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RE: LeoThread 2023-05-16 15:05

in LeoFinancelast year

UCL threadcast

Setting up this threadcast for today’s UCL game between Inter and AC Milan. Share the link and enter the prediction @taskmaster4450le @yahuzah @abu78 @garorant @peniel2010 @stevenson7 @tengolotodo.Leo @rubilu

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The match between Inter Milan and Ac Milan is going to be a 1-1 draw game

Let's see how that prediction goes

ok ✅

let’s see. Could be 0-0 👀

Yeah I also thought if the same thing but goalless draw. I don’t think so . One thing about football is that you can never predict the out come.

and that’s why we love it. #ucl

that’s right.. #ucl

I was thinking about the same result.

I guess we are both on the same page

Guess so. It's like what they say, great minds think alike.

Well I will be doing Talk Time with Tengo so no time to watch, but I reckon Milan will force a draw so 1-1

#football #ucl

What a fair prediction, I agree with you mate, it might ended up in a draw tonight

What was the score, I will look now

1:0 in favor of Inter millan, they are through to the final

ah well, we said Inter would score 1...
Well if Inter play Man City, I want Inter to win, if Inter play Real then I want Real to win jeje

How about you?

Guess you didn't see the match nor our threadcast

I saw Inter won 1-0.

Nope was doing my Talk Time with Tengo show.

My prediction for today is a 3-1 win in favour of Ac Milan. The match will probably go for penalties and Ac will win.

Oh, this is a very big one here mate, wining by 1:3 against Inter will be great, who says it's impossible, this is football

Oh yep I think they can do it. Btw is Rafeal back from injury?

I really want to see the difference and the spark he will bring to the team tonight, might have to be watching live and be giving update too, I will give that a try

He is playing today

am glad he is.

Inter is looking good on their home turf today.

Yep they are playing like they are 2 goals down rather.

They need 2-0 win at least

Definitely, I'm not so sure that Inter millan won't score too , but let see what happens, the game is on now

The game is open so far. Nobody is taking chances yet #ucl

Exactly,but just like I said before, AC Milan will be more careful, they must be very careful , cause once Inter millan score first, it's a done work already

yes. They cannot concede a goal but needs to press forward #ucl

Thats bold bro. Very bold🙂

Oh yep I just check the line ups and I see leao in there so I have full confidence that Ac Milan can do it.

We all are having so much belief in Leao. He’ll come good

I hope they win

Ac Milan for the comeback


Not happening

Beautiful of football, you can only dare to dream

Let’s gooo. Finally got someone who thinks it’s possible too😄

Fam It's time to share the Grace

Unfortunately, our prediction didn’t come to pass.


That's definitely going to be very hard to do, it halftime now andand 0:0 between the two team, Inter are the happiest right now.

My boys are still in This

Really, with one goal down, it over tonight

@ispeak @rhyda1 come join the thread cast and let’s have some fun

Thanks for the invite buddy

don’t mention man

Let's go harder on this one. I taught I last went against Inter Milan, and they won last week, and today I go against them as well, because AC milan would be hoping for a come back.


That's is very possible mate,

My prediction for today's game is 2:0 in favor of AC milan.


13 minutes to kick off

Nothing like a good derby on the tv for the night.

Let's fucking go. Milan derby second leg #football #ucl

Todays game is going to be an interesting match to watch.

I invite @sportspundit to come and join the thread


Nice One and it halftime already, 0:0 between the team, Ac Milan have the second half to save their day and if not they're out

I don’t think they can still do come back… If they had scored a goal in the first half they would’ve had the chance of performing magic


Jose Mourinho was the last manager to lead Inter into the finals.

He had his moments.

HE is still my fav :P

Jose’s the absolute best

Inter is almost there but let's see of AC fights back today #ucl #football

I hope they fight

Just 5 mins but Inter is already looking good

I'm fairly confident that Milan can get through to the final tonight.

I just have a good feeling about it.

Definitely, that was in 2010 and he won it, we might be another Seria A team winning it again this year, it's is very possible

It’s very possible but facing either city or Madrid is not going to be a joke

Almost time for the game.
Time to brew the tea and put my feet up for the match.

tea? omg go for italiano cappuccino today :P #ucl

Funny enough, i tried to decode that without reading too

It’s good to get the nerves settled

Use the #ucl tag when you thread on this threadcast. Make the tag trending today

okay to that…let’s go

Definitely, that will make it more visible to those not here yet #ucl

yes, that's the plan. Others will join #ucl

Pls don’t leave me out 😄😁..
It’s Ac Milan for me even though i know Inter Milan are in a great run of recents.

We’re on the same side today. AC Milan let’s go


Good we on same side for once.😁


😂 that’s a first


worth celebrating 🥳


ha ha AC Milan fans out here. Let's go #ucl

It just happened i am for tonight 😄.


I am rooting for them too. Giroud goal would be massive #ucl

i feel Giroud is Underrated that dude career rèsume is huge. He deserves more praises. Hopefully he get one.


I feel Giroud is Underrated because that dude rèsume is huge. He deserves more praises. Hopefully he get a goal and qualification tonight.


After 20 mins, I doubt that is happening tbh #ucl

I feel you it’s gonna be tough but hey this is football it’s not over until the ref blows the finally whistle which you know.


That is a big one, but for me I know it will be hard to pull tonight and it halftime already, no goal BTW the two teams

i said it from beginning inter Milan are in form so it wouldn’t be easy for AC Milan, 65mins into the game with goalless don’t seem like it for AC, but game still on with tiny bit of hope.

Exactly and it has being proven now, Inter millan in the final, what a good one for the team

And so it begins

Big day for the Italians

Definitely, it's going to be a cracker tonight trust me, I know AC Milan will be playing with their last breath, even with the fact that they are outside the champions league qualification spot on the league table

Yeah, for sure they will, I am hoping they would grab the win today, but whether to qualify or not would be a bit difficult for them. #ucl

I am rooting for AC Milan too

Let’s go !!!

It's do or die for them today

Definitely, but regardless of that, am giving it to Inter Milan, and funny enough will might see them going as far as winning the competition too

Inter vs MC UCL Final

Awesome, I foreseen that too, that will be great, but am not sure Inter millan have qualities to win that game anyway

MC is amazingly good and have quality players but anything can happen #ucl

This is do or die for them tbh

Honestly, let see what happens tonight mate

Inter is looking good so far #ucl

Definitely, they're playing with confidence already, I guess AC Milan will be the most careful team tonight, they must not concede

It is. The Milan derby second leg SF. Cannot get better than this.

After 20 minutes into the game and it’s still 0:0 #ucl

Close contest.

Not even a proper shot at goal to be honest #ucl

Even after the whole First 45 minute, it ended 0:0 with both team managing only one shot on target each

yeah, poor performance from both sides. #ucl

@taskmaster4450le , am sure you can see it, we are setting a record tonight, who is beating this on threadcast @khal and @eric too need to be here

Khal isnt a #sports fan at all so I am sure he would be completely lost.

@anomadsoul might be a big #football fan, I dont know.

We did it man, 500+😯. At least I get to celebrate this😇

I am so happy. I know noone cares what we did but we had fun and that matters :)

Is this game of importance?

Is it for the title or just a regular matchup?

This is a semifinal match the second leg. the winning team will play the finals #ucl

Who is in the other leg.

One of Real Madrid or Manchester City. Will be decided tomorrow

Thank you. You got what I was asking. lol

The semifinal happens in two legs. Home and Away. Last week was AC milan home today is Inter home.

I meant who is in the other bracket that could face either of these teams in the finals.

What is the other semi matchup?

Real Madrid and Manchester City

The other semifinal is Real Madrid and Man City. Man City won 1-0 at madrid. RM will go to England tomorrow for the away game #ucl

A tittle, if the match remain this way Inter millan goes to the final of champions league straight

Now I can go to bed, goal achieved, am leaving you guys with this word.

We can always do it and we did it

See you tomorrow when Machester city host Real Madrid at the Eithad stadium in England

We will wait for you. How many times I said thank you I don't know but thanks again ha ha

finally it's a record breaking threadcast here on thread 500 plus engagement in a single threadcast, we did it.

You did it.

What happens if it is tied after regulation?

Do they have a period of extra play? Shootout?

How does it work?

Inter will go through, they have won the first leg, AC Milan needs to be at them 0:2 or more to qualify for the final, anything shot of erasing the First leg 2:0 deficit Inter millan goes through to the final

Did it happen? What were the results?

No. Inter is already 2-0 up from the last leg. If it is tied today Inter goes to the finals #ucl

Straight up, am here again, let talk about Inter millan vs Ac Milan tonight.

First leg ended in favor of Inter millan winning away from home 0:2 , but with Inter at home tonight, can Ac Milan pull a surprise

I do think Leao can spark a comeback. But it might not be enough

Me too, but I do expect them to play for their life tonight, let see what happens at the end of 90 minutes tonight

It might be a one sided game. Attack vs defense like what Inter did to Barca😅. I can feel we’re in for a show

AC Milan should pull up surprise. Why not?

Am definitely not seeing that happening, but it football anyway, but for me I guess that will be very hard to pull tobi6mate, just few minutes to go

R Leao is back. That could be the game changer

Have always see him as a normal person in the team, cause the team was not structured around him, but let see what happens

Let's see. he is involved in the game so far. #ucl

Hopefully 🤞 let see what

Great to see the threadcast. Everyone needs to join and comment on the match today.

Hoping to watch a very entertaining game

Definitely, I know you're aren't a big fan of soccer , but am putting this straight to you Inter millan vs Ac Milan tonight

Who are you tipping to get to the final, don't forget that Inter Milan won the first leg with 2 goal margin also

I will go Inter Milan.

That is the team that beat pink haired guy last match.

TM 😂😂😂 the boss is going with Inter Milan, thanks for your prediction, am with you on this too.

I will admit that my analysis is far from expert level on this one.

More like a coin toss.

But you managed to watch the game the first leg.

That is Dzeko

Task watched the first game live.

Oh, that good, I guess he won't want to miss the second one too, sorry you mean he was at sansiro

Waiting for yours Task

I put some comments and considering I call it soccer that shows my level of expertise.

Great that we are all here. Looks like we have 5 active threaders today. Should cross 400 mark

That would be impressive. A 400 threadcast would certainly be there for a sporting event and might be close overall.

400 is breaching for sure. I am aiming for 600 #ucl

LOL you are higher than what I have in my mind. I like your focus on this.

It will be the subject of my article tonight.

Focus and force. This is fun. #ucl

Should be a good one. I love an champions league derby.
Always exciting.

Some people are saying with Rafael Leao back in the team after missing the first leg via injury, he might spark a comeback, Do you agree to that ideology too?

I agree, Rafael leao will be a game changer

Its very possible, but I think the team is not all about him, am not sure the team is structured around him, but let see what happen in few minutes of play

We can also talk about Manchester city vs Real Madrid tomorrow too, give your views and talk about the chance of either of the two progressing to the final.

Let the show begins 😺😺😺😺

Ah ignore my other comment. I didnt realize the #epl game was tomorrow, not today.

One game at a time.
Hopefully there will be enough excitement here to keep us busy.

Definitely, that why we have lot to talk about right now, so just give your opinion too

It’s almost time. Hoping for a very good game

I'm only looking forward to tomorrows 😅

😂 why only that. Madrid or City?

Game on already and AC Milan are desperately pressing high, am sure they are looking for an early

If they get one early, there’s believe from everyone


Definitely, that is not coming yet, but they are doing well for now when it comes to possession

let’s see how this half ends

About to end now, with AC Milan doing well base on possession here, but both teams having register one meaningful shot on target too.

Need to cross 200 comments in this threadcast.

Can that be done today? Off to a good start.

We're just overy 35 now
We will, once the game starts

It is vital to have a ton of in-game discussions. That is where the engagement really starts to escalate. Hard core fans can really help.

Definitely, we are pushing this to 300 already and if not break some record with it too.

Four minutes to the game. Who is ready? #ucl

Wow. Comment #80.

We are running. Crossing 600 threads today. I am confident #ucl

Amazing goal.

That would be a threadcast record by the way. I dont think anyone even topped 400 yet.

Let's see how this goes #ucl

We killing the show here today, #ucl

Seems that way. Keep it going. Would love to see a 300 comment threadcast.

yeah, today we hitting 400 plus. #ucl

Over 300 and only to halftime.

Yes I would say you are going to set a record.

yes indeed haha, today we want to set a higher one indeed, and tomorrow would be much more than this, #uvl

That is what we want.

Izhaghi looking good. The crowd is wild #ucl #football

It's Kick off now !!!


almost 5 mins into the game #ucl

Yeah, the game started now!!

What a pass in the midfield. Whistle gone. Good play by Inter #ucl #football

Here is a little extra motivation, not so much for #football, but leothreads.

I am pushing hard to make up the threads from my weekend :P

Yeah. Well as you can see, it is the daily totals. We have a nice uptrend. Need to really add to it. Get it over 6500 for today (or even 7K).

Yes. If I can make it to 500 today. That would be great :P

You are killing it. More than making up for the weekend. LOL

I made 400 yesterday. I need my second spot :P

Wow, that's splendid, people really threaded more today than the previous three days.


From that, yes it does appear to be an increase over the previous days. That is something we need to keep going.

Nice one here, the threads is growing bigger, I will say #threadstorm and #threadcast is doing well to this growth too

We are putting together a fine run. This is going to be the basis of my post tonight.

The battle begins 🤩

Let the battle begin :P #ucl

Nice shot for AC Milan out of nowhere. They need more #ucl

They’re playing better today.

They have not yet conceded a goal #ucl

😅 that’s an improvement from last week #ucl

I know, A huge improvement #ucl

Being in the stadium right now would be mental. Look at the scene 😇

Damn. You all are sucking down my voting power.

Once again threads eating it all up.

Amazing stuff. Look what 5 pr 6 active threaders can do #ucl

Agreed. Imagine if you could get 10 people who were interested in the match. That would mean you would have to set up a couple different threadcasts throughout the match.

True. We need that homepage space for threadcasts for sure #ucl

It will be part of my article. This could be an example of what we bring to the table.

Set a record so I can highlight it.

400+ would be helpful. Actually 411+ and you will see why later.

okay. I am threading like crazy. ball by ball commentary in #ucl

LOL I do that with the Mets threadcasts. Since it is mostly me, I sit there doing play-by-play.

Inter look dangerous.
All they need is one goal and the tie is pretty much over.

Ac need to score first. I want both set of fans to feel the heat😃

Me too.
Makes for a much better watch if AC can score.

For real it does. They’ve had chances to score #ucl

Yeah, if Inter hits the first goal, then I think it's over with AC Milan.


Definitely, I know they're capable of doing the magic,but it halftime and no goal, all still in Inter Milan way

Gonna be tough for AC but no bigger motivator than the old rivals.

Very true. This is the night for them to fight for their name

So far, inter is looking good #ucl

Not so sure. They’re both getting good chances

The game is like ying yang so far #ucl


This is MIlan derby #ucl

Lol! I thought it was the Old Firm... 😂 Guess I'm at the wrong place

ha ha You are here. you are at the right place:P

Honestly, I know it a very big one to pull, let hope for a miracle mate, but Inter is my pick to qualify tonight

More of that Hernandez. Let’s go

ha ha this is fun #ucl

ha ha. They’re looking for a miracle#ucl

Go AC #ucl

AC have got a lot of fans today 😅 #ucl

We just like to support the losing team :P

AC Milan is definitely going to be on verge of do or die tonight, but they just have to be very careful

They need just a goal to believe. Who would be that difference

Close one.
Could have been a goal if it dropped right.

Yes. Giroud is big on the D #ucl

He still knows how to poach a goal.

I have a hunch that he is the one to lead the comeback #ucl

That was a nice press forAC Milan. Giroud is dangerous for sure. A corner for AC #ucl

Giroud might be the one to lead the comeback. We’re sleeping on him again

I know. he is huge and intelligent #ucl

Very very intelligent. Millan have got a good striker


As you said, he can lead the comeback if that happens #ucl

I hope he does it with my boy Leao

ha ha you like this guy #ucl

Ac Milan has being taken possession lately and it 0:0 at the end of first half, am sure a goal from either of the team will bring more live in the second

I am wishing for a goal now. Does not matter where it is coming from #ucl

Should have been a goal right there. Very soft shot.

ha ha that should have been a foul #ucl

10 mins gone on the second leg. The corner was cleared. Almost a goal. Good save #ucl

This is a very visible score line mate, let see what happens in the second

Looks like nothing changes #ucl

Corner for AC Milan #ucl cleared

AC Milan beginning to press now. 17 mins into the game #ucl

They really have to press more if they need the win.


This is looking like a draw game #ucl

Yeah, probably. And that is all what Inter needs.


Inter will be happy with 0-0 draw #ucl

yeah, they would really be happy indeed. #ucl

Inter is creating more chances in the last 5 mins #ucl

This is a threadcast that is kicking ass. Keep it going.

yeah, today we are breaking the target.


breaching 400 and reaching for 600

Imagine if we have 10 threaders #ucl

I wrote that somewhere.

It is so tough keep with notifications on threads UI #ucl

Inter pressing. The game is done if they score now #ucl

A corner for Inter Milan. Cleared. another corner #ucl

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