The Daily Qurator #1327

in Qurator8 months ago

DQ jan copy.jpg

Welcome to the 1327th Edition of the Daily Qurator here on Hive! Our team is looking left and right for the awesome posts from all Hive users and are looking forward to feature and curate some great content. Every day we will feature 6 awesome posts picked by our curators.

Qurator's team picks - 25th of November 2023.

HIVEspace. "Just do nothing" or "just do it"? [ENG/PL]
by @hallmann

"Point of view depends on where you sit. Therefore, instead of JUST DO NOTHING and IT IS IMPOSSIBLE, I prefer JUST DO IT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Earlier this week, inspired by the hackerspace phenomenon, I wrote a post about meetingspaces supported by Hive. So far I have managed to implement most of the ideas written in the blockchain. I am therefore treating this as a plan."

Post curated by: @ewkaw

A Brief Recap Of 2023 - Part Three
by @bbphotography

"Amy is such a fab model to work with. Always ready to crack a smile. And always so invested in every shoot. It was only around three years ago that I started working with her and she has gone from a decent model to one in a league of her own."

Post curated by: @ackhoo

Matter of Time - A Work by Richard Serra (the Guggenheim Bilbao)
by @harveyword

"This piece appealled to me It's called 'Matter of Time' by artist Richard Serra and is admittedly somewhere between architecture, and the curved lines of the organic curves of Frank Gehry's exterior and the here is a smallish rectangle with some paint on it of standard art gallery"

Post curated by: @ackhoo

Herd of Sheep, Canine Guard and Invisible Wolves
by @anttn

"All I want to share in this digressive introduction is that as long as emotions don't cloud our judgment, then they're good. If they don't, then they're likely to make us make the wrong choices in the future... at least not the best ones !"

Post curated by: @brumest

The Beauty of Destruction
by @ekavieka

"It might look bad on the flower vase, but when you look closely, you can see that the mold also looks so nice, entangled in the rotten part of the flower. This shows that nature is at work trying to bring the natural compound back to the ground."

Post curated by: @ewkaw

Fungi Friday - A unique hairy mushroom & two other very beautiful and interesting mushroom species
by @ridor5301

"And I saw it growing well on a pile of wood and as usual at that time I immediately took several picture poses which looked very beautiful, and all my friends can see it below."

Post curated by: @brumest

@qurator does not explicitly or implicitly endorse third parties opinions or statements in the Daily Qurator. Any statements made in these posts are the author's and curator's own opinion.

Qurator News and Updates.

Qurator's Delegation/Payout Stats | Why Delegating to Qurator is better than ever!

The move to Hive and the updates that came with it

Qurator Competitions

22.pngWeekly Fun Competition
Mischievous Mondays
USgKoryE83iyNs4LG1RhdfteSmeidYjNFY66UnfC68Z51BAp51jiZnUxTpPzaDjeR7beKvWBsphyjFVJpm5CuL.pngWeekly Cooking Competition
Hive Top Chef
7DceLgR4szFwuz7CAHs19JsfqtMKwxDmgzo1nicPT5tDgv48VYtNCWLUX6JSjRBZwrcHMN6zvxx1bwuXp7J78.pngWeekly Photography Quest
Photo Quest

Qurator's Discord Channel

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Delegation links for @qurator

We pay out 80% of all curation to those who delegate, that includes the curation of the stake that @qurator holds. Daily payouts in the form of liquid Hive.

After you click the link you will have to check the value, click next and then enter your Hive NAME and Private Active Key to delegate.
Please remember to leave at least 50HP in your account and that new delegations overwrites the old one. Always use the total amount you want to delegate.
If you need assistance to delegate other amount, please contact us on Discord

The Qurator project is brought to you by:

@scrooger | @ewkaw | @brumest | @ackhoo
Cover graphics by: @cheer-up

Like what we do? Consider voting for us as a Hive witness.

Active Witness rank: 61


Thank you very much @ewkaw and @qurator for the mention, support and curation. I appreciate it.

Thank @ackhoo and @qurator hugely appreciated

Many thanks ☺️ !

Thank you for mentioning and being included as one of the best and I really appreciate all of your support.