How Steemit Made me Forget my Priorities - Please, give me my life back (I am kidding, you know I love you)

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Stop it Steemit. Don't lure me in with quick coins anymore. I have big plans for my life and it certainly isn't to squeeze 4+ quality articles out of me each day. 

About three weeks ago I came out of a motivational low that lasted about two months. 

It was great: I began to learn tons of new skills like animation and drawing. I pushed my premium memory course along and I felt brilliant. 

Then Steemit came along and with it the hope to finally turn my financial situation around, which honestly sucked for years now. The last two months in particular. 

I went all in and it was exciting to count the new followers and to do post after post. 

The excitement vanished and it bacame hard work. Very hard work.

I am sitting all day in front of Steemit and try to understand what is going on and how I can make a living with it. 

Today was my first real low and I wonder what my path in Steemit could be. 

The answer is: I should use Steemit as a tool to write about what I am doing in the first place. 

To create wonderful content and get paid for it. 

So please Steemit, stop distracting me from learning my new skills.

My Path on Steemit

I on the other hand will focus on several different topics I want to cover here: 

  • Memory
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Animation
  • Drawing

Additionally I want to become a very active curator (I guess I already am, because I reached . In fact, I just found out that @twinner delagated about 500 Steempower to me. Thank you for that, it is a great trust in me. I will use it responsibly every day and find good low articles and upvote them. 

This is it. No fancy big tutorial article or anything like that but something that streamed out of my mind and I needed that. Thank you for reading up until here.

Back to work...

Check out my current articles

How to Memorize Names

Still hot, if you like to upvote :)

SteemGig and SteemShop

Get Your Own Animated Puppets For Steemit

850 Major System Training Images To Memorize Numbers

There are 2 pages

Haha....your title made me laugh because I can relate! I've been here for around 9 days now. I feel like as soon as I found steemit I just wanted to come back to it, keep checking on it, keep writing content on it, etc. It was really exciting at first, then I had a few small successes which I was really proud of, then a sort of 'usual' kicked in where I average around 5 votes per post.

I'm doing good and happy to be involved, but I can relate to what you're saying in your post. It's certainly not easy (for me at least) to get those big payouts right away like you see in the 'trending' sections. It can be hard getting a following and posting stuff that a person wants to post but also stuff that other people are interested in reading. It's also hard to get visibility, especially at first.

My plan is to keep going though, keep engaging, little by little on a consistent basis. It's good that there's people that relate to the struggle though and can lift each other up when we get down as I'm sure this whole journey won't be easy for me and I'll likely feel like giving up from time to time too.

Anyways, glad to see that this post was successful for you! It's uplifting to see people who have put in the time and work starting to get higher rewards and is something for me to strive for too.

Steem on!

You started with a pretty good post making you nearly 40 Dollars. I am sure that is misleading in terms of expectations how it will continue. But look, your comment here made quite a nice bit thanks to @fulltimegeek looking out for the minnows (strange word, it reminds me somehow of muggles).

My advice to everybody is to find community projects and challenges because these will bring you more reach. There are many great topics out there you can dive in by simply using certain tags in your post for example.

Yes, I was really surprised and excited with that approx. $40 post that happened right at the beginning but it was also kind of a double edged sword in a way because it made me wonder if maybe my posts that came after that weren't as good quality/weren't valued as much.

I soon realized that I had to get over that and just keep putting out the best quality posts that I can that I'm interested in and hope I find an audience for them. As long as there was a tag related to a post I wanted to do, I assumed at least some people on here would be interested in it.

Yes, super happy about the comment upvotes :) Another unexpected bonus and I'm definitely going to be following well as you

Haha....muggles...funny....yeah, I didn't like the whole 'minnow' thing at first but I'm getting used to it now. Looking forward to getting into dolphin territory.

Thanks, that's really good advice. I hadn't thought about getting involved in community projects before but I'll look into it. Do you know of any neat projects going on right now that you would recommend?

Anyways, take care!

By the way: If you are into VR/AR you shoudl write posts about that and look for the right channels to post it. I would certainly read. Follwed.

Check out:


There are many more but right now I don't have any in mind. But you can specifically search for that and I am sure someone wrote an overview for some.

Thanks, I'll check that out!

Really? Okay, I will then. For some reason I didn't think there was much interest in AR/VR here because I haven't seen any posts about it, but I'll make it so that my next post is about VR! I'm actually building a VR flying experience for the Gear VR. Building VR experiences is tough though because it's harder to optimize than for a PC. You're awesome, flauwy....thanks for all the great advice!!!!

It is even better if there is nothing on the platform yet (although I doubt that) because you can fill your peer group hashtags with your original content. When people start searching for it, they will find YOU.

Good point!

steemit is BS ha ha ha ! You guys are killing me making me laugh so hard! This website sucks! Ha ha ha

Steemit is a blessing and a curse, mostly a blessing but it can definitely be distracting to think about the potential rewards of trying to earn a few more bucks, when you really should be working on the craft... I feel the same way as you sometimes in this post.

Luckily overall I think Steemit is a big positive benefit for me and most artists here - it encourages us to get better and keep creating and posting new artwork.

In a month you will think: "Ok this was amazing. What will happen in a year?"

This comment has received a 0.62 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @flauwy.

I'm addicted at 1 week. What will happen at a month. ahhh

Hahahaha that kitty is steemin' away! I would upvote his posts :)

go kitty go!

Cool. I need a support. How do i do it? Discouraging moon, what can i say.

Well, I think the most important thing is consistency and don't expect big numbers too often for starters. But if you give up you cannot succeed. So come back and post every day one post about cacao, astrology or live in Costa Rica.

ANd then go outside and live your life. In three months you will be sooo glad you did!

I think you are so right, @flauwy! So much love to you, my friend.

What I want to know is how can 2 votes and this post is already worth $194 plus dollars???

Somebody with a very powerful vote must've upvoted it.

As a South-African, Steemit has been a major influence on my life in the recent months. I finally feel like I have a way of clawing out of my sometimes hopeless life!

I checked your profile and you have some really good content there:

Upvoted for using a wonderful layout. :)

Thank you very much...

You have a great sense of humor. And optimism in bulk (like me though) :)))

And Steemit makes these traits flower. :)


I want to thank you guys for making this article my most successful one. Thank you for resteeming @fulltimegeek

I feel like this:

This comment has received a 0.62 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @flauwy.

I am also kinda losing my priorities due to steemit factor.

We have 1 interest common and that is cryptocurrencies. Will be looking forward for your feeds on it.

Check out my articles about LBRY, the most amazing cryptocurrency after Steemit.

This comment has received a 0.79 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @cryptokraze.

Hahaha!!! STEEMIT has been the ultimate distraction for me....I'm enjoying the ride! peaz!

Ride on!

well done now sit back and have one

Great post!
Great writing skills!!
Great sense of humor!!!

upvoted, resteemed and followed

Thank you so much!

This is great! We all go through periods of lows in our life. The main thing is we get back up and come back even stronger. Look at other people and use that as motivation. When you're thinking about quitting, remember why you started. You had a vision, you had a goal, don't let that long term vision fade away because of a short term problem. You're better than that, and so is everyone else. A quote that I always remember is "Fall down seven times, get up eight." Thanks for sharing :)

Thank you. I will certainly not give up. I will Steem on!

This comment has received a 0.62 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @flauwy.

Love your title of this article @flauwy since I see you also write about memory pretty clever! I'm still brand new and already been spending way more time on SteemIt than on Facebook, that's for sure! Following.

What's Facebook? ;)

This comment has received a 0.02 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @flauwy.

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by flauwy from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

I've only been here for 3 days and it's consuming every aspect of my life. I absolutely love it and I pretty much gave up on all my other social media in order to focus more on steemit. It's a learning curve but I think it will be worth it.

Me three!! LOL

I think it will be! Try to read as much about how Steemit works and comment many great comments. The rest comes by itself.

I'll try! Thank you so much! :)

Try to manage your life and work balance.

Haha, yes I try. But easier said than done. :)

You can enjoy your life priorities and steemit together. Main thing is balance do not over work just on steemit . As a beginner one is crazy because he has to learn many things about this world. Gradually all things are normal and easy for them.

I think the mouse is just ready for cheese. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice writing still! Enjoyed ur post

Thank you. Please follow for more.

Thanks for the warnings!

Glad I could help.

Welcome to Steemit @flauwy! Nice to meet you.

Spam is discouraged by the community, including comment spam. Repeated comment spamming may result in action from the cheetah bot.

Yeah I have been through alot in the last 12 hours regarding this. I have stopped

Wow okay, so after reading this I now have a ne perspective of steem it.

It may not be as easy as ithight it possibly would, but I like a challenge.

Thanks for this I appreciate it.

You are welcome. Steem on!

I found littel bit of myself in your article. I will follow you to keep track of your progress and try to lift you up when you feel down. For my self ill try to show stuff i make in the shop i dont know if its lucrative content. But i realy feel like steemit can be valuable platform for artists and make and I hope to see more of this content in here. Cheer man keep up the good work and bring us more good article.

I will continue to deliver. ;)

This comment has received a 0.76 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @flauwy.

@flauwy steemit is the most exciting thing that has ever happend in my life

I believe many of us feel that way!

I'm actually worried about hitting a nice payday blog. With my addictive personality I know I'll turn into a crack fiend. For now I have the luxury of just writing for the fun of it.

If you do that regularly you will get your payday.

You sure make a hell of a wonderful writer and steemit goan pay for that her dubious act on you. Lol.

Exactly. How dare you, Steemit?

Lol, nice piece!

After reading your wonderfull article i get some motivation to push me back from feel down. And now i believe if steemit gives us a way to be success with writting skill because we get vote from steemians its self for usefull, creative, and new information article.
I can only give you two of my thumb. And i'll wait for next tour positive posting. Keep going on!! Good luck

Thanks, pull yourself out of that hole and start blogging. Steemit is better than that.

Well done! See you as you grow into the steem world!

Thank you!

Yes, it is hard work, but sorry, I don't have time to pity you, I have to work on steemit.

Go and get busy!

yeah steemit super dope

Super duper...

Wow mate! Amazing response on this post! Just awesome! Congrats! Thanks you for the mention any now and again. Really appreciate it. Now send some of these whales my way =P

Thanks. Right, I mentioned you somewhere. I think it was my puppets for sale post under SteemGigs. Someone wanted a Scrooge and I thought you should have a Scrooge instead.

Ooh I see. Thanks a lot though. Appreciate it. I am pushing out useful content and it's hard to get noticed. Don't know what I am doing wrong. Maybe it's the time of day... Not sure. Congrats again on your succesful post!

Honestly, I think you are doing really well for the time you are here. I was lucky today thanks to @fulltimegeek and @trafalgar. But you have some really nice numbers going on and plenty of valuable content. Just continue, just continue.

Yeah, the time actually might be relevant. Do you have any posts about that at hand? Too lazy to use the search function right now :D

Lol, just stumbled upon this old comment ;)

I'm not quite koo-koo yet, but getting there. Love charming post and your adorable mouse! I'll copy-cat you but I'll use another cute animal. Kudos on the 500 steampower! How cool is that? I'm following. Hope you can follow me too. Any pointers are always most APPRECIATED. 😊

Courtesy of GIPHY

Thank you, little dwarf tear rain drop shark tooth thingy.

You're welcome scared-looking precious mouse. (I LOVE THAT MOUSE!) 😊

yeah I didn't slept for 2 days just for steemit I like it I love it.

Get some sleep. Your posts will be better and you will earn more money!

I will thank you

Yes, it is hard to use steemit as a job I suppose. But for sure it can happen, it will take a lot of work! As long as it doesn't take away from your dayjob you should be fine! See it as a bonus for now, and a way to read about and connect with people.

I totally do!

Great title! Followed for more great content. Keep it up.

Awesome, thank you. Greetings to Hong Kong. Check out the Hong Kong Memory Open and the Asia Memory Championship taking place in Hong Kong.

Excellent Flauwy! I'm happy that you finally have a post that has the reward it deserves! Cheers my friend! :)

Thank you! Your last two days were pretty awesome as well!

Thanks @flauwy , good post, but the comments section is even more interesting!

Great that both has worked out well for you. That is what makes Steemit special. Can you imagine a fruitful and pleasant conversation on YouTube?

Haha, wow, now that is a funny one!!

Damn it. I should have put it into funny. But I though: It is not funny at all. But it according several here it was. :D

You're doing a great job. Keep going! :)

Thank you, I will. :)

instant follow, you seem fun and you put the work in. that mouse btw, adorable! :)

Thank you, I appreciate it. I followed back because your content looks interesting. I a devoling an online course at the moment and want to publish it at Udemy but Skillshare might be a good way, too.

also, i really don't want to treat steemit as an income, i've got money coming in from the web from doing courses but i have to admit seeing votes and money on the post is a nice plus. it's a balancing act i guess, i love the fact that i have effectively a free blog here, i can get rid of my other blogging sites because they require too much admin, i've got a copy of all the posts i've made in bear (an app on mac) so i've got backups. i try not to rely on any digital income i make, that's a dangerous slope downwards because then when something goes wrong i tend to get anxiety about it -- i find a more distributed approach to having money and income works better, i use sites that pay me every 10 days like upwork and those clients are my bread and butter, again, i kinda don't rely on it. earning from the web has made me change the way i consume food and time which can both be healthy and unhealthy. it's all about the balance i guess! :)

The mantra for steemit should be to write your best and keep the rewards out of your mind else the articles will lose their charm

Yes, that is what I did with this post and it became my strongest one so far.

Yeah i'm loving it too. I just spend too much time here.. like a second job, but i love it so...its not a job at know what i mean!

I am marvelled at the title and what the content turned out to unrelating.

My advice is for newbies to learn things the proper way before getting involved. It is also important not to expect to earn fat paycheck but to take every activity within steemit as a passive engagement. If u however earn anything while engaging passively so be it and rejoice.

This is important because when u expect so much without getting commensurate result, u will just be out and out forever. Ask yourself: how much have u made making post on facebook? I guess nil. Why then borther yourself when u got nothing for posting here?

SSteemit isnt ur central bank. Approach it in a passive way and watch uuself earn big.

I disagree. I have already earned more money here than anywhere else. This has become my daytime job after two weeks already. I will go all in.

Keeping the rewards out of ur mind while doing the best you can is the best approach to steemit participation...

In that I can agree.

This is a good post and one can relate. Although you seem like you're not doing to bad. You made a decent amount on this post. It's draws people's attention. I mean I was scrolling through and felt the need to click on it and check it out. 😅✊

What made you click? The title, the cover image or the amount I made with it?

The title and the cover. The title got my attention, but if it cover photo is a bad quality photography of a random thing, no one is that keen to figure out what the rest of the story is about. Everything needs to catch your eye when you post something I guess. The amount you made on it can also sometimes tell you it's a good quality post since a lot of people seemed to think so, but there are some hidden good quality posts out there.

Thanks for the answer. :)

I'm a newbie, any advice on how not to lose my mind here? :D

Stay calm and don't get over excited about what you might earn here. Concentrate on one or two good posts a day (or more if you have the time and inspiration). Socialize and enjoy. Don't pressure yourself, it takes some time.

Thank you! I like your posts, I'll follow you:)

Thank you. :)

You are doing a great job! Steemit has become part of my regular activity also! I mainly curate and follow others.

So boring on Facebook now, isn't it?

Yes, for those of us who are in steemit. We don't get paid there anyway.

There are 2 pages