Money & Self Development: The Endless Curve.

in LeoFinance2 years ago


Everyone conscious enough to improve their lives understands the importance of Self-development. For me, I see it as a process of becoming better versions of ourselves. There are so many aspects of our lives that subconsciously get better with the right kind of experience, one of them is the art of spending money.

For example, being tasked with the responsibility of spending money subconsciously creates a learning curve, unless we decide to be unintentional about this learning and completely miss the prospect of becoming better. This means that when we're conscious enough, we can understand the concept of winning or losing, the consequences or rewards that come with them, and how this applies to the process of growth in our lives.

Money is inevitable

.......and this is because irrespective of how we try to run away from being tasked with spending, we eventually have to be in the situation to choose commodity A and reject commodity B. This is because money can also be about consequences and rewards. When we do it wrongly, there are consequences and when we do it rightly, then there's a reward.

However irrespective of our previous experiences, degrees, ideologies, or theories, we can still fail when it comes to money and this is because learning about money creates the need for more knowledge, the volatility of knowledge when it comes to mastering money is why we will continue to be on a lifelong journey because there's no destination.

However, do not mistake being wealthy for the mastery of money.

There's a massive difference

People can be wealthy and still be completely clueless about making the right money decisions. This is because the sophistication of the 21st century creates better opportunities for almost anyone to become wealthy without having to build it. However this isn't to say, one can be wealthy while learning "how to be wealthy".

I've seen people who became wealthy by lottery or inheritance because they haven't previously had to build wealth, they'll need to actually learn how to handle their wealth, proving once again that we cannot bypass the fundamentals because it carries consequences. However, some people do so and this is because the world is more flexible regarding owning and spending money.


Accessibility To Knowledge Gets Better

The onus of money has become better with sophistication, which means it's easier to learn, and knowledge isn't restricted to anyone. Nevertheless, this isn't to undermine the process or work that's needed in building wealth. I have never owned wealth nor built any, but we can all agree that sometimes there are situations where people don't even need to build wealth to own it.

One can be extremely lucky and own a conglomerate of businesses even when they didn't set out in life to have this. This is why I feel that people should handle resources based on some specific qualities, otherwise, it might ruin them.

So people like this might have the theoretical knowledge to run a business via the degrees they've accumulated, but along the line, they find out that attaining theoretical mastery is a destination, while attaining practical mastery when it comes to money is an endless marathon, that might take one a lifelong.

However, being gifted wealth on a platter is a shortcut that can ruin one's learning process when it comes to money, people do not need shortcuts. However people want to master the Craft so quickly, they forget why the learning process is there in the first place.

Mastery & Shortcuts

The latter can be detrimental

Anyone who is aiming to develop and grow when it comes to mastery must understand that shortcuts might become a means to an end, but when it becomes too pivotal or instrumental in our lives, we lose valuable lessons essential to becoming better over a long time.

Aiming to become better with money is a great aspect of self-development, that's often ignored. Its Importance arises from its Inevitability, money taps into people's lives in ways they cannot even begin to fathom. We might not even finish the learning process, the curve is endless.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The volatility of our emotions also makes the learning process quite chaotic in the beginning. I've experienced numerous times the battle between putting my earned money on savings or just spending it on something else.

Instant gratification is a trap that most of us still fall into when experiencing the adrenaline rush of getting paid.

Instant gratification is a trap that most of us still fall into when experiencing the adrenaline rush of getting paid.

Hahaha this is actually true and why we fall into it many times despite despite everything is because we cannot seem to keep our emotions in check when it comes to money, infact we cannot seperate our emotions from life's learning process. We can only keep trying till the end of time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My greatest means of staying focused on the building has been to keep an eye on what my close friends are doing and build good connections so that I can know what is happening in crypto and the real world.

I think it also helps to know people's stories and how close they are to I can apply their experiences to my story.

Apllicable stories contributes to learning experiences that are relatable to people in their quest for knowledge especially when it comes to money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True. Hope you have nice week

I think this not only bothers about money, but can also be applied to all facets of human life.

Shortcuts are great to make you achieve whatever you want sharp sharp, however it doesn't guarantee that you've or you will accumulate all practical knowledge needed. It doesn't Equip you with the right disposition to handle such a "position."

You may feel ready theoretically, after you've "studied" or made research, but then, along the line you'll discover that there's a huge disconnect between theory and practical. If you don't have the right practical disposition to put the theory into practicals, then you'll remain at that theoretical level, not knowing the exact thing to do.

In the same way, that's why you see some miscreants spending money lavishly, because they did not work for it. Especially the Yahoo Yahoo boys, who have confused the society about what it means to be rich. But then, their own case is critical because even after hitting $100k, after 6 months they'll be back to the trenches because they don't have plans and focus.

You've exactly summarized everything. It's why I said money development is an aspect of self development that's very crucial. I have taken shortcuts in life though, I think it can be advantageous and applicable to some sectors of life, but it wouldn't do the same for money and the process of making or growing wealth.
You mentioned yahoo boys. They've created a certain standards and even people who aren't fraudsters seem to conform to their standards of money. It's a crazy situation.

As for me I choose the long road and the learning Curve, equipped with the experience that comes with it.

Thanks for coming through

People can be wealthy and still be completely clueless about making the right money decisions.

This got my attention wow, it is so realistic you made me think to myself that most times in life people who have much money sometimes do not deserve it just like myself i do have business ideas big plans but no money and they are people who have enough and no idea pops out.

Thanks for sharing this content it is really inspiring.

Yeah, well, having money or not doesn't mean having a brilliant or not having brilliant ideas and perspective towards moneymaking. Sometimes people are equipped with the knowledge or technical know-how, but lacks the financial power.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Another Punch line dropped again, I now have a proper understanding of financial stability and instability thanks for this words.

Thanks for coming through with your comment

You too

Learning is just a part of life and there will always be new things to learn. In a way, nothing comes easy and anything that is earned fast also tends to leave fast unless you put the right amount of work in to make it stay. I do think it's hard for people to really pursue change because they tend to just prefer things stay the same. However, that needs to change as nothing ever really stays the same all the time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're right, there's always a tendency that anything earned fast leaves fast. We need to understand some of these in the course of our self development as people. The more we're conscious about learning, the better we become.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. In my opinion if you spend money while intentionally trying to learn or improve your life then it can be referred to as a process. However, if you spend money recklessly or unconsciously and just hope for good things to happen then it can be referred to as an accident.

However, being gifted wealth on a platter is a shortcut that can ruin one's learning process when it comes to money, people do not need shortcuts.

It's a bit different though when people inherit money or win a lottery they are already rich so they don't have to start from scratch. They're already accustomed to the concept of money and because of this they can quickly grasp what it takes to run a successful business.

They're already accustomed to the concept of money and because of this they can quickly grasp what it takes to run a successful business.

This isn't totally true, when people are wealthy without going through that process, it makes them unprepared. They're illequipped because they do not understand what it means to make money, unless they have previously done so. The process of money making is a lesson on it's own.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Self improvement is all encompassing .
All forms of improvement without adding ,learning how to make money work for you instead of working for money is much more worth it on self improvement.