The Expected Unexpected

in Reflections9 months ago

It is Autumn School break week and as expected, Smallsteps has gotten ill, just after midnight, to start the holidays. It is par for the course. The "real unexpected" would be if she was healthy for a holiday. It is rare.

This has thrown a few spanners into the works, as while my wife had taken today and Friday off, and myself Thursday and Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday were going to be spent with grandparents. But, she can't go there when she is ill. So, I will take a sick day for part of tomorrow (one of the benefits of Finland is they can be for sick kids), and possibly on Wednesday too, depending on how her recovery goes. Kids tend to get over a flu pretty quickly, whilst they pass it on to everyone else.


After getting about three hours sleep in total last night though, I am a little worn out, but not doing too badly overall. So once I am back from the office, I might even head into the gym.

As mentioned the other day, we have been organizing the office and part of that has been going through "important" papers. There was stuff that I have been lugging around for literally twenty years, because every time I had moved, instead of going through them, I would just move the box, the two boxes, the three boxes... However, there were some treasures.

Related to going to the gym, my wife found a decade-old fitness checkup that we had done at a sports institute. Back in 2013, I weighed 79kg (174lb) kilos and now I weigh 92 (202lb). That is pretty extreme, especially since when I came to Finland in 2003, my weight was around 66kg (145lb). However, at that stage I was quite affected by a chronic stomach disorder.


"Weight" doesn't actually mean that much, but even though I am in relatively okay shape for my age (not fitness), I obviously could lose a few kilograms here and there. However, I also think that if I were to go down to 80, I would probably look pretty good, and very likely, feel much better. So, that is my goal now, and I will try to hit it in the next year or so - which means losing around a kilogram a month.

Unfortunately, this isn't as simple as just diet and exercise, as I am on medications that also affect my weight, or my ability to lose weight. On top of that, I still have the "lack of motivation" problem caused from the stroke. People see motivation as a psychological process, but it seems there is also a physiological aspect to it too, and mine is broken.

It is like a switch has been flicked off and then hit with a hammer.

But, I have been forcing myself to power through regardless in respect to going to the gym and now I am going to have to power myself through my dietary changes, which has always been the hardest for me to manage. It isn't about dieting, it is about sustainable shifts in eating habits, but I have a mouth full of sweet teeth, and it seems they want to eat for two.

I was talking to a colleague today about how ill-prepared our bodies and minds are for the lifestyles we now have available. The foods on offer, the entertainment options, the distractions, the change in work tasks and of course, having everything available all of the time. We aren't made to handle it, but it impacts on us on so many important ways. for most of us, the lifestyles we lead don't facilitate wellbeing and instead make it harder on us.

My colleague was saying how he was the unhealthiest in his life a decade ago, and even though not in the best shape now, has improved a lot. He thinks this might be a "better2 way in some respects, as he gets the sense of improvement, whereas people who were healthier earlier, are feeling the loss. An interesting take perhaps.

I feel the loss.

I am heavier, weaker, less flexible, and slower than I was a decade ago - and I am unlikely to ever return to a point again where I am in as good condition. Even if that condition wasn't great, which was mostly due to illness. However, there are gains that can be made and I have already started seeing results in the couple months of pretty consistent gym sessions. While I don't think it will affect my motivation, I do think it has improved the way I feel about myself.

A decade seems a long time, but it really isn't. Inversely, a kilogram to lose doesn't seem like much. However, gain a kilogram a year for ten years, and losing it becomes a much larger hurdle and takes a lot more work than it would have been to lose it when gained, and then maintaining body function. And, then there is the impact over a decade of increasingly poor physical condition.

Now, this post makes it sound like I am in terrible condition, but that is not rally the case either. It is just that I am nowhere near my potential health if I put in a little effort. Don't worry though, I am not going to be posting daily photos of myself shirtless anytime soon - because I don't crave attention that badly.

No one would want to see that. Not even my wife.

The week ahead has been thrown into some disarray, yet as long as I don't get ill myself, it shouldn't be too bad, and I can catch up on the work I miss next week instead. But more importantly, I don't want to get ill, otherwise I can't go to the gym!


The expected unexpected is still in play.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


The Expected Unexpected. That reminds me of Rumsfeld with his rambling "known unknowns" and "unknown unknowns" speech.


Joking aside, hope she gets well quickly. The flu isn't fun.

Hope you can also figure out some health hacks to help you going forward. I have had a jogging habit since my 20s, and I also walk or cycle about 5km per day to different jobs. But even with all that, I managed to gain weight during the lockdowns and still haven't managed to make much of a dent in losing it. I blame my age. Your brother told me I'm the same age as you, so we can use that age excuse for you too if you'd like ;)

(But I only blame my age jokingly. I hate excuses and don't use them. I am still pushing myself to be healthier)

The Expected Unexpected. That reminds me of Rumsfeld with his rambling "known unknowns" and "unknown unknowns" speech.

Lols. I had completely forgotten about this.

Your brother told me I'm the same age as you, so we can use that age excuse for you too if you'd like ;)


Though I am the same. It isn't an excuse. I was doing okay at the start of the year, but a medication affected it again. Hopefully, I will be able to come off the meds soonish and if I can stay consistent til then, it should give me a decent boost.

I envy people who can jog. I was never a jogger - though when young I could chase a ball all day. It was weird.

I was lucky to lose 7kg while doing the diet before and after the surgery. I will try to stay as I am cause I am sure they will comeback quickly if I do not pay too much attention. now I do not have to keep diet anymore.

It is so much easier to maintain than to lose. Don't let it back!

Hope Smallsteps is well again soon, children do tend to pickup everything, share it then bounce back. Sounds a bit like my brother and I when young, every winter holiday down and out ill, thank goodness we grew out of that!

Putting on weight always difficult to get it back off later, enjoy the gym!

children do tend to pickup everything, share it then bounce back.

It is like they do it for fun.

Putting on weight always difficult to get it back off later, enjoy the gym!

I keep pushing. Though I ended up not making it to the gym tonight. Put Smallsteps to bed instead :)

It's sharing that is the problem...

Best diet I used was my Dad's, eat smaller portions never cut anything out or you hanker after it. Lifestyle more than a diet.

It is good advice. I struggle with the include anything other than sweets!

Thankful I don't have a sweet tooth, mine is totally savoury to salty....

The first two years in Canada, I was sick because of the seasonal changes, and today, having adapted to them and taking the usual precautions for each season, I have managed to cope with the situation. Matthew, my son, has not had any problems in this respect.

Knowing the situation of the little Smallsteps, it is an advantage to be prepared for these times. Blessings to the little girl, who will soon recover.

My niece Gilda, in Venezuela, tells me that there have been many cases of Dengue with gastrointestinal complications, which according to her is a mutant variable.

How long have you been in Canada?
I had no issues for about 6 years, and then I started getting allergies.

My niece Gilda, in Venezuela, tells me that there have been many cases of Dengue with gastrointestinal complications, which according to her is a mutant variable.

I never got dengue thankfully, though it was relatively common in the tropics of Australia too at times. It is not a lot of fun from what I hear.

I have been in Canada for more than 13 years. When you say that you spent six months and then an allergy, were you referring to your stay in Canada or in Finland...?

6 years - in Finland. I was barely ill, had no issues whatsoever - weirdly, it started a month after I had my first ever vaccinations, which I had for a trip to Egypt.

The meds really can have a huge impact on how things go. I think that is what contributes to my wife's struggles. It's depressing to put in all the work and not see the results. I hope smallsteps gets well soon.

Yeah. Genetics too. I have a friend who no matter what she does at the gym and diet, can only lose so much before she plateaus so long she can't keep it up.

It's heartbreaking. Then you see others who do nothing and can lose.

Yeah it is! Especially when they are still fit and strong.

For sure!

I don't know think it's necessarily bad to pick up weight as you get older... Of course not to such an extend that one could consider yourself fat but fat on the tummy rarely says that anyone is particularly out of shape... Oh but what do I know, I've always been just as skinny as I am now!!

Pretty cool that you get to take sick leave for the kiddo.... We don't have that here 😂 although The Betty landed quite a decent job that doesn't require her to go into office at all... That might help us dramatically in the future when the kiddos arrive!

Goodluck with the flu and the whole grandparents situation 👌

Oh but what do I know, I've always been just as skinny as I am now!!


See you in a decade!

Pretty cool that you get to take sick leave for the kiddo.... We don't have that here

Yeah it is good here for that. There are a few social benefits here that I like they have. Like proper parental leave.

That might help us dramatically in the future when the kiddos arrive!

This is a huge benefit of work from home. Also has its downsides :)

My guy!! I'll see you in a decade😂 or perhaps you'll see me 🙄🙄.. Nah I'm getting fitter! So hopefully I don't get consumed by the thoughts of getting into shape and that something other than fat might stick!

I hurt my back the other day and it made me realize that I might be strong in my legs and my arms with the work I do but I have no core strength or atleast my core strength isn't what it's supposed to be... But I'm going to work on that!

but I have no core strength or at least my core strength isn't what it's supposed to be... But I'm going to work on that!

I have a bit the same. Now, I have been mostly doing deadlifts, hip thrusts and core.

Finding motivation to exercise is really difficult. I would suggest going for routine instead. You force yourself to do pushups, squats, etc. in specific times of the day, set an alarm if you have to. If you're in the office, you can hover squat over your seat from time to time, or stand up and do some simple stretches. You can also do some yoga positions when you wake up.

I wish I had the discipline to workout at home. I am terrible at it. I have rubber exercise bands everywhere!

Haha I can relate to that. I would suggest calisthenics or something you can do instantly. Squats, hand grippers, pushups, calf raises, dumbels are some examples. In a boring video call, hand grippers. Feeling sleepy, pop 10 pushups and your adrenaline starts pumping and you're awake. Watching a video and ads come up, do squats. Looking for inspiration for your next post, pace the room while lifting dumbels.

First of all, I hope Smallsteps gets well soon. It can be challenging when children become ill during school breaks or holidays. I hope you can deal with it easily when taking care of her health should be the priority for sure.

Your reflection on your weight and fitness journey should relatable to life cycles. It's common for people's weight and health to fluctuate over the years as they getting older. If I talk about myself, I'm getting good weight in the last four years that I did till then.

When I was so thin as at my younger age, I started to do GYM to gain weight and now that I'm getting it, I do exercises in GYM so I reduce extra fat when I keep gaining weight to my muscles.

Best of luck with your fitness and health goals.

Muscle has never been the problem for me. If anything, I wouldn't mind losing a little muscle in some areas! :D

Sounds cool. :D

Ventilate the room more often, wash your hands with soap several times a day, and maybe take an antiviral medication these days.
Increase your chances of not getting the flu.

I have windows open so much, people complain about how cold it gets! :D

My current point is maintaining the weight. Slowly reducing it and then maintaining it again. This way I don't have to worry about rapid gain and rapid lose. I have reduced sugar and replacing with green items, vegies, fruits that have bitter taste etc. Chia, sunflower seeds etc. I guess maintaining weight and also avoiding the cravings is a difficult stuff.

Sugar is the killer! It makes so many negative impacts on our bodies (in any excess), but we crave it hard.

Get her well soon. I got flu last Monday and it lasted almost a week. I don't remember when I got ill in October last time.

The older we get, the longer it lasts ;)

I remember Smallsteps had asthma.
I hope her health recovers.
And, I hope you good health.

Yes. She has asthma, which gets a bit worse when she has a flu. It isn't terribly bad asthma thankfully.

That is one responsibility parents are required to do which is to look after their kids when ill and am sure smallsteps will be recover and bounce back stronger.

Honestly, this is the first time I am hearing that parents can be sick for kids. I understand but getting a sick leave for such may be difficult here
I feel bad and I hope she gets well soon

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LEO Power Up Day - October 15, 2023

Focusing on nutrition/diet and workouts/activity has been my escape from reality in times when I've recently broken up with a partner. It makes me feel more in control and of course, all the happy hormones released from a good day's workout. In fact, most of the best periods of my life came about when I was putting the effort in to put down the sweets like ice cream and chocolate (I am also afflicted by the sweet tooth) and eat more whole raw foods like fruits, veg, nuts, and beans. It feels good to be back on the grind.

Smallsteps has gotten ill

I hope she is feeling better so she can enjoy her holiday week!