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RE: Show Me A Photo Centest Round 36 - Bird Eye

in Feathered Friends β€’ 3 years ago

Oh how I would love to have eyes like an eagle, because then I wouldn't need my glasses to see if a photo I have taken is sharp or not 😁
I would love to once get as close to a bird of prey as you, but as I have already told quite a few times: I'm too slow for birds 🀣

!BEER and !WINE - both make a nice dinner with !PIZZA :)

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Getting rid of glasses would be spectacular, excuse the pun.

Birds do rest in trees, need stealth mode and patience sometimes, I know you don't enjoy waiting too long!

!PIZZA and !BEER Actually coffee time that can come later....

Oh yes, I never believed how valuable sharp eyes are when I was younger, but I wished I had known it.

I'll do my best in future to sit and wait - my parent's garden would be perfect 😁

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Parents garden would be ideal with trees and water close to hand, must be plenty of bird life in there, patience it takes time.

We really don't appreciate young healthy bodies and eyesight, then it is too late with glasses perched on the end of the nose!


Yep, it's kind of ideal, but we don't have as many birds around as you have.

Our parents have told us that it's not good to read when it's too dark, and I was told later that sitting at the computer monitor all night long will ruin my eyes. I didn't listen because my eyes were sharp as eagle eyes. I am telling my kids the same and they don't listen ... one day they will know.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Plenty of birds in Austria, one has to stop long enough to wait for them.

Perhaps coffee each morning in the garden, wait, listen, look, photograph.... just a suggestion LOL!

Glasses only for reading, yes years behind computer screens I am sure did not help nor reading books in half-light, but we knew better right!

I should "stop long enough" and "wait" LOL 🀣

But yes, having a coffee while enjoying the morning is able to let even me sit down for a while and be somehow "patient" πŸ˜‰

I need them also only for reading, but it's getting worse.

Cheers and !BEER

Big coffee makes you sit longer....

Squint slightly it comes back into vision 😁

Older years is not for sissies....


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