in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Image designed by @projectmamabg

Hello everyone in the hive blockchain. I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying the weather wherever you are. Welcome to my blog.

Frank Baum: “Everything has to come to an end, sometimes”

It is really true that everything has to come to an end, sometimes. There’s always an end to everything whether good or bad.

I was so surprised when star strings announced on the smile discord that last Saturday was our last meeting. The truth is, I never believed I’d make it this far to the end of the initiative. I started the program well, but along the line, I almost tapped out due to school stress and all. Thanks to my consistency and determination, I made it to the end of the program. Hurray!

I remember the first time I got to know about the newbies initiative. I read a post from @nkemakonam89 where she submitted one of her entries to the newbies initiative task. I became really inquisitive. She talked so well about the initiative that I couldn’t hold myself back from making inquiries. I asked around and luckily I got to know about Starstrings who told me I could no longer join the initiative and that I had to wait for the next set.

When the application for the newbie’s initiative program came out, I applied with the hope that I’ll get selected. Luckily I got selected with some other members to be part of the initiative. Not only was I selected, but I was also placed under the care of a very good person, an understanding and ready-to-help team leader.

Throughout the past 7 weeks of the newbies initiative program, my team leader was always ready to help me, and she never for once complained.


As I always say, joining the newbies initiative is one of the best things I ever did since I joined the hive blockchain. When I joined hive recently, I was confused about a lot of things. I made lots of mistakes. Silly mistakes. I remember the first mistake I made; I posted an article without sourcing any images. Now that I remember all the mistakes I’ve made, I smile because I’ve come a long way and gotten better.

The newbies initiative is the best program for newbies on the blockchain. I’ve been on the blockchain for about 5 months now and I’m yet to see a program like the newbies initiative. I’m sure all the members of the newbies initiative can testify to the great work.

Not only are we well equipped with knowledge of the blockchain, but we also learned to grow our account along the line. Joining the initiative will prevent newbies from making mistakes, mistakes that can even lead to dangerous ends.

The newbies initiative program covered all aspects of the blockchain. Covering everything there’s to cover; tags, tokens, dApps, blockchain games, and all. It is just the best.

Before I joined the program, I was this new guy that only cared about writing articles. All I just wanted to do was to write and of course, make money while doing it. But the initiative opened my eyes to a whole lot of things. The program taught me how engagement is very important on the blockchain. One of the fastest ways to gain visibility on the blockchain is through engagement.

The importance of engagement on the blockchain cannot be overemphasized. The initiative also opened our eyes to a whole lot of methods to thrive on the blockchain.


Every task we did, from task 1 to task 7 was educational. Every task taught us something very important and all of them focused on one area to another.

Task one

The first task of the newbies initiative focused on five goals. Importance of setting goals. @starstrings01 made us understand the importance of setting SMART goals. The first task was really nice and a lot of members did the task well. You can check out my entry here

Task two

Task two was another wonderful one where we learned a whole lot of things. In task two we talked about hive guidelines (the do’s and don’t of hive). Thanks to @samostically who delivered an amazing lecture. We got to know about tags, plagiarism, and why it is frowned upon in the blockchain. You can check out my entry here

Task three

In task three of the program, we discussed hive keys and security. This is one of the important things newbies need to know to avoid falling for phishing links and other scams. We learned the importance of each key and the best ways to keep them safe. We also learned how to check recovery accounts and also our trustee. You can find my entry here

Task four

I feel task four was the most difficult out of all the tasks. And I think a lot of members found this task quite difficult. But with my consistency and determination, I was able to do it without any stress. I must say a big thanks to @hopestylist and @vickoly who helped me out with this task. Even though they are not my team leader, they didn’t hesitate to help me.

We learned about the hive dApps and also how to upload a video through 3speak. I also thank @projectmamabg who gave us a little task on how to upload images through liketu. Now, I can boldly say I can upload a video by myself on 3speak and also upload images through liketu. You can find my entry here

You can also find my link to projectmamabg task here

Task 5
Thanks to @ksam who taught us about tokens and hive engine usage. In this task, we practicalize how to convert swap. hive to hive and vice versa. You can find my entry here

Task 6
In Tasks 6, we discussed blockchain games. @ksam lectured us on blockchain games, focusing on rising star. You can find my entry here


As I said earlier, the initiative program is one of the best things I’ve done since I joined hive. The initiative is just so equipped in everything. Good team leaders and brilliant people who lectured us on every task. I appreciate you all, including those that worked behind cameras, for all you did in this program.

However, I’d like to add just one thing;

The next set of the newbies initiative (if there’d be one), should go deep into exploring 3speak and liketu. I know now, some of the members don’t even know how to upload videos through 3speak nor do they know how to upload images through liketu. Thanks to projectmamabg who gave us that little task of uploading images through liketu. But because she didn’t make it compulsory, some members didn’t feel the need to attend to it. The task of uploading video through 3speak and uploading images through liketu should be made compulsory.


Hmmm. This part is just so deep. We were asked to set smart goals, and I did that well. I was really happy when I reviewed my goals and saw all that I’ve achieved. Although I wasn’t able to achieve everything due to some reasons. But I’m happy because I know I tried my best.


I started the newbies initiative program with a hive power of 317.172, and I set a goal to reach 600 HP. I got to know the importance of growing hive power on the blockchain, so I worked really hard to achieve my hive power goal. I powered up and also set some of my post payouts to 100% HP. Today I have a total of 753.477 HP. And on the first of December, I’ll achieve my goal of 1k hive power when I power up some of my liquid hives.


I’m not even gonna lie, I’m not happy with my growth in this part. Although I tried my best and I know it wasn’t my fault that I didn’t achieve it. At the time I set my comment goal, my school (federal universities/ASUU) was on strike so I believed I’d easily achieve it. After 2 weeks, my school resumed, and I was choked up with schoolwork that I didn’t have enough time to engage well. Although I’m happy because I tried my best and I’m sure people, especially my team leader, can attest to that.

I started the initiative with a total of 882 comments and I set a goal of 2500 comments. Today I have a total of 1985 comments.


I started the program with a total of 38 comments and made a goal to get my followers to a total of 90. Today I have 95 followers. I got an extra 5.


I started the program with a rep score of 62 and I made a goal of 65 rep score. Presently my rep score is 64.8 (so close, huh)


I believe in consistency, hard work and determination. I made a goal to publish every day till the end of the initiative, and a day didn’t go by without me publishing quality content. Kudos to me.


Hold on, I think I have to clean the tears in my eyes…… okay good😜.

I say a verrryyyyyyy big thank you to the @newbies-hive those. Everyone that worked and contributed to the success of the program, thank you all. And to my boss @starstrings01, you’re the best, brother. I know I’ve said this a couple of times, but I’m gonna say it again; you’re an inspiration to a lot of people (including me). When I joined hive newly, your post was one of the first posts I read, and since then I’ve been looking up to everything you do. Thanks so much, my man.

Thanks to @ksam and @samostically, you guys are really brilliant. Thanks for your time, and for taking the time to lecture us.

Thanks to @projectmamabg who designed the images we used, and also took us on one of the lectures. Thanks for the little task you gave us on liketu and for the gifts you sent.

Thanks to the team leaders: @nkemakonam89 , @hopestylist , and @vickoly , you guys are the best. As starstrings said, you guys are the pillar behind this program. You really worked hard. Thanks for your time, dedication and everything. Thanks for taking the time to help us. And approached the 3 of you with questions and you were always ready to help. I wish you guys the best.

And to our curators, @theycallmedan , and @aliento

Thanks to @burlarj @bos and my neoxian friends who helped me throughout the task.

And finally, I say thank you to myself for my consistency , hard work, and determination. Even when it was really tough I didn’t give up. Okay, I’m going to clap now and pay myself on the back.

Thanks for reading.

Well done @justfavour! You successfully guessed the match result and unlocked your badge!
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Recap of Day 9
Hive Power Up Day - December 1st 2022
HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Check your ranking

Man this was an awesome presentation! Great job! And I dig your markdown styling here.

With regards to more focus on liketu and 3speak, you’re absolutely right. Most people only use the other frontends that support the basic stuff. Anything outside that, they don’t know. I think more education on Liketu and 3speak will help a lot of people diversify their content and maybe even find their niches in video content creation(in the case of 3Speak) or photography(in the case of Liketu.

You smashed your HP goal and achieved a lot more beyond what you planned for your stake, and I see you’ve set even higher goals for your stake now. Great job, man.

Don’t be bored about your comment goal. It’s understandable why you didn’t hit it. School is stressful and you definitely need to prioritize it more if you can’t multitask properly. You still made 1000+ comments and I call that a win regardless.

Follower goals also smashed. Awesome! You did an awesome job as well posting everyday. Publishing quality everyday is mot for the weak and you managed it. I’m proud of you bro. You did great.

 2 years ago  

He truly did great i swear this initiative did allot of good to all the newbies. Like he stated up there, there's nothing like the Newbies initiative program

 2 years ago  

The best place for newbies!

 2 years ago  

Hundred percent for sure

 2 years ago  

Really beautiful, congratulations brother there's more heights to attain... All of us made similar mistakes, imagine i even collected and used images from Google, who even cared about sourcing the first images till my mentor corrected me

Even my first post was not posted to any community 😅😅, omor the mistakes as a Newbie is just too much and sometimes we just wonder how people can be really silly and that's why i love the Newbies initiative so much.

I'll have to confess this year's program was different from the last oo. The last year there was nothing like team leaders putting us through i just hope the next one be more awesome
To cap It all before our program ended i lost access to my phone for more than a month and I missed more than 3-5 of the program posting
I'll go through some of your contents ✌️✌️❤️

 2 years ago  

Hehe. Brother, funny how you could have been punished for that little offense. I’m glad I made it this far.

You’re free to stop by my contents any time any day.

Thanks so much for stopping by and for your encouraging words.

 2 years ago  

For sure I could have been punished badly, but i guess they knew I was a Newbie so they just let it slide

Well done @justfavour! You successfully guessed the match result and unlocked your badge!
Click on the badge to view your board. Click [here]( to check your ranking.

Thank you to our sponsors. Please consider supporting them.

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Recap of Day 10
Hive Power Up Day - December 1st 2022
HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Check your ranking
Well done @justfavour! You successfully guessed the match result and unlocked your badge!
Click on the badge to view your board. Click [here]( to check your ranking.

Thank you to our sponsors. Please consider supporting them.

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Recap of Day 10
Hive Power Up Day - December 1st 2022
HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Check your ranking
 2 years ago  

Just wow 🤭🤭🤭

I am really so much impressed..
Reading your last task with lots of progress just made my day favour. You are that consistent and determined being since the Newbies program began look at your recap of progress so far .

You worked for it and you have it... congratulations 🎉👏👏👏🎉

I sight ur Hp, and ur power up plans tomorrow to hit 1k HP...datz such a great plan you have there. Your reputation is amazing 😍, all thanks to the votes you have been blessed with... your comments, I understand that as the school stress surfaced but you did very well too.

Your suggestion about the 3speak and liketo has been noted

Thank you so much for being an active participant

Thanks for appreciating my little assistance to you...

Much appreciated 🥰👍🤗

 2 years ago  

Hehehe. Nkemanochi! See how you just made me smile. Everything would’ve been so difficult without you. Im glad you were there to help me. Thanks so much.

Im glad you’re impressed with my tasks😌

 2 years ago  

Wow this is top-notch, you've done an excellent job and I'm super proud of you, you're definitely one of the best product of this initiative for this section, I wish you all the best.

It good to see you good pass your 600 Hp goal, now I look forward to seeing your get to around 1000 HP before the year runs out, can we do that?

 2 years ago  

Master Vickoly. I’m very glad that I was able to crush my Hive power goal. Oh yes! We can! And it has been done already. I just powered up some of my liquid hive and I’ve smashed through 1000 hive power.

 2 years ago  

My man, you are one of the consistent and dedicated hivers i know, some people abandon their account few weeks after they joined, you went through some trials but you didn't let it bring you down, instead you figured out a solution and here you are standing tall against all odds....

Love your growth.... 1 000 hive power is a great achievement, we have people that have stayed longer than you on the platform and still yet to achieve this, proud of you man and wish you greater height... Glad i can be of help in every little way❣️

 2 years ago  

Seeing this coming from you brightens up my smile. You’re one of the few people I’m following on this blockchain; watching everything you do.

Once again, thanks so much. Hehe, I can’t stop thanking you, investor.

Hey, Congratulations on Making it to the End of the Newbies Initiative and writing the Last Task. Some of your colleagues didn't make it to this point and it is worth celebrating.

Talking about the 3speak and Liketu you mention, I would look into that. Although we provided a step to step guide on how to create a 3speak account and how to upload on 3speak, still don't know why many still found it difficult to do. Maybe I would create a tutorial on that.

Also, I would try to personally learn some other aspects on 3speaks, like live stream so that I can teach the Newbies... I hope I have the time to remember to do this.

Thanks so much for the nice words...

Congratulations once again.

 2 years ago  

Hello there, starstrings.
Thanks so much for your nice words.
I hope you find time to learn that, just like you've mentioned. I'm sure it'll really help the next set of newbies.

Thanks once again.

 2 years ago  

Wow you over crush your Hp goals that’s impressive guy and you sure did great with the other goals too because you tried your best.

Keep being consistent😌❤️.

 2 years ago  

Hmmm, babe. So I've turned to “guy” now abi?

Well, thanks for stopping by and for your encouraging words.

You also did well. And it is nice that we both made it to the end.

 2 years ago  

Tanks for stopping by and for your encouraging words.

You also did well. And it is nice that we both made it to the end.

 2 years ago  

Your zeal and consistency is top notch, I really get impired seeing your kind on the block chain. Gaining an HP of this level is really a big deal.
Congratulations bro

 2 years ago  

Thanks so much for your nice words, I really appreciate it.

 2 years ago  

You are welcome bro

 2 years ago  

Oh thanks you so much, friend. I’m sure you also did well.