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RE: G-dog's weekend-engagement topic week 2 [40 hive in prize money!]

in OCD4 years ago

Lockdown isn't over until my local pub opens up and starts serving beer I've never seen before, and may never see again, unless I go a bit overboard :)

I'll also be celebrating with a holiday to somewhere warm, if the summer isn't over by then, as I've got almost a months paid leave to take before the end of the year - nice!


Lockdown isn't over until my local pub opens up and starts serving beer I've never seen before, and may never see again, unless I go a bit overboard

This is the problem you see, governments have all these weird measurements and yardsticks on when to leave lockdown...

  • Drink ten pints in 40 square foot bar packed with 897 people...
  • Not dead...
  • Rinse and repeat... It must be over.


I've done the Canaries in Autumn the last couple of years. Lanzarote was hothothot at back end of October last time we went. Damn! Those volcanic lava fields gotta be seen to be believed. Thinking the same as you though, keep it cheap and see where we can get to. Cheap is important because you always have half a mind on things may re-open and re-close sporadically for quite some time.

😀 ha! The guidelines above seem more straightforward than the Govs plans. Masks on public transport and lets get on with it I say!

Very true about the Canaries being a good end of season choice, but I am hoping we’ll be in the air sooner than October. And if there are bargains to be had cause people are worried about flying, maybe I can escape twice 😎



Public transport??? Oh wait I think I've heard of that... Is it like a carriage for the paupers?

Oh no! That just doesn't sound like my kind of thing at all... Yup October does feel like a decade away right now. I have 22 days off work which started at 7am this morning, this would normally be family holiday-time but Oh well... Gonna go on a long overdue engagement rampage instead...


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Oh yeah, a month of paid leave is always good to look forward to! Hope things open up! Where you thinking you'll go?

Yeah, I'm due a holiday ;)

Likely to be Spain - fairly cheap and pretty certain to be sunny. I've also got a sports partner to keep me on my toes, in-between beer and sunbathing :)

Are you planning anything?

You know...A month is enough time to get your ass to Australia...Just saying.

We we supposed to go to Tasmania on March for my 50th, Scandinavia in July. Scandinavia won't happen, but it looks like Tasmania is on for October provided our airline doesn't go bust (Virgin Australia) as they are in receivership. I'll be taking that aerobatic warbird flight in October. Seems a legit way to say fuck you COVID-19!

If the G-dog is going down, he's going down in a ball of flames! Lol.

lol this was really funny.

I don't have the funds to propel me to Oz this year, need some sort of crypto moon for that one :)

Tasmania is on for October provided our airline doesn't go bust

I assume airlines will still be around, likely bailed out of the shite as with so many 'essential' businesses.

Good luck!

Yes, Qantas will be around, but I paid with Virgin and it's not likely I'll see a return of funds if they don't fly as they owe billions. Oh well, lucky I'm fucking sexy...I'll just sell my body on the street corner and raise the funds to buy new tickets...I've budgeted 10 cents a pop so...Two tricks per day, 20 cents...I should be in Tasmania by 2083!

haha :)

Hmmm, now you are giving me some additional capital raising ideas......

I'm not sure it will work for a bloke like me but for you...I'd start spending the money now bro, you're going to be rich!

Oh heck... I need to start reading the whole comment and not just scanning... Maybe it doesn't translate from my mind to Oz-mind but all I saw was...

Virgin... Sexy... Two tricks per day!!!

Oh wait no... I just re-read and it was exactly as inappropriate as I first imagined... Oh well... Carry on.

BTW a quote I use often from and old TV series ((Harry Enfield show))

I'm at that difficult age I'm too old to be a rent-boy and too young to be a wino...

Lol...Being appropriate is something that eludes me. I have to temper it for hive lest people get the wrong idea...Sometimes the beast within just won't be caged though.