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in #blogging9 months ago (edited)

Okay. Read the first sentence. Already triggered. lol. What is this fucking cabal? If I was a part of something, how do I not know what it is I'm a part of?

Well rewarded insider? I rarely post. lol. People here who I've never heard of earn far more than I.

No. I don't go around being a dickhead with downvotes but DUDE, these opening lines and all that "how it looks on the surface" will be the catalyst eventually turning me into the biggest asshole this world has ever seen. (I go on my breaks so I don't lose it but that's just one of the reasons).

That virus thing dude, I never took a side. I thought everyone was crazy and wrote about it. EVERYONE dude. And still do. So shoot me.

My content is also being driven off. You've known me forever and seen a lot and were also involved in one of the cancel culture attempts meant to take me down.

So what's up? lol

(I'm being kind.)

P.S. I think you should accept rewards and I think anyone downvoting you out of spite is a cunt, but at the same time, if you go around gaslighting and harassing people, then get downvoted, well, you probably got downvoted for being a cunt. So ask yourselves, "What happens when two cunts collide?"


If I turn the rewards on, my rep just gets lower - 69 is as low as I want to go, and it sounds kind of pervy!

The covidhoax - Yes I took a side and it's safe to say I have been proven right many million of times over. It is all bullshit and the vaxtards are now as sick as fuck.

Well rewarded - here is a rough example - if you do a post you will get about $75 in rewards and you will NEVER be downvoted. If I did a post I would get about $2 in rewards but from 2021 EVERYTHING I post is downvoted to zero by accounts with higher reps so my rep goes down. Unless I turn the rewards off and then I'm only downvoted by bots with lower reps.

Now please don't pretend not to know what the cabal is - we were all discussing this on Steemit as far back as 2018 - they are the whales doing a circle jerk system of payouts and hogging the reward pool, who decide who is OK and who isn't. A bunch of them are listed on that other post.

Triggered - LOL - you know me, I'm a complete prick! Now grow a set and stop being so sensitive.


Quit you're gaslighting. I'm not being sensitive. I thought by adding the lols you'd see I'm in good spirits about it.

I don't think you're a prick. I think you try too hard to be one and it just comes off as phony.

Been downvoted plenty of times. Scroll down my blog to see.

This LOOKS like you have been sucking whale dick:

(I don't know if you have or not, but after seven years of using blockchains I know that over $100 for every post is not what regular bloggers get - it is as suspicious as fuck)


WTF dude. Hive price was higher then. Also people like ranchorelaxo would simply see a post on trending and vote blindly. Several people had the same results.

How this narrative fucks you is the fact it's a blockchain, plus the people you're dissing know the truth. Those voters know damn well there's no foul play. So you diss me like this and it puts a spotlight on you, shedding light on how full of shit you are.

That's what you get for judging a book by its cover.

If hundreds of the best bloggers on this platform have quit posting (and they have) because they were sick of being downvoted, while you were still getting $65 to $92 a post right up to the point you stopped posting a few months ago, and you seriously try to claim you were being driven off the platform I'm going to quote you "WTF?"


What is your goal with this nonsense now? It's to make me feel uncomfortable posting here. To make me feel guilty. To trip my out into thinking I've done something wrong.

Not going to work.

Maybe you'll trick some onlookers, which is your style. Power of suggestion. Show some screenshots. Leave out majority of context. You're just putting on a show. Prey on the gullible.

Not interested in this dude.

Done trying to be your pal as well. What's weird is you're two-faced, and those have two faces each.

OK. I forgot the fun we used to have! The screenshots are not "out of context" for fuck's sake - THEY ARE SCREENSHOTS...

This is my post here that you are calling me out on - it has one downvote and seven upvotes. That is OK and it's not a great post or anything, but whatever I post here is not allowed to earn anything while you get hundreds of auto upvotes.

That is not how the content on a platform improves, it is how a bunch of whales jerk each other off. Or are you now going to claim it is just me and everyone else gets over $50 a post?


Calling you out?

I'm simply responding to your senseless onslaught.

Perhaps you're suffering from main character syndrome. I don't fucking know. Now fuck off with your nonsense. I've known you forever. Your paranoia and delusions are quite off putting. Maybe you are the problem after all. But I wouldn't know. I don't live inside their heads but I do have mine and I do see yours being defective at times.

Now piss off.

Are you telling me to piss off my own post now, or to piss off the entire platform like a couple of the whales in that cabal that doesn't exist told me to?

It's time you had a name - I think Greta would be perfect for you!



PS - DOWNVOTING???? - it's been more than two years since you had a single downvote. And that downvote was from an account with a negative rep and it was fuck all value anyway. Your post still got $110.

Honestly, you are talking shit now, wipe your chin!


Whatever dude.

Was me earning money here a problem for you? Seems like it. I rarely post. People earn far more than me. Go harass them with your gaslighting.

Perhaps you deserve the downvotes while others don't. Maybe consider that and take a moment to reflect.