Right when I said I was able to carve up some free time, life bit me in the ass and prevented me from posting for two straight days. What if I said that I'm slowly heading towards bankruptcy? Would it instantly grant me money or would it speed up the process?
Life has a funny way of working itself out. No matter the language barrier or cultural differences, the phenomenon is global in scale. What happens for a person on one end of the globe has an equal chance of happening to another person on the opposite end. There are many names for it, so I won't even try to begin to list all of them, but it affects all of us.
I met my future wife when we were in elementary school. We were actually classmates from the second to the sixth grade. There's this thing called the "Star Section" where the supposedly brightest minds in our batch belonged to. It's somewhat similar to advanced placement or other structures that aim to segregate people. I only realized what a ridiculous concept it was when I was on the outside looking in during high school. But, that's a story for a different time.
I will say this though, what held me back was that my grades in Mathematics didn't meet the required quota for the honor roll. It's funny because I love Math, but it doesn't seem to return the affection. Don't get me wrong, I love Math, but that doesn't mean I'm any good at it. I guess I just love the concept of it. The numbers, how it communicates the same thing across the universe. I just don't get all of the concepts and procedures involved. I'm not super terrible at it, but I don't have an easy time with it.

Conversely, my fiancee was hailed as a Mathematical prodigy. She spoke Math like it was her native language. Back then, I wasn't all that impressed because we never really talked and I thought that she and the others were just our Math teacher's favorites. When we reunited, I realized that she really was super proficient with numbers.
Speaking of numbers, I wanted to use this post as a sort of "By the Numbers" look at how our relationship fit together. I'll try to be careful not to divulge too much information out of fear of exposing my passwords.
From the start, we should've known there was going to be something between us. We were born one day apart from each other. If I'm being accurate, I would say that we were born only a few hours apart split between consecutive days.
The whole courtship lasted a little over two months, and we became exclusive on the third month of the year. Consequently, our wedding date is going to coincide with our fifth anniversary as a couple. We have never not spoken to each other ever since the start of our courtship, and it looks like that streak is going to go on for a long time.
It took roughly about six dates before we realized how we felt about one another, and I gave about seven major gifts (with little gifts here and there spread between) before she became my girlfriend. We're both born in August, so that covers eight. Nein wasn't her answer when I asked her to be my girlfriend (okay, that one's a stretch). The whole engagement has stretched for a little over 10 months, and 11 is the number of children we want to have. Wait, no... it's one girl and one boy. Sorry about that.
I gave her an album consisting of 12 songs relevant to our relationship as a gift for our first anniversary. Yes, I recorded those songs as I sang it live while playing a ukelele. As to the number of takes it took to get it done, I've lost count. If you want to view them, the only copy is with @randomli so ask her permission. It was entitled "Full Circle" because our relationship was born on Pi Day, and I like how everything always comes together. Everything seems to fall into place. Sure, there are bumps in the road at times, but fate always finds a way.
If you're wondering about a certain missing number, then worry not. We're both fans of Star Wars, so we always bid people a hearty, "May the Fourth Be with You".
Image Source

As I mentioned, I've always loved numbers. You can see numerology all over my stories. It's not always overt, but I always pepper it in for those who bother to look for easter eggs. Side note, sometimes I do stories within stories, and not in a sub-plot sort of thing. As a computer scientist, I've always had a penchant for cryptography. So, I've made it a point to tell some stories inside other stories. You can flesh it out by grabbing the letters of relevant character indexes. Am I just making an excuse for my slow writing process? We'll never know for sure. I just hope one day, literary historians would be unable to unearth all of my easter eggs like they do with Leonardo Da Vinci, etc haha!
There are so much more I could list down, but as a blanket explanation, Li's fate and mine seems to be intertwined in more than multiple occasions. We just didn't see the signs when we were younger. Have you ever had that kind of relationship? It could be with a loved one, a friend or a job. Why don't you post about it, then link it in the comments section? If you think that it won't fit as long as a post, then just feel free to comment it right here.
I don't have the luxury of time, and I only have a handful of posts left before I take an indefinite break. It would be so awesome if stories like that welcomes me back. I mean sure, a wallet filled with STEEM donations would be magnificent, but with the way the posts are going (averaging $10 without vote bots) I highly doubt it. It's alright though, my heart is filled because of all the love my posts receive. Genuine interaction is awesome, and if you're one of the few who genuinely comment, then you're awesome!
Again, I apologize for not being as active, but I'm already working on borrowed time. A little over a day before the big day, and the nerves are kicking in.
mostly from my last remaining savings from working for FoxyCart. Even though my contract has ended for a couple of years now, I would forever hold fond memories of my time there. Please do consider voting for him as a witness!I've been campaigning for @lukestokes witness account @lukestokes.mhth for months now because I knew him way before Steemit. I can vouch that he's an awesome individual who has nothing but the best intentions for this platform. As I mentioned, my share of the expenses have been

Wow really great Article Jedau,
and nice to hear again form you - was waiting for quite a while :)
As always lovely written and i can really agree on your statement to math <3
for me maths is kinda like a sport. you can be good in it, you can show your skills and maybe speed - i was in love with math since my earliest years :)
keep up this great articles, cant wait to see more of you in the next future,
all the best from germany,
Johannes (:
How long have you been waiting? Sorry to keep you waiting longer. This article really wasn't about Math at all, but whatever. Thanks for leaving a comment, I hope you enjoyed reading!
very fine writing...good work friend!!
Hey there, my friend! It's been a while! Sorry if I haven't been active for so long, I've only recently finished setting up my workspace at my new place.
All good!! and the best to you!
Awesome! Catch up soon!
Good article jedau, I like it, very interesting to read..
I'm glad you found it interesting! What specific point was your favorite, if I may ask?
I knew my wife on the Internet. We were in a long-distance relationship for ten years. On and off.
We did not meet in person until after those ten years passed. Three months later we got married. More than ten years later, we are still together, still freaking living happily ever after.
Signs? A lot, man. We didn't recognize them until we met. But when you find the one, you gotta take action.
Oh wow! :O That feels like a story that would take a whole lot more than 50 words to tell. Very interested to know about it more. I'm glad it all worked out with you two, especially considering that the internet wasn't what it is today back then! That's a very intriguing story you guys have!
Thank you for satisfying my need to count. I was very upset when you skipped four. Thank goodness for May.
Haven't been around as much lately. Sorry I've let our long long long chains of responses lapse. :P
Always, man. You can always count on me to scratch that itch ;) Me? I haven't been around at all. Trying to ease my way back. I feel like a stranger in a strange world. Everything feels new, yet oddly familiar. It's like nothing has changed since I left, but I don't know anything. Hmm... maybe it's just the price of cryptos that nosedived in my absence.
It might be that.
If it was a little over a day 16 hours ago, it must be very, very soon now. One more sleep and you're there? Have an absolutely awesome day, and then many more to come. Hugs to you both.
We did have an awesome day, and now we don't even know what we were worried about! In fact, we've had so much fun, I've only now just finished setting up my new workspace and easing my way back into this strange online world we live in. Thanks for the hugs, we appreciate it, Deb! :D
Happy to see you back. But we'll all totally understand if your appearances are a bit sporadic for a while.
Sporadic is an understatement haha! I don't know why I haven't found my groove yet.
I think that fate is written, our soulmate is somewhere, for which we surely have passed many times. Well, my husband and I went to the same events many times without knowing each other and we met was when his father moved to the neighborhood where I live and he went to visit haha .. so small moments and encrypted messages is full of life! because that I think, sometimes the signals are encrypted, not everything is so obvious! regards
Very well put, my friend! I'm glad that you and your husband had the same origin story. It's always great when it's totally unexpected, yet all of the signs are right there!
courtship lasted a little over two months??
That would be impossible for me. I have never ever done that.
I am quite jealous actually for the romanticism you put in it.
I guess it is more common in Asian cultures.
You know, that two month courtship is even on the quicker side here. Sure, there are a lot of other couples that take a few days or so, what with everyone rushing and all. But, courtship that spans months isn't uncommon here. Originally, my wife (man, I'm still not used to saying that) was going to make that courtship last for 6-8 months haha!
That really got me man, am really working offline now trying to close a deal with an oil firm which is really taking much of my time in commitment, am sure things are really great. Congrats on your wedding.
I've only been able to go online now after a few weeks. That's great to hear, brother! I hope that deal went well. I'm very proud of the strides you're making in life :D You're an awesome person with a kind heart, and you deserve all the good breaks you'll inevitably catch!
Thank you bro, we're still on it, am grateful for having someone like you, you're a true friend and I miss you greatly, am still working on the deal, should be able to be done with it and get on another one this week. Thanks for everything. Please send my greetings to your wife.
Will do! All my thoughts go out to your success, man!