
Licking the frogs is my bag baby! If you ain't frying em you should be licking em!

Lick em, stick em, and hold em over the fire until they pop!

Man I feel sorry for anyone who ever takes us seriously in these comment sections...

I wonder if they do pop or kinda wetly schlop? Might be worth finding out!

They would have to be pretty fucking stupid wouldn't they? But we are ok, they don't seem to notice when we type small

I don't eat the damn things but I know some do, however, I'll go out on a limb here, and assume they sizzle. If they pop I think everyone would know about this by now and most likely call them pop frogs. Healthy substitute for movie food. I should have been a chef.

This is where we can do drug deals and stuff. Nobody knows!

Sizzle-pop, I think that might be what they do!

If they were to be pop-frogs we would all have to invest in toasters with thicker slots though. Wouldnt fancy jamming a slimy one of them in my vertical crevice!

All the drugs. Send them to my holiday retreat. I shall pick up up in the usual boat of Black Isle!

Could teach them to crawl in themselves. Then at least it's not murder.

I'll be disguised as a camel herder. If I'm late again don't fret. These fucking animals are hard to work with.

That is a great idea. Like the opposite of life skills

Once again I shall wear the turban with the enormous ruby set in the middle and pretend to be a genie