEEM that is EOS
and I think we should not be afraid, I'm sure steemit will rise again in the future, and we wait for the development of SMT

I feel ashamed to say I have some fear too but anytime this fear comes up, I can feel inside of me that I am just being scared of the unknown.

I tried getting a job recently but it was quite a hell show. I finally discovered I am no longer cut out for financial dependence or official slavery. My resolution now is to give it nothing else but my best.

Good post, @surfyogi

You did speak my mind.

That's a good one @surfyogi. Our lives are measure not by what we think, but by what we make of it. This platform is a gleans of what the future holds. in the nearest future, people will turn to more efficient form of system. So weather this fails or not I will start again.

i am inspire about him from your post.
thank you for your post.

I agreed with you

upvote and resteem @surfyogi

I believe steemit is here to stay, no doubt. This is why I have never powered down even small and am never powering downing.

yes i am agree with you.

thanks for sharing

Great post! You just got a 45.45% upvote from @edensgarden!
Thanks for tasting the eden!

Nice post

Nice post
I like you post
Iam follow you @surfyogi
Follow me @wawan1 :)

You got a 0.87% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @surfyogi!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

In my opinion Steemit will never die. What ever happens to the platform, the community will stay.

steemit future

Yes you are right. Living with fear is the worst thing in a person's life. That life is not of any good if we live in fear.

Surrender needs a lot of courage and we have to accept the reality and not to live in fear. You always keep on motivating me. Thanx for being a great guide here on steemit my friend.

I think steemitin is systematically very powerful and accurate. People do not understand exactly.

@surfyogi...............really a great article about encouragement .............i agree with you,,,,,,but we have some social bond,,that never be done whatever we want and also less our family support............i think,,,time will be change,,,,now we can try to do something,,that we want to do with right way...........many many thanks for your supportive post,,,,that's why i like you very much...........

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