2023, June

in THE 2020s11 months ago

Scott Bennett, Twitter Censored Daily Wire Thursday the first day of June of 2023. Elon Musk Shares Daily Wire Documentary Friday. CBS SUED ME, GREAT AWAKING vs GREAT RESET Saturday. YouTube Barbie Copyright Scam Sunday. Alex Jones They'll Kill Trump & RFK Video Monday. Comcast modem. Tucker on Twitter Tuesday. YouTube Restored JoeyArnoldVN after 5 years Wednesday. Diary Land Owes me $19 Thursday. Trump JFK Rainy Day Friday. Attacking Three Branches Saturday.

Alex Stein Song Sunday the 11th. I RESCUED HDD-003 Monday. Trump went to court. Vivek Trump PBS NPC Monday. ABORTION Conflates EXTRACTION With TERMINATION Wednesday. RV. Fox Dictator Biden Party Thursday. YouTube Oatmeal Song, TikTok Touch Myself 70K Views Friday. Catholics Created Islam Saturday.

Rockefeller Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood Sunday the 18th. Owen Benjamin on Alex Jones Monday. EctoLife Baby Matrix Tuesday. $20 Trillion USD BlackRock Wednesday. Titanic Submarine Story Thursday. Moscow Russia Civil War Story Friday. BOYCOTT vs BUYCOTT Saturday.

Emma Vigeland on Tim Pool Culture War Sunday the 25th. GINA CARANO BLOCKED OATMEAL FOR DEFENDING HER ON TWITTER Monday. Kyle was on Alex Jones Tuesday. Ian Oat Box Shupashark Crowned God Emperor of my Discord Server Wednesday. Discord Cambodia Anh is Janet Thursday. Discord Computer Hack, Roseanne Alex Jones Friday.

June | 2023
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I might sell my soul to women, seduce me.

Oatmeal Monthly - 2023-06 - June of 2023 | Published in June of 2023


Scott Bennett, Twitter Censored Daily Wire

2023-06-01 - Thursday



Scott Bennett. FAKE EXTREME RADICAL RIGHT PYRAMID. Globalists to release COVID2 into the general public as early as OCTOBER of 2023 in order to push for lockdowns in 2024 just like they did in 2020, they want to repeat it because it worked so well last time, they think they can reinstall Biden again. Ukraine is a scam.

How is online gaming and streaming doing on Twitch, YouTube, TikTok, etc? 182/ Streaming is tough because I only have 1.2 TB of bandwidth per month plus only a few terabytes of space. I'm usually juggling many projects, I've streamed, upload videos, publish a daily blog, etc. So, I'm always busy. I've been making videos since 1996. For all you meme masters, remember when Steve Urkel would say I'm falling and I can't get up, imagine Biden doing that. No. Better, the United States of America is falling so hard that BILLIONAIRES are running off into their BUNKERS. Damn RIP USA. Long live the lizard people.

Did the New CEO of Elon Musk's Twitter censor @DailyWireNews @dailywireplus @MattWalshBlog and is Twitter going woke now secretly? 188/ I didn't lie to Roy, I said many times I didn't want things like shirts at this time as I'm more in need for hard drives and many things in general. If you give me what I want, I'll return the favor. I don't shirts or anything apart from the core fundamentals of building. Facebook and other big tech social media platforms are still trying to encourage acts of violence against anybody who wrong thinks regardless of where you stand politically, culturally, religiously, economically, geographically, etc.

If I had money, I would sue @TeamYouTube for suspending my channels and for stealing and deleting my ten thousand plus videos, I didn't get third strikes, @YouTube lied about me in emails, on Twitter, and all over, they ignored/ghosted me. Too bad I have nobody interested. President Harrris Alex Jones is 5 miles from Facebook Mark Zuckerberg's house where they have dump trucks coming out of a tunnel, imagine what the other billionaire are building, is it robots, underground bunkers, submarines, tent bubble devices for digging, underground cities?

Mommy: "Billy, did you eat a cookie from the cookie jar?" Billy: "But so did Fred." This is a common rebuttal. When people are caught red-handed, they'll say, "HITLER." They'll point their fingers at others as if to justify bad actions cuz others did it too. But bad is bad ok?

Elon Musk Shares Daily Wire Documentary

2023-06-02 - Friday

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Trump MAGA

YouTube said you can upload videos saying the 2020 election was stolen, does that mean @TeamYouTube will restore my three channels and my 10K+ videos?

Are globalists pushing Elon Musk to put censorship back on Twitter, is that what we are seeing with the SHADOW BANNING of the DAILY WIRE or is Elon secretly part of the NWO still or what? Investment advice. If companies do what many people don't like, then stocks will go down. Step one, find out what people want. Step two, when companies go against what people want, then sell. Example, in April and May of 2023, the stocks of Budlight and Target went down, both lost many BILLIONS of DOLLARS. So, it is easy to invest. You simple invest in many things. You will win some and lose some. You just got to win more than you lose. Simple math. And when companies do bad things, sell before others sell. And they will sell.

FIND ME ON DISCORD: https://discord.gg/SjKcddF5St

How is prostitution illegal but sex is not when prostitution is sex but in a non-friendly way between non-friends, like a one night stand involves a man paying for dinner which is the same as paying directly to a prostitute, so what is the difference?

Elon Musk, but how can parents watch this Daily Wire documentary on What Is a Woman by Matt Walsh if you are secretly shadow banning it, why did you say you would hide this from people who don't know about it already? How are new people supposed to see it?

You cannot stop Artificial Intelligence (AI). But you can compete with it with ALTERNATIVE AI SYSTEMS. The future is AI just like how the 1900s saw the rise in cars. It wasn't just one company making cars. We need robot body guards, force fields, etc. We need counter-tech ASAP.

Elon Musk was wrong to shadow ban Daily Wire. What is worse is Elon saying he isn't when he is. Not sure what is happening. Is Elon going full Budlight on us? That would destroy his 5+ companies like it is destroying Target, Disney, Hollywood, the fake news, etc.

What would you do if you were me? Would you, A. forget about your older videos or, B. continue to try to archive/save/catalog your older videos, autobiography, records, content, etc? Alex Jones said Jaimee Foxx was injured by the KILLER Covid Vaccines, Infowars broke this story days ago, we have been telling you about this for YEARS AND YEARS, this is a no-brainer.


2023-06-03 - Saturday

2017-09-16 - Saturday - 10:00 AM ICT - CBS SUED ME, Screenshot at 2023-06-03 22-08-37.png


GREAT AWAKING vs GREAT RESET. Would HULK HOGAN or the POWER RANGERS be able to defeat KLAUS SCHWAB, BILL GATES, SOROS, OBAMA, FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE, THE CLIMATE SCAM, GEOENGINEERING, COVID VACCINES, IRS, FBI, CIA, UNITED NATIONS, BILDERBERG, and other SUPER VILLAINS? Get this MOVIE out or ELSE THEY WILL DO IT AGAIN. Alex Jones red carpet premiere. @Showtime through @CBS THREATENED TO TAKE ME TO PRISON, TO FINE ME, to sue me, to take me to court, in 2017. After that, @YouTube stole & deleted my 10K+ KathyVN Bike Videos.

Google Takeout refused to give me access to my YouTube videos to download from my JoeyArnold7 and Ojawall-2009 channels, @TeamYouTube is GHOSTING me. @Google gave me access to videos from my JoeyArnoldVN channel but not from these other 2 even as all 3 are the same. Stop ignoring.

AI is basically like a video game character that is released outside of the game so to speak. The Unjabbed probably watched this on TV. 'CONSPIRACY THEORY ROCK' 🪨 AIRED ON SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE IN 1998. This was an SNL parody of School House Rock.

YouTube Barbie Copyright Scam.

2023-06-04 - Sunday

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YouTube Barbie Copyright Scam. HASHTAG IDidntTakeThePart: where LOCKDOWNS was KILLING people in CHINA and now we also got KILLER COVID VACCINES which is an even slower more deadlier way to die. Here are people screaming to death in China in THE GREAT AWAKENING of the PLANDEMIC SERIES. Julia Roberts being awestruck of killer Anthony Fauci.

244/ @dailywireplus didn't sue me in 2022. @CBS on behalf of @Showtime was probably not going to sue me in 2017. CBS threatened to take me to court. I was in Vietnam at the time. But I was too chicken to take them on. I bowed the knee. 245/ But @TeamYouTube still deleted my 10K+ videos even after OBEYING LIKE a ROY MERRICK LEGLESS DOG.

Chinese President Mao Zedong killed around 80 million people (or more) in China. The Great Awakening compares former dictators like Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, with the current version of the New World Order which Alex Jones told you about.

Alex Jones They'll Kill Trump & RFK Video

2023-06-05 - Monday

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Trump, Maxwell, Epstein

Alex Jones Video: They'll kill Trump, RFK, & AJ before 2025. They'll bring back LOCKDOWNS. Meta Facebook Mark Zuckerberg and other billionaires are building bunkers. This is The Great Awakening vs The Great Reset. Prison Planet. Elon Musk. Is this how you trick everyone into the Matrix via the Apple Vision Pro?

The WAR is NOT between LIBERALS and CONSERVATIVES but between INDIVIDUALISM and COLLECTIVISM. On one EXTREME side is ANARCHY. The other side, TYRANNY. It's THE ALEX JONES GREAT AWAKENING vs THE KLAUS SCHWAB GREAT RESET. The AVERAGE JOE looks up, sees LEADERS PUSHING IT, and then looks down, sees MOBS PUSHING IT, and then feels helpless but is still IN THE MAJORITY but doesn't know it, Alex Jones told us about it, THE GREAT AWAKENING is here.

Super Tits, Roaming Millennial Lauren Chen, and other chicks. Cool. Alex Jones approves. The Great Awakening. CBS said my videos violated copyright in 2017. Either I remove the videos or CBS must take me to court within about 14 days. If they don't, then YouTube would restore the videos. I ended up deleting videos. But then YouTube suspended my channels. But CBS was probably not going to take me to court. The videos would probably get restored. But then YouTube deleted my over ten thousand plus videos and over three super big YouTube channels and locked me out of some or many of the 40+ other YouTube channels of mine.

Roy, are you ready for my computers to blow up? 275/ Most people won't even care when my computers blow up again or when I'm eventually murdered/tortured, imprisoned again, robbed again, lied about again, deleted off the Internet again, etc, etc, etc, again and again. 314/ My DREAM would be to send 100 TB hard drives of all of my private top secret OATMEAL CONTENT to over ONE MILLION PEOPLE, that would totally get around BIG TECH CENSORSHIP, YouTube thinks they can delete my 10K+ videos, how about I send people 100K+ videos and more? That's what I want.

WEF Overlord Klaus Schwab who brought you COVID LOCKDOWNS is back to say that's nothing compared to RUSSIA hacking POWER PLANTS, electricity, the grid, to cause BLACKOUTS all over the UNITED STATES, they want AMERICANS to go to war again. 1/ YouTube deleted my over 10,000+ videos, that is over ten thousand plus videos. They will not give them back to me. The numbers are documented on the Social Blade website, Archive Internet Time Capsule website, in articles, in videos, in emails. 2/ I didn't even get third strikes, Google is lying about me for years now on Twitter, in emails, etc.

Tucker on Twitter

2023-06-06 - Tuesday

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Find Tucker Carlson on Twitter

Tucker Carlson On Twitter (TOT). Don't get TAUGHT. Instead, get TOT. Bill Maher should host shows on Twitter. HE'S BACK.

Alex Jones has been studying globalism since 1983, the past 40+ years. Alex Jones is the real Bond. Aliens cannot stop the revolution of non-violence, the Great Awakening. Thoughts on Elon Musk and RFK Jr.

349/ How am I supposed to backup my data if I have no ability to have a frontup in the first place, like you can't have backup if there is nothing to backup, what am I supposed to do? Aliens will save me? 350/ I may have over 10TB of data, how am I supposed to have backups of that much content if I don't even have space for the frontup version of the backup and how many backups do I need as one backup means 20TB and two means 30TB and we all know only two backups is SMALL.

YouTube Restored JoeyArnoldVN after 5 years

2023-06-07 - Wednesday

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YouTube Restored JoeyArnoldVN after 5 years.

My JoeyArnoldVN YouTube channel was restored today. My dream would be to live-stream 24/7 for the rest of my life kind of thing where people are always recording me sort of like reality television or the Fish Tank. Instead of the Truman Show, it would be the Oatmeal Show 24/7. But some of the people around me may hate it. GOOGLE DELETED MY EMAIL ADDRESS. [email protected]. The @gmail address was created in 2009 but then SUSPENDED in 2017 alongside of my @YouTube channel by the same name.

351/ They broke into his house to DESTROY the ARNOLD ATTIC FILMS, broke my BLAKE WEBB heart into a million TIFFANY CUMBO pieces. 352/ The CURSE of the OATMEAL JOEY is I may be DOOMED for my ACTIONS which were DOCUMENTED, some of the CONTEXT was BANNED unfairly off SOCIAL MEDIA which would have HELPED. People may CONTINUE to GO AFTER ME for all sorts of things. Good or bad, right or wrong, etc, that's life.

368/ I might APOLOGIZE for making a too big of deal on how KATHY STOLE MY BIKE, but I will never APOLOGIZE for my stand against WEAPONIZED/AGGRESSIVE CORPORATE/CARTEL CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT/MONOPOLY/OLIGARCHY SPONSORED COPYRIGHT say for example cuz it's so bad. 380/ People have lied about me in the past, YouTube deleted my 10K+ videos and then @TeamYouTube gave me back 3K+ videos five years later in 2023. So, it happens. I'm no SAINT. But I'm also no MONSTER. Very NUANCE. It all DEPENDS. Many FACTORS. Long Story. Star Wars Yoda Fog.

Alex Jones, who killed JFK, this fence. Instagram banned me and @instagram helps bad people like pedophiles, almost as bad as @TeamYouTube who deleted my 10K+ videos, that's over 5TB, possibly over ten terabytes. They arrest people who pray, this affects people of all religions, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jews, Catholics. Prayer is a form of thought meaning it affects everyone. Cops logically must arrest every human because we all think/pray.

405/ The ENDEARING CANDACE OWENS and MEL GIBSON OATMEAL G.I. JOEY ARNOLD SHIRTS are only available from MEMES WORLD PRODUCTIONS on DISCORD while supplies last, BATTERIES not included. Go to DISCORD and ask for ROY. George Lucas approves this message.

Diary Land Owes me $19

2023-06-08 - Thursday

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Diary Land Owes me $19.

YouTube Restored my JoeyArnoldVN channel but rejected JoeyArnold7 and [email protected] even as all three are the same. Google sent me two emails containing lies. First email said I didn't APPEAL for my @TeamYouTube channel to be restored which is NOT true. I APPEALED immediately when it happened. Second email said my [email protected] email address does not exist but it did. @Google @gmail. GOOGLE DRIVE SPAMMED MY TWITTER INBOX DM WITH A LIE SAYING I MUST DELETE MY [email protected] EMAIL BUT THEY ALREADY DID THAT, AND GOOGLE TAKEOUT WILL NOT LET ME DOWNLOAD MY DATA/VIDEOS/CONTENT. HOW DO I INTERACT WITH ACTUAL HUMANS. YOUTUBE DELETED MY 10K+ VIDEOS. Google sent me HATE SPEECH saying I must delete my [email protected] email address. That's weird @gmail cuz you ALREADY DID. So, why tell me to do what you already did do? You suspended my Google account and DM me on Twitter to tell me I cannot tell anybody that I appealed.

428/ Google will NOT let me use GOOGLE TAKEOUT to download my OJAWALL data which they have which they stole from me.

Instagram my JoeyArnoldVN account @instagram and yet still lets children pedos on PedoGram. @TeamYouTube RESTORED my JOEYARNOLDVN channel but not JOEYARNOLD7 or [email protected] even as they're a TRINITY. This means you MUST either SUSPEND or RESTORE all three. But instead you only RESTORED one of the three channels. But all 3 channels are IDENTICAL. Not LOGICAL.

YouTube SUSPENDED my OJAWALL channel which had almost a MILLION VIEWS according to @SocialBlade and @internetarchive.

Trump JFK Rainy Day

2023-06-09 - Friday

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Hillary Clinton Emails

What the DEEP STATE is doing to TRUMP right now is the ASSASSINATION of JFK 2.0 but this time instead of MURDER, it's the DESTRUCTION of CHARACTER, REPUTATION; GLOBALISTS are INTERFERING in the 2024 ELECTION as they try to take out TRUMP. David Leavitt has this weird PUPPET FETISH as he gets off on the 38 Counts of TRUMP.

Attacking Three Branches

2023-06-10 - Saturday

Never Have I Ever is a good show.

Globalists are ATTACKING the THREE BRANCHES of AMERICAN GOVERNMENT by ATTACKING the EXECUTIVE BRANCH (TRUMP) which is supposed to be SEPARATE and not UNDER the OTHER TWO BRANCHES of GOVERNMENT. Imagine THREE SNAKES trying to eat each other up.

I don't mind that they have a copy of everything I've ever done on the Internet, just send me a copy of it for the love of oatmeal. Are there dots floating around the moon, what is this, are these real videos and photos of space? Is this Bud Light trying to run off to their home planet?

Alex Stein Song

2023-06-11 - Sunday

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Trump vs Presidents

The Tim Pool Conspiracy Podcast You Know Too Much Britney Spears Crazy Parody Cover Song. The Alex Stein Coming For You Song, Politicians, Demolitions. The New Chrissie Mayr Simpcast Song, Sunday Night, There's Nothing On.

Some of the actors of THE CHOSEN tweeted they stand with LGBTQ, the pride flag/month. I'm a fan of the content of the show on the LIFE of CHRIST over the opinions of the staff involved. But you have to be careful of the BUDLIGHT TARGET DISNEY EFFECT. I wouldn't boycott THE CHOSEN as long as they stay faithful/biblical/moral/accurate/historic ENOUGH to telling the story of the LIFE of CHRIST. JESUS came to save SINNERS. But it's TRUE that the Pride Agenda is attacking children. Should you boycott them? Good question.


2023-06-12 - Monday

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Never Have I Ever is a fun show.

I RESCUED HDD-003. That's why we must live in FARADAY CAGE HOUSES. Only the development of GOOD AI can fight the BAD AI. We're talking TRANSFORMERS/MATRIX/WALL-E. Humans must INVEST in ROBOTIC BODY GUARDS, ANTI-AI SOFTWARE, PHYSICAL HARDWARE SWITCHES to TOTALLY turn off MACHINES to PREVENT HACKING. 437/ EZ Blazer of Memes World Productions asked me on Discord if I wanted to join a Stream Yard, my answer is it depends, like if I feel like it's worth my time, the exposure, if people really wanted to talk to me depending on the people, topics, variables, conditions, time, etc.

YouTube is ACTIVELY LYING. I did NOT send an APPEAL recently. And when I did, it was NOT an APPEAL. I just want to DOWNLOAD my VIDEOS. NOT an APPEAL. I want access to GOOGLE TAKEOUT. YouTube will not let me use Google Takeout, not a single person at Google will talk to me about it.

1/ I need to download my data off Google Takeout. This is not an appeal for my JoeyArnold7 channel on YouTube which didn't receive a third strike. I just want my videos back. You also deleted my [email protected] email account and YouTube channel. 2/ Google deleted my 10K+ videos from over three of my YouTube channels. I was also locked out of many of my 40+ channels. I've received over a million views on my YouTube content and yet was never given a Google Representative. 3/ How do I contact Google? Who do I call to get a hold of YouTube staff? My previous messages were ignored. YouTube is ignoring the fact they emailed me 3 times within the same minute on the day they terminated this particular channel to say I was banned & not banned. 4/ Oddly, YouTube restored my JoeyArnoldVN channel along with around 2,000 videos, @TeamYouTube said this day would never come, @YouTube lied to me by saying they would not restore me because they then RESTORED me. This is very ILLOGICAL. 5/ Because @Google @gmail YouTube refused to restore my JoeyArnold7 and [email protected] channels on YouTube despite all three channels being the same in so many ways. Again, this is not an appeal. Let me download my videos.

Why can't I post in a Google forum? First, you delete my 10K+ videos @TeamYouTube and then you disable my ability to post and comment in your community, your support forum? Why did you send me 3 emails in October of 2022 saying I was/wasn't banned/not banned/banned? Jan6 is a scam in that the left goes after people who may have attended Jan6 or whatever. But most of the people in DC that day were peaceful. They locked up many people. Not JUST people allegedly there. I even wrote an article some days before Jan6. Lock me up for nothing.

I would say @TeamYouTube is going to WRONGFULLY EXECUTE your 10K+ videos including videos you made as a kid, they will not even give you a 3rd strike, they won't let you appeal channel suspensions or download content via Google Takeout. @YouTube will ignore you on Twitter.

Today, I was able to UNDELETE 15.6 GB of content from a 80 GB HDD which was missing a red power pin, some of which came from my time in Hawaii in 2007. Different programs that may have helped: Test Disk, dd-rescue, and especially Photo Rec. This is good news.

Vivek Trump PBS NPC

2023-06-13 - Tuesday

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Trump Day Ground Hog Day

Vivek is right, every 2025 U.S. Presidential Candidates should sign that vowing to pardon Trump if elected or to explain why not. Vivek was the only one there. RFK, Ron DeSantis, Biden, Mike Obama, and others, were not there because the donors told them not to.

What @PBS does in lying about Trump as seen in this screenshot from @Timcast is almost as bad as @TeamYouTube deleting my 10K+ videos which followed with @YouTube then restoring 2K+ videos & my JOEYARNOLDVN channel while also refusing me access to GOOGLE TAKEOUT. Oddly @Google allows/promotes @PBS DISINFORMATION. @YouTube SUSPENDED my [email protected] and JOEYARNOLD7 channels. @TeamYouTube then said you can talk about the 2020 ELECTION. But then refuses to restore my channels or use GOOGLE TAKEOUT. Notice YouTube/Google staff ignore me.

YouTube is not letting me use Google Takeout. YouTube has bad customer service for lying and ignoring people they destroy. How can I get subs if you suspended or locked my 40+ channels and deleted my 10K+ videos without giving me third strikes despite the fact I won many of my appeals to undo copyright and community guideline strikes many times over the years, notice YouTube/Google ignores me. Did you know @TeamYouTube is ILLEGALLY ignoring me?

HOW CAN I HANG TIGHT? YouTube RESTORED Former President Trump and my JOEYARNOLDVN channel. But YouTube refuses to RESTORE my JOEYARNOLD7 and [email protected] accounts/channels despite the FACT they didn't get THIRD STRIKES.

444/ I've not seen Roy Merrick of Memes World Productions on Discord talk about those RARE PHOTOS I was able to RESCUE from a DEAD HDD, not a peep about my RESTORED JOEYARNOLDVN YOUTUBE CHANNEL thanks to @TeamYouTube who refuses to let me use GOOGLE TAKEOUT.


2023-06-14 - Wednesday

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Jess was on Alex Jones

People are fed the lie that TAXES is a CIVIL DUTY as old as time, like the VALUE of HONOR. The TAXES SCAM works partly when people fail to connect the dots between taxes paid and allegedly free programs, welfare, food stamps, unemployment benefits, etc. But there's more too.

452/ Emergency Meeting. If you're a fan of Original Oatmeal, please go into my Discord and tell Roy Merrick he is a legless dog with fake questions, that would help me out a lot, thank you very much.


YouTube is lying about me online. I have the emails. YouTube is ignoring me. All the Google staff were ordered to ignore me.

Pro-Abortioners CONFLATE the EXTRACTION of the baby with the LIFE of the baby. MOTHERS can choose to EXTRACT babies out. You don't have to kill the babies during EXTRACTION. Babies may die during EXTRACTION; but you don't have to force the death.

Fox Dictator Biden Party

2023-06-15 - Thursday


Real mothers are hotter than Hollyweirdos.

YOUTUBE DELETED my 10K+ OATMEAL VIDEOS. GOOGLE SUSPENDED my [email protected] and JOEYARNOLD7 channels & DISABLED my GOOGLE TAKEOUT which is illegal. YouTube and Google terminated my [email protected] email without giving me my data. I asked for my data. They refused to give it to me. Joe Biden aint no DICTATOR. BIDEN is our FATHER who ART in WASHINGTON. If you do call JOE a DICTATOR, we're gonna have to fire you like Fox did.

Google suspended my [email protected] account, I APPEALED IMMEDIATELY, but Google LIED and said I didn't. But I did. Period. Google is pretending to communicate with me, if they want to shut me up, just give me access to GOOGLE TAKEOUT so I can DOWNLOAD my DATA, my OVER TEN THOUSAND PLUS VIDEOS. AND THEN I WILL SHUT UP.

YouTube @TeamYouTube deleted my 10K+ videos, we're talking 10TB+ (OVER TEN TERABYTES) possibly, locking or suspending many of my 40+ channels. Just let me download the data via @Google Takeout and I will shut up. Period. I promise. But you won't. So, I won't. Period.

Denver becomes the capital of the United States if DC is blown up said Steve Quayle. Is that why they have like giant underground military bunkers and what not top secret things in Denver?

YouTube Oatmeal Song, TikTok Touch Myself 70K Views

2023-06-16 - Friday

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What YouTube Did to Oatmeal

They killed JFK in 1963 a month after JFK ordered all the American troops to exit Vietnam.

Can I make videos about how you deleted my 10K+ videos and NUKED my Google Takeout? Cyberfrog Google DELETED my email account without even telling me, [email protected] disappeared without notice, no third strikes. Google is going to block me on Twitter to cover up their CRIMES they did to me. 498/ Lil Sniff should do Air Soft Fatty parody.

Logan Paul GOOGLE broke Google Takeout. Not even The Batman can help me download MY DATA which Google and @YouTube stole from me. I need the email addresses of Google staff. Please let me know how I can contact @TeamYouTube and @gmail and @YouTubeCreators and @YouTube and @Google as they ignore my emails, Twitter tweets, forms, etc. YouTube MURDERED my 10K+ videos, [email protected], JOEYARNOLD7, etc.

I don't want an APPEAL. I don't want to REINSTATE my channels. I just want to download videos from GOOGLE TAKEOUT which I did for my JOEYARNOLDVN channel but not for JOEYARNOLD7 or [email protected]. @Google, Why let me download from one channel but not the other two channels?

Here is what Google/Gmail/YouTube did to me.

Catholics Created Islam

2023-06-17 - Saturday


My Hive Blog Shirt

Muhammad, the founder of Islam, the Muslims, was actually a servant of the Vatican, the Roman Catholics, the Pope, who fabricated the Quaran so that the Vatican could obtain remote control over The Middle East. It puts a new twist or spin behind some of the so-called holy wars. Elon Musk, medicine going from analog to digital is very dangerous. It's like playing with fire. It's like playing with time travel. So many things can go wrong. It's like teleporting without bending space. The Star Trek version of teleporting is not a good idea.

Why drink Bud Light. When you can drink Ultra Right? Why be Light. When you can be Ultra?

Watch this video about what YouTube/Google/Gmail did to me. Tell me that makes sense.

1/ Witch Queen. Bishop Gaiters said the snake was a transgender in the Garden of Eden in Genesis in the Bible, that Cain's mother was Eve but that Cain's father was not Adam but Satan in the form of a serpent. Cowboy Bebop. Boba Fett. 2/ Gaiters said the snake had a dichotomy, that the male side of the snake was Lucifer and that the female side was Lilith. Gaiters said the mother of Seth was Eve and Lilith. Jim Ross. Barack Hussein Obama. Mike Obama. Rebecca Black.

1/ Here is what You.com said when I asked why YouTube restored JOEYARNOLDVN and not JOEYARNOLD7 even as both channels are THE SAME in so many ways meaning either BAD or GOOD. 2/ Can't be neither or both. The FATE of ONE CHANNEL must be the FATE of the OTHER. Asians.

Rockefeller Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood

2023-06-18 - Sunday

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Gmail locked me out.

Happy Fathers Day. Money from Rockefeller went to Margaret Sanger to start Planned Parenthood. If you want an Oscar, now Hollywood is requiring not only the cast but also the crew must be DIVERSE. People outside of movie critics would watch a woke film just as much as they'd watch Disney on the phone while drinking Budlight while shopping at Target. Scott Adams. 507/ NOBODY helped me RESURRECT my JOEYARNOLDVN channel on YOUTUBE apart from me. Roy could have lied to say he called up Google to have them REINSTATE that channel, I would have loved Roy for that. But nope. @TeamYouTube wrongly REMOVED 10K+ Oatmeal Videos.

The Joe and Elon Show. Or the Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Andrew Tate, Donald Trump, Kanye West, Roseanne Barr, Tim Pool, Steven Crowder, Tim Allen, Jay Leno, and Elon Musk Show. I'd watch that.

I got over a million views on YouTube, Google owes me money but instead deleted my 10K+ videos. After five years, YouTube restored around two thousand of those videos while refusing to restore the remaining over eight thousand plus videos.


Owen Benjamin on Alex Jones

2023-06-19 - Monday

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Roseanne Barr on Michael Malice

CHILDREN MUST GET COVID VACCINES. Peter Hotez said kids had to get multiple boosters, that we all must get jabbed yearly until we're all like Jaime Foxx. Alex Jones. Joe Rogan. Civil War. Is this why @Google @youtube banned me? 518/ Roy may feel like I can fix my own problems. That might be why he is not trying harder to fix some of the issues I'm facing. Not that anybody is OBLIGATED, my point is it seems like Roy is trying to CONTRIBUTE to the beginning stages of the WaPo Power Rangers OATMEAL EMPIRE. YouTube didn't give me an opportunity to appeal copyright, had they did, then claimants would have 14 days to file to take me to court/trial, to sue me, a lawsuit. They probably wouldn't because I would win, but that's my right as an American.

I IMMEDIATELY tried APPEALING but YouTube rejected them AUTOMATICALLY these past 6 years since 2017, no MANUAL reviews, no GOOGLE TAKEOUT.

The SECRET to DEFEATING the GLOBALISTS is within cultivating your LOCAL COMMUNITY, said Daniel Estulin on Alex Jones. Billionaires are running off to BUNKERS in VOLCANOES and on SHIPS in HAWAII, NEW ZEALAND, etc, because they know they're losing. @TeamYouTube deleted the Jordan Peterson video with RFK, that is interference with the 2024 election, that is illegal. Google loves to break the law. @Google hates white people, that is racist, that is why they are attacking @RealCandaceO. That's why Google banned me unfairly.

Everything is the N word she said. This was on Steven Crowder. If you said lazy, dangerous, ghetto, etc. It means the N word she said on TikTok. In reality, she is the racist. What would Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and Trump say about this?

The @TeamYouTube refuses to. Actual humans refused to look at how they unfairly suspended or locked some of my 40+ Google Gmail email and YouTube accounts/channels, over 10,000 videos deleted. NO 3rd STRIKE. NO GOOGLE TAKEOUT. @Google @gmail STOLE MY DATA. Like @Yahoo. This is racist. Juneteenth is a racist scam. @YouTube banned Alex Jones. @TeamYouTube banned me. @Google staff ignore me online. That is horrible customer service. And @YouTubeCreators stole my videos.

Covid Vaccines are killing people. @YouTube helped in that meaning @TeamYouTube helped MURDER millions to billions of people. And @Google won't let me download my videos.

Shade, digital copyright is a scam. Copyright emerged especially around the 1500s with the rise of the printing press. Copyright was not originally designed for electrical copies which is only a step removed from light photons which transmits images into our eyes.

EctoLife Baby Matrix

2023-06-20 - Tuesday

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See this girl on Alex Jones.


I promise to send hand written letters to GOOGLE, YOUTUBE, GMAIL, ALPHABET, ANDROID, other related companies, etc, I'll text them, email them. All you have to do is send me addresses, email, phone numbers, Twitter, Facebook, websites, links, forms, forums, etc. 552/ Roy wasn't the computer expert I was hoping he'd be who could help me figure out which hard drives might be better for long-term cold storage meaning not speed but longevity, durability. I'm talking physical hardware, chips, electronics, be it HDD, SDD, NVMe, etc.

@dailywireplus had my video removed in 2022, when I appealed, @YouTube said @benshapiro had 14 days to file a lawsuit, and when they didn't, then @YouTubeCreators RESTORED my video. In this tweet, @TeamYouTube said they can't. But @Google did MEDIATE.

Lauren Southern talked about her divorce. It breaks me hearing when marriages go wrong as it did for my parents. Lauren is amazing. I can't imagine ever divorcing somebody like her. 539/ Roy Merrick of Memes World is more a comedic meme animator and commentator with a satire Oatmeal magazine. Roy can continue having fun with his videos and shirts. I'll however be down in the ARNOLD BASEMENT digging holes working on archiving OLD CONTENT all by myself. Roy is not part of that CORE.

$20 Trillion USD BlackRock

2023-06-21 - Wednesday

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Anna was great on Slightly Offensive

$20 trillion dollars BlackRock owns a lot of SHARES of companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Anheuser-Busch, Facebook Meta, Target, P&G, Comcast, CNN, Fox News, Pfizer, etc. Internet said there is $19.64 trillion dollars out there. But BlackRock manages more than that? BlackRock manages 20 trillion?

YouTube SUSPENDED me WITHOUT a 3rd strike, IGNORED my APPEALS, no GOOGLE TAKEOUT. To appeal suspended YouTube channels via a web page form, Google requires you to do so through a Google Gmail account which is not fair especially if they also TERMINATE your email account like they did MISTAKENLY and WRONGLY for [email protected]; they denied me Google Takeout.


When @YouTube suspended my JOEYARNOLDVN channel. I was able to download those videos via GOOGLE TAKEOUT.

Titanic Submarine Story

2023-06-22 - Thursday


Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself lol.

Titanic Submarine Story. $77,000 per barrow of baby parts from the wombs of mothers sent to bio-labs in Ukraine.

What I am talking about is not very well known. Because the Catholics do not want you to know. That is why for thousands of years, the Pope would have people travel around the world grabbing things in order to delete history, they have a lot of ancient things underneath the Vatican City. They have been trying to bury real history forever. So, it is very hard to know the truth about real history.

625/ I would support Roy sending his shirts to YouTube. Meanwhile, Google is still sending me automated email messages, nothing personal, nothing real. Staff are not looking at how they broke my Google Takeout service which is illegal for them to do as they must let me download.... 627/ If you want to get my attention, send me street addresses, phone numbers for text messages, personal email addresses, Twitter, Facebook, other websites, other places, other things, etc, etc, of the staff and anybody else related to YouTube, Google, Alphabet, Android, etc, etc. 629/ If I had DOGGY TIME TRAVEL, I would go back in time and archive all of my lost videos, photos, articles, posts, blogs, comments, emails, web pages, forums, messages, instant messages, etc, from Yahoo, AOL, Xanga, YouTube, Facebook, Bebo, MySpace, Diary Land, Live Journal, etc.

Moscow Russia Civil War Story

2023-06-23 - Friday


Moscow is trending on Twitter, I'm against the NWO.



Virgo 101. The PLASTIC Titanic Sub went down Sunday, military knew immediately, but at least it was good for the environment, save the whales, hug the trees, how dare you said Greta, all dogs go to Heaven, animals are dying, reported Alex Jones. Undertaker Bud Light. Ron DeSantis is the new Bud Light mascot. Twitter tried to tell me not to say idiot. Moscow. Russia. Wagner. Putin. Top G. Twitter trying to use PEER PRESSURE on me. Kremlin. Wagner. Russia. Moscow. Putin.

CONFRONTING this Peter Hotez GREMLIN even at his house was a good thing but people at @Timcast disagreed. The Tim Pool people and others are wrong. Dead wrong. People like @JamesOKeefeIII would have confronted this GREMLIN. Covid vaccines are killing people. Bud Light.

649/ Just put glasses on that gremlin and you would have Oatmeal Gremlin. Send some shirts to @YouTube @TeamYouTube @gmail @Google @YouTubeCreators @tiktok_us @instagram @MetaNewsroom @facebook @minds @wordpressdotcom @Yahoo @AOL @Diaryland who censor the Hell out of me online.

Who killed the INVITE LINK to this DISCORD SERVER of the MEMES WORLD PRODUCTIONS, why is there no more AUDIT LOG in the settings, why not have MEMES WORLD grow, why keep it a small little private club of like five people, why not have thousands of members? I spent the past year since 2022 trying to invite people here because I love MEMES WORLD that much, I believed in the vision of MEMES WORLD. But if MEMES WORLD is not interested in going VIRAL, then what is the point? I believe in INFLUENCING millions if not billions of people around the world, period. That's my destiny. That's what I do. I don't hide around in SECRET DISCORD SERVERS of only like five people. I DREAM big. Very big.


2023-06-24 - Saturday

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Alex Jones on PBD

BOYCOTT vs BUYCOTT. Putin Moscow Coup Alex Jones said we don't need a boycott to save the world, we need a buycott into promoting products, services, goods, companies, ideas, we believe in. Yellowstone River Prighozin. Trump Biden. On 9/11 in 2001, Joe Rogan called into Alex Jones to say it was not responsible for the Wagner Moscow Russia Gay Frog to say government was involved. But Joe has evolved since to become Alex Jones 2.0 just like Elon Musk/Tucker Carlson/Kanye West/Trump.

Did the Kremlin CIA help Coup YouTube and Moscow Putin steal my videos? Google stole my emails. Did the CIA and the Kremlin Putin Moscow tell YouTube to STEAL my videos?

@TeamYouTube STOLE/REMOVED my 10K+ OATMEAL VIDEOS. No GOOGLE TAKEOUT. No 3rd STRIKE. They locked or suspended many of my 40+ channels. How do I contact them? They ignore me.

Emma Vigeland on Tim Pool Culture War

2023-06-25 - Sunday


For more info on this pic, check out Melonie Mac.

On Culture War, Emma Vigeland said NYC crime decline. Sean Fitzgerald countered by talking about averages going back years. Emma countered that by trying to RATIONALIZE the criminals as to like JUSTIFY and turn criminals into victims of Covid Lockdowns. On the Tim Pool Culture War, Emma Vigeland talked about the need for universal health care to combat mental health decline. The decline is thanks to governments and others. She wants the same people who caused the problems to fix the problems. Emma Vigeland, I'm rooting for peace not war. I believe in Trumpian PEACE through STRENGTH. I'm also against TAXES because the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has been ROTTING for over a CENTURY.

Would ISP, governments, or others, see encrypted connections as like a red flag? I mean does such type of Internet traffic stand out which could cause ISP or others to be curious or suspicious? Perhaps different ISP may have policies or what not, I would hope ISP would not care if there is encrypted traffic going through them. I am concerned that elevating privacy might make you stand out as far Internet traffic goes for ISP, DNS, governments, etc. An analogy might be wearing a mask in a crowd if others are not wearing masks, then you may stand out. But I agree in the value of privacy for sure.

712/ I believe in CONNECTING people together to DEBATE and also to help each other out with like SELF-HELP books, HOW-TO videos, memes, comedy, music, entertainment, education, encouragement, insight, advice, history, science, law, religion, culture, politics, theories, etc, etc.


2023-06-26 - Monday

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What I want.

Coincident theorists vs conspiracy theorists. GINA CARANO BLOCKED OATMEAL FOR DEFENDING HER. YouTube DELETED my 10K+ videos, no GOOGLE TAKEOUT/3rd STRIKE/APPEALS, GOOGLE GHOSTED ME. 396 people blocked me on Twitter. 717/ People made Oatmeal groups on Snapchat. So, I encourage people to always do things like that on other mobile phone apps too, the more the better.

I SUPPORTED GINA CARANO. In return, she BLOCKED ME on Twitter probably because THE DAILY WIRE was going to sue me after they had YOUTUBE pull my fair use spoiler review of TERROR ON THE PRAIRIE. @GinaCarano, do you just block all your fans? I just need 4 more people to block me on Twitter. Then I'll be at 400 Twitter accounts who blocked me. Virgo 102.

Emma Vigeland is a psychopath. She said she covers the right as most terrorism comes from Antifa Tim Pool Nazis. Maybe arrest click-baiters like her. She is kind of hot and confident. But a wack job. It generates clicks. It fools some people.

Kyle was on Alex Jones

2023-06-27 - Tuesday

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Kyle was on Alex Jones

What is CRIMINAL is TRUMP drinking COKE. Why not drink BUD LIGHT? Deep Fake Neighborhood Wars features AI dubbed versions of Greta, Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, Nicki Minaj, etc. This is better than what Disney did with Star Wars. Don't tell @timcast about this show.

People are encouraged to SUPPORT ME by sending me BITCOIN or HARD DRIVES or DOWNLOAD my CONTENT, ARCHIVE my WORK, send me MONEY, SHARE my CONTENT, SAVE my CONTENT, BACKUP my CONTENT, MARKET my WORK, REMIX my CONTENT, STEAL my CONTENT, EDIT, etc, etc. 776/ I've given examples already of how people can help me. The more you help me, then the more I might help you. But no promises. It depends. But we will see. You're not required to help. But if you're trying to earn my trust or something. Then think about what I want and do.

787/ The OATMEAL RULING CLASS has power to GOVERN our DISCORD SERVERS and OTHER GROUPS as they deem fit within reason, it depends, I have VETO POWER to override as the EMPEROR. Social media websites can have vague rules about HATE SPEECH, spam, calls to acts of violence, etc.

I believe in looking at law from the perspective of ownership rights.

Ian Oat Box Shupashark Crowned God Emperor of my Discord Server

2023-06-28 - Wednesday

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Discord Server

I may be 1/4 German, 3/8 English, 3/16 Scottish, 1/16 Dutch, and 1/8 Irish, top five ancestry lines, these are educated guesses based on deep research going back many years, these are rough estimates, approximately. 808/ Ian Oat Box Drum Shupashark has been CROWNED the title role of THE GOD EMPEROR in our DISCORD SERVER with ADMINISTRATIVE OVERRIDE POWER over all the categories, channels, events, roles, permissions, power. This TYRANICAL POWER was once GIVEN to the late rolling in his grave GERALDY JONES in 2022.

Kyle Seraphin on Alex Jones.

Discord Cambodia Anh is Janet

2023-06-29 - Thursday


Affirmative Action is Racist

I CHEATED. Not on Ariadna Jacob. Who would do that? But on MySpace. I would just Google for HTML code. I probably stole it from her. Who knows. But I would customize my MySpace. Cooler than Facebook. If only Twitter was like MySpace. MySpace was like a web designer.

826/ Ian has the power to make Roy an EMPEROR GOD say for example. Also, others may have the power to PROMOTE users in this DISCORD SERVER up to HIGHER POSITIONS, higher ROLES means MORE POWER. I wanted to give MODS, ADMINS, etc, POWER to PROMOTE and DEMOTE. Please be careful.

Red lining is generally not a problem. Not many people are as racist as you think. The fake news and the weirdos out there are lying about racism. The New Indiana Jones starring Bud Light Destroyer Man.

Discord Computer Hack, Roseanne Alex Jones

2023-06-30 - Friday

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Discord Crazy

Roseanne Barr is on fire on Alex Jones. Better than Deadpool 3, Indiana Jones, Barbie. Elon Musk Twitter blocked the link to this video on Bitchute. 866/ Women can easily become admins of our DISCORD SERVERS potentially. Just send me photos and videos of yourself talking about what you like about me, be specific, be real. If I like you, I will sell my soul not to the OATMEAL DEVIL but to you potentially. LGBTQ Deadpool 3.

They should have said this in 2019 a year before, I know I did, I put out a song talking about vaccines. But this is a funny video by Dana Carvey and David Spade.