Splinterlands Art Contest Week 217!

Splinterlands Art Contest Week 217!


This is the weekly art contest for Splinterlands fanart and Splinterlands inspired original artwork. We love to see your creations that are inspired by the game and our amazing cards and characters. We have some awesome players and artists in our community and it's inspirational to see the influence of Splinterlands on all the content created for our contests.

We offer the potential for some great curation upvotes from the official Splinterlands account from our diligent curators as well as some wonderful prizes for the selected winners. You don't have to have cards or play the game to participate. You also don't have to be a professional artist to participate! We do try to honor the effort that everyone puts into giving this contest their best try.

Due to some ongoing issues regarding plagiarism and multi-account usage we have recently updated some of our rules and guidelines and being a bit more strict on some of our expectations is necessary.

We encourage everyone to give this contest an opportunity to encourage their own creativity and participation. Here is how to make sure your entry is valid!
Please read our updated terms and conditions of participation in this contest.

Creations which may include, but aren't limited to:

  • Drawings
  • Paintings
  • Digital Art
  • Comics
  • Logos
  • Blog Dividers
  • Blog Footers
  • New Card Ideas
  • Mixed Media Art
  • Sculpture
  • Needlework
  • Dolls
  • Computer Generated Art
  • Cited and Sourced Mashups

Rules for Submission

  • Post your creation on your own Hive account in any community you like - the winning packs will be sent to the account you submit to this contest

  • Entries must be the participants own original art. Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated. All inspiration or unoriginal source material must be cited and sourced. Using art from any other source than your own original creative process, unless cited and sourced, will result in you being muted in the Splinterlands Community and being excluded from any and all curation or participation in future contests.

  • Creativity will be factored into the possibility of curation or being a winner in the contest. Simply copying or tracing the cards and the exact Splinterland art that already exists will factor into your chances.

  • Please describe what card or character you are using as your inspiration and show some steps of your artistic creative process! If you are making an original character tell us. If you are using a card or character for your art tell us which one.

  • One entry per person or account per Weekly Art Contest. Curation is only available twice per seven days. This includes all other Splinterlands contests. So, drop your entry wisely.

  • Anyone found using more than one account to enter the contest will be muted in the community and banned from all curation and the possibility for participation in future contests.

  • Link your post's URL in the comments of this contest post.

  • Do not embed your link.

  • Include a picture with your link in the comments

  • Upvotes are not guaranteed and are up to the curator's discretion. Creativity and Effort are two main factors in deciding curation values.

  • As mentioned before, just copying or tracing the card characters and recoloring them will be minimally rewarded or not at all.

  • Photoshopped collages without actual art will be considered less original creatively speaking and curated not as much as crafted art.

  • Not including your progress steps will exclude you from winning or being curated. Not citing and sourcing any inspirational sources that are not your own original content will result in a ban from future participation and being muted in the Splinterlands community.

  • Prizes will be sent out a few days after the contest results are announced

The Deadline for the Weekly Art Contest is Saturday, at 5:00 PM CST

  • Did you miss the deadline or enter too late? No worries... you can just add your entry by submitting your comment with your URL link and attached image of your art the next day in the comment section of the next Weekly Splinterlands Art Contest Post. As long as it's still within the payout period of posting... it's considered a valid entry, even if you have the wrong weekly contest number in your title.

10 Booster Packs will be split between the winners!!!

# Follow us on Instagram

Each week's first-place winner will also have their art featured on the official Splinterlands Instagram account.

You can follow our Instagram HERE

# Follow us on Twitter

Get all of our latest news, updates, and current information here on Twitter by following our official account!

You can follow us on Twitter HERE

Winners from Week 216 Tower Defense Spell Contest!


First Place!


Second Place!


Third Place!


Fourth Place!

ArtistPost Link
@kojartHeartgiver Spell


Fifth Place!

ArtistPost Link
@alexa.artHeartgiver Spell


Sixth Place!


Seventh Place!

ArtistPost Link
@rowellheart of stone


Take some time to go and check out and support this weeks winners. For your chance to win keep up the great work and be inspired in your creativity. If you didn't win this week then join the contest next week with your best efforts.

Our curators work hard to make sure that your efforts are rewarded. We love to see your effort and participation here in the contest. Engaging and supporting your fellow Splinterland Hive users is an important aspect of what builds this community. We look forward to seeing all of your engagement and original creative content here in the community.

Thank you for your continued support!

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There are 2 pages

Here is my entry!

Curators, you all have been doing a really fine job. I am no artiste, but this is my small gesture. Designed a logo for you all to use when upvoting. Hope you guys like it!


Screenshot 2022-11-30 at 11.30.14 PM.png

yooo, this is a looovely idea, very good, man this is awesome, great job, you definitely need an upvote.

You think so? Thank you so very much for the encouragement! This is the first time I’m doing this, was quite surprised by the positive response! Thank you so very much, appreciate it

HA!!! THANK YOU @castleberry ! You like this? Would you like me to have your username customised onto this, so that this would be uniquely yours?

That's such an awesome gesture! Let me think about it! I think something else may even be cooler... but i would need to give it some thought.

No worries @castleberry ! I’m so honoured to have it being use! Do let me know how I can contribute. @splinterlands have been awesome and I’ve benefitted from this game. If there’s anything I can do to contribute back to this community, I’ll be more than happy to!

lovely work , i like the way you shaded the sting area, so realistic great job

Wow your work so aesthetic.You are so good art .Keep up your good work.

uuuuh my girl @alexa.art for the win, @alexa.art your design was waaaay better, no doubt, congratulation to you @solumviz that looks dope af.
lets go people, lets roll in those sweet creative ideas
here's my entry:
tenyii fan art.jpg

Thanks bro :)

Thank you! i love yours too, Your entry for this week looks amazing too 😊

Hello, greetings to all. I'm excited to participate for the first time in this contest, I hope you like it. Here is my link😊



Wow, amazing 👏

Muchas gracias 😊

I congratulate you for such a great job!

Thank you very much for you congratulate to me.😊

Thank you very much for your vote and support, very happy to participate😊

Here is my entry for this week art contest entitled: Agor Longtail dragon raging fire | Splinterlands Art Contest Week 217



Fantastic work👍

damn, that's hot, literarily, very hot, lovely art work by the way.

Thank you very much for choosing me as one of the winners, congratulations to all you guys! you all did a beautiful job.
This is my entry for this week:



heeeey my girl with another mic drop, lets go! lol
i always get hyped when i see your work hahaha
beautiful piece.

Heeey! thanks alot friend 🥰

Wooo new image! cool.

Thanks alot @castleberry 🤗

Yay! I'm finally got first position haha. Thank you Splinterlands!

Congrats to all the winners 🤩.

winner in the buildiiiiiiing! lol
sorry i had to give yo a shout out, your work was dope man, and nice concept

Lol thanks bro. The design was spontaneously created. I wasn't expecting to be the winner XD.

Felicidades a todos los ganadores, en especial a @chopiliart y @alexa.art me gustan su estilo ☺️ besitos a ustedes 🥰 acá les comparto mi link de esta semana, espero les gusten.



Gracias linda 😍😍

me encanta el estilo simpson, y como artista de fondos, debo decir que es un fondo realmente encantador el que has pintado, precioso trabajo

Gracias muy amable me agrada saber que te gustó mi trabajo, aunque los fondos suelen complicarse un poco, no los domino muy bien jeje .

thanks for the support castle. delighted with the new banner ☺️

oh my God that is soooooo cuuuuuute i would love to have that as a pet, beautiful work here, great job.

My entry to Splinterlands Art Contest of a card that I really like


Axemasterx10 .gif

Posted using Splintertalk

@durlan that is really beautiful, the axe master is a really effective card, lovely work

Thank you @victoriadebiyart, it is almost a must for water battles.

This post has been given a 10.0% UpVote by the SplinterBoost Community Curation Bot.
Vote For Witness | Delegate HP | Join Discord

This game caught my attention while I was walking around the Hive, I think the initial cost of entering the game is a bit high. Of course, I can try it in the future.

Build up some rewards here on Hive and just roll them into getting started!

hello! your comment caught my attention too! haha. anyway, agreed on the high barrier to entry, though still lower than axie. I have been in this game for more than a year now, and I would say my USD10 has increased manifold. Nevertheless, my advice might be to enter early as the rules are constantly changing in favour of incumbents, so newer players might earn less. If you are interested in the game, let me know. I can send you my referral code. Even if you are not joining, feel free to let me know if you have any queries on this game!

~~~ embed:1597394319018639361 twitter metadata:MTU2ODk1MDYzMjI2MTg2MTM3Nnx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS8xNTY4OTUwNjMyMjYxODYxMzc2L3N0YXR1cy8xNTk3Mzk0MzE5MDE4NjM5MzYxfA== ~~~

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @michupa, @kaibagt, @sensiblecast ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Wow a lot of amazing hearts

you can say that again @elwynx, so many creative artist up in here

My GIF work on GobLine FireBaller, It is Hand drawing in pieces and fit those on Photoshop and animate 😁


whoooaaa, i can just imagine the amount of time it took you to compile the whole pieces together, lovely work

Thanks for give interest in my drawing work and for lovely comment
Really appreciates that,
Thanks again and Have a nice day!

Wowow, Thank you 😁

Thank you so much!
My entry

hahaha so funny, lovely work there, great job

Thank you!

Hi, this is such an amazing artwork, May I talk to you through discord? do you have discord or telegram chat?

I really want to learn how to make this kind of art.

Thank you so much

damn thats a great edit on it own, the edit alone is a winner, great job man, nice one

thanks for appreciating my work! :)

Congratulations everyone, so many beautiful hearts💕 😍

Congratulations to all of last weeks winners for stepping up to the plate and accepting last weeks challenge! Here is my entry for this weeks contest! https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@crypt-skip/splinterlands-art-contest-week-217djinn-apprentice

ezgif.com-gif-maker (1).gif

as a 3d lover i must say this is pretty cool, very nice, great job man

Splinterlands Fanart Emote that would make you laugh your a** off.


#splinterlands #play2earn

Llamao 300.png

yeap this surely got some laughs out of me, beautiful work

Thank you and I apologize for the late reply. Got busy taking care of my hammies.


Here is my entry for this week my LIRA THE DARK Version. Thank you so much 🥰.



uuh love the colors on this, so bright and cute , great job

Thank you so much, Victor! 🥰

@chopiliart mi favorito es el tuyo, aunque todos hicieron muy buenos trabajos, no esperaba estar entre los ganadores.
¿Me permites recrear tu icono en 3D? me gusto mucho.

wow, recrear algo como esto en 3d no será tan fácil, pero se verá muy bien sin embargo

@victoradebiyiart ya esta listo por acá bro
salió bastante bien, échale un ojo.

Oh, Dios mío, no puedo creerlo.
como un artista de la licuadora debo decir que eres un dios, que es tan hermoso, usted tiene que enseñarme cómo lo hizo, ya sabes lo que voy a tratar de recrear la mía también, que es tan hermoso.

Gracias hermano, eso es porque el arte de referencia es genial también.
En el post explico mas o menos como lo hice. Me gustaría ver como le queda a usted

Bueno, se ve muy bien, realmente lo hace, voy a ver si puedo recrear entonces

I want to re-enter this as an entry because it was not curated last time. 😊


olá galera, novo desenho do canal @dreloop07 para desafio semanal Splinterlands Art Contest Week 217! Valnamor @dreloop07/splinterlands-art-contest-week-217

Congratulations to all the winners, you did a great job as always!

This is my entry a little late to the contest this week:


30 final.png

Congratulations to all the winners!!! this is my entry for new week!!! good luck to all!!!!



Wow, this is great.. I want to participate to this kind of competition too..

Great works, I would have really liked to have been able to make my own entry; but still I am happy for the winners and congratulate them very much.

Here is my entry for this week and I hope you like it:



Hi, My Latest artwork, for this week challenge : https://peakd.com/hive-158694/@chel-koby/splinterlands-art-contest-week-217-a-classic-monster-faceoff-artwork
Monster Face-Off: Dhampir Stalker X Unicorn Mustang

Dhamphir Stalker Vs Unicorn Mustang.png

Congratulations to all the winners, excellent artists and excellent pieces, this is my entry for this week, greetings and good luck to all.

elven mystic1.jpg


My entry:


i will try to do better next challenge

It looks good but definitely unfinished. Where is the rest of the right arm?

if you see my post, there is a last process shot. after that i worked on it for about 1.3 hours. and then my clip studio paint just shut down, and when i opened the software again, all that work was gone, the software didn't restore all of it. honestly i was so frustrated i didn't feel like doing it again. this was a lesson for me that i will be pressing ctrl+s every five minutes from now on

That's most unfortunate. My laptop crashed and i am still trying to fix it... so i feel your pain! This is some cool art and the style is also cool... so don't let it get you down or discouraged! I really liked this art. At least you had a valid reason for not having a completely finished art. Many entries put their art out on the first day with 5 or 6 days to go before deadline and many of them are unfinished due to laziness rather than a valid reason.
Thanks for answering and don't lose heart!

Congrats to all the winners. Here is my entry for this week, Kan Hace :


You can find more aobut it at :
I hope you guys like it, thanks

Is that a new card? So that's why there were so many heart art this week 🥲

Here's my entry this week~

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