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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Cubfinance V2 Day #3 (09/22/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

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Have any Layer 2 tokens mooned? Are there any Layer 2 tokens which have mooning potential? If we shouldn't go outside the Hive system, then it's up to Layer 2 to give us mooning opportunities.

Can HIVE reach USD 100? It's possible, although it could take a while.

Can a token such as SPORTS go from USD 0.00005 to USD 0.00500? That's possible too, and it's easier for achieving its mooning potential; as with HIVE, this could take a while also.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well I am bullish on CTP, LEO and VIBES. Though I am little worried about VIBES since their team hasn't put out many updates recently.

I wouldn't mind if SPORTS mooned 100x but I have a feeling it won't reach there anytime soon since the inflation rate is so high.

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I'm looking for that Layer 2 token which is undervalued but shows promise even if it needs 10,000 units to equal 1 HIVE at the moment. I'll probably discover it during the course of my series on Hive Engine tokens after I complete my spreadsheet of compiled Hive Engine content, but that will take a while.

The idea is to spend as little as possible to get the biggest gains. With few exceptions, we all missed on Bitcoin, and I missed Dogecoin by 1 year. I want to be early this time, and I was wondering if some Hive Engine token could help me with that.

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Well, first of all, unless I'm wildly mistaken, HIVE is a Layer-1. I'm not 100% sure of the difference between layer-2 and layer-3 but I think LEO is a layer-2 as are most of the tribes on Hive-Engine. Layer 3's are apps built on layer 2s?

I'm sure task knows...

So as far as layer 2's with mooning potential, I certainly think LEO is one. As is CUB (although that might be layer 3). Splinterlands would qualify I would think. Again, that might be layer 3 though. 3Spk is definitely in the running and is ProjectBlank.

Lots of potential here.

The thing is, HIVE will continue to go under the radar...until all of sudden it isn't. At that point it will be too late to fill your bags. You will still be able to participate, but the ridiculous returns will no longer be in play.

If you do the math, you can get a 5x from LEO at $1 by getting it at 20 cents. $10 is a 50x. $100 is a 500x. If you start really buying it at 50 cents then $1 is a 2x, $10 is a 20x, and $100 is a 200x. Pretty big difference.

$1000 invested at 20 cents turns into $500k at $100. The same $1000 at 50 cents only turns into $200k. I'm not saying it's going to $100, but what I AM saying is that your ability to make life-changing wealth is greater if you can buy more, cheaper. THAT's why I bought more LEO the other day and why I'll buy more HIVE if it dips back below 50 cents. There's too much positive stuff going on for this to stay down forever.

Quality rises and these are BOTH very high quality projects.

Another one comment for dagger. :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's how I think as well

If we can have a 10x or even a 5x in a few projects such as HIVE, LEO and CUB my life would suddenly become a lot easier haha

Maybe not enough to retire right now but definitely would put me much closer to that goal

Add to the mix other tokens with good potential such as Splinterlands stuff and maybe a few surprises like SIM or CROPS and we're set

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

5-5-5 would have me sitting very pretty in most areas.

First we need to get 1-1-1.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, first of all, unless I'm wildly mistaken, HIVE is a Layer-1. I'm not 100% sure of the difference between layer-2 and layer-3 but I think LEO is a layer-2 as are most of the tribes on Hive-Engine. Layer 3's are apps built on layer 2s?

As I understand the hierarchy your statement is 100% correct. (But I've been wrong before).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

But I've been wrong before

Good think that is a rarity...or is it nobody have the kahunas to tell you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Actually I figured it out on my own.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

People are not going to realize how much of an impact this is. We are going to see a huge jump in price for Hive probably in leaps of dollars. What I mean by that is we will hang out under a dollar then move up to $2, then jump to $5 almost overnight and then $10.

I do think things will explode once they start going.

As to the layers, here is an example:

Layer 1: Hive
Layer 2: DLUX
Layer 3: Tokens on DLUX

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

HIVE itself is Layer 1-- it all starts there. The tokens listed on Hive Engine are Layer 2. Some are great, some are good, some are OK, some are fair, and a few are stinkers. LEO has a chance to moon as you describe, but I was wondering if there was a token that can moon while being so cheap you can spend one dollar for 10,000 units and then watch it moon to one hundred dollars per unit.

For altcoins, that was Dogecoin as recently as December 2020.

In December 2021, DOGE was on par with Splinterlands (DEC). These days, DOGE is on par with LEO and POB.

My point is that while any crypto or Hive Layer 2 token can moon, it's not the same to moon starting from 0.20000 as it is to moon starting from 0.00005. I missed the window with Dogecoin, and I would like to take advantage of an opportunity if it's available on Hive at Layer 2.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think the ones I believe in the most are LEO and CUB (although it's not really on Hive). There others I hope will do fine in the long term such as Starbits, VIBES, Cine, CTP, SIM and CROPS.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is is price list of the Hive Engine tokens you mentioned looks like at the time I wrtite this reply:

L2 TokenUSD

The games are in there, and there may be others with a similar profile.

CINE and VIBES represent entertainment-oriented tokens (television, movies; music, audio). Tokens for video and streaming services may have a profile like these.

CTP is an active tribe, even if the token price is lower than what I had expected. Marketing never goes out of style, and it's always needed (especially by us at Hive).

A number of other Hive Engine tokens are priced similarly, but they could be stinkers for all I know. These tokens listed above have utility and demand. Thanks for the suggestions.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're welcome!

Where did you consult the USD prices of those tokens btw? I sometimes struggle to fin da good source

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Those are Layer 2 tokens, so I just checked Hive Engine. It takes a while for the page to load, but after that searching can be quick.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ahh right, silly me

it was easier than I thought

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Hunger has that effect on all of us. Keyboard warriors have to eat, too. I'm out for now. I'll be back later.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great discussion going on from this comment! :)

Well, LEO did rip to $1 not so long ago.

Is that the highest that a Hive layer-2 token has got?

My strategy is to earn short-term yield off the game tokens like SIM and DEC.

While investing longer term in tokens for active, specific communities like LEO (finance) and CTP (marketing).

Also, surely CUB doesn't count here because it's a BSC token?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Is that the highest that a Hive layer-2 token has got?

Not the highest because there are not so cheap layer-2 tokens. But it is the best performing token with high liquidity and several use cases attached to it unlike hundreds of other HE tokens. The most important part, LEO has the most active and the biggest community among all communities on Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah yep, of course the fund tokens are much higher.

Totally agree about the community aspect.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For the purpose of this discussion, CUB does not count. I was thinking exclusively of Hive Engine Layer 2 tokens. I want to use a Moneyball approach to Layer 2 tokens.

Here is a compressed and edited screen capture of Hive Engine tokens sorted in descencing order by price:

Top Hive Engine Tokens by Price

Not including the SWAP.* tokens, it's amazing how well some of these tokens have done. Miners and Mega-Miners do well, too.

CUB is its own category, and it has already proven to be a big winner for many people here.

That's a good strategy you have. It helps knowing what's out there in order to develop a strategy, and that's another reason I want to post a series devoted to Hive Engine tokens.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

HE Tokens which I think have the potential to moon:

  • DEC
  • LAND
  • SPS
  • SPT
  • BHT (If they do something to expand the community)
  • CTP
  • BRO, INDEX, DHEDGE, CL, LBI - All dividend tokens
  • CENT ( This can't moon as it's supposed to be a stablecoin pegged to 1c.
  • SIM
  • CINE
  • LIST

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I get #SPT for posting Splinterlands-related content across various front-ends. The rest are from gameplay, which I don't do.

I've been using the #BHT tag when I remember it, so I earn BHT periodically.

On occasion I write content geared for #CTP, so I see this arrive periodically.

I'm delegating various Layer 2 tokens to @brofi, so I'm earning not only #BRO but also #SIM. The dividend tokens you mentioned look promising.

I make it a point to use the #CENT tag when I post. It's a big earner fr me.

For holding #COM tokens I earn #LIST and #WEED as well. WEED I keep liquid in case I find someone to take it, but I power up COM and LIST.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's cool man. I think I have LIST too. I also use #Hustler tag. Holding hustler will give you some other tokens too. I think one of them is LIST.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I usually use the #Hustler tag when I'm posting at HiveHustlers. I rarely if ever post there, but when I do it's for relevant content.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It can be used in all posts which are Leo related.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No way! Get out of here! I didn't know that. I could have been using that tag all this time here. Better late than never!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, do it in your subsequent posts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta