
in #j4 years ago

Bible Free is Wisdom Free. Happy Easter. You can either say life sucks or life is difficult. Which do you say? James Watson said there is no god and I am god and James has been the mentor of Bill Gates. Know thy enemy. Expose corruption.

Vikings vs Samurai

If the Vikings fought the Samurai, who would win? If the Japanese were more ninja, more healthy, athletic, faster, more skillful with a sword, then they would probably win. Vikings may have been stronger but the Japanese may have been quicker, smaller, more flexible. So, if they were fighting in a jungle, the Japanese would probably win.

Samurai vs Gladiators

Well, I might compare the Samurai with Roman Gladiators who were possibly more deadlier than the Samurai on average.

My Autobiography

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2020-04-12 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-04-12 - Sunday

Hanoi Saigon Vietnam original green "Oatmeal Joey Arnold" joeyarnold joeyarnold4 joeyarnold7 joeyarnoldvn shelton was usa oregon WA washington america vietnam ojawall l4oj wolbi fghs lms english teacher morehead rasp pdx fgor97116 fgor163 my blog joseph scott donald marilyn mitchell cool kid FG OR USA

Screenshot at 2020-04-12 12:05:23.png

Candace Owens interviews Dennis Prager, Easter 2020

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Published in April of 2020

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Africa vs Europe

12:15 AM - Hive Blog

Europe has had Open Borders.

Turtle Power

12:34 AM - Hive

Reminds me of Turtles 3 where they travel back in time to 1602 AD Japan and there was a European white man there with a gun and a canon. So, he was trading with the emperor or something like that. There were the Samurai who may have been more deadlier than the Vikings. But of course they were both pirates like you said. I wonder how the two groups would match.

Vikings vs Samurai

If the Vikings fought the Samurai, who would win? If the Japanese were more ninja, more healthy, athletic, faster, more skillful with a sword, then they would probably win. Vikings may have been stronger but the Japanese may have been quicker, smaller, more flexible. So, if they were fighting in a jungle, the Japanese would probably win.

Samurai vs Gladiators

Well, I might compare the Samurai with Roman Gladiators who were possibly more deadlier than the Samurai on average.


01:22 AM - Hive

I grew up attending a Baptist church, mostly. I was working with The Salvation Army. I've been part of different churches, ministries, groups.

Painting Propaganda

Blake Webb

2010-05-02 - Sunday - Blake Webb died on that 2nd of May of 2010 and I went crazy. Just kidding. But some people said they were concern about me and thought I was going crazy. I made a bunch of Facebook groups, pages, and account profiles. In June, my main account was terminated, I suspect because too many people figured out that I was the creator of asll of those pages and what not and decided to report me as fake or as spam and perhaps some people reported me even without knowing it was me behind the mask.

Brent Groth

Obama Care Game

2013-09-18 - Wednesday - 12:41 AM - I shared this on Facebook - International Interference - 'Obamacare' Boardgame: Everybody Pays, 'Nobody Ever Wins'

I knew Obama Care sucked on the 18th of September of 2013.

Scott Sidartha Schwartz - 2013 Saigon

In May of 2013, I shared something from Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars. But I didn't know that at that time.

Broke Phone

2010-08-17 - Tuesday - 01:24 PM - Facebook Page - Leaving You Messages

Once upon a time this summer 2010 at camp I successfully managed to jump into the pool without drowning, without hurting anybody, without losing myself, without killing anybody except for my phone in the process.

This event was prompted through a disturbance in the force which later banished my phone’s battery & SIM card from existence, a disturbance which wasn’t quickly recovered until just now, meaning that you can now call me now that I got myself a new phone but that is only half of the story if you know what I am saying, or not.

Joey Arnold
2719 NE 8th Ave
Portland OR 97212

Broke in

I picked the lock to Charlotte Battle's house where I was living around AUgust 2010 as I forgot my key like one time. Probably only one time and I made page for that.

Robber Joey

2010-08-16 - Monday - 04:06 PM | Picking Locks

Broke right into my first home today, picked right into it to get the goods, so proud of myself, my little sister would be proud of me too, I am becoming quite the nasty criminal citizen now you know what I am saying.

Clone Wars

2020-04-12 - Sunday - 03:40 AM - 04:05 AM - Clone Wars 708




Jedi Mind Trick

Pikes working for Maul

They hate Jedi and therefore she hates Ahsoka.

She doesn't want to hear a complicated story on how she left the Jedi


2020-04-12 - Sunday - 04:05 AM- 05:09 AM - Outlander 508

Is history as valuable as creative writing?

They are like bullets as they have impact.


Last Words

To be remembered

Even after a year, soldiers of the Vietnam War were like zombies still, mute, shell shocked.

Have patience to find him again, daughter, like I did my husband but in a different way.


He got his hands lose when being hanged to catch his neck

Roger not talking for months

When her boy went to touch the hot pot, he spoke for the first time to say, "Stop," but then would not talk to his wife.

Indian boy is back

Make yourself at home

Roger walked away from the cliff

Paper airplane or bird

Roger saves a man who was going to kill himself just like he was and Roger started talking again

Part of me died that day

They reunite as a family

Romantic ending


2020-04-12 - Sunday - 05:11 AM- 06:07 AM - Westworld 203

Are you real or fake?

Is this South Africa?

Is that a castle?

Walking Dead actor, number 2 under Negan, man in the Abe Lincoln hat.


Westworld is like Terminators trying to survive

2007 live action Disney like film, Christmas Day

Breath in and breath out


Sleep. 11:50 AM. Happy Easter today. That song called Amazing Grace. But imagine a camp. Water strawberries with big watering can. Small can for greenhouse plants. Done. Apple. Orange. Coffee. Oatmeal. Sunshine. Neighbors out. Not a nail. But his name. Like the man on the moon. The arm and strong. But first name. Three cups of coffee. Three shades of blue. Coffee cups. Hoarding coffee lol.


12:04 PM - The Candace Owens Show: Dennis Prager

It's ok not to know everything.

Bugging the older generation for wisdom has been the norm for centuries.

Baby Boomers has a slogan, don't trust anypne older than 30. Bad advice as we learn from people who are thousands of years old, people like Moses, Jesus, Shakespeare, etc.

As a teen, in the early 2000's, I was thinking about a module, an idea of how kids should seek older mentors in their lives at churches, clubs, etc, and that ministries should seek to put teens with grandparents.

Arab has a word that means black and it means slave or slavery.

Feminism helps men and not women.

Dennis tells a story of when he saw this as a young 20 year old young man.

It makes women and girls depress to have sex with who they want, to take off their clothes, to go crazy, it hurts them more than you know.

Bible Free is Wisdom Free.

You can either say life sucks or life is difficult. Which do you say?

Oatmeal English

2020-04-12 - Sunday - 01:40 PM
10,029 members total
403 mods
214 pages
53 mod invites

Oatmeal English Mods

02:11 PM - Facebook

Oatmeal English has 409 mods. Can I get a mods war here? Also, 10,036 members in this group.

Dishes for a second around noon. Watering plants like I said. Arthur cartoon. Brain. Brian. 2 laptops. One has a damaged battery it appears. Not charging. Windows on both. Now to Alex.

Thug Goosh

02:37 PM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!

New King

02:44 PM - Facebook Group

All hail Ty Huu Bui, the New King of Oatmeal Land.

Oatmeal English

Is 411 mods enough for this troll-ridden Facebook group that has not been very active for years or do I need to add another 400 mods because of all the many posts we are getting right now in this Oatmeal English group? Don't y'all speak all at once.

Being Banned

03:37 PM - Facebook

I've been put on monthly Facebook Jails over ten times the past several years and some of my other accounts have been suspended without warning. Same thing on YouTube, Twitter, Medium, etc.

Twenty Thousand

03:44 PM - Facebook

Tommy Pope, That is like trying to stop the rain. I have 20K followers. How do I comb through twenty thousand people? Tommy then said you don't.

Tommy Pope, I've been writing articles about this kind of thing and been dealing with this since 2009 and especially since 2010 and I can write all day about these things and have been.

Tommy Pope, what you're saying is only part of the story. I can tell you there is more to it than just that. A lot more to it than that. Even with no bots, you will see things happening. The bot thing is not the only way that censorship is triggered. It is a way but it is not the only way.

Also, you can find anything on Facebook. Everything. That includes porn. Meaning that when Facebook punishes somebody for allegedly violating community guidelines, it is therefore selective enforcement as the rules are not universally applied and enforced. We all can see it. Facebook has been shadow banning millions and millions of accounts. Thousands of people have been writing articles and posting videos documenting these things for years now, especially during the 2010's, the past decade as censorship accelerated like never before.

Tommy Pope, I am telling you that thousands of people can talk to you about this. You refuse to talk to these people that can tell you what is happening. There is so much information about it. I am trying to tell you some things. It seems you do not want to listen to what I am writing. I want to tell you how the AI works. I can show you the guy with the mustache from War World 2. When you upload photos with that man, rhymes with Bitler, I was banned for a month for it and then again and then again each time. And then when I uploaded a photo from Star Wars and then when I wrote about something people talk about on Twitter which Paul Joseph Watson mentioned many times, then again. I can talk all day about these things. And I'm not the only one that can talk about these things. It's a complex issue. Twitter. Kill All White People.

Bill Gates

This was the mentor to Bill Gates.
A. James Watson
B. Steve Jobs

James Watson said there is no god and I am god.

Star Wars Theory

04:46 PM - The Clone Wars Arc George Lucas Wanted to Make Before it Was Cancelled

Jedi defeated Sith thousands of years before Darth Vader and placed the Jedi Council over their Sith shrine just like Muslims would build buildings over that of the Jews. So, does that mean Jedi are Muslims?

Jedi put it over the Sith's building in order to bury them and to block out the dark side of the force, to neutralize the dark side. But that is part of how Palpatine was able to hide under their noses.

Star Wars Theory

05:09 PM - Vader: Complete Canon Comic Series 1-25 in Chronological Order (2 hour Movie)

Sith burn the Jedi lightsabers like globalists burn books and censors people on the Internet.

06:00 PM - nap for like 2 hours. Then back to Star Wars Theory.

Saturday Night Live

07:40 PM - Tom Hanks At-Home Monologue - SNL

Lionel Nation

08:10 PM - Live Stream: Happy Easter From the Conspiratorium III

Oatmeal English

08:43 PM - Facebook

If you're an admin, you could, if you wanna, make sure that other admins and mods don't try to burn this place to the ground. You could make sure other admins don't try to remove the pinned posts, announcements, the banner, the main Oatmeal admins, the link to my blog on Hive; or in other words, the main creators and sponsors of this group. I may not always be on Facebook and I may be banned someday and gone forever possibly in the future. So, I may not always be around to supervise this place in the future. But as an admin, you could. At the same time, as an admin, you could stab me in the back and steal this group from me. So, in other words, I must be crazy. What I'm doing here is full of risk. There are currently over 400 mods and admins and 10K members in the Oatmeal English Facebook group. Yes, it is risky but at the same time, this group could be valuable for some people. So, I wanted to give back to the community. I wanted to try to give some of you an opportunity to cultivate this garden. Yeah, this group is like a garden and each person is like a plant. And the mods and admins are the gardeners. So, mods could invite people and cultivate conversations, threads. Start discussions. Keep the discussions flowing like a river. As an admin, you could add other admins. You could start your own pages and groups. You could share videos, articles, memes, links, pictures, etc. To the admins, I give you the keys to the universe. So, you have the opportunity to make this flower blossom or you could perhaps burn this place down to the ground. The choice is up to you. But if you do try to destroy this place, I encourage other admins to neutralize you as a potential threat to this Oatmeal Land. May the force be with you. Live long and prosper. And He has risen. Yes, He has risen indeed.

Don't ____________ me.
A. Ate
B. Eat

If you're an admin, you could connected pages to this group and post via those pages.

Explain Please

09:13 PM - Facebook

What I was writing is sort of a joke but it is true that there are many mods. But I am talking about @oatmealenglish which has 10K members and over 400 mods. You know what a mod is? I made you a mod, specifically an administrator, which is a higher level mod.

Up Late Live TV

09:29 PM - Shane Adamczak & St John Cowcher - A Digital Folk/Rock Acoustic Concert 3

Naomi, thanks for that video. My favorite part is when they were singing now you're just somebody that I used to know, two guitarists, one artist chick who was drawing without looking, and that got me in a dancing mood. I almost didn't click on it. I actually got chills down my back. I enjoyed watching this ten times more than Tom Hanks at his home hosting Saturday Night Live (SNL) with a bald head. Oh, you're in it too. Love it. Always come back to this town.

The Amazing Lucas playing some video games

Michael Jackson, Just Skip It.

Red Letter Media

11:27 PM - Best of the Worst: Plinketto #5

"Princess Warrior" "Lindsay Norgard"


Clone Wars

2020-04-12 - Sunday - 03:40 AM - 04:05 AM - Clone Wars 708


2020-04-12 - Sunday - 04:05 AM- 05:09 AM - Outlander 508


2020-04-12 - Sunday - 05:11 AM- 06:07 AM - Westworld 203


12:04 PM - The Candace Owens Show: Dennis Prager

Thug Goosh

02:37 PM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!

Star Wars Theory

04:46 PM - The Clone Wars Arc George Lucas Wanted to Make Before it Was Cancelled

Star Wars Theory

05:09 PM - Vader: Complete Canon Comic Series 1-25 in Chronological Order (2 hour Movie)

Saturday Night Live

07:40 PM - Tom Hanks At-Home Monologue - SNL


07:59 PM - Middle-Aged Mutant Ninja Turtles - SNL

Lionel Nation

08:10 PM - Live Stream: Happy Easter From the Conspiratorium III

Up Late Live TV

09:29 PM - Shane Adamczak & St John Cowcher - A Digital Folk/Rock Acoustic Concert 3

The Amazing Lucas playing some video games

Red Letter Media

11:27 PM - Best of the Worst: Plinketto #5


Staying at home is murdering millions of people in 2020.

Every seed counts. Are you canning food?

arnold, The samurai was beautified and distorted by the Japanese. Samurai actually means royalty, aristocrat, lord, landlord, and rich man. Japanese anime, manga, and movies made samurai a wonderful hero.

I will write the truth of samurai in the future.

I understand that but I was specifically talking about their skills as fighters.

In the past, Koreans often fought against the Japanese, and the swords of the samurai were less powerful than the spear. Rather, the gun was more threatening. Koreans were more afraid of Japan's advanced guns.

But were there not some fast Jackie Chan style fighters?

Do you believe that Star Wars Jedi exists in reality? Jackie Chan is a clown. Boxing, wrestling, judo, and taekwondo were used in the Combat martial arts. Koreans also say that Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan are acrobats. Koreans rather enjoy the American UFC.

arnold, how old are you? Korean teenagers ask a lot of questions like you.
Aren't you watching too many movies? hahaha

We can learn a lot from fiction. Reality hides inside fiction. I'm 35. I was born in 1985 as you can see in my blog.

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment