Workout update: some photos + my current maxes

in Sports Talk Social2 years ago

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

It´s already been one year since I started to work out at this amazing outdoor gym here in Krakow, Poland so I figured it might be a good opportunity now to share some updates on my progress with you.

Before I ventured into this world of weight lifting, I was mostly doing calisthenics, which is a type of work out as well but as I soon found out, a very different one in fact. Calisthenics is much more complex - you train various muscle groups together as the exercises require many different parts of your body to cooperate, thus improving your overall strength, flexibility, endurance and fitness.

Weight lifting, on the other hand, is more about building individual muscle groups as the exercises mostly focus on just certain, isolated muscles that are stimulated to grow by lifting heavy weights.

Without further ado, let me now show you some pictures from my work out session. (I am still not comfortable showing my face here so I used my "brilliant" photo editing skills again to keep some anonymity, don´t be scared by the creepy smileys :D)

Dumbbell bicep curls. My current max is 25 kg (55 lb). Plus the chain :D

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On the benchpress, I recently run out of weights :D The max I can load up there is 130 kg (287 lb). But as you can see in the picture, there is this little leverage effect going on here so lifting 130 kg on this machine is probably a bit easier than lifting a regular barbell of the same weight.

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Same here on the shoulder press machine. My current max here is 110 kg (243 lb) though.

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I work out on several other machines at this gym too but I don´t have any pictures from there so let me wrap this post up with a shot of me using one of my favorite fitness accessories - the resistance bands.

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This is something I started using many years ago when doing calisthenics and I still do it, just like push ups, dips and some others exercises. Great way to get the final pump at the end of your work out session ;)

So that was my little update on my workout progress. If you work out too, feel free to share yours, I would love to know :)

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


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Crazy work out! I would not survive that hahahah
I missed to vote on that one so reply and I vote on the coment as post reward hahaha
Greez 🍀

Haha no worries buddy! :) We all do sports we like and enjoy, I wouldn´t survive your skateboard session haha :D You have some great skills on your board, seriously...

Thanks for the beer and your support, always appreciated!

Wow thank you so much, how encouranging!
Meeting people like you is what makes hive so daim cool!
All the best, so glad we met!

Thanks buddy, same here :) Enjoy your weekend! Cheers from (a Czech currently in) Poland :)

And a great weekend to you as well! Actualy I have hollydays gor a week now, so needed it hahaha
Grrez from switzerland 🍀
!BEER should be better from chech I heard them say hahaha

Oh yeah man, if you like beer, you must visit my Czech homeland one day :) They call us "the beer nation" for a reason :D Let me mention a few: some of the oldest breweries in the world, some of the finest craft beers in the world, the world´s highest number of breweries per capita and the world´s largest consumption of beer per capita :D In many Czech pubs, beer is actually cheaper than water. So yeah, we are the beer nation indeed and we are kind of proud of it :D

Enjoy your holiday!

Hey @phortun, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

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@sandymeyer denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@sandymeyer thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Hey @phortun, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

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Strong and healthy bones! One of the benefits of weightlifting. Before I comment on your bench press exercise,I would like to say the outdoor gym is beautiful, Is it open for all? I have a friend who I would love to recommend it too.

But as you can see in the picture, there is this little leverage effect going on here so lifting 130 kg on this machine is probably a bit easier than lifting a regular barbell of the same weight.

Well once you keep going, it becomes harder,it's nice that 130kg is easy for you anyway. Thanks for sharing, and I hope we get to see another episode soon!

Oh yeah, this amazing gym is free, open for all 24/7 :) But as you can see, you can even have it just for yourself on certain days like when it´s cold (it was very cold when we were doing the photo shooting there), raining or snowing... But I don´t mind the weather. I actually like the bad weather because I don´t want to share the machines with too many people, I value my privacy :D

That is super cool outdoor gym.
Working out in nature with nice fresh air and its free.

Exactly :) That´s why I like it there so much... Thanks for stopping by!

😮 ty brďo, já bych tě takhle s tím obličejem vůbec nepoznala! Jako fakt, ty jsi tak dvakrát větší od posledně! Ty jo, well done. Ale napadá mě, to toho teď potřebuješ sníst ještě víc, ne? :D

No, s těmito "obličeji" by mě asi nepoznal nikdo :D Ale dobré, ne? :D

Dvakrát větší nee, od té loňské chaty, kdy jsme se viděli naposledy, mám nahoře jen pár kilo ;) Porce zatím udržuju plus mínus stejné a doufám, že to tak zůstane, větší už by byly vyloženě na ostudu :D :/

You invested in a wise idea in this pandemic time. However, what about when rain/snow or during the winter?

No problem for me :) When it´s raining, snowing or freezing, I´m usually alone there and I have the entire place just for me :) When working out in bad weather, I call it the "Rocky Mode" :D

Well my friend, your happy face says it all haha.

Good workout routine

Haha that´s right, my happy yellow face says it all :D

Wow! That is impressive. We have the same here in Thailand, but really crappy, no adjustable weight nor free weights. I'd be right there too, looks like a nice place to work out; and pressing 243lb. Damn, you've got that Czech grizzly bear strength. I remember sitting down at a restraurant in Prague and watching this huge guy gulp down like 4 beers in 15 minutes and then tackle a kilo pork shank and more like it was nothing.

In fact, this might well be the best outdoor gym I have ever seen (and used). Probably even more machines here than I saw at the iconic Muscle Beach Gym in L.A. :D

It acually took me one year of lifting here at least 3 times per week to get to these weights, when I started here one year ago, I could only lift like half of these...

Hahaha, gulping down 4 beers in 15 sounds very Czech :D

Thanks for stopping by Dan, appreciated as always.

Ona je spíš kalistenika komplexnější ve vztahu k těm strojům, nebo těm řekněme izolovaným cvikům (biceps curls). Ale třeba takovej clean, power clean, jerk když máš osu a nějaký závaží, tam se dá vymyslet věcí... a je to setsakra technicky náročný, protože tam je ještě nějaká dynamika v tom, takže aby to člověku neurvalo pazoury, musí se posnažit :D

Mimochodem teď jsem zrovna přijel z víkendu s Cuzzolinem. Nevim jestli ti to něco říká, ale je to první evropan, co trénoval v NBA a ten ti čéče i s "blbou jednoručkou" dokázal vymyslet super věci (on to teda vztahoval na basket, ale je tam fakt hromada věcí, co se s tím dá dělat třeba i pro rozvoj nějaký power strength) :)

Já už si říkal, že dám po takové době sportovní post a ty se ani nestavíš na kus řeči :D Takže díky za návštěvu :D

Jo tak jasně, ta izolovanost byla myšlena u strojů, kde máš fixní trajektorii - s činkama lze být kreativní a komplexní až to hezké není :D I proto Arnold na činky nikdy nedal dopustit. Už jen kolik svalů musíš zapojit na obyčejné vybalancování, že... Cuzzolina neznám, ale věřím, že to bylo zajímavé. Baskeťáci mají obrovskou sílu a dynamiku. Vem si třeba jen ty buzzer beatery z půlky hřiště... Zkoušel jsi někdy z půlky hřiště dohodit na koš? Nebo dlouhé trojky jedním zápěstím, fakt neskutečná síla.

Jsem si ho fakt přečetl až dneska. Mám tady skluz :D

Hele nezkoušel, protože mi chybí technika a nemám teď dostatek buněk, se to učit :D Nejdřív musim pochopit tu kondiční stránku věci > jak se hýbou po palubovce a jak to zlepšit. Pak možná někdy...

Hey @phortun, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

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