BITCOIN and the Digital Ruble [eng/срп] БИТКОИН и дигитална рубља

in Deep Dives10 months ago (edited)

Source / Извор: RT News

Yesterday, on July 24th, 2023, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, signed the law on the introduction of the digital ruble into circulation from August 1st of the current year. It has begun…

As explained, this is an additional form of the Russian national currency, which will be issued together with the existing forms of money. Thus, the Russian ruble will now have three forms: cash, non-cash and digital. The digital ruble will be issued by the Central Bank of Russian Federation, and Russian citizens will be able to choose between using the digital ruble or traditional cash and non-cash forms of the national currency.

So it’s CBDC!

What are the other elements of implementation of the first centralized government cryptocurrency?

• Testing of the digital ruble should begin in August, and its spread is expected by 2025.
• Each individual or legal entity will have only one digital wallet in ruble, but these funds will be available through any bank.
• Digital ruble transfers can be made up to 300,000 rubles per month, although there will be no limit within the digital ruble platform itself.
• For citizens, transactions with digital clothes will be free, while merchants will have a maximum commission of 0.3%.
• It will not be possible to earn interest on digital rubles; no interest will be calculated on the funds in the wallets.
• In the future, digital rubles are planned to be used for cross-border payments.

Јуче, 24. јула 2023, председник Руске Федерације Владимир Владимирович Путин, потписао је закон о увођењу у оптицај дигиталне рубље од 1. августа текуће године. Почело је…

Како је објашњено, реч је о додатном облику руске националне валуте, који ће се емитовати заједно са постојећим облицима новца. Тако ће руска рубља сада имати три облика: готовински, безготовински и дигитални. Дигиталну рубљу издаваће Централна банка Русије, а грађани Русије ће имати могућност да бирају између употребе дигиталне рубље или традиционалних готовинских и безготовинских облика националне валуте.

Дакле ЦБДЦ!

Који су још елементи употребе прве централизоване државне криптовалуте?

• Тестирање дигиталне рубље требало би да почне у августу, а њено ширење се очекује до 2025. године.
• Свако физичко или правно лице имаће само један дигитални новчаник у рубљи, али ће та средства бити доступна преко било које банке.
• Трансфери у дигиталним рубљама могу се извршити до 300.000 рубаља месечно, мада неће бити ограничења унутар саме платформе за дигиталне рубље.
• За грађане ће трансакције са дигиталном рубљом бити бесплатне, док ће трговци имати провизију од највише 0,3%.
• Неће бити могуће зарадити камату на дигиталним рубљама; на средства у новчаницима неће се обрачунавати камата.
• У будућности се планира да се дигиталне рубље користе и за прекогранична плаћања.

Russian ruble goes digital at Rumble. Duration / Трајање: 3:45


Russian ruble goes digital at Odysee. Duration / Трајање: 3:45


Russian ruble goes digital at Bastyon. Duration / Трајање: 3:45


IMF terrified

The concept has its pros and cons. The main ‘sales pitch’ argument of the CBDC idea in Russia was the possibility of direct payment transactions with foreign entities, without the possibility of any obstacles or sanctions. It’s true. This Russian initiative clearly indicated that we no longer need banks, SWIFT, or the IMF… And the IMF reacted in full panic mode:

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has come out strongly against granting cryptocurrencies “official currency or legal tender status,” according to an official statement on digitalization last week.

ММФ ужаснут

Концепт има добре и лоше стране. Основни аргумент за ‘продају’ идеје ЦБДЦ-а у Русији била је могућност директног платног промета са иностранством, без могућности било каквих препрека или санкција. Истина је. Руска иницијатива јасно је указала да нам више нису потребне ни банке, ни СВИФТ, ни ММФ… И ММФ је реаговао панично:

Међународни монетарни фонд (ММФ) оштро се успротивио давању статуса „званичне валуте или законског средства плаћања“ криптовалутама, наводи се у званичном саопштењу о дигитализацији прошле недеље.


Truth be told, this bandit group is concerned about their global monopoly on determining what their currency should be worth. This Putin signature sent them into inglorious history.

Истини за вољу, ова разбојничка скупина забринута је за свој глобални монопол у одређивању колико чија валута треба да вреди. Овај Путинов потпис отпремио их је у неславну историју.

Source / Извор: RT News

The road to hell is paved with the best of intentions

Whatever advantages of a digital ruble are taken – cheap and fast transactions, crime prevention, foreign payments without sanctions – it is always just a lure for people to accept the system. And there, unfortunately, the negative sides strongly prevail. Most important: A centralized digital currency cannot be secured and will certainly be under constant hacking attack by foreign services. But, someone will say, isn’t blockchain secure? The problem is that nothing centralized can be a blockchain. If there are not five blockchain pillars standing, then there is no real blockchain, but only a propaganda label.

Worst of all – sooner or later, a centralized digital currency will reveal its true face and become a ruthless tool of totalitarian control, no matter which country it is. Is it possible to get out of this vicious circle?

Пут до пакла поплочан је најбољим намерама

Шта год се од предности дигиталне рубље потегне – јефтине и брзе трансакције, спречавање криминала, иноплаћање без санкција – то је увек само мамац да људи систем прихвате. А тамо, нажалост, негативне стране жестоко претежу. Најважније: Централизована дигитална валута не може се обезбедити и свакако ће бити под сталним хакерским нападом страних служби. Али, рећи ће неко, зар блокчеин није безбедан? Проблем је у томе што ништа централизовано не може бити блокчеин. Ако не стоји пет блокчеин стубова, онда нема истинског блокчеина, већ је у питању само пропагандна етикета.

Најгоре од свега – пре или касније, централизована дигитална валута откриће своје право лице и постати немилосрдно средство тоталитарне контроле, ма о којој се држави радило. Може ли се из овог зачараног круга изаћи?

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Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

* * *

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"Is it possible to get out of this vicious circle?"

It is always possible to be out of something you never get in. I am prepared and acting to step away from money completely. I am not decrying money, so much as averse to the very complete control very bad actors have over the financial system. Silver coins issued by a trusted entity can be physically examined, weighed, and known to be of a given value. You can defend them with your might and main. Debt coupons borrowed at interest by governments and refunded through taxation absolutely are a vector for fraud, and I have been dodging fiat after several times being defrauded and courts having provided no relief, nor recourse. Criminal justice is well named so.

When it comes to programmable digital currencies, and cryptocurrencies that can be made worthless instantly by simply censoring data on a network controlled by legacy financial entities, I cannot have any confidence my wealth can be secured by that currency. In fact, there is no capability innate to CBDCs that cannot be imbued into the network itself to have the same effect on BTC, Hive, or any cryptocurrency. Most people have not grasped these facts, and many hold these high risk assets that utterly depend on trusting the least trustworthy entities that exist.

I will not depend on such entities again. I am old. It was difficult starting over after I had prepared my retirement and had everything I owned stolen from me by fraud. I doubt I could be restored to my current felicity should such a thing happen again. Until you walk away from your life's work in borrowed socks it is difficult to conceive of the devastating effect it has on you. I hope you never do.

I never will again. The world is run by criminals, and I can not trust them. All title to property most consider wealth depends on their goodwill. What can you do to guard your property and wealth from Citi if they practice fraud? They can buy the judge, and even your lawyers. I store my wealth as goodwill in the hearts of my friends, neighbors, and community, with honest and good people, where it cannot be stolen, taxed, or inflated away. With care and planning I may soon be able to eschew all currency and arrange for goodwill to cover such unavoidable expenses as cannot be avoided. I am uninterested in extravagant wealth, in speculative growth, or compounding usury. I am a simple man, with simple needs, and more than any coin of the realm I care about the love and respect of the good people I care about, and serve as I am able.

This is enough for me for all my days.


Silver coins issued by a trusted entity

There is no ‘trusted entity’ @valued-customer. That is the reason Bitcoin was made.

You have a point, which a cursory consideration of the debasement of Roman currency reveals. However, there are verifiable coinings that can serve, because they are purchased and aren't forced on us by governments, and won't sell if they're not what they are said to be.

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