
Tomato-skills are incredibly important, especially if one wants tasty tomatoes on bruschetta and pizza and in tomato salad!

It's good to have some growing skills; I used to love gardening as a kid and growing up in the country we had a rather large vegetable garden and a fruit tree orchard, chickens and all. It was cool as my parents, grandparents [who lived with us] my elder brother and would all get in there and help out. I miss those simple days.

I've just bought a couple of these to do some gardening here with. two each at 2m x 1m and will plant them out with various things I'll use, not too much of anything, just what I can eat myself. I'll probably give stuff away also, swap for eggs or whatever. They're not cheap but are super good and if done right produce quite well. I have room for probably eight all up but will start with these two and see how I go. I could dig up the ground and make beds but I'm reluctant as I don't know how long I'm staying and these things can be transported elsewhere. I'm looking forward to it.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your tomatoeyness and getting involved this week. Damn it I need to come up with another topic...Getting harder each week.

Gardening is certainly relaxing and when one is cooking with, and eating, that stuff one has produced it is also very satisfying.

The plan is to plant as per the season of course so initially salad vegetables mainly, herbs and all. I'd like to find varieties that are non-GM also, you know, the old seeds although that will be difficult to do 100% I think. I won't be able to grow pumpkins and all considering their size but will have a good selection I think. I have a whole thing planned out and will possibly do some posts about it, the pod set-up, what I've planted and the produce. Should be good and a new element for my blog-feed also.

My youth was spent doing all sorts of things that mainly involved working with my hands. We had a very large property and there was always something to do so from a young age I was involved. I really miss it now. I live on the city-fringe, about 12-15 minutes from the CBD and whilst I have a decent-sized allotment it's not big enough, or remote enough, for my liking. I do have a massive scrubland-recreation park across the road, like *directly across the road. I go there a lot to feel like I'm in the country. Kangaroos, koalas and all...I'm lucky.

Any subject ideas would be welcome...I was thinking an AMA for next week actually. Not sure if people would care enough to ask me anything though. Lol.

Heirloom seeds are what you need

That's the word I couldn't remember. Lol. I know there are places that do them here and am keen to go that way. Part of the fun is bringing it all together; there'll be failures I'm sure, but I'm ok with that. I like failing and what it does to me.

You gotta cuddle a koala once at least! Good huggers. I'll be honest though, I'm the worlds best hugger, it is known worldwide. I taught those koalas everything they know!

The AMA seems like a good idea although I'll get questions I won't answer here I guess...Still, a little disclaimer will take care of that. Shh, don't tell anyone.

Yes, feel free to send ideas. I look for simple things, easy things that the majority of people can answer easily and that promote some byplay.

My dad always told me that failure helps me become the the right person to accept success, and brings me closer to it. Failing is how I learn although I learn from success too - Just more from failure. I don't fear it, although I never set out to achieve it of course. Failure is a good thing. Fail more should be a constant in people's lives as it means they've tried.

Koala's have tried in the past to steal my thunder, take the accolade of worlds best hugger from me...Can't happen though. A G-dog hug is like...Well, must be received to be believed! :)

Truly you are relaxing just because your garden is in your backyard. You have great talent indeed and planting of tomatoes and also making good good use of the tomatoes you have planted can't really go a long way to keep you busy. It is indeed a skill you have developed. I hope you can also convert the tomato seed into tomato paste as well?

Container gardening and patio gardening are not easy. Everything dries out faster when it's not in the ground. And as you say, tomatoes are very fussy. It sounds like you have nearly mastered the art!

This is a skill so he must learn how to master it to the fullest. It is not easy to have skill on tomato.

Nine-tomatoes-claws girl...

I found your skill more than interesting because I also share a certain love for agriculture, in fact, this week I have made several posts on my blog where I share some of my experiences growing different types of plants.

Tomatoes to me get damaged a lot so I do not use to plant them, besides, I have an iguana that comes to visit my garden and eats the tomato plants without any mercy :'(

But what I do know is that tomatoes require a LOT of care, so much so that it is, as you say, almost an art to grow them. Here in my country there are places where tomatoes are only grown in greenhouses, producing really beautiful tomatoes. In my case, I do not grow such delicate tomatoes but a kind of wild tomato that produces a very small tomato but resistant to pests and diseases, here is a photo:


It depends on the way you plant the tomato and also how you water them. Except if you are not an expert, you will loose concentration

True, but the tomato is a delicate plant. The thing about watering the leaves is very true, if the leaves are watered they get sick, if they are not good seeds, the plant does not thrive and even if it has a lot of care, sometimes the same insects spread diseases.

I have my experience growing and tomatoes are one of the plants that require more care. There are certified seeds that allow you to grow certain tomatoes that will not get sick as much, but those are modified seeds and that is another subject. Tomato growing also depends a lot on the type of climate.

Tomato skills are the gangsta skills of gardening. Man if they are fickle plants. Those are some pretty nice things to show off.

Yeah, challenges are half the fun of everything. If it weren't, then there's not actual gain from it.

One can also get into this kind of situations where the challenges are too steep for the current level of skills and need to double down. But that makes it even more interesting and satisfying to achieve!

Good to find another soul of my kin, adept into taking challenges head on.😄

Next time, if there is a next time, consider big bright red ones. Or fire red head backdrop if you're carvin what I'm climbin. Something, anything. It went against everything I know to stop on green!

You have a great talent because it is not easy to plant tomatoes. I cherish your courage. It is just that you have more opened up your talent to us all here.

You said you have come up with your own way of dealing with pest and insects instead of the use of chemicals. I think you should clarify us better so that we can be able to use your method instead of insecticide or pesticide.