Ladies of Hive Community Contest #143

in Ladies of Hivelast year
Authored by @nainaztengra

W E L C O M E 
TO THE 143rd EDITION of the

This is a contest from our community to you, women empowering each other both on the blockchain and in Discord! A place we love and where Hive is alive. If you haven't joined our discord yet, an invite can be found by clicking on the first banner under this post!

¡Este es un concurso de nuestra comunidad para ustedes, mujeres que se empoderan unas a otras tanto en blockchain como en Discord! Un lugar que amamos y donde Hive está presente. Si aún no se ha unido a nuestra discordia, puede encontrar una invitación haciendo clic en el primer aviso publicitario debajo de esta publicación.

We will award 3 HIVE, 300 Ecency Points, 15 LEO tokens, and 4 QUEERH tokens to the best entry. The Second Place winner will receive 2 HIVE, 150 Ecency Points, 7 LEO tokens, and 3 QUEERH tokens each. Third Place Winners will be granted one HIVE, 50 Ecency Points, a split of the remaining LEO tokens, and 2 QUEERH tokens each.

Otorgaremos 3 HIVE, 300 Ecency Points, 15 tokens LEO, y 4 tokens QUEERH a la mejor entrada. Hasta tres ganadores del Segundo Lugar recibirán 2 HIVE, 150 Puntos Ecency, 7 tokens LEO, y 3 tokens QUEERH cada uno. Ganadores del tercer lugar recibirán una HIVE, 50 puntos Ecency, una división de los tokens LEO restantes, y 2 tokens QUEERH.

An additonal 100 Ecency Points will also be graciously sent to all the winners by witness and developer @sagarkothari88!

Testigo y desarrollador @sagarkothari88 también enviará amablemente 100 Puntos Ecency adicionales a todos los ganadores!

~ for Blingual posts ~

Please place the text of each language together, either in side-by-side columns ~OR~ in adjacent sections! It is harder for our judges to read when there are two or three paragraphs in Spanish, then two or three in English, then two or three more in Spanish, etc. THANK YOU! 😊

PLEASE place the contest number #143
somewhere in your title!

► Also, please link your entry in a comment on this Contest post! ◄

Please support other posts in
the community each week!

It's easier & more fun
when we grow together!


For this week we want to know:

1️⃣ Family holidays are the most exciting times. We women always go that extra mile when it comes to planning our family holidays, whether it is a day or a weekend outing or a long vacation. Like in my home, packing and unpacking the bags is my responsibility and also that I do not trust my boys with it. What are those additional responsibilities that you as a woman carry in your family during your family travels.

~ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 / 𝐎𝐑 ~

2️⃣ Are you fond of travelling? Where was your last family holiday? Share a picture story with a minimum of 5 pictures in which you should be there in at least one of the pictures.

The Hive blockchain uses UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
The contest ends each Saturday at 11:59 PM (23:59) UTC.
You can see the current date/time expressed in UTC here:
• Current UTC
or in our Discord server with the command:  .time

To make sure that your entry is valid, and can not be missed for the contest, please make sure that you follow the RULES:

Para garantizar que su participación sea válida y no se pierda el concurso, asegúrese de seguir las REGLAS:

  • Blog must answer at least one of the questions(or more, if you wish!)
  • El blog debe responder al menos una de las preguntas (¡o más, si lo desea!)
  • Blog must be submitted before the end of day Saturday, July 22, 2023
  • El blog debe enviarse antes del final del día Sábado, 22 de Julio, 2023
  • Blog must be published in 'Ladies of Hive' community
  • El blog debe publicarse en la comunidad 'Ladies of Hive' (Damas de Hive)
  • Blog must be linked in a comment to this post
  • El blog debe estar vinculado en un comentario a esta publicación
  • Blog must be original in order to win
  • El blog debe ser original para poder ganar       
  • Blog must be 200+ words (word count must be met before any translation of your blog!)
  • El blog debe tener más de 200 palabras (el recuento de palabras debe efectuarse antes de cualquier traducción de tu blog!)
  • It is no longer required that you must invite another woman to the community, but you may do so if you wish!
  • Ya no es necesario que invites a otra mujer a la comunidad, ¡pero puedes hacerlo si lo deseas!

Good luck, Ladies!

Questions this week by: @nainaztengra
Judging will be by: @nainaztengra

~ photo at top of this post by Nubia Navarro (nubikini) on ~

All comments written on any LADIES OF HIVE posts receive staked ARCHON tokens along with Feathered Friends and Shadow Hunters posts.

If you are not yet in our Discord server,
please consider clicking the banner below to join us!

LadiesOfHive is a community that focuses on women — their interests, joys, passions, and stories of their journey through life. Not only does our community account @ladiesofhive publish our weekly contests and news, but we also comment and upvote most of the posts that grace our community page. A delegation to @ladiesofhive would enable us to have more flexibility in upvotes that we use to reward and encourage the women that post to our community. If you are interested, you may click the links, below, to delegate via Hivesigner, or use your favorite alternate interface. Thank you for considering a show of support to our community!

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Una nueva semana en el concurso las damas de #Hive. Llegaron las vacaciones de verano y vacaciones escolares comparte estos recuerdos o ¿a donde vamos? Excelente semana para todas. Un abrazo.

A new week in the #Hive ladies contest. Summer holidays and school holidays have arrived share these memories or where are we going? Excellent week to all. A hug. @ladiesofhive

1️⃣ Las vacaciones en familia son los momentos más emocionantes. Las mujeres siempre hacemos un esfuerzo adicional cuando se trata de planificar nuestras vacaciones en familia, ya sea un día, una salida de fin de semana o unas largas vacaciones. Al igual que en mi casa, hacer y deshacer las maletas es mi responsabilidad y también que no le confío a mis muchachos. Cuáles son esas responsabilidades adicionales que tú como mujer llevas en tu familia durante tus viajes familiares.

~ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 / 𝐎𝐑 ~

2️⃣ ¿Te gusta viajar? ¿Dónde fueron tus últimas vacaciones en familia? Comparta una historia de imágenes con un mínimo de 5 imágenes en las que debería estar presente en al menos una de las imágenes.

Promocionando el concurso de las damas de #Hive.

Una nueva semana en el concurso las damas de #Hive. Llegaron las vacaciones de verano y vacaciones escolares comparte estos recuerdos o ¿a donde vamos? Excelente semana para todas. Un abrazo.

Omg, I hope I could join <3

Please do, we look forward to ❤️

Great prompts for the week. Looks like we are going to read travel and or holiday stories from today😊

Looking forward to seeing different parts of the world through these travel blogs ❤️

Excited to have an adventure through travel photos shared by fellow ladies :)

Hi guys, here's my participation for this week's contest #143. Thank you!

Thank you for sharing your heartfelt travel memory with us @lifeblue❤️

Very nice! I look forward to the pictures! Great questions @nainaztengra!

Thank you @elizabethbit, I am also looking forward to seeing some great pictures from around the world ❤️


Good Luck to all the Ladies ❤️❤️

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@nainaztengra, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @ladiesofhive and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/9 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

These are a great questions to answer ladies. Come and join and share your family travel and travel responsibilities.

Thanks for the question @nainaztengra . Here is my participation:

You have shared some very valuable best practices of your travel with us. Kudos to you super woman ❤️

Thank you for the appreciation.

Hi Naina Mam! Thank you for such a beautiful questions 💕
Here is my entry and i try to answer both questions because i love traveling too

That was a wonderful share of your life with your siblings when it comes to travelling.

Yes, it's always a wonderful thing with siblings 💕

It was such a pleasure to read about the special mother daughter moments 💕

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Check out our last posts:

LEO Power Up Day - July 15, 2023

Thanks again for a lovely contest. This one brought inspiration! And here´s my entry for this week.

I am glad you shared your personal story with us along with the travel experience @gejami 💕

Hi, everybody! Here is my entry. I hope you enjoyed reading my article:

<3 <3 <3

It was delightful to see your winter ski pictures and read the story @itravelrox 💕

Thank you, @nainaztengra. I really enjoyed writing this week's prompt. :D

Hi girls✨, I hope you are doing great. Here is the link to my publications. Best regards!🤗. Thank you!

That was a very colorful posts and so delightful to see you all smiling ladies in a joyful and cheerful mood @vero10h

Thank you @nainaztengra it was. We had a great time and it was a beautiful vacation💚.

Thank you for sharing your travel best practices with us @erigm

I haven't traveled for a long time, a bit of a disaster when I think of it. I'm sure there will be some great experiences to read here this week.

There are some real colorful posts that I am coming across and new places to explore through other people's eyes.

Hello lovely ladies, here is my participation for the week

That was a sweet sibling story @mojtee07 💕

Thanks for visiting lady

Hello dear ladies, here I share with you my entry of the week, a hug.💗🤗

Such a wonderful ambiance by the beach side of Puerto la Cruz. Thank you for sharing it with us @yoselyncampos❤️

Nice topics, good luck ladies.

Keep travelling and enjoying the journey of life @evegrace ❤️

Mi tema favorito de los últimos días, los viajes 🤭🤭, así que aquí tienen mi participación ✨

Merida is a beautiful place. Thanx for sharing it with us.

Thank you for sharing your story @soyalex and hold on there girl, soon you will be on a rock and roll with your travelling adventures ❤️

Your checklist is very handy for all the travelers. Thanx for sharing @yris89 ❤️

Thank you for sharing your joys and challenges of life with us @mariajcastro28❤️

Thank you for sharing your story @graciousvic ❤️

Thank you for the amazing topics glad I joined ♥️

Travelling with small children is always very challenging, kudos to you to be managing it all so well @threedotz ❤️

Greetings to all, here is my entry accompanied by a short video with our first family vacation.

Saludos a todos, por aquí les dejo mi entrada acompañada de un video corto con nuestras primeras vacaciones familiares.

It's a very creative video, gives a good glimpse of your entire holiday. Thanx for sharing @chacald.dcymt ❤️

Margarita Island is a beautiful place. Thank you for sharing it with us @doriscova8 ❤️

Hello everyone.
Here I share my participation:

Thank you for sharing your story. I hope that some way works out for you so that you can take a short break for yourself @annafenix ❤️

Hola bellas damas! Acá dejo mi participación de la semana

Thank you for sharing your family holiday pictures with us @chelle0891 ❤️

Gracias a ti por visitar mi publicación ❤️

Travel tasks are always tedious then the travel itself and we woman have to manage them more then the man :-)

Thank you for sharing the lovely family holiday pictures with us @sacra97

They were eight incredible months of sharing a long vacation with the family that I hadn't taken in a long time. Thank you very much for the support and comment, a big hug @nainaztengra

Fueron ocho meses increíbles de compartir en familia unas largas vacaciones que no me había tomado en mucho tiempo. Muchísimas gracias por el apoyo y comentario, un gran abrazo.

Hola bellas damas, estoy emocionada por el tema de esta semana, aqui les comparto mi participacion

You are a very good travel planner @siriromo. Thanx for sharing your family holidays with us

Thanks you very much

Hola a todas, dejaré por aquí el link a mi post. ¡Suerte a todas! 💜 / Hello everyone, I will leave here the link to my post. Good luck to all! 💜

Nuestro último viaje de vacaciones en familia | Our last family vacation trip

Fanily holidays are always fun. Thanx for sharing yours ❤️

Very nice 👍 good luck to all ladies

I wish for ease so that all our wishes are fulfilled this day, for everyone.

With joy, I make my entry this week Ladies, @nainaztengra 🌺🌞✈️

It was delightful to read your travel experience @janitzearratia ❤️

Puerto la Cruz is beautiful place. Thanx for sharing ❤️

Good morning friend, thank you for your visit, yes, Puerto la Cruz is very beautiful😍.

Hello 🙋🏻‍♀️ my entry:

Good luck everyone 🥰

Zoo trips are always favourite ones for children. Thanx for sharing your experience @irenenavarroart ❤️

Thank you very much 🤗

Here is my participation @nainaztengra with this contest made me want to pack my bags.

Your sandy beach holiday pictures are very beautiful. Thank you for sharing @nill2021 ❤️

The beach is one of .is favorite places to go on vacation and the kids love it.

Your holiday experience to Campo Carabobo is a pleasure to read @actioncats ❤️

Your Birthday vacation story is a delight to read. Thank you for sharing @carminasalazarte ❤️

Those are some very sweet memories of your family holiday @estefania3. Thank you for sharing it with us ❤️

Hola hermosas, feliz dia y suerte a todas:)
Por acá les dejo mi participacion:

Thank you for sharing the beautiful rainbow with us @juva ❤️

Thanks to you for commenting, I'm really glad you liked it, Greetings from Venezuela, Happy day <3