The Value Of Your Conversation: Looking Into Social Spaces.

in Indiaunitedlast year


In reference to this post, I believe
some people wouldn't mind letting go of their past especially if they feel that it is not relevant to the lives they're leading or important to what they'll evolve into, in the future. This is not me. I like studying patterns. most of the life lessons I've learned are because I tapped into the experiences I've had in the past.

Whether good or bad, irrespective of much these experiences might hurt, I feel that the lessons I'll learn from revisiting these old memories are crucial to stopping repetition. I discovered one thing about my life in my early days on Facebook and of those things is that I liked writing posts to cope with whatever situation I was facing.

A mind-Journal

It felt like having a Mobile journal where one is free to express pain, sadness, regret, happiness, or fulfillment. I didn't keep a real-life journal, but looking at how I flooded my Facebook feed with almost everything that happened in my life was surreal.

It felt like I was naked and everyone could stare, but then, this is why it's important to understand the level of our emotional maturity, by going back in time to check understand and revisit the people we use to be. One of such place where we can choose to be who we're not or choose to be who we truly are is in social spaces.

A Pattern

So this is why looking at your old social media activities and studying the pattern can particularly tell you who you use to be and whether or not you've changed or remained that same person to some extent. I wasn't conscious of the consequences of putting out too much information on the internet, I didn't care.

Younger people back then, lived carefree lives, unaware of how social media might evolve. When I was younger, a lot of people juggled their real life with their online life, they created a certain balance, but there were others like me, who very much didn't have anything substantial in real-time, the life we created online seemed way more valuable.

Real-time/ Offline

However, I think nowadays the life I lived back then has been redefined into something sharper and edgier. people are now living 1% in real-time and 99% online. Back in the day, this was a huge concern, but nowadays it's what's considered the new normal.

People now work online, inadvertently finding time to shuttle between TikTok and getting their jobs done. So the fact that we know how more people who are working online means that Social platforms will keep thriving, irrespective of how bad or how good they are.
(This is another conversation for another day) I think the more we grow the more we begin to see the flaws in the previous versions of ourselves.

However, if there are no pieces of information, evidence, or proof of the people we use to be, sometimes it makes it difficult to know what we currently are and whether we need to improve or keep being the people we currently are.

I have come to realize that people unknowingly leave tiny pieces of themselves all over the internet, creating pseudo-anonymous entities and having thousands of personalities, this has shown how the web has influenced a huge part of us, the exposure we had, and the people we became.

On hive, it's even deeper.

Because people are making impactful decisions and creating relevant conversations. A lot of people have become a different version of themselves, evolving with every change that has happened to the chain. From dead fish to maybe minnows or dolphins or from being ordinary newbies to being community leaders.

In conclusion

For all the flaws we have, the social authenticity on hive would create and document the lives of different people, giving them the advantage to latch on to this documentation to reminisce about the people they were and how far they've come. This evolution has brought about intentional and unintentional knowledge of crypto, NFT, DeFi, even free speech, web3, and even the idea behind decentralization. I like to think that in 5 to 10 years, people will rely on hive as a huge source of the history that made them who they are.

Interested in some more of my works?

Reviewing A $400 Samsung Galaxy A72 (photos Included)
Hive's Scalability & The Compromise Of Commitments
Money: The Consequences Of Making The Right & Wrong Decisions
The Nigerian Economy: Monopolizing Incompetence
The Experiential Process of Understanding Money
A Case Of Theft On Hive: Here's Why Some People Choose Scam.



Excellent post!

I'm one of those who went from dipping the toe in the water to running an online business. I've spent the last 17 years as a freelance writer, creating content for businesses. Now I've written two books on #crypto and social media and where they intersect.

That's astonishing, I think social media creat a unique ideologies and exposure about crypto and web3 and to have an understanding and experience of 17 years, then writing a book is astonishing.

Thank you. I put in a lot of hard work, and that's what it takes.

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However, I think nowadays the life I lived back then has been redefined into something sharper and edgier. people are now living 1% in real-time and 99% online. Back in the day, this was a huge concern, but nowadays it's what's considered the new normal.

True....Out of 24 hours , I spend up to 17 hours online