GLX Airdrop: SPS' Sweetness & The Prospect Of The GLG project.

in LeoFinance2 years ago


I remembered having to stake all my SPS after the airdrop for holding splinterlands assets ended. I think some of the reasons why I didn't sell them was because, the price was on the low, secondly, the yield was tantalizing as well, then thirdly, I held it in support of the splinterlands' economy.

However, down the line, I heard about the genesis league collaboration. Frstly I didn't know how the partnership was going to work, but the most exciting news was probably the GLX airdrop that seems to come with it. I think the genesis league goal page is where the excitement is and you might want to check it out, especially if you have SPS staked.

FOMO-ing In On All The GLG posts

However, I've not had time to explore the GLX before now. But I decided to take out the time to do so, simply because I FOMO'ed in on all the GLX posts I've been seeing lately. Although my stack of SPS at the time of the snapshot was quite small. About 2450, but it was all the same. So it was quite simple, all I did was register with an email, created a password, verified the email, and linked my account to the wallet with keychain.

This is where it got a bit tricky. Keychain isn't like hivesigner, so it's a bit complicated, but once linked, it gets easier from there. Secondly I think the GLS game is hoping to create some sport-themed games on the hive blockchain, I think this is good because the more projects and games, real applications that are usable and built on hive, the more activity we can garner, which in turns works in the grand scheme of further adoption in the near future.


Any Prospective Token Use Cases?

So basically I think the token is going to be used for governance, or probably in-game purchase, when the game kicks off, there might be more plans for the GLX token because, the more, the better, because this might spicen the use case to further create more reason to hold it, I mean, away from the massive yield that currently comes with it when you're staking. I like games that can resonate with me, however, I don't know if it's just football games.

But it was good to partner up with splinterlands, this is because splinterlands has the numbers already, from all angles, it seems like a win-win for everyone involved and the airdrop was to probably sweeten the deal and create awareness of the potential that the GLS ecosystem might bring all together.

The GLG Game Aspect

The fun aspect is, one might not even be a football player to participate, I'm sure the splinterlands' team and their creative Knack for compounding assets would rub off on whatever GLS hopes to build because let's be factual, we love compounding assets, so the game has to probably hit the right places for it to maintain the value and attract people to actually play it.

However, I'm speaking hypothetically and don't exactly know how it'll happen. The white paper is an exciting place to check when you hit the landing page and since I think the landing page and actual project are two things, I have a feeling that I'll minimally participate in the in-game tokenomics and probably go all in when everything begins to happen.

Sticking To A Plan

I should be hoping to participate in the game, but I need a way to raise revenue to invest. Although I didn't buy any packs, I'm thinking the yield is a place to focus on for now, before everything gets too exciting. Although I had to sell 92% of the airdrop and staked about 8%. The reason is that the price is quite decent on hive-engine, in fact, probably better than I even portrayed. The aim is to go in full squad and buy them back and even more when the price dips.

There's the Inevitability that the price will eventually dip and while I might be missing out on the sweet potential yield at the moment, I think being in this space has taught me that yield might not be where to accrue the real value but selling high and buying low.


The Effect Of Splinterlands

I don't know if this is the best thing to do, but I guess everyone would make their choice. Holding on for the sweet yield eventually earns one more token, especially with the fact they are so lucrative at the moment and this might change as more people lock their token. Now back to splinterlands, I think this partnership might help the GLG games materialize into a project everyone would want to get involved with. I cannot automatically say anything, because we haven't seen a glimpse yet except for the token and staking it. Holding splinterlands assets are totally rewarding.

Although I didn't get much of the airdrop, but imagine people who staked millions of SPS before now. I think in the future it'll be advisable to keep holding whatever assets you have on splinterlands, even if you don't play the game, you're never a loser.

SPS might Be The Most Promising Asset

This is because the game knows that the proper lack of utility to monetize assets can lead to monetary value temporarily and permanently leaving the game, hence, it's the reason why there are endless ways to flip assets and squeeze out more value. So, it's why I'll be buying more splinterlands assets in the future when I have the money, I guess, this could also happen with the GLG games but I do not want to place so many expectations just yet on the game, their team (GLG) will have a lot of work to be done, I reckon they'll make mistakes along the way, they might even fail at some aspects, but this can lead them to build something formidable.

This wouldn't be the first and last of the games that might want to establish a collaboration., Hopefully, GLG would give us something to want to participate in, with splinterlands involved, I think it might. I'll be checking the market for the dip in other to buy back.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The sell high and buy back low strategy you've adopted for GLX is smart.
I went 100% stake on the tokens I've received so far. I might have to sell if by Friday the token is still doing well to buy SPS to get more GLX.

It's exciting times around here despite the market crash.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, I'd have gone for that too, but I was thinking it's going to be better to squeeze out more value this way, anyways, let's see how it going. This looks exciting already.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am also doing a similar strategy because I don't think prices will hold up. It just makes sense to sell now and buy back later when it's cheaper. At the same time, I could also decide to build a deck with the extra profit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, this is the same with me, I don't think the price will hold, so I think selling to buy back will make a lot of sense though. Well, I'm using the extra profit to buy hive. I'm hoping hive might go up in value when I plan to buy back.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It could but I am just skeptical about it because the sports leagues are involved with it. So it just seems like a way to funnel money out to the team owners and those running the leagues.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

Good luck on that. I don't think I will bother too much and just do what I want to do. From what I see, it's hard enough to manage time lately since work keeps me busy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I got a mixed strategy, stake everything for aidrop, but sell everything I claim for glx staking into Hive to power up. One year of goodness.

That's one of hell of a sophisticated strategy there, I haven't even thought of that, wow. Way to go

I need to get this done. Thanks for the reminder.

Welcome, the decision gets better when it's done quicker

A lot of people are selling now with the plan to buy back. I believe the price will still go up and by that time I will be in a good position to sell but which way it is a win-win for us all

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well that's a well calculated plan there, you're right though. In the buying back process, the price will probably still rise.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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