Spammer going to spam all @buildawhale users in retaliation for blacklist

in #spam6 years ago (edited)

@money-dreamer was blacklisted for sending 50,000 memos in the last 30 days (almost 14,000 in last 7 days), spamming posts and contests. I've been approached by 3 different people independently about his activities.

After review, I decided to ban him from using our service. After he was blacklisted, he decided to flag all my posts in retaliation and as well as left a lot of comments claiming I am a scammer and robbing people.

You are a scammer that is robbing anybody that competes with you!

Another list of users that @buildawhale robbed. Is this an exit scam? They will slowly "ban" users of the service claiming spam stealing their funds. They will eventually grow this list until people catch on and at that time they will just start keeping everyones funds. They target high bidders. Be careful everyone. You have been warned!

You going to return my money? I am going to start sending comments to blogs on every bid to your buildawhale and pushup bots warning them that you robbed me and you will probably rob them in the future. I am going to launch my bot in 24 hours from now and I will start working on more plans to get my money back. You owe me about $1,000 and I'm going to get my money back.

I removed three votes (35.424 SBD) to his spammy posts, something I rarely ever do and not even remotely close to $1,000. In 6 months of running @buildawhale with 500-1000 bids/day, this is the third time I have done it.

These are only a few examples, he sent a lot more.

A small sample of his memo spam:


I have been told I am allowing abusers to take advantage of the platform, and I have been trying to stop it since I started @buildawhale but reporting spam and encouraing quality content with our daily curation.

In the past, I sent everything to SteemCleaners as that is how abuse is supposed to be handled (via flags). There is just too much of it, and after the @grumpycat episode I decided to be a lot more public about my efforts as I am being accused of being an enabler, yet I see very few doing anything to stop the spam and abuse.

In about 5-8 hours he will start spamming every user of @buildawhale as well as who knows who else. With a message similar to this:

This is one of the primary reasons most bot owners do not blacklist users. It's a thankless abusive job and very subjective.

Another user who posts 20 times to dmania daily, has been yelling at me for "censoring him" after adding him to the blacklist.

My current blacklist can be found here, not all of them are obvious as they are part of a network but most of them are clear as day why they were blacklisted. I spend hours every day looking through incoming bids to find spam and abuse that should not be rewarded through paid upvotes. It is extremely time consuming and not always easy to draw the line. Some are worse than others, if it was my choice I would blacklist far more than I do.

I have to restrain myself as the majority of content on Steemit is little or no effort. I focus on the worst offenders and low hanging fruit. Since blacklisting users I have noticed a huge improvement in the quality of posts being submitted to @buildawhale and our daily Curation Digest as been a lot easier to process through the 500-1000 bids a day.

Unfortunately when reviewing other bid windws I see they are just using other bots and still doing what they do. Having to look at the shit being submitted on a daily basis to build a daily Curation post or find spam is depressing and discouraging.

If you want to report abuse, we have an #abuse channel on our Discord. It is completely anonymous as no one else (including you) will see what is typed in the channel.

Why you should vote me as witness



My recent popular posts

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A vote bot owner with a spine, how refreshing.

These bitbots owner are no better than the for-profit spammers they enable and profit from.
Irresponsible bots: @sneaky-ninja by @michaeldavid, @allaz, @aksdwi, @levitation @pushup @msp-bidbot @upmewhale @adriatik and a few smallers ones.

PSA, Sending money to these bots will put all of your post at risk of being GrumpyFlagged!

To know what voting bot to use to promote your posts, refer to and use those that have 3.5 day or less in the "Max Age" column.
Learn more ...

Why isn't @buildawhale on this list?

A Careless Person


Oh hey @money-dreamer. How much longer until you start spamming?

Asking for Trouble

I never have spammed actually.

I really didn't have to read up on it, but I will help you read up on it:

Staying Safe with Memes. To be completely clear, any use of a copyrighted work beyond a fair use is an infringement and could, theoretically, result in a lawsuit. This includes non-commercial uses of memes.


we must be successful together in steemit, I must be sure that, all steemit friends will definitely help each other to succeed together in 2018 that will come remain semagat and continue to prosper

You are absolutely correct!

But why do you flag more than 3.5 days older posts?

Posted using Partiko Android

@grumpycat can you do something about @themarkymark putting all the stolen graphics from Fox Television series "Firefly" on here? He is going to get blocked from the search engines or sued by the entertainment industry.

Trying anything you can think of?
I cite all images that are not CC0, gifs are considered fair use in almost all cases.

Are you citing one author's opinion from Fortune Magazine? Further, that article does not even defend what you are doing with the copyright material.

According to Jeff John Roberts of Fortune

I would read this to get a little more information on the issue:

I'm citing the first fair use post I could find, I am very familiar with fair use.

Going around saying I'm a plagiarist (when I cite all my images except CC0 which specifically states they don't need citing, even under business use) is a laughable attempt distraction.

If you decide to go the route of false accusations, slander, and/or spamming I will be forced to respond in force. I am done with this derailment, and leave the next step up to you.

You are blacklisted, you are not free to use @buildawhale. That is my choice, and it is a result of your actions on the platform.

My Second-grade Teacher

how to use it? i never seen it before

Will you stop being grumpy if I pet you?

Excellent Post. I invite you to see my postcards. Here I leave the link


Spam.... lol

I know! Crazy, huh? I can't believe he would even make such a claim.

What about all the stolen images from "Firefly" that you post on the blockchain? I just reported that. You are going to get the website blocked on Google by committing this plagiarism. This will hurt all Steem users. This is far worst than anything I have done.

You should really live up to these standards you try to set for everyone else!

I love how you try to make it look like your for profit campaigns are good for Steem, but that is complete hogwash.

You are one of the biggest Spammers, Scammers and Plagiarists on this platform.

Hopefully, people will start standing up to you.

Ohh shit,, twitter, AND facebook they are all going to get sued too then. Fuck No More Social Media!!!

They don't get sued because they take actions against users that commit plagiarism. They especially take action against users who are scamming people and committing plagiarism.

please voteback..

Hey bro! I voted for you! Steem on man!

Cant we all just get along? What about love? Is this love that makes all this happen?

It's your wrong idea.

His idea is very wrong! Thanks for not falling victim to @themarkymarks' propaganda campaign.

Stay Strong Bro!

The proof is all on the blockchain.

Thanks for keeping us informed. Great power is tempting... seems like you're trying to stay within the lines.

He is robbing people. That is far from staying within the lines.

I meant you are staying within the lines,,, as in justified in your actions. No room for people trying to take advantage on any platform. I believe in balance which is difficult but necessary. no rules is anarchy and too many is repression,,, we need to get the platform in the middle. ppl should be able to profit from posting anything, but shouldn't be permitted to do whatever they please.

HI, as you can see you got a comment from the person I am about to ask you for help with. Here is the deal. @grumpycat 's crusade has hit another victim who is a new user with talent and not spamming. She used a bot because she was told it was a way to help and is encouraged by many minnow groups. The concept of the 3.5 day rule does NOT stop people from spamming.

Furthermore, there are many spam posts (aka short posts with little, often repetative content) by whales in the trending page. Someone was recently made about @purepinay and @surpassinggoogle but at least they write looong well thought out posts and give back as much as they can.

I beg you. Please consider to get the bot-owners together and stop @grumpycat there are some who simply raise up there hands and say "well thats steemit" and there is freedom in steemit-- but that freedom is being usurped by whales who abuse their power in an attempt to solve problems when they are actually the ones who are the greatest abusers of said problems. @grumpycat is making a profit of of downvoting new users and making them scared of steemit and whales. He will neg them (whether a little or a lot makes no matter) and then he will upvote his spam comment that we have seen hundreds of times to 100-200 dollars. THIS IS LITERALLY SPAM ABUSE. Please consider to use your connections and stature to improve this situation. Thank you.
btw this is a post that he just hit today.

it is a beautiful post about fighting depression and suicidal tendancies.

We need Hard Fork 🍴 20 fast. That will get rid of the self vote. Although, indirectly it will make new ground for more business to Bots as people will not be able to self vote to rise in the sea 🌊 of posts being generated by 1 million users in middle of 2018

좋은 일 하고 계시네요.
적극 지지 합니다.

You've been in the thick of it trying to solve various controversies lately, haven't you?

OMG 14000 a week! i used buildwhale ones and prayed not to catch a ban if i would try again within 24 hours)))

I would wait 7 days if you are going to use it at all. What he does is remove the unvote just seconds before curation so you won't even know you are being banned scammed until the very last minute. His racket is much more profitable that way.

its staring to feel like revenge porn where when blacklisted you begin to hate and flag the ones who flag or blacklist you, i have used @buildawhale and i like the service, i think its wrong when one is blacklisten , they begin spaming user, i remember the whale wars where one whale (name withheld) called on his followers to flag another whale who had called him out for a mistake he had done and things got ugly. i think steem and steemit platform should come with a way to sort some of this things out

The spam picture is kinda beautiful, colors and patterns and all...

Are you talking about the legal WebGL images on my contest that are properly sourced?

It is true if so.

I hate how people like @themarkymark feel like they are entitled to stealing graphics from movies that people spent there entire life working up to.

He don't care about the money that millions of people in the Television industry lose. All he cares about is how much STEEM he can steal from legitimate users by posting the plagiarized graphics.

As I said before, all non-CC0 images are sourced. All gifs are fair use.

This is my last warning, if you continue to slander and spread lies because you are upset about being put on a blacklist you will be flagged. Grow up. Do something worthwhile and stop sending 50,000 wallet spam messages a month.

Oh yes, I remember that ordeal.

He's seemed to have cleaned up his act (spare how he is behaving towards you) but I am not soon to forget the vote farming and the TLD spam posts scams he ran which he walked away from relatively unscathed.

To give others an idea of what we were reporting, he was using bid bots for posts like this.

Essentially, he was buying up a series of top level domains with steem in the name, redirecting them, and posting these type of posts on about 19 distinct tags spamming the blockchain.

Once the vision of Steemflagrewards fully comes together, we will go after the rest of the vote farming memo abusers.

Here is the post from our first campaign against them for anyone curious. We still have a way to go,

Also, @themarkymark thanks for the support so far you have shown to this initiative! It goes a long way!

I do appreciate you putting in the effort trying clean things up. I myself do not actively go out and spend money on what I consider “advertisement” as I don’t think the majority of my content is even worth trying push it up.

Even on the couple of pieces I put a fair amount of time into once in a while. Sometimes they get found on their own and other times they don’t.

I wish more services that sell advertisement would take a more active approached in pushing these people out. I don’t know if some of you would ever work together to create a global black list to share the required workload to try and stop some of these people. Then again these scum bags have no issue with making a new account and doing it again.

It has turned into an interesting thing on Steemit for sure. I’ve noticed some of these people will just randomly send someone with has a fair amount of SP 1 SBD and a link and then get pissed off when they don’t upvote their content. As if this is just a normal thing everyone does.

I wonder at what point will these services start to be a "membership only" type of deal to even buy advertisement in the first place.

  • Min number of days being active on steemit
  • Certain min. rep level.
  • Limit of votes they can buy per day.

Once in a while I'll get pissed off at a spammer; but, they are a dime a dozen. I rather put my efforts elsewhere.

Well written

Wowzers that sample list is A LOT OF SPAM.
Thank you for your efforts to help clean things up around here.

wow so good post

Thank you for the quick and great information.
all readers of this post will be aware of such spamming plans around, thus It will really have a great negative effect on this spammer.

At least he could behave with dignity, accept he's been acting badly and move on. It isn't as if he can't find other bid bots to use. And if his efforts are truly so profitable then the 30-odd SBD shouldn't be a big deal.

Good job in helping rid the platform of abuse. Nip it in the bud because the masses haven't even begun to arrive and if this spammy behavior is acceptable when they do arrive Steemit will be unusable.

I will stay here for @money-dreamer .
You may not consider my opinion right or correct at all as I am less than a month here and numbers near my name are making it not in my favor.
But somehow it happened that I have been following both @themarkymark and @money-dreamer. And this post was something where I had to decide for myself whose side to take.
Again, I will stay here for @money-dreamer, as I just scanned his profile very quick and I don't see even 2 post per day recently.
For me - spamming means posting 50 pictures to Dmania per day and earning $0.00 - $0.01 from each. This seems to be really harmful for the content oriented users, though who knows what can happen with these posts in 3 years, maybe there will come meme fans and each post will eventually end in 1$ from each picture. Meaning this can eventually become great contribution to the whole platform if all meme fans will come register and stay here. The whole system will grow, so steem price increase and average user will earn more. Right?
What I want to say is as far as I can see from @money-dreamer 's transaction history, this guy sends 0.001 weekly to everyone who follows him. Well OK, what is wrong with it?
I think many of those who start now here on steemit having 0 balance, will be glad to earn at least 0.01 SBD in 10 weeks to spend it than back in services as @buildawhale or any other "upvote-bot" to simlpy have a chance for a slight promotion. Because without bot promotion you will never grow here nowadays. Your early posts and inquires and researches nobody will ever see as there are thousands and thousands of posts coming each hour, so yours with zero rating will be just lost among them in 30 minutes.
Maybe I am getting something wrong, but why flag someone if he sends HIS OWN money to his followers, this is his money and his decision, what damage it can cause to the platform I can't understand.
I am asking you one simple question: If I am rich and want to stimulate my followers why I should excuse for it and prove I am not a spammer?

Great post

Thank you themarkymark for making a transfer to me for an upvote of 34.91% on this post!

Half of your bid goes to @budgets which funds growth projects for Steem like our top 25 posts on Steem!

The other half helps holders of Steem power earn about 60% APR on a delegation to me!

For help, will you please visit because I check my discord server daily?

To learn more about Steem, will you please use because this URL forwards to my most recently updated complete Steem tutorial?

So we should use @buildawhale and when he does comment on our post we can get his upvote too? I mean a free upvote from someone with 1500 SP (though it will probably be at like 1% or 0.1%) but either way still. Either that or his vote is a flag and it will be what? 0.5SBD at most, he simply won't have the VP to be effective

You got a 16.11% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @themarkymark!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

You´re doing a great Job. And i think the platform is getting better bc of people like you who put this much time and effort into it.

why they do this?

Entitlement 😂

Kind of like @makerhacks feels entitled to posting this stolen graphic.

You better protect your self than allowing those scams to take advanges of you.

so he is punishing me with an upvote? gosh, don't throw me in that briar patch

I think this is part of the discussion we were having. It all goes around in a ugly circle. Like I said it's be about the time I took your advice something else would come along, like being caught in the middle of a flag war. lol

I usually don't bother with these sort of posts.
I got in my first dust up with someone who down voted a couple of my posts, he was just triggered, I made plenty on those posts despite that one negative nelly.

Yeah, I just read them to get some insight.

@money dreamer asking for trobules well dont @themaekymark you flag him bcz now high lvl wales are disturbing minnows like me and flag our posts

I prefer to build than destroy, but you were flagged because you plagiarised third party content.

@money-dreamer thanks for sharing this post . I have gathered a lot of information from your post. keep it up

what is your problem. why he do it @themarkymark

The baby crying touch my heart

That is beautiful!

Got to put your foot down and stop the spam and abuse. Get Steemit a lot more reputable with being just the good community we all love it for and seeing the good content without having to sift through nothing but trash first.

Totally agree with you.

I agree to, but it would be nice if he targeted actual spammers like he says he is doing instead of stealing funds from non-spammers under the guise of "targeting spammers".

He does a lot more abusing than most users on Steem.

That account follows me and keeps randomly giving me like .001 steem. I guess there's a memo attached. I guess it's a good thing I'm a newb and don't even know how to see memos.

I understand how it is frustrating to be treated like that while you work hard to help people grow. I think you get a lot appreciation (which you deserve) and I hope you will make that more important than the negativity from spammers.

good post friends

your Information is very important to thank you for sharing

How in the world do you send 14k memos in 7 days? That’s outrageous! Thank you for doing us all a favour mark. That kind of behaviour is going to scare away new users if every post is filled with spam bots and doesn’t earn any revenue. Also our bandwidth that would require. Like I can’t steem at all most mornings and sometimes at like 3 am bc time because of bandwidth recharge. It’s dissapointing but whales taking action is exactly what’s needed @themarkymark thanks for bringing light to this. I really hope I don’t get downvotes from them for supporting you my account couldn’t handle it but idc. What he’s doin Is wrong. This platform includes money but is not about money! People need to be more aware of the community guidelines. Or read the steemit blue paper and think carefully about how they are going to proceed on this platform. Also does your account act as a proxy for witnesses? I would be willing to use you as my proxy.

This post has received a 5.77 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @themarkymark.

Sounds like a difficult and time-consuming job! But one that benefits others' use of Steemit. So thank you for doing it. Is there anything "the little people" can do to offer support?

You got a 43.29% upvote from @upmyvote courtesy of @themarkymark!
If you believe this post is spam or abuse, please report it to our Discord #abuse channel.

If you want to support our Curation Digest or our Spam & Abuse prevention efforts, please vote @themarkymark as witness.

The less spam the better. I just saw Unilever threatened to pull facebook ads because they didn't like the fake news on there. It will be hard to get legit advertisers here if there is too much spam.

I wish everyone was honest

Me too, when someone offers a service, honesty is the most important. In my experience, some people are not honest.

Contact [email protected] They are not going to tolerate a scam campaign getting ran under the guise of their TV series. It is bad PR for their company.

I joined Steemit because I listened to Stan Larimer talk about bitshares and the connection with Steemit. How can that cryptoc do well if Steemit is not cleaned up? Thank you for all your efforts.

Your doing a great job. The truth is that fighting spammers is not an easy job but with more of people like you the activities of spammers can be reduced.

I will flag him if he comments on the ones I send. Yes sometimes I send them to myself but I send them to other users just as much. Because sometimes I find something so good it is worth more than my .40 cent 100% upvote.

I like your post. do not forget Follow me @hazrami. thank you

@themarkymark I think it's unfair what happens here, I do not think you let them call you swindler without some proof that proves it, if you use espam against you and other people, together they can also make a blacklist where is included also, is my advice !

I think the proof is that he admits to doing it.

Exactly that is the greatest proof of his great envy, for which he is avenging himself

Very nice post and great article i like your blog.. already Follow you by @atjehsteemit

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