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RE: Candace Owens is taking on facebook for censoring is about time someone pushed back on these cyber-tyrrants!

in #informationwar4 years ago

My biggest worry, is seeing obvious bots used only for gang down votes!

THAT out of control bot use, Is what killed Steemit...SMH!

I don't mind short comments, as long as they forward the post. Some long ones never address the post; but simply preach their message, to ram it down our throats!

I think the bot problem needs to be outside the allowed operation on hive and palnet!



I actually don't mind any comment at all, good or bad. If anybody should decide which comments should be allowed, it should simply be you, me, or the individual who authors a post, let them decide what appears on his or her post and not outside entities.

Fighting on a blockchain is a waste of time and energy. I have been attacked by liberals, with a bot army on steemit; and my friends voted them, and their bots, into oblivion!

Some people need to get a little thicker skin....


It can be symbolic too to have a fight to the extent it can teach others some lessons.

Combat is a liberal replacement for debate, which they can Not win. In a battle of wits, they are unarmed....

So if you bother to fight with them, you are allowing them to control the debate. This I refuse to do, they can learn to debate, or get the hell off my page!

That is how I prefer to teach, LOL!



Which proves that you aren't a liberal, they don't agree with anyone, ROFLOL!


My 3 alleged spam comments were replies to his 3 almost identical comments spreading nonsense ("logic said I am spam", etc).
Just because this comment spammer wrote that sc-fund account is a bot does not make it so. Downvotes are manual. Please do a basic check-up before engaging in comments with this user.

The user has been spamming comments on introductory posts of new users. It has been happening for a long time.



I looked at the bot account, he said nothing about it.

When I find an account, that has no posts, no commrnts, and no replies, it is an obvious bot intended to amplify (punish) an account just to be worthy of punishment.

This bot mess helped kill steemit, and this is the first bot I have seen on palnet or hive. I'm not happy to see it, I must admit.

He has been posting comments that were germane to my post for a long while.

He was having OS Problems that contributed to this problem.

Be blessed, and watch out for liberal rioters....


You have no clue what you are talking about. Just because the owner of the account does not comment or post, it does not mean that the account must be a bot and every downvote must be a bot.
Despite that only selected comments by this user were downvoted by sc-fund. The ones that comment-spammed on introductory posts published by females. It is an evident example of manual downvoting.
Besides who cares if the downvotes on these comments were automatic or manual. It has nothing to do with anything. The user has a long history of spamming comments. Was asked to stop already twice in the past. Now continued again and were asked multiple times to stop the last streak fo spam commenting.

"This bot mess helped kill steemit, and this is the first bot I have seen on palnet or hive. I'm not happy to see it, I must admit"

I have no clue what you are talking about.
You don't make any sense. sc-fund account killed Steemit? facepalm

I will try again. Bots (not this specific bot ) used to censor others, destroyed the steemit platform. These platforms thrive on posts and comments.

Link me to anything this bot has done to originate or improve any post on this platform.

They are an attack mechanism, intended to limit any concepts and ideas, that the bot owner does not agree with. This is usually used to avoid debate where the bot creator will loose.


"Link me to anything this bot has done to originate or improve any post on this platform"

What bot????

facepalm for certain!

The bot that was helping you down vote, on my page!

Since you have not yet, replied to my post, on my post; and refuse to answer specific questions, you are spamming and wasting my time. I have better things to do with my time and efforts!

Bots are a cancer on blockchains, that should be banned totally.

Good bye!


I have no clue what bot you are talking about. You clearly have some cognitive difficulties as you have been refusing to give the name of the bot.

joeyarnoldvn has been talking about the account called sc-fund and thinking that this account is a bot because it gave him a streak of downvotes a few days ago. If you are not talking about this account then don't get involved in the conversation and get out of the conversation.

"Bots are a cancer on blockchains, that should be banned totally"

Yeah, you definitely have some cognitive issues.
Bots are neither bad nor good. It is just a technology to automate tasks. They are neither good nor bad for the blockchain. It is up to people how they apply them. For the beneficial or for detrimental reasons facepalm the way. All these spam comments are left on female introductions. facepalm