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RE: Warrior girl

in #ntopaz5 years ago (edited)

Hey Yanes, I know you seem to think this is some conspiracy theory against you, but it’s not. As a curator you should know how you present your works matters and crazy enough people will actually believe the words you say. So, when you present a works as something brand new and me, a curator, goes to look since my curation project voted on it, just to find that you have taken an old works and painted over it.. it makes me wonder what else you are “not telling.”

Now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with posting old works or taking an old works and making something new with it. It’s just when it’s presented as something new, when it’s really not, it sort of feels as if an author is trying to get new rewards for an old work. There is nothing illegal about it, and no one is going to kick you off the platform but I think we have the right to state the information was incorrect or even, better yet, just choose not to curate it.

Here is a wonderful example of an artist being forthcoming about taking an older work and making something new with it.

Did she owe us the platform an explanation? No, of course not. But it sure is appreciated as we as curators are trying to reward the authors that add value here, and there are a lot of individuals trying to take advantage. So it’s more of a mutual respect thing rather than some sort of “law.”

The great thing is each user here as well as each curation guild gets to choose who and what they will and won’t curate, that’s the beauty of a free world. So I hope that in the future when you “paint an older work” you don’t present it at something brand new, and if you do, please don’t be offended if a curator asks you if it’s new or old. We probably already know anyways, and are just giving you the benefit of the doubt.

No one is after you, and no one that I know of is “hurt” by any artist posting new or older works. We all would just rather have the artist tell us it’s an older work, rather than us finding out (because we always do) and feeling as if an artist is trying to deceit us by passing it off as something new.

Curators and curation guilds are big supporters of the art world here on Steem, in fact.. it’s my favorite thing to curate. It’s just some curation groups actually want to protect artists too and therefore are always working to avoid plagiarism, and other forms of “stealing” to ensure the right individuals are being rewarded. This is a personal choice by each curation group and user. Many don’t seem to mind and gladly give votes to these sorts of things, others will not. But, no one is running anyone off the platform.. we can all just simply choose to curate what we want. Asking the artist to be forthcoming and honest just helps us to reward the content for what it is, whether it’s old or new.

I hope this has made things a bit more clear to you, please let me know if you have any questions.




Hi @llfarm First of all I think your unfriendly words and your tone make me feel like I have to defend myself. As a curator, I wouldn't use those unfriendly words towards other artists when I want to ask them for information or inform them of any rules, whether formal or informal. I did state that “I had to take some time to paint this drawing”, so it’s already indicative that it's not a brand new piece of work. And I can show you many artworks post like mine, that got upvote from C2. I’ll put some example here, not as a report, but just for reference.

And here are some reposts of previous works that are 100% the same that received an upvote from C2 and comments by the same C2 curators.

There are a number of other artworks that are same like that. There are no mention about previous works. Do you also say to these artists, “I wonder what else you are not telling” and see them as “trying to get new rewards for an old work” ?

I feel this is really unfair and maybe some reason behind all of this that only I get such accusations. I hope I’ll not be put on the C2 blacklist because I speak up and express my opinion.

Jaguar has mentioned that some curators are supporting his efforts, this includes his personal attack to me many times, and I hope that’s not C2 curators

@llfarm @randomwanderings

I feel this is really unfair and maybe some reason behind all of this that only I get such accusations.

---> you said this but you're doing the same to me o_o;;

I'm not sure why you used me as the only example because I don't post my art without improving them in some way, but I guess I'm the unlucky one. Hopefully the next time my name is tagged it will be in a better circumstance, because right now I feel that you use me as your solo example because you don't like me :o.
Anyway, obviously I don't feel that I have done anything wrong, but I understand that some people will appreciate it if I put more description about my artworks so they can decide whether they want to support me or not. That is fine with me, I will try to make it clearer for my future posts :).

This is victim bullying 101, they don’t like being questioned so they tear down others while playing victim. Don’t let it get you down. People always show their true colors eventually...

@scrawly the comment in question is on another post of yanes94.

Please note that this is a digital work based on an older ink sketch from three months ago. And I think that’s why Yanes used your posts as an example. It has nothing to do with bullying or being a victim.
The idea that making a digital drawing and showing it after some months that the sketch was done and showing it, to be labeled as an old and unoriginal is beyond weird.

I don't feel bullied or feeling victimised, but I don't see why she picked me out of the blue as the only example. As you can see, I wasn't part of this conversation.

Perhaps she likes your work and it just popped into her head as an example 🤷‍♀️ I don’t post my art on Steem anymore but I’m concerned that curators try to dictate what illustrators are supposed to write (considering the work is authentic).

Actually you have no idea why she was mentioned, but I do. So please, if you want to curate with someone else’s project on things like this, as you are a trained art expert, continue.

The bullying and manipulation will not be tolerated though, which I’m sure you know nothing about as you are jumping in here without any facts.

I stand by the words I’ve said, like I said.. your feedback was noted though.

Indeed I have no idea what’s happening nor actually care about the internal things between people. My comment is only about the production of art. 99% of professional artists use references, projectors, light tables, some use photoshop to collage photos then print them out onto watercolor paper and then ink or paint over them. They only disclose the way they produce the work when asked directly. These are just modern tools of the trade of the age of mass production and mass demand.

@scrawly nothing‘s wrong with posting improvement posts or repost so I think ALL your posts are good, I love your art and I have curated many of them. I posted your links here as examples for reference only, nothing against you, and I also want to show that Llfarm’s is being unfair with her accusations while other artists and friends do the same.

@llfarms said that statement above in the most neutral and friendly way I know. There is no hint of accusation. She simply just explained why curators have to ask these things. I'm also not sure how @scrawly 's works are brought up.

It’s just some curation groups actually want to protect artists too and therefore are always working to avoid plagiarism, and other forms of “stealing” to ensure the right individuals are being rewarded. This is a personal choice by each curation group and user.

Every curation project has their own methods of ensuring the posts are legit and that it was made by the author themselves. These aren't attacks against you. These are simply just one of their ways to curate. I am an artist myself and I don't mind getting these verification messages as I can easily prove that I am a real artist. I'd be happy to see a curation project work hard to ensure they are voting for the right works.

Again, don't take this as an accusation or that we are doing something against you. Questioning is normal.

Hey yanes, not sure what “tone” you are referring to as my comment was just to address your text here;

Here I show you my new work "I JUST FINISHED", a warrior girl.

It is a job which "I THINK I WILL PAINT SOME DAY" when I have the time to do it, I hope I do not hurt anyone for doing something as cruel as that. XD

Which I took as a response to me asking if the works was old or new. Maybe I was mistaken.. or maybe I didn’t use enough smiley faces in my response so you took it as an “attitude”.

Many artists are rewarded for work in progress and their steps along the way. Not sure why you are using these links as that’s not the same works repeatedly being stated they just did it, and rather a progression of works over time.

Also, the work I asked a question about also received a vote from C2.. so why are you comparing others that also got a vote?

No one has stated anything about blacklisting you so I’m not really sure what you are talking about. Also, we would never blacklist someone for “speaking up or expressing opinion” so again, not sure why you are stating so. Unless you are trying to imply something and in that case, please come forward to address these things as we work pretty hard to ensure all authors of all genres are rewarded and are the only curation guild that is open to the public and anyone can be a curator.

C-squared runs its own investigations into what we vote and has the right to vote and not vote as we wish, which is stated in the guidelines. As you just received the “curator role” there, I hope you have read them.

Again, I asked a question as I’ve come across a few things I was unsure of. Please stop trying to make this into something it’s not. You’re in our discord, you can see what happens there. Please feel free to tag me or anyone else to ask any questions you have.