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RE: Species

in #lifelast year (edited)

It is one of our most famous expressions. A fine one for contemptuously ending something!

It sounds like they are arranging it on the sly with the really important folk and the poor sods on the ground are not getting told till the last minute. No matter, I have told them :OD

Have a great day!


I know what you mean many times I felt this way in the past when I worked for the first state in my country with supervisors "who hide everything" as if the company is a personal matter for them.

Some of them live far too much of their lives through the company and not enough for themselves. Madness

Exactly they take it all to themselves, and they are the ones who fuck the most, and they trip you up on the left... sorry for the swear word I just wrote, but it's the right thing to say, and it was said lol

HAhaha, you never have to apologise for the odd swear word with me!! You are exactly right in that!

Thank you, Mr, 😅