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in #proofofbrain3 years ago

I get bored when I read plagiarized work. It has not character. I sometimes leave a comment but mostly ignore it. I should be more hard on this garbage, but then what about bots posting stats? They get rewards too. They are original. Youtube is also filled with bots making posts. It's all original but it is not human. I can't stand it and would rather have a little originality than a ton of information. I am so tempted to follow your curation trail @sholaris.pob

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Sincerely it sounds like waste of effort for the person that as done that and even to the readers self it is like wasting your time to read someone work without giving credit to the real source

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It isn't a waste of effort if you're being rewarded for it. Also, plagiarized comments wouldn't normally be noticed with automated curation. I curate everything manually. So, when I see a comment that is suspicious, I tend to check it out. Automated curation doesn't check for it unless specifically designed to do so.

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The worst ones are those doing coping and paste in the comment sections, so nauseating reading such comment.

Like why can't they just share their personal opinion and leave .

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That's not the worst case I've seen. Though that alone is pretty bad.

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When I read your user name I am sure you did not come here to copy and paste but to have fun^^

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Copy and paste? No, there are no fun in that.


Definitely could come up with a better name for a coffee shop.

Coffee shop, now I think I'm lost.

But, this is the story behind my user name, after trying to create an account here on the hive with three times failed attempts, I will create and I won't be able to log in afterwards.

I got frustrated and told my friend to create it for me on his end, he asked me what user name will I like to use. With annoyance, I told him to chose any name he like.

Few minutes later he sent my account details to me and told me to try and login, then I saw Funshee, I was like what! For real?

But after my few days on the hive I realise that my real world brio to hive , I was this just uptight kind of person.

Each time I login into my account and see my user name it reminds me that a little sauce and fun won't hurt much.

Sorry, the story isn't that short after all.

No one can coffee and pasta your work because it has you in it. If they do it doesn't match. Only you are Funshee even if you didn't choose that name at all sister.

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I care not whether an article or post is automated or human-made. There is a certain tolerance in the community for automated comments for legit reasons. Hivebuzz for example as it's meant to provide notification and people have the option to turn it on or off. If you decide to follow my curation trail, please let me know, lol. I will have to adjust my VP for a wider audience.

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You have good perception to see an issue from both sides. I like some automated posts and there will be a point where it will be difficult to tell the difference between a human post and an AI post. Most of the time it is pretty obvious today and the bots are helpful.

As for the comment of following @scholaris.pob, I think you already vote for a wide variety. I am doing pretty well manual curating for most posts of people I know but the problem comes when I look through new posts and can't find anything. I feel like it is a waste of time to even look sometimes. Other times I find new friends. If I did follow then I'm not sure what percent to follow at anyway.

Oh, you don't need to follow my curation trail. There are plenty of people available that can you can vote behind like: @nonsowrites, @aiuna, @wiseagent, @hranhuk to mention just a few.