[SPN-ENG] Cuéntame qué os pasó – Capítulo 10 / Tell me what happened to you – Chapter 10

in #writing3 years ago


Doña Remedios falleció un mes después. La llamada de la dirección del centro psiquiátrico notificándoles tan fatal desenlace, apenas les cogió por sorpresa. De hecho, Maruja tuvo una premonición la tarde anterior que, unida a la gravedad del estado de salud de Doña Remedios hacía vana cualquier esperanza de recuperación.
La mañana, fresca a pesar de estar bien entrada la primavera, se le antojó de una tristeza inusual, sólo comparable al más aciago de todos sus recuerdos.
A pesar de que nunca había sentido aversión hacia los cementerios, una mirada hacia el lugar donde habrían de reposar los restos mortales de su madre para toda la eternidad, la provocó un escalofrío, seguido de un agudo dolor en el pecho. Naturalmente Ramiro estuvo todo el tiempo a su lado, acompañándola. Lógico era pensar que había que guardar las apariencias, aunque su matrimonio fuera un barco a la deriva, sin posibilidad, al menos por el momento, de regresar a buen puerto.
Devueltas las cenizas a las cenizas y el polvo al polvo, Maruja se sintió completamente sola; desamparada en un mundo que, por primera vez en su vida, le pareció extraño y completamente hostil.
Desde luego, Ramiro no tardó demasiado tiempo en encontrar trabajo, de representante también, aunque su mal querencia hacia ella era mayor cada día, sin importar las continuas manifestaciones de afecto hacia él.


Doña Remedios passed away a month later. The call from the management of the psychiatric center notifying them of such a fatal outcome hardly took them by surprise. In fact, Maruja had a premonition the previous afternoon that, together with the seriousness of Doña Remedios's state of health, made any hope of recovery vain.
The morning, cool despite being well into spring, she struck him as unusual sadness, matched only by the darkest of all his memories of her.
Although she had never disliked cemeteries, one glance at the place where her mother's remains would rest for all eternity sent a chill through her, followed by a sharp pain in her chest. Naturally Ramiro was by her side the whole time, accompanying her. It was logical to think that appearances had to be kept, even though her marriage was a ship adrift, with no possibility, at least for the moment, of returning to a safe port.
Returning the ashes to the ashes and the dust to the dust, Maruja felt completely alone; she was helpless in a world that, for the first time in her life, seemed strange and completely hostile to her.
Of course, it didn't take long for Ramiro to find a job, as her representative as well as hers, although her dislike for her was greater every day, regardless of the continuous expressions of affection towards him.


Preámbulo / Preamble: https://hive.blog/writing/@juancar347/spn-eng-cuentame-que-os-paso-novela-preambulo-tell-me-what-happened-to-you-novel-preamble
Capítulo 1 / Chapter 1: https://hive.blog/writing/@juancar347/spn-eng-cuentame-que-os-paso-capitulo-1-tell-me-what-happened-to-you-chapter-1
Capítulo 2 / Chapter 2: https://hive.blog/writing/@juancar347/spn-eng-cuentame-que-os-paso-capitulo-2-tell-me-what-happened-to-you-chapter-2
Capítulo 3 / Chapter 3: https://hive.blog/writing/@juancar347/spn-eng-cuentame-que-os-paso-capitulo-3-tell-me-what-happened-to-you-chapter-3
Capítulo 4 / Chapter 4: https://hive.blog/writing/@juancar347/spn-eng-cuentame-que-os-paso-capitulo-4-tell-me-what-happened-to-you-chapter-4
Capítulo 5 / Chapter 5: https://hive.blog/writing/@juancar347/spn-eng-cuentame-que-os-paso-capitulo-5-tell-me-what-happened-to-you-chapter-5
Capítulo 6 / Chapter 6: https://hive.blog/writing/@juancar347/spn-eng-cuentame-que-os-paso-capitulo-6-tell-me-what-happened-to-you-chapter-6
Capítulo 7 / Chapter 7: https://hive.blog/writing/@juancar347/spn-eng-cuentame-que-os-paso-capitulo-7-tell-me-what-happened-to-you-chapter-7
Capítulo 8 / Chapter 8: https://hive.blog/writing/@juancar347/spn-eng-cuentame-que-os-paso-capitulo-8-tell-me-what-happened-to-you-chapter-8
Capítulo 9 / Chapter 9: https://hive.blog/writing/@juancar347/spn-eng-cuentame-que-os-paso-capitulo-9-tell-me-what-happened-to-you-chapter-9

AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.
NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore are subject to my Copyright.

