Ups and Downs, Highs and Lows

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

Firstly, congratulations to my brother for starting the fourth year of his Hive journey - he has put in a monumental effort as a creator, in engagement and inspired and supported many along the way. Well done mate.

In that post, my brother mentioned some of the highs and lows of his journey and I am sure there are far more than that along the way

  • High: First hundred followers, some of whom are still with me.
  • Low: Seeing people I valued and enjoyed drop off and disappear.
  • High: The relationships I've built and foster - The banter and engagement.
  • Low: Seeing people who could have a great experience here fail to put in the effort.
  • High: My first 1000SP achieved
  • Low: The reward pool and community abuse that seems rife. (Bad actors)
  • High: My first 1000 and then 2000 followers, although many are dead users now.
  • High: Making Dolphin and now Orca in hive power.
  • Low: Making comments to users that go un-replied to - Makes me sad.
  • High: The deep satisfaction I have gained here, despite the low's.

I have many of overlapping points with this and I could add many more "Highs and Lows" but the fact of the matter is, there are always going to be highs and lows on Hive, just as there are always going to be highs and lows in life. The longer one is here, the higher the number and the wider the spread that these peaks and troughs are going to take and for those who have been here a long time, we have seen a lot.

While a lot of social media is more high than low due to the way they are engineered to provide dopamine addiction and feedback loops through their algorithms and design, Hive is different. A lot of the lows are heavily connected to the same kinds of lows experienced in the real world with many of them driven by the financial situation, the economics. People globally generally worry about how to pay the bills, what they earn, the cost of bread, milk and beer and so forth and it can be stressful - which is why like a casino, the other platforms avoid reminding their userbase of the cost of things.


Even in the list above, a lot of the lows are economically driven, even though they are people-centric. Fail to put in the effort (because it isn't perceived as worth it), having people disappear (for the same reason) and of course, the abuse - bidbots, spam and all kinds of nefarious behavior all in the name of collecting a bit more HIVE.

But, what you might notice, is that those like my brother who have done very well on Hive long-term there is something in common - firstly, they are active, they are also not abusive nor are they maximizers after every HIVE penny - often, they are generous with their time and energy and supportive of others in numerous ways. Time for dollar, they will likely earn less than the maximizers who look to increase their "ROI", but overall, generally outperform them in mass. It is akin to the fable of the hair and the tortoise, slow and steady wins the race.

There are plenty of people who cashed out at the highs and congratulations to them, but those highs might just return one day and be exceeded - do they have more now than then, did they buy back in at the lows - or are they expecting that magically when those highs return, they will be able to repeat the move? Gotta have HIVE to sell - gotta have HIVE to vote some value.


But the one thing that is in common with all the people who have made it this far consistently is that they are able to manage themselves in Highs and the Lows. They have strategies to deal with the ups and downs of the market prices, the ups and downs within the community, the abusive behavior and the times that everything is zinging along brilliantly, even though those times are rare.

Life on Hive is more representative of real life than people give it credit and as such, it is likely that there is more down than up and it is in those down times that the activity is done to move toward and accomplish the ups. Just think, most people work 5 days a week at jobs they wouldn't do otherwise, so that they can have a weekend or a couple weeks away from their job a year. Highlights and lowlights are intimately connected, you can't have one without the other, like the light and the dark.

Galen mentioned "catharsis" as part of his creative journey, one of the reasons and benefits for writing how he does, and I do similar. I believe it is those who are able to be honest with themselves about life on and off Hive that do the best overall, even though they might not earn the most per post. The reason is that being able to deal with and manage oneself in the downs allows one to be able to participate in the ups and appreciate and be grateful for their journey.

The "fair-weather returnees" who are only here at the ups aren't actually part of the community, they are not friends, they are maximizers - they are here to extract while they can and will disappear when it "isn't worth it" for them to bother. They are unreliable, they are flakes and no matter how much support you give them in the good times, it will never be enough to sustain them through the bad - it is like giving money to a gambling addict - it will be lost.

I deal with a lot of ups and downs of life professionally and personally and it is incredible how many people seem to have close to zero intentional strategy of dealing with life when things turn sour, which leaves them bitter. I find it incredible that people have the opportunity to develop their mindset and habits for a better life experience whilst investing into a potentially greatly improved financial future - and don't take it.

In my opinion:

If Hive doesn't change you for the better, you are doing it wrong.

You can have a thousand reasons for why your journey here and in life has worked against your success, but how do you then explain those who have made it under the same conditions? What is the justification when hundreds and thousands of people from different backgrounds,skills sets, cultures and histories have survived the downs and thrived in the ups?

Attitude matters - so does behavior.

If you didn't perform in the lows, you didn't earn the highs.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance


I'm celebrating with chocolate.

Nice! I miss chocolate:'( :P

I wouldn't imagine you to have had any for quite a while...I don't suppose it would make you feel better if I enjoyed some on your behalf, but I'm willing to give it a try. I would go as far as having two bits, just to be doubly sure. I know, I'm all heart. 🙂

You will end up eating that Carob nonsense :D

i imagine that's as bad as it sounds

I figure it would take a similar mental to being in jail and there being a fat inmate with long hair and making the decision, "She'll do" to stomach it.

What happened to your chocolate? D:

my pancreas ain't having it

Sorry to hear that :/ , stay strong!

The best celebrations in life involve chocolate.



Haven't had that in an eternity!

Do you have to stand there to eat it?

Golden rough. Sounds like some kind of crazy sex!!

Definitely interracial.

Yes indeed, I noticed that ;0D

Haha, yeah only on that exact spot!

Nah, that's a social distancing spot when in line at Woolworths for the checkout. Stupid huh?

Please notify a safe distance?


Finns! Lol.

Hey, safe distance, consider yourself notified. Don't make me say it again.

Low: Seeing people who could have a great experience here fail to put in the effort.

I think I fall into this category. Most of the friends I made here as a minnow have way way way more HP than I do now.

Also have a few who have been quite consistent but never really got community support.

Regardless, I think we all have our reasons for being here.

Doesn't hurt to just enjoy the ride

Also have a few who have been quite consistent but never really got community support.

This often depends on what they spend their time on. This is a small and relatively narrow community, so one also "generally" has to produce something people want to consume - people with stake if wanting to get rewarded also. This is easier for some than others if they actually have an interest in those kinds of areas.

Definitely doesn't hurt "too much" to enjoy the ride :)

Oh this is good. The attitude one has in Hive is similar with the one in real life. If one can't take the lows here, I am sure they aren't doing it in real life either.

Slow and steady wins the race. Yes. Rome wasn't built in a day and it takes time, patience and commitment to achieve results. Online and offline.

Sometimes I wonder what kinds of lives people lead based on their actions here. There seems to be a lot of bitter and suffering people - many victims.

Oh yes. A lot of people are in pain and they hide it away, inflicting damage to others. I can only wish those kind of people healing. It is indeed interesting to watch the human nature and how it reveals itself into roles on a social platform

Perhaps they think they hide it away. Damaged people are pretty easy to spot through their behavior.

People need to take responsibility for their own well-being.

Yeah, if you can't make yourself happy, nobody will. I see around me a lot of people pretending from others "make me happy". This hides such an inner void that no one could fill than yourself. Responsability starts within. If only more would practice this self awareness. Like ok, you are not happy with yourself. Then start asking some questions. Why? What can you do about it? How to take action? I try to choose people to be around me who can take this responsability because I know that if they are cool with themselves and improve, they will be a good presence. This kind of people are rare. And they are worth keeping and cultivating those friendships once you find them.

I believe that if a person needs another to be happy, they are going to have some major issues in relationships. The saying of "love yourself first" means being able to go into a relationship without needs - which makes for a much healthier relationship.

Really enjoyed your article.
Time for me is my priority now. I try to spend it wisely. I will drop anything I am doing if it means time with my growing family.
That is my joy.
Although I really enjoy the interaction on hive, I still lack confidence in my own writing. I fear my lack of computer skills is holding me back. So since taking a break, I have been reading more articles on development, trying to school myself further about the crypto world and find out more about where hive is going.
When I began on steemit , I had so little knowledge about the blockchain, how the economics played in and all the rest, like simply posting.
My fear was sounding stupid, which I am not, but computer skills had to be learned.
So I keep learning and prioritizing my TIME.
My most precious asset.
Enjoy your day.
Your daughter is so cute by the way. Pix of her always make me smile 😊

Sounds good, I have done a few posts lately after breaking for a month.
I have to be feeling happy to write and the last few months have been stressful due to virus lockdown, as I know has affected everyone also.
But Spring is here and our gardens and outdoor projects are in full swing. Love playing in the dirt😀
So I am sure I will take some time to share our piece of heaven.
Be well

Definitely share some dirty play! :D

It has been nice to be in the garden so far this summer and I hope it will feel just as good next summer too :)

What is growing in your garden at the moment?

Tomatoes, carrots, yellow squash, green squash, butternut squash, beets, onions, potatoes, garlic, broccoli, cabbage,green, red and jalapeños peppers, cauliflower, string beans, chives, rosemary, cilantro, basil, 3 different lettuces thyme and hops.
Plus we pick wild blueberries 44 lbs last year. Raspberries and blackberries too.
We love to grow 😊

Use your posts as part of your learning, it makes it much easier as you get to develop what you learn and make it yours.

For me, I really enjoy having the freedom to post across all kinds of topics where people can interact with what they choose.

She is very cute! But I am biased.

Just to say congratulations to your brother he is clearly a nice guy

Well... Don't go overboard :D

Never knew a brother that will admit this 😄

Admittedly, I'm bad at always responding to replies. That's definitely a weakness that I need to continually work on so I don't contribute to the issue of engagement on Hive.

I've had a lot of highs and lows on Hive, like you said - we can't really exist without these highs and lows. The lows of Hive make the highs so much better. Not too long ago, we saw a low (in terms of price) on Hive at $0.12ish but we then saw that whole Huobi event which sent us all the way up to $1 per HIVE. Even though it didn't last forever (because nothing does), it felt amazing to see something that we believe in receive even a shred of the recognition that it truly deserves.

We'll have many more highs and lows here on Hive and they aren't the thing that defines us. How we respond to those events are the moments that define who we are. You've been here consistently regardless of whatever was happening on a personal/blockchain/hive price level and that shows your true character, imo. Hive is strong because the core user base shares a similar sentiment

Posted Using LeoFinance

That's definitely a weakness that I need to continually work on so I don't contribute to the issue of engagement on Hive.

It can be hard at times, but it does make a difference, especially for the up and coming accounts. If we don't engage, why would they?

How we respond to those events are the moments that define who we are.

I agree, and I think that this ties in with the:

receive even a shred of the recognition that it truly deserves.

The split away from tyranny was monumental.

100%, the best way to get people here and keep them is to engage. Looking around at the best places on Hive - not just in terms of payouts but in terms of activity and general "vibe" are the creators/communities that engage the most 💪🏽

Posted Using LeoFinance

Looking around at the best places on Hive - not just in terms of payouts but in terms of activity and general "vibe" are the creators/communities that engage the mos

It is definitely the case and it is where the people are also mixing it up, new and old together.

"fair-weather returnees"

I like that phrase, It does let people know that to bear the brunt of the seas, the wild waves, the troughs and the peaks, you need to maintain a solid and steady hand to guide your ship.

It is not easy getting started on Hive, yet I see people complain about no content to look at, nothing to vote on, or lack of interactions from new users. These people looking for ROI only do not understand new users need HP to do anything.

Yes some new users think they should be Found, they are the "fair-weather", want a free ride people. It takes work, and effort and a willingness on the part of the new user to learn social Hive system if they want to succeed, and where to turn to when help is needed. (I, still, after almost 3 years need to find help sometimes).

It is not easy getting started on Hive,

This also makes me wonder why people who do get a start so easily quit. Perhaps their start was too easy to get?

The discussion hasn't come up for a long time, how much HP do people need ?

We all need help occasionally, there is far too much complexity to know it all in all domains that are important.

25 HP is good for a post, ten votes and several comments, and still recover by the next day, or that was what I found when testing it out on an alt account. 80 HP and you are off to the races very difficult to burn all the RC and not recover unless you just cast a bunch of useless votes, [useless being a lower HP account voting at less that 100% power because each vote cost mana (RC's)]. If a new account stuck to a ten vote one post ten comments a day, they would get a good start.

Out of curiosity, since Hive is meant to encourage investment should their be some buy in as a hurdle? 80 HP is about 20 dollars currently, less than two months of a Netflix subscription.

<div class="text-justify> Lets look at your meal from the other post, how likely are you to become a regular customer of theirs? I tried twitter when it first came out, if I had to spend twenty dollars on every social media system to see if I like it or not, I don't think I would have tried any of them, or try any in the future.

We have a difficult system for people to learn, if we only want the very small crypto centric people niche community, then sure charge them, then we can have one more T & A chart to look at. If we want to build a social site where the crypto-centric people can make a ROI by having a lot of variety to vote on then, make it easier on the new people to get started.

I started with the 15 SP that steemit provided about 3 years ago. I still have not bothered to learn how to take crypto out. I have not earned a lot, only 3000 HP at the time of the fork. If I had to buy-in, then I can tell you for sure I likely would not have the current amount I have now, because I would have taken some out when I needed to pay medical bills, (if I had to buy in then that would mean I knew how to take out also).

All on boarders should be thinking about retention. No person in their right mind is going to see Hive as a social system if they can only post or comment once every five days because they have no Resource Credits.

It has been a little while since I looked for new users, right now there seems to be several, in the past seven days, I have delegated to 5 that I found, three are active two are still dead in the water. the largest amount of HP one person has was 7 HP. Are they for real new people? I believe so, since neither of the three that are active knew to reblog their post so that it shows up on their front page.

If Hive wants investors as in people like me that Hold Hive then they need to help new users learn to become investors.

I think that there (possibly in the next HF) the RC issue will be solved as delegation will be very easy. RCs don't draw on the pool so can't be abused in the same way at least. For example, that 15SP you started with was leveraged by dart/tard with about 9000 accounts and was extracting tens of thousands of Steem.

Are they for real new people? I believe so, since neither of the three that are active knew to reblog their post so that it shows up on their front page.

A lot of people don't know or do this - one is they are naive, the other is they don't want anymore attention than is necessary. Some people who are abusing the pool don't reblog as it gets more eyes, while other people are looking for more eyes.

If Hive wants investors as in people like me that Hold Hive then they need to help new users learn to become investors.

I agree, but I also think that to be an investor takes a fair amount of personal gumption - otherwise what one invests into might not be overly valuable.

I think passion is the fuel that will drive you when the financial rewards reduce. I only got to know Uncle G a few weeks ago and I think his dedication is really impressive. I don't know how he consistently consumes so much hive content and has hundreds of interactions daily but that is so impressive.

The funny thing about my time here is that the biggest "up" I have experienced was from the fork that I was absolutely petrified of.

I don't know how he consistently consumes so much hive content and has hundreds of interactions daily but that is so impressive.

His commentary is up there with the bots :D

The funny thing about my time here is that the biggest "up" I have experienced was from the fork that I was absolutely petrified of.

Perhaps the overcoming of the fear is what will help people truly engage and value Hive in the future.

Could have sworn he was a bot too.

I got over my fear and I'm.on my most consistent spell since I started here in December 2017. Happy hiverssary to Galen. Let's make Hiverssary a thing now.

We should make other words too -

Hiveocracy ?

Followed by the second hivemendment