Attaining Stability & The Fear Of Poverty: Making The Ultimate Sacrifice

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Getting stability out of life is what everyone aims for. People want to work less and earn more from the beginning of their lives. Comfort is a state in the human life that's bought with endless risk and sacrifice, while the former is inevitable, sometimes the latter is only a matter of choice.

I used to tell people that the most underrated reason or motivation to do well in life is the fear of poverty and the limitation that is caused by scarcity.

However, I find it strange that the fear of poverty hardly motivates some people who feel they're down and out and dependent on the scraps they get daily to survive. But how does the fear of poverty work? In reality, poverty itself is only a word. You only experience it by being unable to afford a reasonable, not to talk of a comfortable life.

Seeing The Inevitability Of Monryt

Having money in life should be inevitable and this is because, money is the real reason why we don't just live, but make an impact or thrive. Leaving a house or an inheritance for one's next of kin is thriving and making an impact while living to just have a next of kin is just ordinary living.

A person's financial status is translational, this means that having means or no means (money) can influence the people around us negatively or positively and because this is hardly put into contention, people transfer poverty to those closest to them, making them even poorer than they are especially when they are no longer alive.

However, before a person can have the fear of poverty, they must have seen its impact and experienced the consequences and this is only achieved through a personal financial discipline.

The fear Of Risk & Its Consequences

One of the reasons why people are scared of risk isn't really because of the consequences, it's because they don't have the mental strength to oversee it. Another thing is, that taking risks sacrifices one's position of comfort. For one to have an opportunity of ROI,

they must firstly invest in a venture and before a person can raise capital for investment, they must have made some scale of preference, taking while forgoing some of the important things of life that could primarily give them instant financial gratification. While I was in school, I saved my feeding money to buy footwear at the end of the school term.

While others fed fat from their feeding money, I had to wait till 3 months to enjoy the gratification of all that times when I needed to underfeed myself to attain that savings goal. So this is a testament to the fact that not everyone can sacrifice their position of comfort, and the illusion of comfort is while people remain in the satisfaction of stagnancy.

Stagnancy isn't even a stable situation. For example, anyone who is comfortable with earning the same amount of money for 8 years is backwardly stagnation. This means they're not earning more, but they're paying more to keep up with the economic anomalies of living in this world.

So for a person to be stagnant at least they have to take two steps backward and two forward. This creates a negative balance. Stagnant people are not even poor like we feel they are. The biggest stage of backwardness is realizing you are poor but still, you can not conjure the motivation to come out of that poverty.

This is because simply being unable to afford physical enablement for some people isn't motivation enough. To others, poverty is a lifestyle that is inevitable and they feel powerless to tackle it, but this is just an excuse.

Tailored To Productivity?

Human life is very short and one's productive stage is limited to a certain age. This is why some people try to work throughout their youthful years than sit down to enjoy it while they're old. This mindset alone irrespective of how flawed it is can be technically brilliant.

This is because thinking of futuristic occurrences and possible consequences is a check for us. People need to train themselves to understand that poverty is not and should not be a way of life. This is why attaining comfort and stability despite how difficult it can be is important.

I believe anyone who strives for the sun can at least achieve the moon. While making sacrifices can seem detrimental or depriving, it's important to understand that the main reason why we make financial sacrifices like choosing to invest is to ensure a good life at least, in the nearest future.

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One of the reasons why people are scared of risk isn't really because of the consequences, it's because they don't have the mental strength to oversee it. Another thing is, that taking risks sacrifices one's position of comfort.

Some people way of living don't let them realized they're living in poverty, there mindset don't go beyond feeding themselves. Although everybody is rich so far you can feed your stomach, but that's not the point. The point is that, is there a progressing in your way of living, did you ever notice maybe you're enfolded in same routine.

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You're right. Existential living isn't living at all. Living to have food and shelter alone isn't living at all and this is why it's important to understand that we have to do more out of life. Sacrifice the comfort of the present to take care of the future

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Yes that's the point bro

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One of the reasons why people are scared of risk isn't really because of the consequences, it's because they don't have the mental strength to oversee it.

We are all different. Just as A could handle the future occurrence of a risk taken, B cannot and this definitely would affect their mental health and this is one reason people commit suicide because they couldn't handle such trauma they got themselves in.

To others, poverty is a lifestyle that is inevitable and they feel powerless to tackle it, but this is just an excuse.

To the lazy one's mentality though.
Many wouldn't even budge to the reality of working hard now so they can enjoy the gratification later and would assume poverty is for them because they are born to be poor.

To the lazy one's mentality though.
Many wouldn't even budge to the reality of working hard now so they can enjoy the gratification later and would assume poverty is for them because they are born to be poor.

The reality of working hard can be overwhelming and this is because the world is competitive and sometimes it takes too much for one to be finally financially independent. I think so. Thanks for coming through.

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I think it's because the average person does not like change and prefers to have certainty in their future. While taking risks like investing money can pay off in the future, it just doesn't seem worth it to them. Of course, I prefer to work harder now so I can retire earlier.

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Well, but preferring a certain future doesn't bring surety. One of the reasons why risk is impertinent at the moment is because it'll get to a time in life when we wouldn't be able to take these risks anymore, we would have saved ourselves from having a future where we would start doing what we didn't do at the present.

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muy buen contenido amigos, das recomendaciones muy buenas sobre todo de trabaja en la juventud y disfruta en la vejez por que la vida es corta, y la de que no te debes estancar siempre hacia adelante.

@tipu curate

Thanks, I appreciate it.

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