
I hear you, and I agree with you.

I choose how I take part very specifically here, as I too do not want to post pictures of myself, my family, or any specific identifiers. So I have chosen to remain fairly vague in my personal details. I have my own excellent reasons for this, and they are very personal. They are the same reasons I refuse to participate in social media anywhere else. And my own reasons and why they exist are a giant trigger for me.

Those reasons are why I was ecstatic to learn about Hive.

There are several communities that I don't take part in because of this. Some require posters to share on social media, so those communities are off limits for me. Some require photo verification. I even tried to wear sunglasses and use the sun to hide my details in one community that I very much wanted to take part in. That wasn't enough for them, and they wanted video verification 🤯 so I left that group. It's sad, because there are several communities that I feel would inspire more of my ability to write and to come out of my shell. But I can't cross that boundary.

I can tell you that there are many communities that won't ask these things of you. Each community is like it's own little social club, each with different rules. I would feel exceptionally put-off if I had received the response you did, and I wish it wasn't a thing. Tagging, muting, downvoting; all of these make me very anxious as well. I haven't found that many people that are willing to admit the same.

I hope that you can find it in you to continue on, to find communities that don't make these ridiculous requirements. You are exactly the kind of writer that I personally hope can fill this space.

I'm not a techie, or a social media cryptopreacher; I'm an average middle-aged human with lots of personal issues and trauma that hopes to find community and has taken a last ditch effort to look here with optimism. Maybe we should form our own annonymous community? 😊🦋

PS: I don't know if you read my #introduceyourself post, but here is what I did to remain mostly anonymous while still providing info about myself: My Intro Post. Maybe a post similar would be enough for verification? I've never seen that photos or specific identifiers are required. There's got to be a work-around!


people have migrated the shitty social and societal problems with it.

Unfortunately, people have done that for millennia, we are just expanding into a virtual realm, I'm afraid. A safe space can only exist in a closed group and we have no closed groups on the blockchain.

I absolutely understand your anxieties, I've lived with them all my life. Sadly if you want to put yourself out there in any way, in our case through writing, you have to either develop a thick skin or find ways to deal with the things that knock your confidence. For me it helps trying to see the other side and understand where they are coming from. Most of the time these are good people trying to deal with things and advise on correct tag or community usage. Once I've gotten over the initial shock of being told I've done the wrong thing then I rationalise and ask for further advice. The majority of the time the conversation ends in a good way.


Hi, I hear you, but also see why this may have happened. The moderators in the communities often have to deal with scammers, plagiarists and farmers and one of the consistent factors with them are that they don't have introduction posts. This is why some communities will ask you for them. It's actually also a helpful way to connect with other users on Hive and may help you start to feel less isolated. You don't have to show your face, just be genuine. It's always a slow process when you come to Hive to make connections and get to know people.

The moderator from the community was actually quite nice and polite in their approach. Some can be very aggressive and rude.

I'm afraid actifit is also a bit niche and can isolate you from others who aren't actifit fans themselves, due to the amount of short content on there which some users see as farming. It's a little more accepted now than it used to be, but the short content style apps caused something of a stir when they first started up and it took some convincing that they were a valid option for Hive.


what a douchey way to manage a community...

honestly, I can relate how that felt degrading but you really shouldn't be worried about that... just make a mental note that their specific community isn't a very welcoming place.

these "communities" only represent some moderated sub sections of this blockchain, and I am sure you'll find like-minded folks elsewhere who'll accept your authenticity by your interactions and not based on some formal #introduceyourself post or what-not.


I've been on this platform for quite a while now, I am using multiple accounts for my personal means as I see fit, I've never done any proper introduction of my irl identity whatsoever.

You certainly should be careful not to pick fights with whales who could flag you into oblivion around here, but you also certainly don't need to let anyone bully you into introducing yourself in any specific way they want.

You'll also have to accept if they don't want you there if you don't accept their rules... but who wants to be with those sheeples anyway... lol... I'm sorry, probably a bunch of really nice folks over there, just with an overzealous power tripping moderator...


well, I wouldn't underestimate the power of being part of a group, and especially here for the purpose of building upvote support and "curation" on your content communities will be an essential part... but you don't have to abide by arbitrary rules is what I am saying.

the experiences on this chain can be a mixed bag and the underlying economy is heavily skewed to say the least, but it's a great place to meet interesting folks, too...

anyways... let's be actifit friends (so that I'll get notifications when you post your reports) I'll gladly extend the upvote support that way and I've also enlisted you with @dustbunny to help with the teensy weensy rewards on comments, too.


I've sent you a friend-request via You'll have to go to their site and accept the request, that'll let me get your notifications in the actifit app. I'm notoriously bad at touching base on hive itself, so those notifications of your reports going up will help me a lot. ;)


excellent... looking forward to your next report.

Hey. Apologies for not reading the whole thing... My eyes are really tired and I'm about to eat and go to sleep, but I did read the screenshot you included... I think it's unfortunate that they are requiring this of you, though it's also not that difficult to make an introduction post and I can see on some levels why they did that... That being said, there should be other ways for you to verify who you are without making an introduction post! Like, just having a conversation with you and asking you for those details instead of some rigid hoop to jump through.

Sorry you went through that, but hopefully you are able to find a solution!
The first thing I did when I joined this platform was make an #introduceyourself post and that's one of the main pieces of advice I gave to everyone who I had sign up here... So, in my opinion it's something that would be beneficial regardless. But, it shouldn't be forced on you if you don't wanna do it in such manner. There are other ways to try to verify if someone is genuine or not.


That "requirement" is no requirement, and it is NOT a requirement to do an intro right off, nor show a photo, @plantpoweronhi is giving you false information, and if they felt that way, they should have had it in their rules; they are the second community that has muted NEW Hiveans for various reasons. All this "person" did was take away your rewards unjustly for an excellent post for no valid reason without warning. That "verification" crap came from that other platform we all left in the hard fork, it is strictly voluntary to make an introduceyourself post; it is beneficial, but NOT a "law".
If you would like to write up an introduceyourself post, we will feature it in our Hey! Have Ya Met...? project, you know where to find us, but there is NO hurry, it is on your timeline, not mine; we have been working up introduceyourself posts for over 3 years, so I am very aware of what is "required" and what is not.