Burgers: again?

in The City of Neoxian4 years ago (edited)

It was burgers @ The Sandbag House last night. Since I found a recipe for, and made my own beef patties, going on fifteen or more years ago, we've been a little spoiled.

Last night's supper was either to have been Scotch eggs or "mince something".

I had made Scotch eggs for the market for the first time in ages.

Theoretically, there would have been some left over. So much for banking on that: I could probably have sold the entire batch twice over. A nice problem to have, and by request, it won't be as long until the next time.

Mince something

Oh, for my American friends, mince is the hold-all word we use for ground meat. Usually beef.

I said, the other day, that burgers are only quick if someone else does them - beef or vegetarian or vegan.

When I make the beef ones and I have planned properly, I order from the local butcher - my own blend and ratio of lean beef and mutton fat. Fat (in the right quantity) is essential for flavour and to prevent the patty from being too dry.

Last night was a little different because it was just supermarket mince that I had to work with. And not much brain. In other words, I was not bothered about fishing out the recipe and "doing" quantities, etc., so I worked from memory:

An onion and a clove of garlic, chopped and sauteed with chopped, fresh herbs from the garden and a glug each of soy and Worcestershire sauce and a grinding of black pepper, bound together with an egg.

Form into patties and then put them into the fridge to set before frying.

I used the resting time to whip up a quick balsamic onion marmalade to go between the bun and the patty.

That is all. Oh and with a dollop of All Gold tomato sauce (ketchup) and balanced with a side salad.

I haven't changed my mind: homemade is definitely worth the effort. Especially with homemade soft sourdough rolls.

Not quite done

Even though I didn't follow the recipe, The Husband and I both declared the result more than just edible. The mixture - about 300 - 400g - I didn't weigh anything - made four 125ml patties. Two have gone into the deep freeze for another burger night or for when @the-bitcoin-dood drops by (with beer) to see if they pass muster.

Until next time, be well
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma

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Nice! That's very similar to how I do mine when I make patties from scratch minus the mutton fat. However, that sounds delicious to me! Hopefully I've still got a beer call left here.


Cheers! And thank you!

Hey @fionasfavourites, here is a little bit of BEER from @the-bitcoin-dood for you. Enjoy it!

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Thanks for the "minced" clarification! Funny thing - years ago (circa 2007) in an online writing forum that had people from all over the world, I got into a bit of a terse discussion with someone who took offense over my use of "hamburger" to describe ground beef. She (from England) insisted it should only be used for an actual hamburger - me (from New England) explained we use the term interchangeable, which she deemed inexcusably lazy. 😂


I know the English can be sticklers and the purists (in their opinions, anyway) are the worst. I have my pet peeves, but as long as we can understand each other and are sensitive to different word use and meanings and either check for understanding or clarify she takes a breath WTAF??? 🤣

Yep, pretty much my reaction at the time... LOL! I did check in back then with a few friends (who were authors/editors) to see if she made a valid point, but they all agreed that the context was clear, and she was clearly in need of a better hobby. 😝

Boy those look good. For the record: I love the scotch eggs. Haven't made them in years, but I may fix that soon :) That'd leave me some sausage to make a meat loaf, too. Sounds like a plan...

I had a burger yesterday too. For a change it was entirely store bought. My local market has begun making 225g patties for the same price as the meat alone. They hang together really well, and it's the lazy man option. The buns I bought from a local small bakery, day old.

Usually I make at least one item myself. I have a bun recipe that I really like and pounding out my own patties is normal. Yesterday I was just a consumer :)

Sometimes allowing one's self to just consume is good - especially when the deal is too good to pass up! Meatloaf: now there's something I've not made in a long time. And I used to. Often. Hmm....

Balsamic onion marmalade sounds so delish 🤤🤤🤤🤤

And really easy. Takes fried onions to a whole new level!😉

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Impossible to pass by here without getting hungry hahaha

Haha! Sorry, not sorry, if you know what I mean? Thank for stopping by, anyway!

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Wish I could fly over and taste one of your hamburgers.

Very kind! Shall I give you a headsup next time? 🤣

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