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Word for the Day "Stay Magical"

Power Up #hive total is 53.06

Why I love the sound of boom?
Because soon I hope to get this:

My old PB-2000 feels not strong enough
#svs #subwoofer #svssubwoofer

You need to get a new sound system to feel the sound more
Like Boom 💥 Boom 💥 #boom

oh it looks like a #boombastic beast

how many watts, are we looking at? I love huge sounds!

that's some insane sound power!

Damn 1500w of bass seems a lot. How much will your house shake from it? 😀

Wow I really like the improvements to the notifications here on leofinance :D I just saw it what other updates have they done?

Havent seen any others although that doesnt mean they arent there.

The notifications was a huge update. It was needed.. A great way to reply now.

hmmm you always here :P You're the first person that I would think would know all the changes hehe

I actually wasnt on most of the night. I only saw the notifications because others posted it.

Oh I see. that makes senses haha. No wonder didn't see you post at night when I scrolled the history :)

There are a lot of things we can do on threads but there is life. LOL

i really thought that threads started to make up most of your life tho :P

on a side not do you have a link to recording for CTT . It was 2am for me so i was unable to attend it live~

Here it is.

Thank you. I couldn't find it when I looked at 3speak twitter lol guess I will have to use your twitter next time :)

We got that green cash money now! and A reply. Some good moves for sure it's going to be a challenge for sure with the noti system. If you're going to have an everything app you need a solid filtered noti system with it.

You mean the green cash thing if we get upvoted? There was a reply before too but it seems better now instead of having to click that chat bubble icon. Yes I noticed the filter as well in the noti system. That's actually useful to see reply

I don't know about any others but the new notification page was a killer move

I know right . I like it better than the peakd one :P

I took a look at it but it just looks a bit messy when it's showing almost entire posts.

oh You're right. I think that one is still bugged. It only happens with the mentions. you have to filter to replies or something eles :c to be honest it should automatically unfilter the mentions

Yea. They need to fix that. Otherwise, it's going to be quite annoying. I

yes hopefully they address it soon. I don't think it should be too hard

There's only ever going to be 1 Bitcoin

Road trip through the mountains


Wait, did I see "pidgin" trending on Threads? Wetin dey happen here?

Nothing oooo, we just they,for here no leave no transfer


I have a question y'all so on the ethereum blockchain the tokens that are created ERC-20 what is the name of tokens build on the hive blockchain called ? Like what is the standard #hive #leo #

There are no tokens built on the Hive blockchain outside of $HIVE and HBD. We have no smart contracts at the base layer. There are tokens on Hive Engine but that is a sidechain.

Not sure just layer 2 honestly they are created by hive-engine since the core chain seemed to never release this but might be working on it now.

I really appreciate your input. I was just wondering if there's a standard but I guess as of now it's more or less only hive engine, creating these tokens on the hive Blockchain.

What is this blasphemy? lol I don't really remember the purpose of the smart media tokens cause I'm pretty sure steem has a steem engine at least they had one Hive continues to prove it's the superior chain.

😂 .

SMTs were the closest we got to our own standard of tokens.

I feel like we're getting by pretty well with the hive engine tokens

Enther is the native coin for ethereum while hive for hive blockchain

Oh wow.....Look at these slick new updates for filters on the notifications.

My tip of the hat once again to the $LEO team. bravo!!!

muuuuch better. loving the silent updates!

I saw the notifications but the mentions are buggy. They show entire posts.

Family time is a time well invested, we need to spend quality time with our family


Best time well spent

Thank you. I could not agree more

Another "Community Token Talk" (CTT) #Podcast #Video with ENG SUB just arrived :)

Link in comments...

#hive #threads

Thanks for sharing! I missed the show today because I was at my sister's wedding so I will listen to the recording

For Sure! Enjoy :)

Here a picture of myself and my two little sister's

You guys are cute. Lovely

y’all just fine anyhow Chei

Sunday is a family day for me, so I will be going over to say hello to them after church today. #familysunday

Pic not mine

When you do not have anything reasonable to say, just keep Mute

#boom1me #sundayfunday

there is nothing I every wanted right now than a bombastic upvote.

You sure gonna get it cos it's a boom Sunday

#threads247 #boom1me

I read once: Don't let your life be sterile. Be useful. Blaze a trail. Shine forth with the light of your faith and of your love. With your life wipe out the slimy and filthy mark left by the impure sowers of hatred. -JE

#random #gmfrens


That is the only correct answer.

Hoddle is an excellent strategy, in my opinion. Why not take curation profits instead of selling?

wanna be this rish to never take profits lol

Can money stop the SPAM'ers?
Or nobody stops them?

Or... can bullet stop SPAM'er

Nothing will except bans

ha ha ha No chance. Anytime you give anyone a penny, they will find a way to 'game it' and spam.

Hey Jongo !
I'll give you a penny.
What you say ???

I think the RC requirement helps reduce spam, by making it cost money, but it’s small compared to potential earnings. You can downvote and you can hide their posts so you never see them.

Hide? Really? On threads ?
Will general MUTE function on Hive do the job here?

Regarding Threads…Good question.
I have used mute on regular Leo, but not threads or new Leo.
I will investigate.

Nobody can stop the spammers if they are after the money.

Currently it seems to me that only BRAVE has blocked SPAMMERS, at least on the internet

I made a video of a Fantastic Macaroni Recipe, it was great and you could try it out yourself as well.

#foodie #gmfrens #3speak #video

Looks delicious

Yes, it is. Thanks for the comment.

Milk time.


My wife says I'm Mr. Ro-mantic, Tell me fantastic


I guess entry twice is not allowed

Except for the #1 winner, who can use his second entry to collect 2nd 100% boom

Wow! that's pretty cool.

Raining here. Got my clothes. 🤣😂


I need me a cup of milky fantastic drink cos it's a roll roll


what the hell @onealfa how did I sleep on this, I think it’s time we have that threads push on notification update!

#boom1me I waited, I think I earned!

I am updating my delegation to @leo.voter every day.

It has only one way:


New Copy Link Feature is Here!

In the little three dot menu there‘s a much more comfy way now to get your thread #link, yeah 💪🏼🥳👍🏼 #ui #feature

Nice. I never noticed that before.

It‘s pretty new, maybe since yesterday …

There is nothing I want more today, than a

MUTE button

Will you be wiling to sell your LEO at $0.51 ???
That is what you should think ( and decide) TODAY.
And stick to it.
Because when the time comes - you will be not able to make a right decision.

I would rather keep my $LEO growing in power for at least five years.

I bought most of it at $.40... I really don't know what to say. At some point I kinda lost faith in LEO but since then a lot has changed for LeoFinance

I don’t know, all I know Is I’m aggressively accumulating now and I’m here for long

Here for the long Haul

No. I won't be selling. Maybe in a few years or when LEO is at $1.

I plan to sell chunks on the way up.
Question for you: Are you still in the ETH-WLEO pool?
Did the automation of the geyser rewards for it make the payments more regular?

Seems this Sunday is gonna be a Bombastic one.


why? Big plans or big events?

Got a package from #BlockchainCards (@reseller) today. Wonder what's inside! #excited #wax #nfts #virl

finally settled on my lion hustler drawing. here we go.

Huge battle at the top

It's getting interesting. A wandering lion can still appear at the top from nowhere

Before the quest begins, I saw myself at the top. Now, where I am.... Huge battle at the top

Nifty is probably busy at diablo so it's going to be down to those top 3. I guess it depends on how many quests those 3 can do.

i'm lurking

Are you going to work on more quests?

i'm working on one right now :)

I guess Diablo wasn't enough to keep you fully away

nah, i have my sights set on number 1

The daily threader leaderboard for May is not updated yet, there is also a quest pinning that leaderboard.

it's getting crazy!

5 Years on Hive: 3000 posts and 22,000 comments

Whoa! Happy 5th🥂

Wow. Congratulation

Thank you

You are welcome

Thank you!

You are welcome

Woot I forget where to look this all up

I think nobody has noticed the new silent update @khaleelkazi has dropped

This is a Clean link on a Leo post

Say good bye to the tedious [ ]( ) syntax!

yeah I noticed, I am still stuck with the previous syntax

New notifications page looks dope!

And that "clean filters" feature tells me those are just the first 4 to come, there will be a ton more filters in the future, but that's just me guessing

I think they need to fix mentions. It shows an entire post in some cases.

We just pushed a fix for this :)

I saw the fix. Can you also fix the URL that the mentions send you to? Currently, it has "@" and this doesn't allow you to comment on the post

Don't you still need it if you make posts? It won't transfer over to the other front-ends.

I enjoy writing an update of my mini balcony garden on Sundays :) Here is the latest one!
#gardening #gosh

Gardening is just good for the soul. You garden looks great, especially the strawberries. !LUV

Good morning everyone! Hope you have a great day! :) My dog doesn´t want to go out yet... :D #gmfrens #dog #rave

Hilarious 😂... Did you buy the dog a shirt? 😂

Haha no. It´s my shirt and she crawled under it cause she doesn´t wanna get up. :D

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Discord links are killing me. Can someone please give me the Discord link for three speak #leo #hive #threads

My plans this Sunday..


It's my birthday today so it's obvious that I will go out for a celebration.


My wants to go for a gaming zone but I am not so excited for this.. May be he can try some other time.



I like to go some place to have some nice and tasty food and I checking out some on the internet.


Shopping is also on the list but not necessary but it's my all time favorite activity.. lol

its 12 pm so I need to finalize and get ready. Hope the day is going to be fun and exciting.


Happy birthday.

Thank you so much

Happy Birthday. I hope you have the most wonderful awesome day.

OMG, Happy birthday Reeta! Hope you enjoy a nice lunch and shopping and wish you an amazing day today! Enjoy the day at it's best!

Thank you so much @mango-juice
It was celebrated well.

Hey Happy Birthday hope you have a great day !

Thank you so much. Had a great time .. its was fun

Glad to hear that!

Wow! The new notification looks amazing! Just something went wrong when I typed the $ sign.

Awesomeness! I love it how they are improving on things.

Yeah, LeoThreads rule the microblogging world! 🤣😂



It's really nice how the updates are coming.

A platform that keeps growing and improving has nowhere to go but up.



Earning 1 $HIVE per day is almost there.

Depending on where you live, that's quite substantial. But earning Hive is good in general

It reminds me of jongolson's post that learning the skill to earn 1 HIVE per day is the first goal a newcomer must try to achieve.

That's awesome :)

I am still far from there. However, If I consider the value of some 2-layer tokens, I am maybe also very close :)


You will be there soon.

From what are you earning it from?

I mean both the author and the curation reward.

Are you using Hive Now?


I mean this app:

That's how I track my $HIVE growth.

Let me check on it. Thanks

Yes, a big help.

I think the major issue with $HIVE is it's still promoted as make content make money. The issue with that is a lot gets cashed out while there's currently ZERO ad revenue coming in to support the token price. Am I wrong?

5 of our top 10 elected witnesses who are paid to secure the chain are powering down and dumping.

Literally ZERO of the projects receiving money from the DHF are profitable.

That's what I don't get at all why aren't these projects held to make revenue like a real business instead of just constantly sucking money out. I feel like any time I bring it up I get muted and blocked as well lol

Yeah, as a content creator relying on upvotes to make money, you're crazy for rocking the boat by talking about this ;)

Like why is it so hard to ask them to treat it like a real business and generate some damn revenue instead of constantly asking for funds. I can understand once or some startup funds for sure but constantly doing it year after year...

It's not hard to ask them.

But those currently with large stakes that keep the money going in that direction, are financially incentivised to keep the status quo.

Why would they change if they're getting endless free money?

I completely agree. Even non-profit institutions need to make money to sustain their business. We can't just ignore all the revenue potential for no reason

The top 5 also constantly cashing out isn't the greatest either but it make sense since they do have operating costs. There's just way too much going out IMO and it's constantly what drags Hives price down.

If we really care, all we can do is get enough stake to make a difference with our votes.

I dream of a day when LEO allows our community to become a genuine HIVE voting block.

To make real change.

Very good point and part of the reason I'm building up that hive.

now that’s an issue

It is an issue. And the true is people is entitled to use the liquidity for their benefit, not just support the blockchain, but balance has to be the key, at the end, it won't benefit anyone if Hive fully crashes

I think it's totally fine to promote it as a make content and cash out. The issue is that value needs to be supported by something. Right now you have two major exits. 1/ 🧵

You have the exit of UI interfaces like Ecency, Peakd etc that ask for money from the DOA and then cash it out to support the development of their applications. 2/🧵

You have the exit of funds from people making content and just cashing a decent amount out to either fund themselves or other projects outside of hive 3/🧵

You have ZERO funds being generated by these front ends to prop up that price and hold the value it's a total exit for the most part. These front ends should be coming up with ways to monetize and be a real business instead of asking. 4/🧵

yeah, very true.

Bro I don't get it but at least Leo is finally on the right direction IMO.

i think so too. maybe we see a flippening?

I mean at these hive prices it wouldn't take much

leo goin to 69 cents

Cashing out cryptocurrency is cool. Multiplying that same cryptocurrency is WAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY cooler.

People understand BYOB, but what if-- as @taskmaster4450le suggests-- we can be our own eurodollar system? That needs 2B explained.

Need money coming in to keep paying out....

This is true,and it's also where I fall off the train.

I think that is definitely one of the problems. I think the RCs issue is a better use for HP but that would require a decent number of good apps sucking up transactions.


"I thought you lived in Cleveland," I said to Rivera. "What brings you to Iowa?"

"Someone captured the explosion on video. You went viral."

He showed me the video: I was somersaulting one way, then came a perpendicular force.

within a blink of an eye, I hear all people screaming out and I really got scared myself too after hearing the loud noise. I got a few bruises but was still able to stand. So I used all my energy and flee from the site asap.


That was when it dawned on me that I might be popular. Before a twinkle of an eye, I got an email from BBC News requesting to know when I would be available for an interview and also to tell me how I had survived the explosion. It was fast

At a point I became nervous about the information I got from BBC, because I guess someone might have been twisting the news somewhere about the explosion.


Finalmente el Boss Slayer!!! Ha sido una gran jornada de dibujos aprovechando las idas de la luz jajaja los iniciaba en papel durante el apagón #spanish #art

Ignore that at your own risk...


Never fade Adrian. Hqhq!

It's past 2 am now and I've had a very stressful saturday. This is my time to finally get some rest but I don't really want to. I just want to get home and rest. Also looking forward to seeing my siblings.


Anyone else excited for #WWDC23?

what is wwdc23?

Its Sunday and we have a plan to visit one of our relative to a see little new born baby..

#ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes

Good morning! That sounds like a wonderful Sunday. Babies are adorable😍😍

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

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