The 10k Minnows project

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

For some time I have been watching the statistics in the State of Steem daily news posts by @pennsif. These includes the numbers of minnows, dolphins etc. I think that as long as he has done this there have been just over 9000 minnows and just under 2000 dolphins. We need to get those numbers up. We need more people who can influence post values and also so they have more of a stake in Steem that will encourage them to stick around.

Image from @arcange statistics

Following a comment by @pennsif I am making the first what I hope will be a series of #TenKMinnows posts with the hope that we can get at least that number in the next few months.

I will try to find some people who are under the 500 SP threshold and we can try to get them over it. You can post your own suggestions in comments. To be honest, most dolphins, orcas and whales are not desperate for your votes, so send them to some minnows instead. I will decline rewards on this post, so please do not vote on it.

You can also delegate to minnows to help them out, but this does not affect their classification.

Here is the first batch:

  • @arseniclullaby is a professional comic artist who has been here for nearly a year. He is sharing some great artwork with us and should really have far more than 545 followers. He has just over 300 SP, but I can see he has been taking out some liquid Steem. That is fair enough as art is his job.
  • @heymattsokol is a musician and generally interesting person with just 200 SP. He left Steem for a while, but is active again now.
  • @dougalporteous is an artist and musician who just joined up and only has 30 SP. He's eager to be part of the community and I should see him again next week at the London meetup.
  • is a stalwart of the Steem running community. He is one of those who inspire me. He has been here a year, yet only has under 100 SP.

These are people who I have been following, but there are lots more out there. Share your suggestions and I will give out some votes. I will cut down on votes to those who are already doing well.

Steem on!

I'm Steve, the geeky guitarist.

I think to be a minnow, dolphin etc starts from your mentality or mindset as well as goals and I would agree with @slobberchops

Personally, I have been here for over 600days (joined June 2017) and I had 103SP on December 3rd 2018 when I changed my mentality about Steem.

At first all I could pray for is that Steem should rise so that I can sell and get some cash to support my life but then I realized that it was a great opportunity to invest and increase my stake.

I invested time and money (still investing) by becoming more active than ever and buying as well as renting Steem Power (bought about 100SP in total)

Right now, I am closing in on 800SP and I can't say I am not happy with myself.

17 months => 103SP
2.5 months => 680+SP

So, I would say that success on Steem is not only about putting up amazing articles on the chain, investment and user interaction is key. At least this is what I have learned from my experience :)

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You have achieved something. I don't think you can achieve anything good without some effort and so people are going to have to work to get up there. If they do so then I and others will support them. I will do another post today and invite suggestions.

Yes and no. Obviously the mindset / mentality / whatever you want to call it plays a role in whether you think it is wroth investing in or not, but sometimes you don't have a choice to invest or not. I've had posts that have done reasonably before and one that did really well in the time that steem was right up, but I couldn't invest it because we were already in the situation due to other life circumstances that we probably at the time couldn't have afforded the bills we had, an appointment I needed but had held off because I didn't have the money, as well as food. A health issue I did get sorted out only got sorted out because I could afford that appointment from what I made from that post. Treating that was more important than investing by far. And I agree with investing and intend to have a diversified portfolio of investments eventually, but at that time we needed the money and no mindset would have changed that fact.

I'm glad stuff is going good for you at the moment and that you are growing on here, and I agree that user interaction is important, but not everyone can invest and sometimes even if they can, but they don't have heaps of cash to throw around, a certain particular investment still might not be the best thing for them to do with their money. Investing in Steem might be the right thing for someone, but it also might not and that's a situational thing, not a mentality thing.

As for goals / mindset etc they do contribute to success but it's not the be all and end all. Some people need to do stuff differently and instead of goals make systems or strategies or a way to track how much they do. Some people work harder than others to achieve the same amount. Some people find it easier. Some people use goals but they use the goals to guide strategies that actually work for them where goals don't.

But either way, it's great that stuff is working for you, but a change of mentality doesn't magically give you money you can invest. I'm not talking about people wasting money and choosing not to invest, but people not having the money to invest. The former group can benefit from a change in mentality but the latter can't decide to invest money that they don't have.

I love certain aspects of Steem as a platform but if investment is key to growth, rather than just a way to fast track it, that's really really sad as it favours people who are already better off. I really hope that isn't the case (though it ofc helps, but we are questioning if it is a key factor in success) and people can find success on here without investing anything. While investing when you have money is a smart thing to do, on a platform like this content should trump already having money.

We get to hear that quality posts get rewarded more on Steem but this has rarely been the case. I would tell you that posts are rewarded more based on investment levels (bots, other services like SBI etc and SP). You can check out the trending page too.

if investment is key to growth, rather than just a way to fast track it, that's really really sad as it favours people who are already better off.

I would think of "key to growth" and "fast track it" as the same thing as no one will enjoy earning 10SP in 5 months (which is still "growth").

I am not saying everyone must or should invest their money in Steem, it is clearly a choice and you have to choose what suits or favors you or your situation but I do not think anyone here should expect a reasonable growth without investing time and money. It is like saying you want to go to heaven without dying like a Christian would say.

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It's not the same though. Fast tracking it is getting to the same point quicker, meaning the person who fast tracked it got there faster but the other person who didn't fast track it still got there. Key to growth suggests that it isn't possible for the person to get there as they won't grow that big. There's also a difference between fast growth and reasonable growth as one implies the time it takes and the other implies the amount of growth. I'm hoping the concept of it being impossible to grow the same amount, albeit slower, without investment is wrong.

I know things do tend to get rewarded more based on investment levels and that is shit and is really sad and is a massive con of this platform (just like how YouTube or any other platforms have pros and cons) but I'm saying it shouldn't be the case, and I'm questioning the possibility of growth despite the fact that imbeciles upvote based on investment levels rather than quality. I'm yet to get a steady income from Steem but I have had some posts as a very small creator that did really well so I'm thinking it probably is possibly but is just a steeper uphill battle. Still less of a steep uphill battle than growing on YouTube is at least...

Would you say it is impossible as someone who hasn't invested to grow to the same size as someone who has or do you just think it will be a lot slower?

Would you say it is impossible as someone who hasn't invested to grow to the same size as someone who has or do you just think it will be a lot slower?

On a general note, it will be a lot slower but there are rare cases of course.

Networking can be the only difference in this case. I know a few who have invested a lot but do not interact and network with others and as such they mostly upvote every post and comment on theirs maybe to have some ROI.

So, someone who does not invest but spend time networking and collecting free votes and winning giveaways on Steem, Discord, Twitter, WhatsApp etc may be bound to grow more than someone who has invested but does not create a network with others. This is still investing time rather than money, I think.

So, I would say it cannot be possible if one doesn't invest time at least.

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Oh I expect it to be slower. I'm glad to hear that clarification, because I'm much more concerned by the concept of it not being possible to grow without being in the position of being able to invest money vs investment leading to faster growth. Glad to hear that you think it can be done. Thanks for your reply.

I would also agree with the part in your original comment about mentality regarding what you are doing on Steem mattering (not so much goals because goals are very very much just the beginning for some people and for them goals alone WONT WORK without other strategies in play), however I also acknowledge that the mentality or views someone holds towards something and their goals in regards to that something aren't the only driver of behaviour (in the case of investing, actually having money to invest is another driver but that applies to a lot of things) and that's okay and is something we should all remember when dealing with other people.

Good luck with your future growth on Steem :)

Thanks and good luck to you as well. Interesting convo all along! 😎

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I know this is quite a controversial issue... but I'm interested in your opinion about those red fish that were once minnows or dolphins. Because lately I have met more and more of them, users with high reputation, but with empty wallet.
If someone powered down all his stake to sell at a good price, and now has become a red fish, is it worth supporting it? Perhaps this person is not interested in our community in other way than just money-making or we should give him/her another try?

There will always be a point in time when someone wants to effectively', 'retrieve their STEEM, power down and take it out'. Maybe these people feel that their time is over but they hang around because its hard to completely disconnect with the community.

I know I will power it down someday, but will I completely leave, who knows?

Indeed, it's hard to find another such a great community as we have here on Steemit. I tried:)

I might be one of those in the group you're mentioning here... after almost 2 years, I had to substantially power down because we were at risk of losing our home to property tax foreclosure and had to grab money from any and all sources we could find.

In my case, doesn't mean I don't still believe in Steem and intend to keep promoting it, going forward. In fact, I have probably been more active over the past three weeks than in a long time. And I certainly support efforts to help "build" both minnow and dolphins.

Perhaps you are right, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. People may have different reasons for doing it.
Who knows, maybe tomorrow I will also have to turn on the Power Down to pay utility bills... and I will find myself among the red fish in search of someone's support.

It's a personal choice to cash out. Some may need the money, but if they are still doing good stuff on Steem then they may be worth supporting. If they are just taking then probably not

I've stuck my vote on a comment as I agree with whatsup that this is a conversation that is great to raise and worth earning on.

Some thoughts to add to what has already been mentioned. Often there is great help for redfish up to the point of minnowhood, but sometimes people get despondent when that disappears and they feel that their work is no longer getting the views or rewards that it seemed to get previously. So I'm not sure about the idea of moving all upvote support to redfish while leaving minnows and dolphins floundering. After all, we don't want what they've built up to go because they've given up and powered down. Maybe a balance is needed. Keep up those votes to slightly larger accounts you feel deserve support, just reduce the percentage to make sure you have the VP tasty for the redfish.

I'm glad that many of the curation projects have expanded to support older accounts as well as new, to keep things ticking over. Their priority is still the new ones, but the occasional boost for older ones, not getting a lot of views, keeps the motivation up. I also commend steemcommunity on the redfish and minnow leagues.

Thank you very much for mentioning the Redfish and Minnow Power-up Leagues.

If we could support a dolphin power-up League we would!

That would be quite the challenge!

We have to try and find the right balance, but at the moment I think we need to build a broader base of minnows. They can then show support for others. When we have more people with significant votes then the rewards should get spread better. As it stands a large proportion of the rewards are going to a fairly small set of people and many of those are already dolphins or even orcas. I cannot do much about the buying of votes, but I can help some redfish become minnows. If they can build their followings then they stand a chance of sustaining their growth.

Fingers crossed that the base can be built. Hitmeasap was doing a force a minnow thing a while back, but was struggling to find those close enough to it to push to that 500 mark and those who also weren't powering down.

Anyway, I'll be following this closely and see how things go. Rooting for more minnows. Lets hope they stick it out and move onto dolphinhood too.

Interesting post and thanks for sharing! I'm new to steemit - just joined last month and I'm enjoying it so far. It was a struggle my first couple days due to a lack of resource credits but the awesome community on here really helped me out with that.

At this point things are moving forward at a slow but steady pace. I'm trying to post regularly and reply to comments and leave comments. Plus resteem a few posts each week. I have also taken part in some contests and I'm enjoying those. Even came in first in one :)

But I don't really know if I'm moving up quickly, slowly, or at an average pace. Just trying to put out good content and be active. I'm not planning on powering down. I would like to get above the minnow stage before considering that but even then I would have some minimum I would stick with that would keep me at a decent SP level.

It seems to me that to really get the most out of steemit you need to have a decent amount of SP so I have been prioritizing building my amount of SP. I'm keeping a little Steem just to have the option of using it to engage in different community projects though I don't know what makes sense.

I view the stage I'm at now as an investment but I don't know how long I will have to wait for that to "pay off". I really enjoy this community but at the same time I'm running an online business and I only have so much time. I value Steemit and what it represents so I'm willing to put in time for it.

At the moment about 5% of my website's traffic comes from Steemit. For this month that is currently 76 people visiting my site from Steemit out of a total of 1510 people. I hope that % grows overtime--I link to my blog posts but all the content I post here on Steemit is original and unique. I don't copy my blog posts but instead I write new content that relates to my blog posts or are about my homesteading journey.

Community and website traffic are the 2 things I'm hoping to get out of my time on Steemit. Perhaps one day it will be a revenue source for me but that is a ways off and not a priority for me at this point.

I'm trying to give back to the community in return by providing quality content and engaging with other users on here. My site also links back to steemit on every blog post and on my pages when I link to social media sites.

As far as whether or not I stay active it really depends. I'm also investing my time in Pinterest, a site called permies (homesteading/permaculture forum) and some other sites. Permies is by far my top traffic source (1,210 people visiting my site this month but I have also been active there for a couple years). My site is new enough (just since end of Nov) that I'm still not getting much traffic from google though that is growing.

At some point I will need to look at all the places I'm investing my time in and make a decision on which to continue with. I think this type of decision is something a lot of users here on steemit will make at some point. But this is especially true for people running online businesses.

I have read the guides and doing my best but the learning curve is high which can make it hard/frustrating for new users (I had to wait over a month to get my account confirmed and then ran out of resource credits very quickly). Then it can be slow getting much traction though there is an awesome community on here and in my case the homesteading community on steemit has been great and really helped me get going.

Even at my pre-minnow stage I'm still trying to help by engaging with users who are at a lower stage than me. Leaving comments, upvoting, etc. just to try to help them.

Anyways, long reply but I thought I would share my experience as a new user and someone who still has not reached the minnow level.

It looks like you are off to a good start as I see you have had some posts do well. There is quite an active #homesteading community on Steem and I think you have already encountered @pennsif who is part of it. I am hoping we can get build the community by encouraging new users and those who have struggled to keep going. Of course they have to put work in themselves to produce good content and engage with people. I keep saying that they should make it fun and the money will come, but I can understand it can be hard if you are running a business and/or have other places where there is more activity. Wishing you all the best

Thank you! :)

This is a great initiative. I am at 473 Steem Power right now. I can't wait to finally become a minnow. :D It's going to be a nice milestone for me.

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I've made a small contribution to help you get there. Good luck

Cheers. Appreciate it. :D

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This is a topic I have some quite strong opinions on and maybe not everyone will like what I have to say.. but I'll say it anyway.

You need to invest some FIAT if you want to make an impact. Yes, you will get some attention on the weight of your content, just look at @wilnonis, he's someone I give votes too and has not invested any STEEM yet.

He's also attracted @curie in the past as well as some big hitters like @acidyo and @blocktrades.

Most new people give up and it is a real problem but since I have joined Steemit I have earned just 2400 STEEM or so.

.....and its going to get worse as time advances. The guys who joined early got a lot more STEEM and could attain dolphin level without investing anything at all. Is it going to happen today without any investment?

You tell me. So yes, Im all for giving votes to some of the smaller guys but they need to put their hands in their pockets if they ever want to become dolphins.

£100 will get you around 380 STEEM, £200 will gain you Minnowhood. Is it really that much money for a great investment?

STEEM is 34c each. Think about it when it reaches $2 again. I was a late starter on Steemit and have dug deep to get where I am.

You need to show some commitment if you want to be taken seriously. The days where you can become a dolphin by just producing content are gone.

There were some time when you only needed to put some hard effort to be visible here. But now you need to put efforts AND invest at least 200-500$ to be somehow visible.

Not everyone has the spare cash to invest, but some put in a lot of work here that pays them pennies. We each have to make our own decisions on who deserves our votes, but we should have a mind on what will build the platform if we want it to have a future.

No big deal unless you live in third-world country.
Few hundred cash will help you a lot. And you always be able to withdraw them at any time - so it is not an investment it's kind of temporary hold.

I think they are pointing out that you sometimes can't even afford a temporary hold. Put it in for a couple of days, take it out immediately for bills.

Not being able to invest is a sucky situation to be in but it isn't a third world only situation. Not everyone in first-world countries has money to throw around. As soon as people do they should be looking at paying off bills and debt, getting a house, paying off that house and investing in various investments (that last two steps a lot of people don't do), but not everyone is at the point they have money to throw around at times it might be beneficial to have that cash unfortunately.

Opportunities like Steem shouldn't be limited by how much money you already have. The ability to invest is good and the people who have the money to invest have (most of the time) earned it so they deserve to have the choice to invest or not, but it is terrible if success on a platform RELIES on this investment, as it just takes away from opportunities from good artists / creators that aren't in the best place financially right now. And the ones who aren't in the best place financially are the ones who stand to benefit the most from platforms that provide income, like Steem.

I agree people should have the option to invest (like they do /can currently) but I also agree with steevc that Steem should be for all and therefore I feel like investment should play a role (otherwise why invest) but it shouldn't have so much influence to make it so that you will really struggle to succeed without investment.

The trick to making investment matter but not be the be all and end all of success on Steem, I'd say is more social than anything else. People should vote for content they like regardless of size, not just for the people that they see have a lot of steem power and this sort of thinking should be encouraged. This isn't a Steem only issue. There's people who judge YouTube channels by their sub count instead of their content too and it's just idiotic. We should be promoting the idea of upvoting content that you like, not upvoting what you think will give yourself the biggest curation reward, nor upvoting just because someone is big so you assume your content must be good because of that (and vice versa).

I really hope everyone that is saying investment is essential to success on Steem are wrong because that means the platform is shit, and I like to think that it isn't shit. I quite like Steem and while ofc it has pros and cons like all platforms, I like it and if investment is the key, I like it a little less because I don't agree with already having money being key to success on a platform.

I think Steem should be for all, so ability to invest should not determine how well you do. I can understand some are desperate for money and we have to get them on a productive path. It's all part of what makes Steem exciting to me.

I agree. Quality of content does not correlate with having money to invest and I care about seeing and creating quality content, not how big people are. I think it is harmful to have a platform that actually needs people to invest in order for them to see any success.

When one could post random shit and boost it in profit I saw all kind on social trash entering steemit. I can't say i liked it.

I am all about good content and honest engagement. There is little I can do about vote buying, but I will do what I can to support those who can help grow Steem.

What if feeding no-investment accounts actually prevents steem from growing?

Not everyone has the spare cash to invest

I know this, and do give out votes to some of the smaller guys. I just sent some to those you mentioned.

Not everyone is in my position but the facts present are true. Look at the amount of STEEM you have attained by 'proof of brain' and you will see it.

Without buying STEEM, you will likely never become a Dolphin no matter how hard you work. Those times are behind us.

I was lucky to get in early and so most of my SP is earned. It's much harder now.

I think he's right. @slobberchops makes a good point. I spent about $200 in the fall of 2017 to increase my SP when the price was heading up and I had some funds.

Now that the price of STEEM is low, I plan on buying more soon as I've just discovered the passive income generated by delegation. I also earn AFIT tokens when I delegate to @actifit it's better to put the account to work supporting my fellow Steemians, rather than just let it sit there.

I'd been wondering for weeks now where these extra STEEM etc. were coming from each day. Then I realized it was from the accumulation of my numerous votes from joining curation trails.

Some days it exceeds the proceeds from my posts. Buying more, increasing my delegation and powering up, is a vote for STEEM.

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Thanks. Consided them added..

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Nice initiative! After going through the people I follow, these are the ones who are still active, below 500SP and I think could use a bump:

@michaias; @mintpressnews; @sooflauschig

As for my self-promotion, I post mainly science and politics:

Whoa. Thanks for the shout-out!

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I will check those out. One of my ideas is that the pre-minnows can drive this project by showcasing others who need support and the bigger players will share out some votes.

Yep, community engagement is usually a good idea.

It's good that you are thinking about how people can grow on here and thinking of strategies and suggestions on how they can improve. And yes an influential amount of voting power being spread out amongst more people would be a good thing too, as more perspectives in determining the value of things is a good thing since we all have different dislikes, likes, interests and ways of thinking. Good work!

Cheers. I'm getting some good feedback on this, so I hope it will take off. I want everyone to have a chance here.

Resteemed this article. Thank you for supporting Steemit community. @steevc @pennsif @arcange

Thank you for posting good contents on Steemit. @arseniclullaby @heymattsokol @dougalporteous @run.vince

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Your delegation when I came on board was a definite help - it gave me a bit of oomph in my early voting, so thanks again. I'm not far off doubling that delegation with my earned points, and looking forward to that moment (gamification being what it is)!
I'm far less worried about being at the bottom of the food chain, in these aquatic terms (although I'm concerned about the species-ism - fish must naturally want to be mammals). The graph looks about what one would expect, but as per many other posts, it's worth noting the value some of those higher lifeforms actually add to the Steem experience. I'd rather try to write a good post once a week than spam the blockchain for points.
(this from someone posting Nanoblock pictures)

I think you are on the right path. I think it's about engaging with people to build connections. There are people who share your love of music and games. Seek them out!

@scooter1010 is a busy of mine whom I've been trying to get to post more on the blockchain. When he does, I bet he could use some love...

I hope he comes back. Let me know when he has something to vote on.

Oh, he just got notified by GINA. It'll happen.

You called?

I am trying lol now that i got my server and modpack stuff set up ill try to post stuff i mean maybe ill start posting cool 3d prints i do

This is a great idea, but please do not decline payouts on it. This is exactly the type of initiative we should be rewarding. :)

Thank you for all that you do, while never complaining.

One of the reasons this is important is I think we send a lot of mixed messages about whether or not we want to attract and retain new users.

I do alright on my other posts. I actually get a lot of automated votes and I expect this post will get those too. I really want to see more active users and not just the same old faces.

I will not vote on comments on this post as I need to build up my VP for those sub-minnows.

Yeah, that's fine vote for the minnows! I went and followed and upvoted 2 of your suggestions.

Cool. Thanks for supporting this. I'm powering up all I can so I can more for them. Also hoping to hit 72 rep this year :)

I see a shameless opportunity for self promotion.. I've been active and engaging here since mid October of 2017. I've been fortunate to have one whale that upvotes my posts with regularity but other than that my organic growth has been very slow.

My content is a bit all over the place but I'd like to think I offer some levity and refreshing perspectives to the blockchain.

I really appreciate the followers I have and the support I get, especially since I've seen others in my birth school that have had little to no growth. My intro stated my intentions to become a minnow, I have no timeline or expectations I honestly just would like some more interaction..

Anyway, sorry about the it's all about me comment. Its good to see an interest and recognition that a minnow lower middle class is vital to the ecosystem and shouldn't be that difficult to assist in the coming months.

Well it looks like you are doing the right sort of things. Somehow you need to build more of a following, but I know that can be hard.

Yes, thanks @steevc. I realise more effort on discord is probably my best bet, but TBH I feel most of the established accounts here just aren't interested in anything but their projects and their friends initiatives.

I completely get that though as Its likely a product of the high turn over rate or lack of retention which is directly related to a lack of interest in fostering small accounts that aren't trying to rub elbows with devs and politically driven accounts. It's the nature of capitalism, "what's in it for me" "I invested time and money so should they" these are the vibes I generally receive from the larger accounts..

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check out @sixoneninetimes ... its an onboarding project for Music artists!!

Interesting, but they need to show that they are engaged with Steem and not just recycle their blog posts. They have made no recent comments. I'm looking for people who really want to work with the community. Anyone who is posting more than they comment is doing it wrong IMHO.

It’s meant to on board artists and if they had more support I’m sure they would be more active but music isn’t much of a priority of content on here. IMHO this type of curation is needed for Steem to sustain. Not a bunch of developer talk. Its not recycled blog posts its actually using a steem plugin called steempress which is more than commenting on posts ... IMHO.

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There is lots of music in things like #OpenMic as well as art and other topics. Just posting is not enough to get support. It takes effort to build anything here. The Steem community is small, but you can still get lost in the noise.

lol @ openmic. We will see where this page (sixoneninetimes) will be and the page you pick will be... i am excited to see this develop.

That's a great initiative :-) I'll go upvote them after sending this otherwise useless comment :')

Cheers. Let a thousand minnows swim!

What about dolphin project. It needs only 28 more dolphins.

I think it would be good to start with the minnows. Some of the bigger ones may move up to become dolphins.

Nice mission here mate. I’ll check out their work. :)

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Whoa. That's a stunning chart. There's only 36 whales? And there are SO MANY dead accounts.

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There were never many whales, but we need to do something to reduce the dead accounts by keeping people active. I'm open to ideas.

I think programs like steembasicincome help. More browser games, like drugwars (though I think with a different splat, lots of folks feel uncomfortable playing a drug game, I've noticed). Freewritehouse, too, for that matter. Any consistent one on one engagement where people are having fun and / or feel appreciated.

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Is Steem basic income regarded as moral? I know a lot of things involving upvotes that aren't people will lead to people disagreeing with and downvoting you and I haven't worked out the general concensus in regards to steembasicincome.

I wasn't even sure about originalworks for a while there, as I wasn't sure if complaints were specific to paid bots or all bots that upvote, even though I regard originalworks as moral as anyone can call it, it doesn't cost anything and it rewards original work (which is a good thing), but I don't think it works anymore anyway.

I don't think I've seen seen anyone suggest @steembasicincome isn't moral. This is for two reasons, I imagine. The first and most important is that it encourages desirable behavior, which is to say, long term investment in the platform. One steem will get you a penny a week. Which is a great rate of return over time, but not the get rich quick scheme that leads to bad experience for many Steem users.
The second reason is that the mission of the program (and the good faith work that the creators gave put into it) is something most of us think is good and worthwhile. It avoids abuse, doesn't fill trending pages, and encourages generosity. Furthermore, those upvotes are earned often by work. People give sbi as prizes and payment, so they're because of value.

Posted using Partiko Android

SBI will take a long time to pay back, but it's a steady income. Games can be good too. We need lots of options as people are into different things. Making it fun is key as I just wrote in my latest post.

One of the reasons SBI is such a good incentive is that you have to be active forever to reap the rewards, so you might as well get involved in the community. I think lots of different games will be especially essential because people get tired of games, but if they're already on the platform, they'll switch to a new game on the platform. I know I appreciate that I can log in to games with steemconnect without having to remember a hundred different logins.
And then, of course, any consistent community is what people seek and come back to. There are a few here. Obviously, we need more. Ultimately, what will get people on here is that their friends are already on here, but it's about getting those first consistent million.

We need to get to the critical mass where most people can find someone they know here or at least a group around their interests. Games may be a good way to get them started, but I think those need to encourage the social side. Get people posting about and discussing the games. This does happen, but the sites for Steem Monsters, Drug Wars etc do not make it visible.

Absolutely. And apparently memes. I'm not into memes, but my friend who just started is only here for the memes.

Posted using Partiko Android

I remember when we tried to do a #minnowuprising initiative to get all small accounts actively posting for curation efforts. While is helped me realize the importance of engaging, it did not get the traction needed due to the environment at the time but this could be a great time to try something similar!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think it is always worth trying for something better. This is really just an idea right now, but I will see if I can get something going. I am open to suggestions.

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Those look like some interesting picks! I hope to find some of my own that I can recommend for this as well.

Cool. The more the merrier.