Self-Assembling Morgellons [eng/срп] Самоспајајући моргелони

in Deep Dives3 years ago (edited)


Since ‘the conspiracy theories’ are being implemented ever faster in real life, let’s try a new game – the game of verification.

What is being done by fact-checking censorship is not a verification, but an attempt to bury the obvious truths with a bunch of lies. A ‘conspiracy theory’ would be something that is not obvious, that must be verified, such as the claim that graphene is found in vaccines. But how many ordinary people even know what graphene is? What is it for and how can it be used? Is there anything in vaccines that can be criminally abused? Let’s look at what scientists who work on this technology say:

Пошто се ‘теорије завере’ све брже остварују у пракси, хајде да покушамо једну нову игру – игру провере.

Оно што се ради фактчекерском цензуром није никаква провера, већ покушај да се очигледне истине затрпају лажима. ‘Теорија завере’ било би нешто што није очигледно, што се мора проверити, као на пример тврдња да се у вакцинама налази графен. Али колико обичних људи уопште зна шта је графен? Чему то служи и како се може искористити? Налази ли се у вакцинама нешто што се може злочиначки злоупотребити? Да погледамо шта кажу научници који се тиме баве:

Duration / Трајање: 4:30


So, they brag that they have already provided a technology called ‘Teslaphoresis’, with remotely controlled self-assembling morgellons. And that it can be used in biomedicine. In vaccines, for example. But how can we know if that technology will be misused? Very easy. To this day, no technology in the West has been invented without first being abused as a weapon. None. Everything was first developed for the war, and then found peacetime applications. Including medicine, which once existed as a science, and has now been taken over by evil clowns like this one here:

Дакле, они се сами хвале да су технологију звану ‘Теслафореза’, са даљински контролисаним самоспајајућим моргелонима већ обезбедили. И да се она може користити у биомедицини. На пример у вакцинама. Али како можемо знати хоће ли та технологија бити злоупотребљена? Врло лако. Ниједна технологија на западу до данашњег дана није измишљена а да најпре није употребљена као оружје. Ниједна. Све се прво развија за рат, па онда налази мирнодопске примене. Укључујући и медицину, која је као наука некад постојала, а сад су је преузели зли кловнови као овај овде:


That false, criminal ‘medicine’ is now destroying with its vaccines the natural antibodies that protect our body from disease. How do we know that? This was announced by the Red Cross of the United States, looking for blood donors who have not been vaccinated, because the vaccinated can no longer donate blood!

Та лажна, злочиначка ‘медицина’ сад вакцинама уништава природна антитела која штите наш организам од болести. Како то знамо? То је саопштио Црвени Крст САД, тражећи даваоце крви који нису вакцинисани, јер вакцинисани више не могу да дају крв!

Severe blood shortage-2021-07-31_105931.jpg

You can read more about graphene oxide and covid vaccines in the text posted by our @richq11 under the title “The devil is in the details”. Of course you need to verify that one too. The real conspiracy theory that a 5G network is necessary for the activation of graphene oxide is constantly running through the texts. Not true. Anyone who invented technology can, just like Tesla many years ago when the 5G network was not even in the imagination, activate it with the third or fourth generation, radio waves, radars, Elon Musk’s ‘Starlink’ network (which is not 5G) and everything else that can emit variable frequencies. The 5G network has never been a problem – the problem was how to scare people so much that you can inject the poison into their bodies with their consent!

When you receive the vaccine of the Big Pharma corporations, for whose safety there are no guarantees whatsoever, you have left your life in the hands of criminals. What do you think they will do with it?

Више о графен оксиду и ковид вакцинама можете прочитати у тексту који је поставио наш @richq11 под насловом „Ђаво је у детаљима“. Наравно да и то треба да проверите. Стално се кроз текстове провлачи права теорија завере да је за активирање графен оксида неопходна 5Г мрежа. Није истина. Онај ко је технологију смислио, може баш као и Тесла пре много година кад 5Г мреже није било ни у машти, да активирање изврши трећом или четвртом генерацијом, радио таласима, радарима, Масковом ‘Старлинк’ мрежом (која није 5Г) и свиме осталим што може да емитује променљиве фреквенције. Никад није проблем била 5Г мрежа – проблем је како уплашити људе толико да им можете убризгати у тело тај отров уз њихов пристанак!

Кад примите вакцину најкрупније фармакомафије за чију безбедност нема никаквих гаранција, препустили сте свој живот у руке злочинцима. Шта мислите, шта ће они с њиме чинити?

Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

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Thank you very much, @ecency

The video in this link explains the role of graphene oxide in the vaccines very well as well as confirms its presence

An excellent testimony, @richq11. Have you been posting this link in your Hive texts, or intend to send it?

I'm sending it to people in comments, it really needs to get out there

If you are going to post it, I’ll be glad to reblog. If you don’t intend to post it, then I’ll find the context to post it.

I think I'm going to do a short post tomorrow that includes it plus a short video that simplifies the Covid/vaccine situation

My twitter account got locked/blocked for tweeting out
@richq11 with “The devil is in the details” and another
odysee video about graphene oxide.😜
The 5G network has never been a problem is wrong to say.
The raising of the frequencies from 3G to 4G/5G happened
for a reason...but it could be right, that 3G/4G or
other millimeter waves could "activate" or "work" with
graphene (oxide) together, too...
Graphene (oxide) is conductive...

Twitter blocks.jpg

The story of 5G is a diversion from a real culprit – Elon Musk. Starlink is a military technology, and you have a clear link between Musk’s work on a ‘brain implant’ and forming a network of satellites that will be able to emit certain frequencies.

5G scare story is aimed against China which has acquired a substantial technology advantage, but for the implementation of 5G network it will take a decade or more, so it is not useful for this purposes. Starlink is already in place…

Thanks for the hint...i had a look on starlink...a f...nightmare...
Musk wants to put up to 42000 satellites..!?
Still, the conductivity of graphene (oxide) will work with whatever system...
I heard that they only "checking" right now, how much graphene they can put into humans...before they...

You are welcome, @luca1777. Keep fighting.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 67 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @lighteye, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

I think 5g is a problem. But that is a whole deep dive id rather not get into right now.

But I agree about the vaxx from Big Jabbo inc. Who trusts a corrupt government and their corrupt corporate friends? I guess 50% of the world...