
in THE 2020slast year

America could end the war in Ukraine. Trump could do it said the leader of Hungary. We just need peace with Russia. We also need to stop NATO, EU, UN, WEF, UK, the Vatican, China, etc.

Hawaii fires was caused by energy weapons. Not a natural fire. Blue cars did not burn up. Other color cars did burn up. There were no trees in some of the places where the fire was. How can fire hop from one place to another place? It was city that got on fire, not a forest. Not a bunch of trees. Government partnered with other parties were involved in covering up the details. It's similar to the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, the California fires, and 9/11.

Rubert Murdoch is the reason FOX NEWS is so against Trump and why they refuse to talk about geoengineering, how blue cars were not caught on fire in Hawaii, the killer Covid Vaccines. Laura Loomer is on fire with everything she is doing.

WE WILL NOT COMPLY!!! Trump is putting everybody on notice, federal funding, support, will be cut from schools and businesses who have mask, lockdown, or vaccine mandates. There are different batches. Some may be less deadly. Some may be closer to like a placebo effect kind of thing. Covid vaccines caused blood clots, heart attacks, brain seizures, autoimmune diseases, etc. These vaccines are potentially killing billions before 2030 slowly.

1495/ I assumed people were on my page, that people defined words like I would, that they saw the world like I did, I made assumptions, some home school students might at least get where I'm coming from, I was gullible, blind, ignorant, arrogant, tunnel-vision, busy, OPINIONATED.

For more information about me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, please check out my about me page:



My Spicy 2022 Snapchat Content Scam

August | 2023
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31



They'll make you wear masks until you say no.

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-08-30 - Wednesday | Published in August of 2023





In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.



INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg


Twitter Tweets

12:35 AM

America could end the war in Ukraine. Trump could do it said the leader of Hungary. We just need peace with Russia. We also need to stop NATO, EU, UN, WEF, UK, the Vatican, China, etc.


2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg


Discord Drama

2023-08-30 - Wednesday - 12:08 PM - Discord Log.

I want to punish trolls after they do crimes. Ian Oat Box however prefers not rewarding trolls in order to prevent the crimes in the first place. I punished trolls by demoting them. But then Ian promoted Socks. Maybe Socks is not as bad as some of them. I like to give them opportunities to change. I'm still learning how to use Discord. One major problem is Discord has a manage roles permission. It seems that people with this power has the ability to edit the specific permissions of roles under them or at least that is my educated guess regarding what happened. Other people in Discord forums and on Reddit complain that Discord has bad setting options, this is a major example of how retarded Discord is as a website. They could easily tweak it to make it better. I'm not the only person on the Internet complaining about Discord. Other server owners are pissed too. Why did I say this Discord server is only for 18 year olds or older? I am trying to say it is not my fault if kids join, this is called legal liability protection. I do not encourage children to join my groups because I'm not a pedophile. I'm sick and tired of the fake news about me. I used to work at camps, ministries, churches, and schools where I worked with children and teens on and off for like seven plus years. People know me. But trolls have been calling me a pedo since at least the year 2013 or longer. No matter what I do and say, people will continue to lie about me. They will continue to spread fake news about me. But I have told everybody the truth about me many times for decades. I say I will be a martyr to put myself in a win-win situation. They should not want to get me because they don't want to turn me into one. But if they do, I hope people continue my legacy after I'm gone. Either way, Original Oatmeal continues. Win Bigly. This is why they didn't kill Trump yet. But some of them are trying to murder Trump and others. That's bad. But some of them don't care. Some of them are too crazy to think it through. I love it when Alex Jones says he does not want to brag. It's like when Kanye West told Taylor Swift she was cool but that Beyonce had some of the best songs of all-time. I love it when people do these things. I love Beyonce music. I love Taylor Swift and Kanye West as well. If you like it, then you better put a ring on it. Who rules the world, girls. I love Beyonce so much, I put her in my music videos. Do I have to show you my videos? Ian added, Kanye West: "I'mma let you finish," but "Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time!" Truth be told, long story short, I'm doing better now than ever before in my life in many ways. And this is why you have more power than Roy. I have never heard Roy say he was worried about my family.

02:02 PM
Ian wrote: "What I want you to do is stop endangering your family." Two questions to that. First, what did I do to endanger my family? Second, how do I fix it?

02:08 PM
Trolls had cops swat my house. So, it's a terrible situation. There are bad people out there. I am sorry about the crazy people out there.

02:10 PM
Roy, I already wrote many books worth of material. Roy, are you telling me to delete my blogs and videos? Roy the owl. I endangered my family because I talk too much? Do we want to tackle the first question or the second question, first being how I got here and the second being how I get out of this mess, I say let's talk about the first one. Last night, I published my Snapchat article. There are different definitions to nude art. However, the problem is people conflate between the different types. Rather than clarify which type I did, I would rather say you can't see my Johnson in my 2022 Snapchat content. I did not say what I did was art but I did say it was a sequel to the 2009 movie, Spaceman & Diaper Boy starring Lincoln Hawk and Oatmeal Joey Arnold at a Salvation Army church in Long Beach, California. People want to say what I did was bad while ignoring Hunter Biden who did the same thing. I made the 2022 Snapchat Content to troll, scam, spam, market, trick. I'm a big troll. I'm a big scam artist. I get people to think I'm crazy. Then I get to tell everybody I'm not. But even if I didn't do that, they would still say I was crazy. I do things to make points and to get people to talk about me. Unlike Hunter Biden, I don't have dick pics. Roy, even if I deleted all my blogs, social media, websites, blockchain, content, videos, photos, articles, posts, emails, everything that I could possibly access on computers, phones, devices, apps, machines, online, offline, if I deleted myself off the Internet, people have copies of my stuff, they'll upload my content like Kathy Bike did on TikTok recently, the trolls will still call me a pedo which I'm not, people will still lie about me, fake news will still run around about me, even after I'm dead, there is nothing I can do can stop the haters from hating me, period. What did I do to get here? I think you want to say SnapChat. But that was 2022. Had I asked you this question in 2021, what would you say? Roy, you made a GIF of me from a photo making it look like I was jerking off. Roy committed legal defamation against me when he made that GIF. I don't know what Roy wants me to do. I asked Roy what he might say about my problems in 2021 and Roy is changing the subject. Roy, people started calling me pedo at least by 2013 or earlier, what was I supposed to do about that? The judge is here. Roy, in 2013, if I asked you what do I do, everyone is calling me a pedo, what do you say Roy? Roy, you don't realize how far back this goes. Around 1991, kids tore my clothes off, people abused me. Also around that time, I might have been sort of raped in a sense. You say you know me but you don't understand how many bullies came at me since the 1990s, these thirty plus years since then. When I study my life, I see so many sequences of events interconnected like a web. I posted private content on my own private account, I did not send it to people. But people went there and stole the content from me. Period. I did not tell anybody I posted the content on my wall on SnapChat. I did not tell anybody to go there and look at it. The topic of how I got here is a big one. I would love Roy to talk about how I got here. Roy, I didn't post PlayGirl content in 2013. Roy, are you Stefan Molyneux, are you looking for an origin to the spiral? Roy, how do I get out of the circle? I asked Roy how I get out of my time-loop. He brought up Ground Hog Day. That reminds me of the Matrix, Star Trek Next Generation, Black Mirror, Coraline, The Truman Show starring Jim Carrey, Tom Cruise was in a time loop movie, Roy mentioned The Triangle, and the list goes on and on, so many movies, shows, etc. But I think this is not specific enough. Ian, please let me know how to stop endangering my family. You're not being specific. Roy, same thing. Be specific. We can skip the first question for now regarding how I got here. You know I can talk for thousands of hours talking about how I got here in the first place. But let's focus on how I can get out. Roy said say less or something like that. But I already said a lot. So, that is not relevant. I don't know what Ian wants me to do. All I know is Roy wants me to say less. Imagine if I stopped talking to Roy. Would Roy be happy I wonder. That's the weird irony. I feel like Roy wants me to interact with him. But how can I if Roy also wants me to say less at the same time, I do not get it, I do not understand. That's not to say I'm not making small changes slowly over the course of many years. But I would rather not talk about some of those changes right now. I encourage people to give me feedback, concerns, criticism, encouragement, questions, answers, advice, problems, opinions, feelings, facts, beliefs, thoughts, ideas, suggestions, theories, rumors, hearsay, etc. If you're specific enough in what you say to me, then I could perhaps make specific responses. I could reject or accept. I could let you know my thoughts and decisions. I can tell you my opinions and my plans. The problem is if you're too vague and general in what you say, then it can sometimes become more challenging to tackle, to deal with. Just ask me specific questions. Be more direct with what you say. I might respond more specifically. Otherwise, what's the point? Roy said say less. That is however too vague of a concept. I reject that vague concept. I'm doing the opposite. I'm saying more and more. But bring it on. Tell me more. And I will let you know if I reject or accept it. It's that simple.

06:07 PM
1488/ I've not emphasized on CHANGES I'm making over the years, the older I get the more strategic I become, I would go out of my way to not talk about my EVOLUTION, I don't want to CONFLATE between PRINCIPLES and PROGRAMS. I'm still in a bit of limbo in regards to some STRATEGY. 1489/ I'm looking for PARTNERS who want to help with the PROJECTS to continue the LEGACY of OATMEAL with or without me, there may be some SUPPORT from a few to various degrees, more people will be coming. But sooner is better than later. You'll be here someday. Why not now? 1490/ Two major things I did. First, I talked about the bad I did. Second, however, most of the time, I talked about the bad others do. I've done more of the latter over the former. I've talked about why I did. I probably do other things too. But these are possibly the top two. 1491/ I'm thinking of writing articles about how I would fail meaning FAILURE is a giant theme in my life, I may have talked a little about that. Blame can be placed on me regarding FAILING. In the past, I would try to avoid talking about the bad I did, mistake or otherwise. 1492/ I feel like I'm in LIMBO right now because I have a million things I want to do right now, I'm trying to decide which things are more important, which PROJECTS should be TACKLED first, I'm strategizing, it might be PARALYZING at times, I can talk all day about MADNESS. 1493/ I've talked about the bad I did before but perhaps I should put out better articles and videos and everything else spelling out the bad I did more and more. Long story short, I've decided in the past not to talk too much about the bad I did. I could talk about that as well. 1494/ I confess I've done a bad job at explaining myself, many reasons why. I've been becoming more aware of it. I've talked about trying to clean up my Internet History and my life in general. I wanted to put out my SPIN, I mean my side of the story. That's a purpose to ACTIONS. 1495/ I assumed people were on my page, that people defined words like I would, that they saw the world like I did, I made assumptions, some home school students might at least get where I'm coming from, I was gullible, blind, ignorant, arrogant, tunnel-vision, busy, OPINIONATED. 1496/ Not to say I'm not still these things. But half the battle is in being aware of your weaknesses. I didn't want to talk about my faults if that means ignoring the sins conflicted by others. When I brought up INJUSTICES, people changed the subject by talking about my FAULTS. 1497/ Believe it or not, I'm making small GRADUAL changes in my life, over the years I've made some TRANSITIONS. I might be ACCELERATING in some of these ALTERATIONS. I don't want to make too many changes all at once. I make subtle steps in my EVOLUTION. It's critical to be SLOW. 1498/ My beef with Roy was the shirts are a bridge unto a half-built CITY of OATMEAL. Sadly, not too many people seem to be wearing the shirts. If I was Roy, I would have websites selling the shirt. If you're going to have a shirt, why not promote it everywhere? But is it time? 1499/ Which came first, the oatmeal egg or the oatmeal chicken, I feel like I can't have A until I have B and that I cannot have B until I have A, a paradox of at least 2 variables relating to the shirts, projects, bridges, hard drives, websites, trailers, promos, intros, etc. 1500/ I spent time online talking about what I like and dislike, much of it might have allegedly been negative. Actions I take in life are taken from a puzzle of a mind within, it's hard to explain. I've felt rushed for 20+ years. I always felt like I was super DROWNING. 1501/ I'm often not focused enough on major offline PROJECTS because I worry about some of my Internet related PROJECTS which does CORRELATE with offline PROJECTS. This DISTRACTION is a tough one for me, a major concern. I'm stuck in a BLENDER of CONFUSION and much more too. 1502/ I'm not saying I don't get help but I've felt like a one-man band juggling kittens, too many cooks, spinning plates, I'm not saying my feelings are rooted in fact, I'm saying my unreliable emotions felt OVERWHELMED, I've felt too ABANDONED, spread too thin among PROJECTS. 1503/ Two major differences between me and many people. First, I can't get rid of the EVIDENCE of my PAST. Second, even if I could, I wouldn't. Instead, I try to pin COMMENTARY to explain my PAST. I'm trying to put DISCLAIMERS at the bottom of each POST from my AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I disabled the ability for most to ping, to mention anybody. Ian shared this. Socks wrote: "On this fine day, 2 Dominos pizzas were sent to Joey's house. One was deemed edible, and the other Inedible. Aka no crust, no sauce, and mushrooms for the inedible one. Joey saw this and was so fucking mad, he banned over 40+ people for being even slightly associated with XBK or saw's friend group, which he calls "SS" or Saw's gang. More Sodas and Pizzas are being ordered every day to his house, until he finally gets so mad he gets off of discord and gets out of his parent's house and gets a job for once. Someone ordered the first pizza, which was still edible and then Socks (a real nigga, member of saw's gang) ordered another pizza which was literally inedible. Niggas on fear factor wouldnt even try to eat that shit. Now that there wouldn't have pissed Joey off so much, if it wasn't for them actively saying that they did it. What happened was, That someone and socks both sent proof that they were the ones ordering the pizzas to Joey, so he went crazy, lost his mind and then proceeded to ban everyone. He apparently reported me to the FBI and wants them to arrest me, and saying that this is defamation and lying. He banned everyone from XBK and "Saw's gang", like even if you were even slightly associated with XBK or "saw's gang", you got banned. Over 40 people were banned and that is probably not the final amount. Joey never banned anyone and we all fucked and messed with him, because he was an autistic retard, but the tides turned today when a huge ban wave came around and he banned everyone that was against him. His server will eventually be nuked for the fourth time, or other niggas like us will discover it, or it will just fall into irrelevancy and die out, as Joey's mental health dwindles. I still have over 5 alt accounts set up in his server and I'm actively monitoring everything. Keep in mind that Admin role has the same perms as the Mod role, Which makes it have no point. If you're going to try to nuke his server, good luck." B3njamin sent me a photo one time, it looked like an Asian kid kind of like Socks is, maybe the same person. Forward basically said whether Oatmeal lays low for the rest of his life or not, more pizza will be stolen, more cops will be swatting Oatmeal, more fake nudes will be created, more identity theft, and more attempted stolen fake credit cards, that there is nothing Oatmeal can do about it, that Oatmeal might as well pretend it never happened because it will happen again and again in the future at random times no matter what meaning Oatmeal might as well go back to making videos and back to inviting people to his Discord server, blog, and Twitter X.

11:38 PM
Flopper is addicted to me. He's always STALKING my Twitter like a CREEP. He's saying I'm not allowed to be on social media. People like Flopper love to lie about me. They'll lie about this post even. You can choose to fall for Flopper's lies if you'll gullible to not RESEARCH it.

11:55 PM
A lawyer's take. Was it ok for the guy to throw the other guy into the water? Lawyer said yes.



2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


02:13 AM - Ecency
Hawaii fires was caused by energy weapons. Not a natural fire. Blue cars did not burn up. Other color cars did burn up. There were no trees in some of the places where the fire was. How can fire hop from one place to another place? It was a city that got on fire, not a forest. Not a bunch of trees. Government partnered with other parties were involved in covering up the details. It's similar to the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, the California fires, and 9/11.

06:31 PM
Rubert Murdoch is the reason FOX NEWS is so against Trump and why they refuse to talk about geoengineering, how blue cars were not caught on fire in Hawaii, the killer Covid Vaccines. Laura Loomer is on fire with everything she is doing.

06:36 PM
WE WILL NOT COMPLY!!! Trump is putting everybody on notice, federal funding, support, will be cut from schools and businesses who have mask, lockdown, or vaccine mandates.

08:31 PM
There are different batches. Some may be less deadly. Some may be closer to like a placebo effect kind of thing. Covid vaccines caused blood clots, heart attacks, brain seizures, autoimmune diseases, etc. These vaccines are potentially killing billions before 2030 slowly.

08:36 PM
Never mind McDonald's. Here's my favorite mac.

08:42 PM
Tuesday Night Main Event is a great show.

Love In Motion

2023-08-30 - Wednesday - 10:30 PM - My 2002 Log.

The 2002 Winter Youth Celebration (WYC) was from Friday, the 28th of December of 2002, through to Monday, the 30th. I attended WYC with my HFBC youth group a total of two times as in two different years. I loved WYC. Quiet hours was from midnight to 06:30 AM. Here is a general outline of WYC as follows. There is more info on my name tag which had the schedule on it. I might copy more of it here. But for now, this is what I wrote.

2002-12-27 - Friday - 09:00 AM PST - Registration started at like hotel place in Portland, Oregon. I lived at home in FG. I went with my HFBC church youth group. This might have been my first year attending. I also attended probably in December of 2003 as well. Or maybe 2001 was my first time attending. Registration went until 01:00 PM, we probably arrived before that and it takes probably less than 3 hours to get there or about an hour if you're driving fast enough with no traffic. But in total I say less than 3 hours including from the time I left my house, I either got a ride or took the bus. We met at the church probably After that, we wait for everyone to show up. We hop in vans. There were around 20 of us teens including adults. Maybe a little more than 20. Not sure exactly. Probably over 10 teens. Maybe closer to 20 teens. Plus like 5 or more adults. Rough estimates. I went with this youth group to the ski retreat two times in January 2 different years. We also had other events too. I remember people like Naomi, April, youth pastor Ryan Cruz, Cherry, etc. My HCBC church youth group of WOL and WOLBI might have been my favorite but HFBC was possibly my 2nd favorite youth group.

2002-12-27 - Friday - 01:30 PM - 03:15 PM - General Session.
2002-12-27 - Friday - 06:30 PM - 08:15 PM - General Session.

2002-12-28 - Saturday - 09:00 AM - Getting Alone.
2002-12-28 - Saturday - 10:45 AM - General Session
2002-12-28 - Saturday - 06:30 PM - 08:15 PM - General Session.

2002-12-29 - Sunday - 09:00 AM - Getting Alone.

2002-12-30 - Monday - 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM - Shifting Gears.
2002-12-30 - Monday - 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM - Closing Session.

Rose Grove

2023-08-30 - Wednesday - 10:30 PM - My 1983 Log.

1983-12-07 - A check for $140.35 for space 163 rent via the United States National Bank of Oregon paid from our previous address of 18215 SW Pilkington 639-7931, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034, paid to the Rose Mobile Estates, paid by my parents. This may have been one of the first months we lived there or we moved in as early as like October. But at least around December of 1983 it seems according to this check.

My mom's mom

2023-08-30 - Wednesday - 10:57 PM - Marilyn Morehead Log.

1966-03-13 - Dwana Morehead became a member of the First Presbyterian church in Roseburg, Oregon. The pastor was John E. Adams. The paper said it was a letter of transfer which I think means to transfer membership from one church to another church. Perhaps she was previously a member of a church in Beaverton or other cities too. The paper did not say Jesus is God and did not mention the Trinity.

Spokeanne to Portland

2023-08-30 - Wednesday - 11:06 PM - My 1980 Log.

1980-03-01 - U-Haul truck was taken out, it was due back on the 5th. It got back on the 2nd day of March of 1980. This was almost 4 months before Katie, their first born, was born. Katie is my older sister, the oldest of the 4 siblings, born to my parents. My parents married on the 8th day of March of 1980. Mom was living in Spokane for a few years after her first husband, Ron Hunter, who was a cop, left her. He ended up with a woman who couldn't have children unlike my mom apparently. Dad was already living in Portland. Mom was moving to Portland to start a family with my dad as she was already pregnant with Katie. They ended up moving to 1431 SE 142 RD PL, Portland, OR 97633. Phone number: 327-5122. They paid $346.60 total. A smaller previous total of $292. A previous total before that was $264. Also, $40 in refunds. But out of that was a $16.30 fee (for the 14.9 gallons of gas refill charge) which reduced the refund total to $23.70. Total miles allowed was 421 and 25 cents per mile over that limit. Calculate how many gallons equals how many miles to calculate the total miles for this trip.

Tenth Birthday

2023-08-30 - Wednesday - 11:23 PM - My 1995 Log.

1995-02-11 - I got a birthday card from my AWANA Sparks leader, Peggy LeClairs. This was my tenth birthday.
1995-04-06 - I spelled words like bell, key, gate, egg, fork, knife, fox, eye, ear, cat.
1995-04-08 - I spelled words like horn, corn, join. Around this month or whenever it was, I drew people fighting, some were holding money like bank robbers or whatever.




Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Soros Caravan Wings Judy Judge 2018 Nov 4th Sun Road Vans proxy.duckduckgo.com.png

Ahsoka 103

2023-08-30 - Wednesday - 01:28 AM - Ahsoka 103

Ahsoka teaches Sabine the old Luke Skywalker fight while blind trick. Whales. Star battle.

Enterprise 101

2023-08-30 - Wednesday - 02:20 AM - 2001 Star Trek Enterprise 101

Farm. 100 years before Kirk. A century before Captain Kirk's five-year mission, Jonathan Archer captains the United Earth ship Enterprise during the early years of Starfleet, leading up to the Earth-Romulan War and the formation of the Federation. Genetic engineering. This came out a week or two after 9/11.


Here is a list of what I'm watching

Ahsoka 103

2023-08-30 - Wednesday - 01:28 AM - Ahsoka 103

Enterprise 101

2023-08-30 - Wednesday - 02:20 AM - 2001 Star Trek Enterprise 101

11:45 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 8/30/23 • PASTOR RODNEY HOWARD-BROWNE, News, Reports & Analysis

04:54 PM
LOVE MY GIRL SILK!!!🥰🥰🥰 Niggas For Trump

04:58 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Wednesday 8/30/23 • MIKE LINDELL - THE PLAN FOR ELECTIONS - News & Analysis

05:45 PM
Timcast IRL - Tucker Carlson Says Democrats Will Start WW3 With Russia To STOP TRUMP w/Joshua Smith

Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:25 AM. Forget dreams but something about ordering food and orange juice at a restaurant, sat next to a girl but was not talking to her. 2 large ladies working there including the cook, may have been composites of people I know in real life. Mom was there for a second. I thought about ordering rice with spicy orange chicken. Or maybe eat at home cuz food is expensive. Then end. Breakfast, 11:40 AM. Lunch, 02:00 PM. Filled up front yard bird feeder a bit. Mom watched an episode of the Dick Van Dyke show where he shows the class at his son's school what he does as a writer and the teacher thought he was funnier than the people on the show. Another episode is where they are in court and he is interacting with a girl on the stand and the judge did not like it. Compost. Mail. Dishes. Dinner, 05:00 PM. Dishes around 07:30 PM. More dinner, 08:21 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, 11:40 AM. Lunch: soup on soup, 02:00 PM. Dinner: milk, soup on bread, 05:00 PM. Spaghetti, 08:21 PM.