Doing Our Own Things

in Home Edders3 years ago

Hi fellow Edders,

What a wild past couple weeks it's been! Lots of fun and educational opportunities!


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Doing Our Own Things

One of the fun things that's been going on in our household is an awesome bunch of educational events. Not things like going to museums or anything but our own little versions of what amounts to lots of interesting things for the little man to do, see and learn. What I've instilled in him is a desire to learn and it certainly can be seen when we are out and about. Going to add some more posts in the coming weeks, little behind on the content since we've taken hundreds of photos lol.

I had a job interview the other day, virtually since it's all virtual now it seems, and I needed to cut my hair so that I looked more professional than I did at the moment. I don't have crazy wild hair or anything but I know that my current odd hair layout doesn't appeal to me when I am talking to professional people I don't know already. Off it goes! I was telling the little man that I needed a haircut and naturally he asked why. I told him that daddy was going to talk to some people about a new job that he was interested in taking. He was chewing on that for a while and I know he will randomly ask me about it in a few days or weeks lol.


It came time to do the haircut and he had asked me if he could do it. With the way I cut my hair nowadays, I just buzz it all off. Not to the point where I could use shaving cream and make it look like a pool table ball but not much more than a little stubble up there. This means that I don't have a whole lot of reason why he can't cut my hair so I said sure let's do it. Even if he screws up, I can just cut it where he missed. There's not much left when I do it so he can't do any worse than I do lol.

We ventured out onto the deck and he turned the clippers on and was just staring at it for a little bit, in wonder of what he had in his hand. He hesitated and cut off one piece of my hair and looked at me to see if everything was okay. I told him it was fine and he was pretty excited so he got back to work, cutting away! In the end he ended up doing a pretty good job. I had coached him on the different areas he would have to change up his tactic in order to really cut the hair but it was an overall successful event.

I think these types of things are important for the kiddos to do and learn. I don't think there is enough self confidence in some people and kids nowadays to do and learn things on their own. I know there are people who are out there that work in these industries that desperately need the work and money but at the same time, we can't always spend money on things that are not very complicated for us to do ourselves. We have been cutting our own hair in our house for about 4 years now, as a way to save money since things were getting tight. We aren't in as much of a tight financial situation right now but we still will continue to do it and probably will do it for the rest of our lives. It's a good habit to do and especially if we aren't going to be doing anything special to our hair, only cutting it at the given length that we want.

I think this money saving lesson as well as the task of cutting each others hair when we need a haircut were a good lesson for the little man. He has also graduated to cutting my facial hair, though that one came with a lot more trepidation since it's close proximity to some sensitive and prone-to-bleeding spots like lips and nose. He has certainly enjoyed getting to help me in one of my periodical tasks to perform for self care.

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Such a good story. I don't think I'd let Benji cut my hair lol but Sarah has been doing it since a little into the pandemic. Its crazy how much money it saves

Hahah well you style your hair a lot more than I do! I'm not that fancy with it. My wife (call her Siena on here) got me to finally cut my hair all the way. She said it looked like shit after we cut it hahaha she said it used to look like I was wearing a toupee! I was like what the hell why didn't you tell me sooner lol. She did suggest cutting it a few times but I said no. Finally gave in and did it about 2 years ago and haven't looked back since!

It's fun for the kids, the little man is always wanting to do what I need to do. It's great but it gets a little excessive sometimes. I love teaching him but we all need a break lol

Lolol can't believe she thought that and didn't say anything. Anyway, what's crazy about this is that Sarah cut my hair last week and I was going to post about it cause I took a bunch of pics. Beat me to it lol

Hahah yeah, I’ve got so many drafts in there! Trying to get through them all lol

So brave of you to let your Little Man cut your hair! Haha

We've also been cutting our own hair for 4 years or so now. For myself, the last I was at a salon was 7 years ago. For my boys, it started when my eldest was still attending regular school and a monthly haircut was required. It's a lot of money saved since then. Especially i have 3 boys (the husband included).

Oh man yeah that is a lot of money saved! A monthly haircut is crazy lol. It’s fun to do it ourselves though and we enjoy that. I think doing things on our own is one of the best things! Do your boys take turns cutting the hair or do you do it all for them?

So far they still let me do their hair. Hehe.

Not that you want to give it up but see if they would want to learn to cut their own one day. I know kids can be a little brutal sometimes but they might learn and enjoy it! Maybe not the first time where they purposely cut it weird hahaha

Since the begining of the pandemic I've been the professional barber at home. I have surprised myself as I have received a few compliments since then about my skills. Before this I just groomed and cut hair only for our dogs.

That's great! Skills you didn't know you had lol.

Yep the dogs weren't exactly very cooperative so it never really turned out very well.. besides I never had the right kind of tools for their kind of hair cuts LOL
But with my boys a pair of scissors was enough! hehe

Hair cutting is a useful skill! I am not quite dextrous enough to do my own so usually get either JJ or middle child to do it x_x

Randomly reminded me of one time when I walked outside to find middle child (then 7 or so) cutting her younger brother's (then 5) hair. Youngest cheerfully announced "[MIDDLE CHILD]'S CUTTING MY HAIR!" I checked to see what scissors she was using, think I had to give her the actual hair scissors, warned her they were super sharp and to be really careful with them and hung around to supervise.

She did a pretty good job and is now 7 years later is the only person in the house that is still allowed to cut his hair XD

Yay! 🤗
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