
And you too mate, mine is of to a flying start. Feel asleep pouring my daughter to bed, whole night gone, yeek!!

Wow! That is certainly a flying start.
Hopefully the aliens visited during your slumber and they left you something to pacify you a bit :)

I think they did! I think I will be pacified!! ;0)

Hahaha, and I presume you have your excuses for the missus lined up 😁

Hehe, I try to get her involved and they way no excuses are required ;0)

Shame on you, leading her down the garden path!!!

Sometimes I wonder if it is her leading me down the garden path and I'm just the poor victim!! Lol

Never on you life! You don't sound like the kinda cat that would ever be led down a garden path. Methinks that you can invent garden paths! 😁

That might be true but it never hurts when the ladies think they are leading... ;0)

You should change meesterboom to masterboom...😀

Can't!! It will blow my cover!!